U THE ONTARIO ARG US, ONTARIO, OrtEGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1019 3 T An Invitation We cordially invite everyone to vis it our store on March 7 and 8, our Opening Day. Our collection of novelties surpass any former ef fort, yet popular prices prevail. We specialize in all lines of Mill inery. Waists ami Neckwear. I The Osborn Millinery 1 QlirTTTjoi " li ioi U VOCATIONAL nooks NOW TO III II l AT MHI.IC LIHHARV ! i i licliiw Ih a llHt nf eighteen books ' on various trade anil profeaalons In ' which men and hoys particularly will be Interested. These buokH nre I ! loan from the State Library and will bi In the Ontario Library for three niontliH free to the public "Vocational BlMUN", l'uffer; "The Professions", Fuller; "Practical DankinK". Harris . "Hanking". Scott; "Farm Management". Warren; "The Productive Poultry Husbandry", by j Lewis; "Dairy Cntlle and Milk Pro-! duel Ion ". Kckles; "Lessons In I'rac ilcal Kle. trlclty", Swopr; "Mango im4it of Kli'i Irlcal Mnchlnery", Cnck- , er and WhoelerL "The Country Woek ly", HIiir. Newspaper Reporting and Correspondent e". Hytle, "Machlii" , Shop Primer", Colvln and Stanley; "Handbook on care and Operation of ! Gasoline Knglnes"; "A History of i niiituerce ami Industry' . Herrlck; "Principals of Omi Trum-portlon ". MUMM and Huebner; "The Youn Miii's Chance in South and Central America", Heiv; "The Field of Social ;Servle. Davis, "Shop Klnks'.Orln-1 nli aw New Values and Styles Usher in a N$w Month Our Bringing Down the Cost of Living has surely brought many customers to our store. OUR WOMEN'S APPAREL ASSORTMENT IS REPRESENT A TIVE OP ALL THAT IS NEW IN STYLE STRICKLAND GILLIAN CONING TO TOWN Nation's i.ii-hii-m Humorist to Deliver I s inn- Here NatiinUt Kvenlnu March mill Author of 'n Again, Off Again. niatcan." Strickland Ollllan. famous humor ist, author of "On Again, Off Again, Fllnlgan," will deliver his moat fam ous locture hen- In Ontario on Satur day evening March 16 The lecture will hr given at the High Uchra I auditorium. Mr. Ollllan lecture la one of several on a Kedpath Lyceum course that "as contracted for Ontario thia aea PAVINU PIUK1RA.M MKKTH WITH OKNKItAL VITIHIV All Of CITV t.iiiisi.ATi iik aivni ItKVKMH'MKXT MOOT i Continued from Page S ) (Continued From Page 1 i meeting at any time the petition-. for paving are prepnred " Money Hater In Isinu; Itnn. At the present time paving Of the I the reclamallon propram. with parti being gouged by the bond hrokera out Of ten per cent of every Issue flouted. An efficient organization, headed by the State Chamber of Commerce is now being organized to put ovr class known as single course con crete or liltullthlc can tie had from 1, Tl to $2 2(i and 11,11 per square yard, depending on the cost of pro curing suitable gravel oiitracts t these figures were mad" Inst fall nl ItcXhurg. Twin Falls, Idaho Falls and other points in this section Jerome, Idaho, has proposals out for 11 blocks of paving now at estimate of $2.60 which Include the expense of opening a quarry from which to secure crushed lava rock With the gravel material on nU4 'here It is believed that a much low! on but which was abandoned un M llgure can be secured here, and that i -unt of the flu and other cans', would bring the cost of paving per earlier In the MM , lot of 26 foot width on Oregon sired. This la the only number (bat Is to which la 64 feet from curb In .nil. he given ham. and It Is the biggest number contracted for. Mr Ollllan la world famous Ho la the type of man called upon to lecture at (lie blggmt convention In America, and Inca a number of Ontarlane wh.i have heard him declare his enter tainments the beat they have ever heard, there la certainly an evening of fun ahead for Ontario next Satur day evening, March IS. Mrs. John Hunt and chlldten left Saturday evening for Oregon city where Mr Hunt had preceded thm and where they will make their home in the future Although he smokes smelly strong cigars "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" somewhere between $160 to f!7S per lot, depending on the material aalected. Representative I' J tlallagher de clares that accordlug to the lesti mony In the rabid road controversy hearings at Salem liltullthlc can he secured at $1 76 Qur ynnL while concrete was ileilaicil to he Mill cheaper Thus with tun years (o pay for the Improvement under a liancroft bond ing proposition, the tost per year for U lot would be $211 or less, and per mouth only fl 76 To gravel one block last eur tl.' council puld severul handled dollars and Improved Ms condition niaieil.il 1. but today that block shows Hi" need of repairs, anil In thai block I'v.'ii business mini wan In paving Last Friday afternoon the IiIkIi school students were entertained n period with victor music Classical I records, as well us the lute popular songs were enjoyed The bos und girls basket h.ill learns played (he Numpa Imi on the Nampu floor last Friday night. Our girls were defeated 36 (o 16, hut the boys made it an even draw by de featlng the Nampu kOfl II b) " cular Interest centered upon the iiiii"liiltiieiii ahove referred In The attempted passage of the so callod Malheur Lake Mill was a piece of high handed legislature that sought to rob the school children of the stale out of sixty thousand acres of fine land and to tie up (ho future development of the entire Harney Valley, consisting of One Hundred and fifty thousand acres of fine farm land. The bill was amended In (he house aft' i one of the hardest flghta of the se-slou. und when passed by that body, had all nf the vicious features eliminated, but when It reached tie' senate (bat body Indefinitely post-' pimed (be same after a heated debate In which Senator Hurley pointed out j the detrimental mot hives bark of the measure Suits Coats Dresses N ALL THE LATEST FABRICS AND COLORS SERGE, SILK GABARDINE AND JERSEY SOME WITH SASHES, OTHERS WITH FANCY COLLARS AND (TFPS ALL STYLISH AND DRESSY Prices Range From $20.00 to $60.00 CAPE COATS AND CARES FEATURED STRONG LY FOR THE NEW SPRING APPAREL-YOU WILL FIND ALL THE SMARTEST CREATIONS IN OUR ASSORTMENT. AS WELL AS THE LATEST MOD ELS IN THE NEW HIGH WAIST AND BOX STYLES. Moderately Priced Prom $16.00 to $66.00 BEAUTIFULLY DRAPED MODELS IN GB0BG ETTE AND CHIFFON. OTHER LATE ARRIVALS IN TAFFETA, FOULARD, SATIN AND SEROE. A HOST OF NEW TRIM MING IDEAS ARE IN EVI DENCE. ALL THE NEW SPRING COLORS. A Great Assortment From . . $16.00 to $45.00 And Speaking of SILKS our selections of the new allks for Spring are here and unusually large for so early In the season FOFLAHDB TAKPKTA8 SATINS Come In and see them BLOUSES The advance models, new In style and design, together with our reas onable pricing make this a moat In teresting feature. Uncommonly good Georgette In all the styles and poa seising all the distinctive points of tha best blouaaa. New Spring Millinery You will enjoy even looking at these new hate the fashionable small Tur ban of straw and of silk and straw have a prominent place but wa have not overlooked the medium and large styles Reasonably priced from SS.oo to e lo.oo. Somewhere in France thara waa a trench superstition to put on tha left shoe first for good luck. Now In Peace time the proper thing la to put on tha MIGHT shoe Brat That means to visit our Shoe Department Royer Bros. & Co., DEPARTMENT STORE ONTARIO, OREGON March Special DURING THIS MONrH YOU CAN BUY ONE OF THOSE PORTABLE ELEC TRIC SEWING MAC HUNTES AT I i 4 I Idaho Power Company I ONTARIO, OREGON A SAVING OF Mrs llerarhel Mc K llrowno re turned last night from an extended trip to Kansas and Missouri points where she visited relatives. The Tuesday fridge Club Jour- i,, vet I,, vv. i i it In. I I in hi lav to alien it the dav the guasts of Mrs. II. C. Whttworth of the Hotel Washington. The Wednesday bridge club u"t tlii-. week with Mrs J It Fortler at i her home on South ItU-hardson street J Mickey sold hlx ranch sotilh- ' west ol town this week to Twlford , liros who cuinc here recently from 'Omaha There are three brothers In the Twlford family and (bey ex pet i i" bring their families bet. Hie Nebraska metropolis in the near future Miss Helen liloiu who has been at tending school at Link's Business College In Holm' visited from Thur' day until Monday with her parents, Itev and Mrs Chun lllom Twelve of her classmate friends helped Miss Mabel llreckou to celc- brate her teenth birthday Tuesday evening at the home her parents Mr. , and Mrs It I) fireckon The even Ing was spent In games and other I slmlllar diversions A bountiful ' I ,1. .!... . ,, ,. UU ..ri'M.I !, I tll . ll.HM nf the entertainment, after which the guests departed all declaring the ev ening a large success. Dreamland A ttractiom ONTARIO. iiI1Ki.ii Sunday and Monday, Men ft and 10: CMHi It. ISCMII.LK'K "IkOX'T IHIM1K . VOl It III SliAXI)'' I' A T H E N I W I Tuesday. March 1 1 : TOM MIX In "F.vMi: IMI rOHTl'M-; Mull and JeB Cartoons I -too Tanier Wednesday, March IS: MAI ALLISON in vtll 1. ill li A.Vh" Drew Coined) tieueriM.ll). Saturday, March 16: KLIZAUKTH KISIM In bM I'hllpotts Immortal Story. MOTHKK" The Sweetest Story Kver Told Kuueiijain. r Cartoons Judge Kuui ay's Ha) Off After the Spring Houae Cleaning, You Want Some Nice New Furniture Next to a woman's Spring hut, there is nothing that will please her more than sonic new furniture for the home. You can make your house clean inir complete by adding here and there a new piece of furniture. It fresh ens the home. It moke the work easier. To make selections easy let US show oil A Whole Carload of New Pieces Just Received fa this) big shipment of "Square Brand" Furniture.the kind that mean what the name implies, there are many patterns, styles and values in DINING TARLES DINING CHAIRS DRESSING TARLES TARORETTES DAVENPORTS ROCKERS ARMCHAIRS LIBRARY TABLES KITCHEN CABINETS Kvcry piece is worth the price, and the price is lower than uual be cause of the fact thai we have bought in carload lots, saved freight and secured hettcr nargains for Inlying in quantity Now that the house is deun, a new piece of Linoleum- or a new Hi will just tinish the job. Select what you wunt from our large stock, plenty of variety in patterns and prices. McDowell's Exchange Store ONTARIO, OREGON