10 THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO. OREOON, THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1919 DEVELOP OREGON IS CHAMBER'S PURPOSE a- 3jP 'Pri'uiiii fur Kveiv I oiiiiuunll v . I v erv ( noiliilinllv for (Iiikoii" is 1 in i ini hiokiiii ah paru of Stiite He,iroeniel. : lis J $b : j9gV' 3 y Thanks to the Men of the Service Our list of permanent customers p daily growing by the return to civil life. We spare no effort in seeing that they gel the most in style and value in their ne,w Spring Clothes. More and more worthy of confidence in the dependability of HIGH ART ; Clothes WAIST SEAM models are the very newest and most desirable from every viewpoinl. Splendid colorings, beauty in modeling and fitting have com bined forces and produced the most popular suit tor young men. Priced $23-50 $25-oo $28-50 $32-5o ALEXANDER CO. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO, OREGON I'KTITIO.VH IHHWN Mill I'WIM. IMIVMX I Ml M (CoaUoui .1 from I'm,. I ) progrmn m lira not gulag ta called upon In pay out morn IkM woulil 1 1 ml I lie war 1011111111. thla will ull be apent at lionif, to 1 1 -adVODtiiK" and lliiprowmrii- of III' .Ity. "Otltlirlo's fMUn in Ml liiuki'.l brighter limn ggag huh, mill now la tin' tii ulirinl ami shot our fait It in tin' roiiuir. in On i am) .lit our patriot I, iiu gy prmno thiK work Unit will lii'lp fiirnlnli I'lr ployiin'iii for Hit' ini'ii wlio wi'iit tor ward to savii tins iiutlou In Itg hour of Ul'l'll MrH V J I'lino'v af M.ii. 1'iiliiK for Hi'iililf in In' areoOBl fo the i-li-lii'iiiion t hut I. In In' .in utili'i! Ilia loy of the tianl t'oual Art lll.i of whlih her hop William la u nuin Imr Mont of I he men of the i merit re from Seattle, Tiu-omu. Ah erdoeu, Kverett uiul olliii Washlag' lOU I'ltlU il. H iloilll s , ikk" IS M Mil I, ft ,u .hi (I'ontliiuod from page 1) man. who rtoita tl Ida ii" aya would iii. i mliiil If a-a onl Ii .I ;l i' rlol l.i- In g i p U - ..i ni M iille we Mull. Mi hot g i n.il hit (In- lin tor lin. ii an ...til a uiul he him 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k Inn i 1. 1. ii : 'Ull. I hill. I'll" ,-in oi .1 bj, ,.i piiKnliiK Ain.'i -lemi dough be) la mi old peiimiiil ul luiill.iin hroiiKhl i. . Joy. The obi fi'lloH i.ilk- .ituiiit In-Hoi-ka limeHnlPKlv Anollnr i pair of miTiillb II.. n ,r. pi to him h un Vnoiiiaii mm prouilU If It were u ilress Mill (If foiul Hum li.iw llll If hill Ida i h.t I,.- i , . - ha f l'i.nluall BOM Mrx II.. 1 1 i H iihwoiiili.' ..ml gg ii i Mi '..fii'l ajajM tin' l III. k.ih) houie for a poupla ol (Jaag Iblg week .lin inn a gfffof 4a) in ' I gttj while oil lliell vs. iv Iii .Win... I,;i llolh are loin.. Ideals of Ontario am; -tv7 '"'."" "t'icnitT" ' 'tum uaEaTYfei HbT"i A ' J J V ,V..(ll'. I- fc 2 . (S...J I i u l . Bu."ke Itr'i Food and Remedies . I VI I V i l n.s N. . n X l i . . . . I its II, I - i I'I II s IIlMMUS il.ll . I'., i : oi.r UBM al.oiild ba on OREGO.,' CROWN Seed, and !'lu:its laaaaaaaj txin(a of our ei. i MradaaMea. h ve stood tl Uiik- .ii., I t, .ni,vtiii ll aikl ..If .V .4111 (.Wiol at AllvnJP- ijm ul Mnlln.miA f i a t.ui r. .ui !.....(. fir.,...., SI V.l I n.j Out; l).(...n I .'., i- llm 1 1 I ...it. . ... .1. .ull 5frt,Mffc.ri... H.'. j,.i v. Mil A.'lu6, S. .'Ull r'l..l. U.'fl f . . I I Tiny u ill win fur you Ql H 1919 fololaam and Plantar' " . .U .i.i.nv.1 rcb i.i it- i'i i ii.. N .nil.. lite Ki I ..mi ' dvvni . I '. . ' ''iunai;,l ll. I. , i i .jiJ ll a -iU guiJv to I..I A.', for l -t.lo. No. ('() MISSING OPPORTUNITY 1 " "' I'allV Mini, s. M i, afaaala ,,,, ,,, x fcaHiaj n, ,,, Xilibil WiMllli K'V is III lloilli K ' '.III In ll, S'" I.llllh.'l .,1 I ,., ""'" ' ' "lamijier oi till inii.iHi,-,,-. ,,, Oregon M ,.,. Hon ,,i ihe uiuniii.ttiiir, n , ,,,,. Oraaga ll in Ug opinio,, ,:, .,, ,.. . iiaiut- on h, , poaalblilMee In ine iimrv ladoatfj ' 'I I liiintli ol tlniiv ,..,,,,, tWlll up her, ii ,,!,, ,ilk, (, "i ".pii.il a. thla . "'" BO" tSOg mil ol Ihe slate ,,,. KM Mr riark u, il Atkuh, .Mou, lav iv.uliiK. "Hi ink Hhul ll woulil in. a., lahllhh a . hi . la, l.,i v , ; ., r, anil uu lee eieaui pl.,1,1 11, rlo.' BfiraaaU taaa.1 .,,,,,., j ,,,, Ihrat lieu,.', aloaa pn .inioiiiii- 1,, i,.arl ihiii.v 11,, tioiiuis thai oaekl b) ill Oplarlo ainl v. 1, in 11 s..i SBoaM get I111 v a,,, 1 .,.,,, it .mil aagoaraga h m oUtw huiltl up .1 p. iv roll tl, ai would more peoplt emploveil. more hiiiii,.- 10 luuiiitain; uutre Baga Vow g, ihe llli.e 1.1 ga ui,,,'i 11 U eomparatlvelv aggy to 4g K 11 aal a man i mu.le it will ,lr nv upaori from a M MMON-. Hv A Q riiuk I'n hi Maaagor Oroioi ItaU 1 hum her nf Connoros The war UiiikIiI ii" many IgggOgl hut BOM unit will leave a Stronger Ion thai Hint In have Organisation anil fo- operation it iigaggg is to bg oktalnad The OfagOfl Stnte ChinnhiT of Coin men i- 1 1 In ilu entire fahrlr. BggOfltl1 ally ttatg orftanl.atlon Tin' HloRnn "Oragoa for Kviiv 1 ommiinlty Rtrer) ' '1 mil nullity for Oregon," is to . 1 ifil out gbeolgtol) anil linpa--IWll) Han in .Malheur counly Hie POOflt are Intere.-iteil In IrrJKiit Ion. but UK one unit of the great state of Oregon, how far urn Malheur counly gloat . ;o to ... proper ami iueiiiiit.. Ii en ring from FMgfgJ or Stato fOTOrn oai ' With the Slate CganbOf tOf .'li'l 1 fOfJ fninnier Sjgl uiul ' ivh lioily. every griuu mis of itniiv i.iuai' dona a ding 11 wlih one voire Ii 1 IgatlOfl for Malheur OOOBt) h Uiiiiti.l ami Wanleil now." ry plain Hint art log 1 in tun' will I.. : .ol Itgtg 1 hiitnlier I- " lin no il Ul I Portlaad or any iith-t town or Heel Ion will he unable to iloinlnat" Its poll. It's Portland takes tna view ami rorj v . that tho success of Ihe ntnte In anil will he her ssjagggg ami I'orl luii'l wantK to lemi gar weight of in- In everv cnilKp that Hlaielt ii progreKH ami altl to Oregon In veam paal we have not kip ' i"p In th' 1 progri'Hs that other stall', have enjoyed ami llM n Im hccuUMf we have no' BOOB 1 to go alter ami get the tin Mini for Oregon' 111I- Qaotg lor Malheur eounty la 3fi0 uit'inlt.'i .. minimum fa 00 earh gaf year Ontail.i , tiiola In 9Ti gSSBJl h. 1 line.' Ihe mailer Is Ullllf Here Will lie Un difficult)' ill seiurilli t all number The iiiiiiihornhli 1 aiupalgn slurtH .Momlnv, Man h 17. ami iiliiues for that week, then f.tti' I win, hi like tit i'i' Ontar'o 1 up tiilfk gad vniir wilt- i'.i in to 1 li.tliinan John Kthernlgc thai Ontario Is over tin' top In regular war rotors Hun' HUM 1 1 1 ti 111 u UMOI 1 Tlos ni 1101 i Ml 1 ii(. HAW H -' The tir-t mei'tliig of the Tan 11' la t Ion in be bold it"' mum mouths will take ulace at Ilu High Sell, ml auditorium Friday gf.l it 1 11 on Man b I ' aids the reg- ul.il Itii 11. IS s. -i.loli tl 1 iv w III h a discussion of vvtivs ainl nieaiiK of iinpiiivlng the . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of the lira It School ground The 1 innpleletl pm ih 1.. unnounreil in the next 1 in PAUL MCULLOCH IS VICTIM OE ACCIDENT Id li Iftsaol Simb'iil Strut k In t 1. reeaiag I Ire t ngine HmKJsis lulls I la. I lilt' of III,. I-ire llt.es 110 llulllHU-' ', uh! vi 'a . lliSlrit,-ij jr zmm VFiiJrJm " : rTloigsMPasa"psPrJ5'iQO ' 1V.IM MolvrEULli; " smBBskBEQ gu ni:'! 1 -J V4Mt HUl.lt T 1 US I AU't e vuoit.i org 'ninuT'" (Coatlaaod troa Past Nlat i this summons, sscluslvs of tht- data ol lag Brsl publication, ami this at'H.ui or pay the .imoiiin .hit a shown above, together Wltb H. ami disbursements berala, ami a. orulag Intoroei gad 00 I In eai oi vuut failure to do s,t ,, deort he rendered foreclosing Iba 11 alil uixn's. Interest, penallr, roots ami dlsbui fial Ha. I.- ,11 l.unl abova ,1. s,iil,..,i of Cusi I'ubllcallon, IS, UU All i ami papers in Hti.- ilni ma) lie served upon it W twagler si his osTlte gad postoffrs address at 1 latai lo, Orogoa H l.KK S feiierlll li iWAOUKH, LUstrtel Ationiiv Miuck ii) tin- oarooatni ehoosl OBgiat which was being polled Idaho rowii nuupmiv k truck. I'.iul Mil ullocli .ni 0! Mr and Mrs MoCaUook, was severely iu jiinil Weilnenilay inorniiig He suf fered a tract ureil hip hone ami 11 number of minor bral Thg a.ciileiil o curreil when the 1. ili'partment was called to extin guish a grav lire near the home of J Sp. iner wesi of H,e High School building When ihe tire en v-iiie pas'seii the school house Mc culloch with 11 gagsbOf of other High BchOOl hoys ran inward the fire and a. thO carl pashed thein endeavoretl 1.. iti onto the running board. Ah the tarl itwuyed from side to side one ft the wheels bit the young man ami threw li 1 111 violently to the ground . Wgl picked up and rushm! 10 the office ol l)r I'riiuing. Weeae ami Kortuer where nieiiical alien Hon was given and all X-r.iv photo, akin showing the Iracliire rods) .ug man was resliim r 1 1 igaatod ami the attending pbyaicUns expect no periiiaiieut injuries will result nj 1 ll I 1 r .ji ,i iaV n " K Smart Spring Styles Tlic wt'.'ir jrou K't t'ruiii your OOeVt or suit iI'icimIs .'ilinost entirely on the (iinlity of the fabric niitl the cure taken In its production. For tliis se.'isuii I'l-intess coat- aiil suit -lead. The I'rintess label il yi'iir .issurance of an all-wool quality material, perfectly tail oretl with even detail from design to finish ed production haying been given the same careful attention as the coatlieat to-order garments. We are now ihowing the new sjtriii"; I'rintzess eoats and suits. They are more beautiful this season than ever before. Their trim, stylish lines, close ('ittiiiu shoulders, siniK sleeves and superior quality of mater ials leave Dothillff to be desil'etl. 1 r t n 1 z t & b DISTINCTION IN OKKSS None lint the most reliable all-wool quality materials are used in I'rintess eoats and suits- goodi tint have been subjected to the most rigoroui acid testi end thorough ly ire-shriink. Bxquiaitel tailored, tewed with silk, hand finished the are int a one season uarnnnt hut retain tluii ihape ami modish lines through several seasons wear. 'all todav trj mi Home of the modoln r Idle our stock is most complete. Note fur yourself the splendid textuie of the mater ials. the smart styles and fine tailoring. You will understand why Printsean DistuM'tioti in Dress has a nation wide reputation. RADER'S HAVE YOU A HALF HOUR TO SPARE? Come to our Store and Hear THOS A. EDISON'S V ESY LATEST DIAMOND AMBEROLA i ';' I inn Listen to the Broadway "Hits", hear the stirr ing war songs, laugh at the new vaudeville rec ords. Bring along your friends, make yourself at home. Check your bundles, use our telephone, meet your friends. Stay as long as you wish. You will be under no obligations whatsoever. YOU WILL BE REFRESHED BY MUSIC WILL YOU COME? Turner's Music Shop ONTARIO, OREGON