THE ONTARIO VRQUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1!M0 r- The Ontario A rgus Mil M V OMIM. Ill IO Pabllahed Thu it ( intai i i Iragon, and enti red at tin i ii i offh foi II trluutlon inalii i SIIISI HII'I II inn After two advam ii K AIKEN, Kriitur mill Publlali licit) lui iiik whhh time the mi has I ll III II " Oil full" I .' ,in . tancj . "Mickey . th n n el corned) drama prod u by Mac Bi nnetl with Mabel in; ml M th star. i'. aiiiiiiniic'il i local iho Ing tha Dreamland Theatre, April .'i il and llnd toi ilnce Bennett'a ' Tlllla a Pun ctured Romam thl uinni ol n an; HiiiiK to I I comi i i in .1 in "Mloi -Mack iMiiK it and ii la snii to I In BIO i r. urn ill evi p iht. . .1 Mb ki". i i real Mi nrilng ol " i'1'.i human emo a nil it i romam e, 11 1 1 1 1 . . , . i it tha plleltj Is alwa:. i Plain mi i iii iiini n ii i he element ol ar Ii liaa proved i tr , i in Beat! I attondai ' Ii i l .-1 i iii i urn iii eld il 'la In II -I HT.VIIMI VI Ol i SI Itsllll- of tin' Ontario trga pal weekly at Ontario, Oregon, requln I liy tin i ' Ol S i i Killlnr. Oao K Vtk.n. Iinlai , i iragoa . Pablli hei . Oeo K v i uiinriii. i iregon Owrn i Ok ii I I II. , .III Known bond I hi, i other wearily hoi Ii i iirr (hi in mon of bomlK, mortgagee, ol ol i itii'H Being porchai ed undi i in. t with M i Bain ol Onl OrtfM Margi ni haler Ulnotj p n.- Tori Clti 1,1:0 K aikkv Bdll Hworn In ami ROM I i H" I I fori mi thl- Ulli day "i April llll I! v IWAOLBR, Notnr Pablli for Oregon Mi Commlaalon 1 1 plra tpi i '. i i. Till U TOIt lS The Hllri i ni I In' Il t i.ii.'iii on' ni i that I Tailed Mat ii, it droppi d I i,,, mil'' ni i lie plot antll Hm mi t" i ilurn Tin' In, I hull :,..ii, iI the hii. in iiiiiHh the juii me! there; tha i lory I. nan will bring the bo in their joii over here sr. nrit) iii in Inelpal, n nt, I. a pa mi m and popul an line Inmiil nr tin. I l rt ii I pa Ih ol bond liiM'Htm'iii II MiIm ' lamlatil .h"' .in . in . ' the world c pare with tli : ! I I. ii. Ill ' our government do noi n rlly Inn., in ilnai a ii lor) Lib r i i H .' Ii arould rail i in- none) bj I Tim Kataar, II ha had been rieti Weald he I v I ii i- iKhl linw mil ii r. pi ouldn'l he good their r.ii 1 1 v a, tan, i n oi yenrM from BOW BOl ' Vataaakt." nut in mantlon thai inieie t iiiii.iiii due every hIx liionlh either ir Mm boffoa iiiniiei 1 1, i in tor ii i n t daya, Mm do boi i e t he bank in pi m the note foi i ineni iii ii ii da) i : ' hm rowed i r rou foi I hit" ii. I Mm v i ii I . I miiii ini'i' hefnre lha Inn Wl ,ii M . h I inn ii iii Mm nut ilcklna ' m.iii ,, .' hill ' III Hhh pi i I. Ih -n I I- I.' I 1 ! nil a , i I . A.I ,,h I I,, belli i hni ' I V III,.! . I I . I I 'I lain I "i . i len Mulli i pai A thru Ontai Snliirilay en unite front the PtOBldll , in- received hN (iiiinrKP, ti his home In VhIh Mr M ill I. one nt the first Mallienr ( ..ttnty boyi ret liN country mil In n ;l 1111 . i rill Tllll. If vim am troubled with aleeph nes-n hmk Iii your illet Drink no tat .I .nine inr b tea da) tad take on. nt i bamberlaln'a Tablota Immaiiata iv after lapper la Improve roar iii tablet! BBM inn M I gentle movamenl ol lha bowela Th ly are in, i i for oonetlaetion lilll.SSM VKIM! h"or .In aa Mr', Bdlth Gunderaoa, aj Ihi e Smith n i'h nee I'lmii I I a It lit If .'It Dreamland A t tractions n i ' in pin in.' Kinder ' ll llliple tit I II l US I llln ultl I.OS ll 1 l III I ill SHI llll IS SMI III It I Ml I IK'S ..I tl a Mf ull for Mnlln A the Ith da; ol tpi II i. mi, in i hm In Hm ild i'h . u lie and ' ounl i o plaintiff, i , . i. .thill .ilnl T .I. feadani for I In u rii 1 1 n i. "ii i ' iin.i i .1 ami - Dollal i ml' ni November, i ' i s and foi ' iiiiih.-r nni nf T 1 1 1 1 ' i I i'. inn Hollar ' ill I. Ill TIIBHI i'"i.i ...ii' i - i IIV (W i I will i .lav ni M.iv l a I :. .it tin ,,'ehiel, in l n. .ill. I i Id ila . .ii the iim i Hi main ntl I ir i in iin Una , i, i .ii publli an. ti the ildder or hlddi mh, Ih i. .11. wlni deei i iheii real pi Si. lithe.. miiIim a Quai i'i . tha Sin i ol i lie Nni 1 1 . i Houthv t Quai I ' mi Twi in i ownahlp nim. -; II even r. vv M n ami Hi led "i i the proi art) ol i he ani Bhovi na i d n iii Id ail. ni . ml T II ' I HUH : 1 1,. i n ma) h nope an la all i ih.- luili in in favor ol v m Sli.inan ami agalnal the above mini I llll 11,1. I. I . . i a UN all aoatl ami ill iim iiii thai have oi ma) a i raa Dated at I Ml V.l H HI II MCK Mil' Shellll B) T i M II l.'i'N Hi pin Data "i sale Ma) i . llll nan ,,i i'ii i publication, April 10, LIU I I. il. ul l.i I pUblll all. HI. ' I 'I I . i. I Monda) April I : MUM I'hMllltll In "JOHANh I i-.M.isi's '., . . Pathi i . i 1 a HI IMS MCI III. I '-.s ll vli - and !'i,im i ' irl lines the lllllil il Alao M MH I.MSi: TltWT UHK In I III ll M!I.H ZONK" Mi. 1 1 and i' ii Pol i nrk in ih. lilHI. ., I ,ril Ii. I II I IM. Of Tin' OOLDBN WBtT' i ,1 i nineii. Keheiihin ..' Mr Minor Tim, il.i'. prll 1 7 HiM MiMilll In in iu iv a w i:i:k Patha s. Vpill IS I os IM HIM IN In "HONB MOON Kiitiiiijiiim r i arli. oi ll! Dnrk C trdaj April i Solt I VIM VIH , i;ki n. BTORM COUNTR1 I'mI.I l.illll'lllh ll.ll Weekly iiiinliii; Vil ami J J. "Mh I i omlag April II and ll Ihoaldi Am M 1TINKKH n Siitnnlii) iilternoon IhiTe uill he a VI V ITSI.i: . I lie I'i. .Milium! I'lieillle ghowi Irtt shiiW M llll p Ii. ... . I . p II 'ml BOB ' I " p I. I ' p i'i HI ll S'l-S.V II VT- . V "V bbwif"1 P',T M v-'agdh .IPPmHgT ' i aaj IbbW 'aaWI' ifaTfl 1 "i 'vir wr illiliiiin W m lit 1 . Your money back if you're not satisfied YOG coi i.ii ca: iii nMii't ma tee it stronger) : corn Jin iM Him pei ' livt"i Htyios lo i)f had; Hart nitl'iicr & Marx clethes: if tor nnv reaeon you re style, fit. wear or nol satisfied anythiog e iti S(1 you pel your money back. Waist -scam suits; you MC one in the picture "Prep" suits Business suity Special models for men who are hard-to-flt B Man Toggery Bill The home nl Hurl Hrlinfl'tier i Vlnrx t'lntliea r.7ii'i ' lco ' f .dBgnagel BtBaV3gt TWM AX rl ' Mgaalh ' A V m .iarjnUJJt1 A Goc . o Year voiced - : of I Evory c::o in tirca o k.iow.i id :idbi:: And thct l.i prodtoly what United Statoa Til i enl In ti totorlsta hero .'.. CM I J ' ho i'-!v.: 1 StatM Tires to tires the btit dree ol b-uld United : od that can SL be built, is ppeoJlng to rapidly giowlofj punibors. We can provide you with United States Tires to moot nnd moot exactly your indl- vidual needs. United States Tires are Good Tires mJuSSBSSSL. 7opf raW aVaf , tidy fjttna. Aaiiiiumaautfriii' anJ half-pmnJ Itn Aaimi Jurm and- thmt rtiny, practical pomnd crvtttl 0 i .i a Humidor with iooflf mMfnr top thmt Aaapa thm loti co ii urA vft sondttton, PUT tt pipe iii your tact that's rilled cheerily brimful of Prince Albert, it your OD live trail ut smoke peace! For, P. A. will sniji vim sunn ni tub.icco joy that will make you wish your lite iot was to see how much ot the national joy smoke you COUld gt awav with every twenty-four hours I YOU CM "ennyon" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. You'll be alter laving down a smoke barrage that'll make the boys think ot the old trout line in France! P. A. never tins your i.isie because it has the quality I And, let it slip into your think tank that P. A. is made by our exclu sive patented prootM that cuts out bite and parch assurance that you can hit gfnokt record-hiyh -spots seven days out of eveiv uytfA without am coir.ebuek but real smoke joy I R. J. Reynold Tobacco Company, Winaton-Salem, N. C HOSPITAL NOTES VV V J.. BBUfl Mini. 'i . ut er.iimn for apoaadlaltla laal Tbura l.i v i .V Bdlaon ." I a Id well undvi -veal ii aarloui itpi Ha "iieii galarda) rwlaa, a aoj aad girl, aera bora to Ml .mil Vh, I i.inU I., ,n ni riiurs.i.i. raa Utile bai 'im.i Ban ia J K It.ij;. -i i i . . alt lag i I real man I ai the lioapltal Mi - V ;ili-i I. in i . who nn.l. ,i llt;lil nii r.ii 1..11 ,i I.'. Aajri mi araed home laai vii i w Bneklay al Paj alia a -lafaaal aa oa rat Ion iai laadax, Mi ii ii Qardner uadora .'nni laal iuada) is improi lag slow 1 v ii.ii. i;u i u.i . boi n to Mra f A Miller of Parma laal Hon I Mr Joaeph Hoffner i .iuu.- ill al ll palatial, foltowiag aa .iit.u'k ol gueai Ml I Sliilll , linlln-l l nl I Mil. il. ii : tru lure laal Frtdaj from Ki- SV n . where hhe hail heen iisluir: iiii lui on .ui.i daughter Mr aad Mrx I vtii .Vniiihl 11. -i' sun. i'hi, Petti Offtoer Robert Vraold ivho r oentl) rtnive.i ins dlaabarg fraai the i g N Submarine I'orea, aoeooi pained her on the trip In their horn at l.lahii KuIIh iiis si. ,nm. i, ii'.iii.i.. Otar. John it llnrker, llattle Creek. Moll , write "1 wuh trouble.! wit i hear I hum, IgdlgaaUOB and liver eoin plalnl until I began UHing i hainhe lain k 1'uhleis, linn in y trouhlM was BVat ' If uu ure troubled with III dlgeMtlon or aoaatlpattoa Rive them a trial They will ilu ou good." PEOPLE'S SECOND HAND STORE THE PLACE TO BUY AND SELL YOUR SECOND HAND FURNITURE' Kirat Datf We.l of Kia-r Store Ontario, Oregon I r