The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 20, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Nyal Remedies
Town Topics Tersely Told
Suin I'l-tiTsoii of llroKiin
town i.i i vi ii ) it en bmlm
Mi-h H. f Wail.' Ol Hull.' Is K
ItlliK frli'tul'i In Ontin in
V S lOB if Niiniim ii Ixixl
ni-iM vMtnr In lowii Mcinilii)
(I II (iriihiim of Nivv IM iinnil'
Mir iiinniiKi'r nf Ihi' BOO QoMea Kill'
.mri', Im In town Oil fpk
(' V Cnry of Criini' Ml In lOWl
I ; 1 1 1 i.ii liiiHlni'HX
Mm (inffln ami kOI l .1 u n h i r "f
Wi'Imit xl'illi'il frii'iiil in iiiiiiiru. la
Amos Kui'llilir 11I Si"t fall wan hi i
town tin' IIthI of IIh' vspck in rOBOTTa
nicillciil tnaliinni
Mm K C Nan I "-t I ti iiiti'rliilii' il
tin- Mnrnli"ii rink Idi'lr Im
I iK'HiUy t'M'nliiK
l.aKt Hnliinlny 1 vi'iilMK a Hi I'ai
Mi k Hay Metal VII (tlvi'ii al tin1
I ..iiKri'Kiilliiniil iliiinii llmr, CM-j
aldy'a dlM BOtl rtalniil tlir MM
wllli KHini'N Mini Joki" At tin' ttoM '
till' I'VI'tllllg lli'll. lull' ..'I I. .1 .. . .,1
wiTi- hitomI Ii) Ho' I.iiiIh'h Anl
I. ti OIhi.ii of tin- r S PluhTfifitV
ami lli'iiilnn in of t Ii Im illy. Baa
In n a in ili'il 1 In c nitrael for In
tafllai tii' BlaaMni anil heat Inn
In 1 M IH' Slater "I Mi !
at 'auiiii
I 11 .IoIiiimiii ill l.iilirnii'l". w Im
Hie Workmen?. 1 niiiii li" itH'ti ail'l
itoi. wai in Ontario tin' Bfiii nl lha
I. I'm kei .mil .Inn I. an nil'
imiili' 11 trip In Hnn.Mii .Miimlin i"
o'lii' 11 train Ininl Ol 1 utile fl
Kiilliirfonl lirntln 1
Mr anil Hit I Caldwell ol Burn
n w Powori oi Botea ke rtpn
xAlltH tin' IiihIiIhoii WhOtaMlO tiro
nry t'o. linn moviil AMI family Ini
Ontario ami lateoda to arorl oil 'I
.. 1 . hi Mi. fuliir.
nil Km W .1 III11I..1. ami Ml' i
anil Mm (I I iiniiiaii ol Mmr IB
i.i hi iiir wri'k mil in Ontario
I. 1 Ki'lni-y ri'tui mil Momla rrmn
btMHMM trip to I'liiilaml
yea Pet ten mad a trip la
Holm' Saturilm in iUiihI tka I
Hunk in 1 " n,. mi. I lil there
Mr ami Mr A I. (01 kriin .1. I
Mr ami Mil I N Wheeler, tin' D'
n hi of Mf I I I '" 'kniin. inotoriil
in Botaa last Batardaj ami apeni '
Wl'l'k eml tliele
i.i Thareda) aftarnoon I
Donald Brooka ami Harl Oentr;
iiiiiikIiih 1 1'li'iirati'ii their toarth and
tiftii blrthdi tlvelj K I '"
11 null- aaeeta satki h 'i al Mn
Brooke'i home where tin
lortalnad for a ooaple ol hnura with
ami othei amuaementa w
I tin' ronnnatera ware taken in
1 n. nniiKia- home here del
iiincii had bom i"' pai I f"r """
riir table wax deooMted in u-r.
wlilte. tin' SI I'airirk in. HI
carried mi'
Tin' mem bei ol Ike Congregation '
iininii 1 1 lekr 1 st Patrteb
wiih 1 Motal Mondaj eveotaa and
from all ropOTU Ike B1 nine
I... -s Mr 11ml Mi M II
I) llrli'ii ami ilaiinlitiT llrlilaei l"
ame MttaMe to Ike mid bVI
won Hi'' prtaejpal paraone of ii
ilnrliiK II M'tiltiK A nliorl pro
i-t 11 111 Mnatatlni ol raettattoM kj ike
anbora of rartona Mmom ,i!
tlonn by UM Klrl"' MttOtM a
after samea wan played awerybod
(.,1111.1 liliimi'lf tlio renter 01 at leaM
mn' IrWIi loki' Ulld b) win-
fore tin. 1 Iom of H rei
Ina RefMahmanu were nerved bj
the Uadtaa' i.i
Mi I'rank liniler ami Mi I
Aiiain leave tkli eeentai for Bupena
to rlall for a week wllli their ilaitKli-
tari "im are itudenta at tiif Btate
ij mi Radar will Imi c Bob
1 1 1 1 erentai lo loin Mrs Radar
Bupenl ami after a nor! I i) there
win leave foi Baa Pranetaoo, Lo ti
I other California' oltlM wiiii"
in Lo" aiikH's they will ! tin
or Mr Rader'i brother taka Radar
ihi. entire trip will ocaap tktoe
week or more
Tin' i.aiiifs nl tka Coniraajatlonal
church mil bold a cooked food bm
Batardaj Marrii jl in tin' baldlaa
Boath oi tin' Moan Hotel
PARI n 11 1 111 Mi n MBMT
Program tor tka Parent Tee
ekera maattai at the iiikIi Bekool
A1nll1.1i mum PrldB) Mar. Ii .'I 10 1'
' - - 1 -
Topic, Improvlni Orade Bekool tka Orado Bakool Oronnda be BOonn
loroanda. Ptaao Bote, mihh Ctaa jmlaaily improved Kev LaaaomkOi
fOtti t onilltlon of (iraili' School ) Vocal Solo - MIrh Conway DtoeUO
(IroiimlH MInh l.inv Pox How can hIoii of topic, HuhIiiphh
Fifteenth and Front, Nampa, Idaho.
iVnlci'H in
Hides, PeUs, Wool, Mohair,
Furs and Tallow
Top nifiiUct pliers jtaitl. Correct weights iven
UM prompt returns made.
No shipments too lirge, nor too snuill. we so
licit them all.
Write 11s for prices, shipping tas mailed upon
What Fordson Service!
Your Money 's Value
Is What You Want When
You Buy Meat!
In nine out of ten Imnies. Meat i the hajlia "I tin lanuh
tliet. It is the Btrciijrth and health iviiiH t'lcniciit. M ; 1 1
ill is imt of ilic iio('st qiuility, lliowforv, i not tin
kind that you want to feed v -in family. i.oil Meat ran
not be exported unless n I . taken BEEF ( A I' II K,
rattle that rert' raised t'"i their t. and ihI for Milk
pimliiiiiiii (iialities,
We Buy Rane Cattle
That is wli vtiiii ItnitKe ('attle, prime ttiiimal, it'ad
im the block, Rial not dair cattle That is the iimsiii
for the lliuli liialilx nf Meal wv offer you. Tlial i- the
kind of Meat that Gives You Value for the Money You
Spemi for Meat.
Try one of Our Fine Roasts
For Next Sunday's Dinner
Do For You
Then are tWO liu factors to con
sider when vou are buying a tractor
in. tii eiiail important the tract
or itself ami the service rendered. ,
A tractor which is standing idle be
cause the service station is far away
or because the dealer hasn't the prop
er parts is a poor investment, no mat
ter how well the tractor itself may be
1'iiitlsoii Tractors are Belling by the
thousands every month and arc giv-
Uuj universal satisfaction all over the
world because of this:
The tractor itself is made as tlur-
ahle. dependable, efficient and eeon
omical as the hest engineering skill,
the finest materials and workman
ship can make it.
And added to this, wherever a Ford
son Tractor is sold, you will find
parts and service as ipuckly and eaai
h available as the kerosene you put
into the tank.
Our service means this to you.
First, that we will thoroughly instruct
you how to get the most out of your
tractor how to operate it pxoperij
so as to avoid trouble how to make
all minor repairs and adjustments so
that only on rare occasions will you
have to call for help.
Then when you do require help for
repair work or parts you will find us
ready at a moment 's notice.
Our stock of parts is complete, our
mechanics arc experts.
Kordson service is delivered to your
To own a Fordson means that you
own a durable, dependable, economic
al tractor that will serve yon even
working day In the year.
The Fordson Coinpam
durable and dependable.
We keep it so.
es It
Troxell Implement Co.
Independent Meat Market
A. ROBINSON, Proprietor.
!aMBanai M. t' rrBk
Bft H JtOr yBkwBnBM aTaaa V k
m! -astaiaanaBafkl aaBT
- T"M
"Keep Times Good by Building Now"
. II. WILSON, sitii, i; 01 I limit
Tillies u,'.'i mil In' k'ii K,., i, sniniii miiiiii'I. Iiki -Mi. ,Ini ,' a ininj! fat ilunn in nun 11 i Ii U iii tu u-. to turn lliiu a Bf iiinl liinl out IihI inakfi, vw "Ol.n vc II I SI
LO tills Is I I I I lil VI. II It III IHI l.nMMIVI
huh i on aaaaaaa t'"' Seceetari "t i iMir u aaaaaaj llu' aaaaaV " i;-i kofcawl 1Mb naaeo, Mote leave aojraaM ''is,', Mr. vviN.m is m a pokiiion in kn the nctsj of mure ami u-o.-.
VmerlcMii koaaaOl ami lii 11 like in. .1 lire he kmni. tills is (In- mil, .urc 111,' i.i BOtBaj alxnil a ni 1n.1l. tMuoful ami irusM'r,ius iiimllOun In (lie AuiCrlian Bjaaajkl,
1 vki ills vi'vni: no voi'H PART.