to AJtGUB, ONTARIO, OfflMON, THURSDAY, A1MHM7. iflia THE ONTAR PEOPLE'S SECOND HAND STORE TAB PLACE TO BUY AND SELL YOUR SECOND HAND FURNITURE Mnl Door Weal of Frr rt Ml n Jntario, - uregon ATTENTION DAIRYMEN More Money for Hutterfat Have you tried shipping Cretin to OpMt market I i ii highest Uaah maikel prices, li mitting promptly breach shipmeni Write us for rana- shipping tags awl S8e FOR NO. 1 BUTTBtPAT No deductions except for express, 'c al:o buy ponltry and eggs, INION MEAT CO. Portland. Oregon April Special FREE FOR MONTH OF APRIL WITH EVERY GENERAL ELECTRIC IRON $2.60 FOLDING IRONING BOARD COME IN OR TELEPHONE BE SURE TO GET YOUR Idaho Power Company ONTARIO, OREGON up toyou( dandvto ick micPberson thick, hem y Good taste, smaller i iniK'.ymiwaii! in your ordin- ; . plug. Itit for Dbaooo satli LtOfi, you've mo lo good i I l lv." cln.w .longer life is what makes Jenutnc Grave l ,-. t.iclicwilian : . pi ill'. ( ljVEL1 Peyit . d I CHEWING PLUG P'tig packed in pouch. "IcPiijBimly ...J -ttflL JjaaaaaaaTaBjaUMi .W vJahfff ffa jmBA hi s phibk in i.i. J. V, I'otM-r or New I'lytiii-inl enmo to Ontnrlo on Monday lo hpcui'i mime prlM clock for IiIh ranch, Whllo ban In- purclmHP.1 Wen Heel tlM prl7o wlnnlnx Shorthorn hull owned hy II II TM9 ThlH nnlninl won the Una rlhhon at the llolce fair law year when Bhown hy f)ny & itnthrm-k of Spoknne. Mr rotter paid r.r0 for tin' anltnnl L Adam nnd Ida Ml Hlrliard Iff t laat nlKht for chlriigo to Ml Oof nornl SpniKUe Adam who It BOI M (amp (Irani iiwiiIHiik dlMhar(l from the wn li M li Kclley of .InmloHon n an Ontario 1 1 titor thic week nil! SAI.K Lots I and I In lllk 277. Onlnrlo. Oregon No Inrum limine ('null prh M $ 2 2 fi Addrrvn Julia A .lon-M. II f II No 1. lto 74 II. Salem, Oregon M "' WW i CHURCH ACTIVITIES I (S(.I(I. X HON II, 4 111 1(4 II lte. S. It. Steele. I'aHlor Sunday School 10 a. in I'ronchliiK larvlOM at I I I 8 p. in Special Hunter Service 11 u in and MKTIIOItlST lllllllll BMMf SuiKlny 10 a m Slindm School 11 a m Special KiiHter Program opening Hmiiii. "All Mall the I'ow nr of Jphuh' Name Invocation. Specml ln lie, ( holr Scripture Mending Haliiy Day Song hy Knur lilrlM BMNBM, "Spring Ih II "Barter llunnli'H, Primary lloye i:iiiIhi' For all the World,' aft1 t'luai Mule rhoru". (lirlMt hy I'HHtor I'riniarlew Hmiiii A roue iMMf Memmg. Offering (iooit hye Sunn llnnedlctlnn Till p iii Kpworth League I p iii Special KiiHter 1'rognni openhiK Hymn, "My Jemm I Lot Tliaa." Invocation. Male flinrui. Hallelujah. What Saonr MM i MTStSS, I'olly Anna Clan1 Choriih hy Choir I'Hiilonilne, "JeNUH l.adleH' I'laaH lllurtraled Addrw the froaa." Offering. Ilenedli Hon Frldu) evening, N p. in , it ('ill. nary IIIunI ruled Lecture, will he given on the I'hllllplnaa. RtfS9iMMBl aarved A dm Union free. OtTerliu taken l.oer." Youni The Way 0( CATHOLIC CIILIUII OK TIIK IHKHSKO HtdllMI.NT H 30 a m , Low Mbhh 10 30 a iii . High Muaa :30 a iii , Caltulilatu for the boy and glrla KAMP KOMFORT KIT means a sTecp invhTnu irmg he. i that is just as uomfortable m you have at 'lilt ailll .1 W.'ltcrni'onf tout tliut la nnil,, Hi i ! nilltlln I ...... , , , in ,1,4, ,o , , ,,,, , ,1, tlll'l ,1 J'llH ""t. Thii all folda up into a amall metal lx which is tat-lifd to your running board where it is out of the . , i i- v mm easy or access. KAMP KOMFORT KIT means all the name unpins. I" Yi mi local dealer cannot show you one drop us a card Bd we will tell you where you can see and gel me. Boise Tent & Awning Co., BOISE, IDAHO I nisi NAZAIUMK (III II New location one block weat ot Hunt n garage. Sunday aervtcea: Sunday achool 10 a. in , preachlug 11 a. in. and 7 p in Cottage prayer uieetluga Tuesday ev enings at 7:30, church prayer im Inge Thuruday evenlug 7.30. Her.8 1. Fiowara, Tuetor KCVERALLS 5 " I ! fte.g.U.S.Pot.Off. It our Registered and Common-law Trade-Mark and can only be right fully rd on goods made by u. Koveralls are garments for il.ikJnn I to 8 years ot age. H a dealer tries to s. II you, under the Kui'erallt name, any garment not of our manufacture, you may be sure he has an article that he is trying to maiket on Kuvei alU reputation. Unless made by Levi Straus A Col they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit ANEW l?Dl7l7 IF THEY suir rKLL rip KOVERALLS aJ eoly by Levi StiauM tt Co., Sen I tacuco and bear lha 1 .1 . 1 BaBr- . ' ' ' K . M KOVERALLS at u 4 T Off 55 LIA 1 STitAUSS & Ctt We can save you some Money on your GARDEN HOSE Have just received a large shipment of Extra Qual ity Rubber Host , and we would advise you to pur chase now. E. A. FRASER NO TE-We have a few Heavy Hay Racks for sale. See us while they last. Iff rPSat JIUJllIll. wlgf MiagiSgJ gr wf i fA- w? 'w ggggP j? ' - Aw LmJHz gaasgjtv vy&v 44& Si i-?f- v-llg9piiigifl ''"'" 't -gfguagMaL tBarfifSSSSjiOKBIKBf An "5iTgJlaLaVaal 5evvN .KJTl ;5aSte?' 1 if SStaP8 Here s the l. -dBiBtVaV aSSlj&e JOakVir V" JV?.v way we look at it Juat for u minute, look si the tire DroDoaitian from our standpoint. Wt ra in the tire business here, to stay. We can remain In taailaasf only so long as ve please our customers. Consequently, it pays us to handle xood tires United Statch Tires. They're the tires we sell. They're the tires you should use. We liave them to meet every need of price or use. United States Tires are Good Tires X)IU UAHAUK, Erble 1U,. hknky pitajw mmntm oajuiia, n,.