The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Town Topics Tersely Told
C. R. William, of Maker, was In
town Saturday buyliiK cuttle
Michael H. Joyce, returned Sunday
from Boloe, where lit- tins been vlnl'
Ing for the pant week.
O. M. Kacler, of Under limn,...
Ilaker, upent Sunday In Ontario
John I'layhorn, of Twin I'all
in town Monday btiRlng horn.
M. V. I'ayne and Albert tab rod Of
of i'ortlnnd, who have hart' of Ut(
liinmin Tax collection.' here, it. bj
town this week Mr PnjtM bM
been appointed taaOBO Hu li
for thin dlatrlrt
Kenneth Hhlbley of Han I'nuiHlHco.
who had charge of the ItiHtnlllrig of
the new water HyHlem heir. In
town thin week to ln.pei t the work I
The Alunil member of the Nut
Club entertained with n dancing party
Imit Friday night The RueotH all re
ported a moHt delightful Uw
Howard Ilelmour xpent the week
end with hln parenta at 01 I Kerry
Mm J It KatntirKin anil children
leave tomorrow fo I'oentollo whore
Mth Ituii Hitmen wbh called by the set- Ulnem (if her nUter, M . Wll!-
Mr. and Mth. Trunk Under ml I
tallied the UeinnantH at their home
fKt Saturday evening. Tarda were
played and refrcihinentH nerved.
MIhs l.eona Under wbh the IiohIckh
for her loriner colleague:. "" "" I1""
.,.,1 in i,n other frlondv.
at the home of her imrentH '! Than
day evening, (aids were plnyid tOl
lowed by an lniiuonii ii program, In
.lulling many delightful numhepi
Mrn. Dm i 'lut ' ano tha boat
. mil
.i.ii !,, . us In Ontario
Ml iioin ll.ikei , on i.ii hi
I In. in. o I iii ; lit the week her.'
.villi 1,1m Himlly while looking after
KvutigeliHt Ih preaclilng a vital 0O
pal Memuigo em h night at the lliinti I
Jamea 0. Smith of the Alexntid" H
forre returned Sunday evening from
Ilaker where he apenl a week In the
Alexander More there
The CoH-pel you need Ih being
preaehed i-in h night .it the llaatl I
church bf II I Mamhall
a -
Mr. Andrewi. who worked l.i I ' 1
for Toggery Kill uk taken III thin
week and rompelley to rculgn
Cecil B.
Presented by Dreamland Theatre
By .leanie Macpheison
It's (Veil B. De Mill.- Picture the
other side of the story, (hat DO told f
well in "Ol.l Wi.s for New."
production of striking appeal tn
even hushaiul and wife the killil
they'll discuss tor dayi after thoy'vi
seen it.
The gown, the netting are upcrl,
the women beautiful' the men a)
The oaV t Ineludea Elliott Dexter,
Gloria Swansou, Lew Oody, Sylvia
Athlon, Theodore Roberta, Julia Payu
and .lames Neill.
Three feature seeius. Pleasure,
Wealth, and Love, make up a spec
taele in themselves.
Iii all the linest domestic drama of
the year. Comes to Dreamland March
9 and 10, Sunday and Monday. Ad
lilissiuii 6o and UOo.
An Invitation
We cordially ln ite everyone to i In
it our store on March 7 ami S. ottl
Opeuiug Day. Our collection tf
uoveltiee surpass am former ef
fort. yet popular pricea prevail.
We specialize in all lines of Mill
Uiery. Waists and Neckwear.
The Osborn Millinery
Dr. and Mm. J l'rlnzlng leave Fri
day evening accompanied by their
daughter I-oIh for Saint I'aul, Minn ,
where Mrs. I'rlnzlng and daughter
will vlolt while I)r i'rlnzlng atoml
the Mayo llnlcn at HocheHter, Minn
Mr and MrH. I, Adam will he Mil
host ,'ilid li.e.te.. tlh.: ..enlng for tile
otto llliiikahy who Im agnln in
charge of the lllnikahy I'erwardlni:
oompaay at Homadali ipaal landaj
in Ontario with rolntlto
j u Blaekab) made i baatni
to Joromo, MahOi Taa nay
Sotnetliing really worth while at
ptl i liuroh BMB nigh'
Taa Carnation aleb bald Ha waal
ly meeting OiIm week at the bOBM I I
Mr and Mr-. H W Swnglor Mr
It 0 I'lune and ThomiiH Arnold wen
the high point winner Mrs. WMI
Itillly of Vale wim the only out Di
town guest
C. J. Oariaoa of laokaaa Um
guest this week" of IiIh aunt, Mrs V
dipt Kenni tli Slilpley of UM I ''
Ifnrnln Jewel Kilter com puny wlio
was recently dlBcharged trom Hi i
glneering corps was In town on Im
Iness this week The one thing thai
in. l ed i iil Slilpley t, while
In UM army. Hie aggregate!
nnioiint mid iiuallly ol UM technical;
training of the men assembled and
randy to tovota i iiir talent, t.. .'
Ing out tie Ilun
The l.mlic Aid "I the ' otigregn
in. mil i hurrh will i I OH Wed-
d.-n. Unroll .' Um bono ol Wi
II It Cdlrk
!iini,i s.hciii .'t the Coagn
gatlonal i hunh will resume its ..
Ions Mtartlng next Sundny niornlne
al 10 o . hu'k
Mrs m I Oaborn of the Oobornl
Mllliii. i iitiiriied from l'ortlaul
lie attendid Hie style sho
and indue purchases for the sprlnvr
trade On her return she was ac
roinpiinled In MIsm Sliute. who Villi
hae rhurge of the trimming thl-l
on woaka naa mata al Um la
die of the M i: CI urili met and r -organled
Hie Uoiion-' lilhh
The Baa name rhosen for the rla
wai "Tint Marthas and M.n
i.a-t s.i t in day nftomoon ud aranlnn
,: a (leorge Washington li i
at Ihe ( .. MCO. t bl pioi'i
whhh were ten dollars The newly
organi It'll gratified at the
rooalta, and wish to thank ill nrbo
balpod make the eiion a laoeooa.
roll sl.K OR lit DK lit
torn Otaofi Will
i.,,. I . kin. I. . It v pi '
ft) in AutO :. M BUCK. Carina.
colt SAi.i-; s..'ting Bgga itn'ii
ibi 1. 1 .1 o .nun white Laa.
; I II p. i -.. tli it ol 15 e.
li. ol . , i . iienH averaged owner $35
,e, uoi Ih (Ol i.'. .( r I U Klowem
I'lione 110 M Alv II tf.
QUaorl, wiui booo
from school for the pusi week h
1 again aide to ai
lend Ins i liisneii
I'lie hoys and girls basket lull taa
will nlaj Um Hampa bnjn nnd gtr'
le.uii al Nauip.i uel rridnj nigh'
i'lui, is to bo the i.isi to nil "i I
The third of I IMtM Ol ioaa
the Sophomore l.'ugllsh el
il.u e Mon.l.i ..lleruoon I'lie II
j.-i't tJaaajaam wna, "Uooolvod;
the I'uited Slates tiovernmeut SlioiiM
I Own and Operate the Italli ...ol- The
Mm mall., w.i- upheld b) Hilda
Ureikon a Mane Keller, and I
i'ooie. ii. . ..!.iiiw i. Baj Marshall.
I Kdmuu.l Itutlei and llenr Join,
The Affirmative received tlM Bl
mous division ol the ju. .
Karl (irlttin and Henry I
rlaltad Um blgb mImoI and ravMwod
I Um roiapany. Mondaj aWor-
Uhaal S.lueder and II l'ane
spoke to UM assembly schools I
d.n m Um income Tna iw
Mnrgnrol Drnla la ajninH in bat
home baonoaa al au injury re.
during basket hall practice
lte 11 A laiiipo a, I, Ire- ed the
high school assembly Tuesday mon -I
tug. telling of the California nil sious.
which he Msilcd lust sprlug.
New Fashion
are coming in every day.
New erarmetits that are so dilTerenl I'roiii wliat
lias lieen shown durinu the past few seasons that they are indeed re
-.. A ; to Hailer'N lloRilv -lo-u.nt will Trove InlerrstlnK
DBP rlR. .w.
New Arrivals in Spring l!1!l
Wash Goods
in fine Variety for Spring are ahm
here. Voilea are foremoel anion::
the preferred ibeer drew notion!
Figured, Cheeked, Plaid and Satin
striped oombinalionH are featured.
We also have a splendid selection
of the alwayi wanted QinfduunM foi
Spring and Summer frock;
All are moderately priced.
Specials for Satur
day at 25c
New Gingham Effects m a big rangti
of plaid1 stripes. ete.rtr
Special at. yd tuL
Yard Wide Muslin- a good muslin
regularly sold at 3dc. spec op
lal al . . .' UC
Everett's Shirting -fine for Men's
shirts, Uoys' Mouses and
kitchen aprons, exceptional Qg,
value iJ.
Bib Overalls at $1.75
Good Looking Shoes
Complete YourCostume
What is more Important to the woman who would ! well drea
ed, that the shoes slie is to wear .' Notfiinj;. is mOTC important.
The entire effect of a liandsoiiit spriiij,' suit, crowned hy a pretty
spring Intiiiiet, may lie ruined entirely ly an lll-fltting, badly M
leoted pair of ihoo Thli is eapeeially true In these days of short
'ou can avoid such a result hy inspecting our handsome, com
plete and varied stock of shoes selected with the purpose in
mind of having size, style and color to till the needs ..f any BOaV
tuine our customer might deaire to match or complement. We
can tit your foot eoinfoitahly in any shade you'll want; biowna,
tans, greys, in all leather or in leather and cloth tops.
Oxfords in Latest Styles.
We have, ton, a haiitlsoiue stuck of Women 'i Oxford for your
Men preparing for ipring work on the ranch are offered all kiml-
of shoes for their particular n.-ds. Heavy work shoes, hih top
shot's, shoes with Wooden snl'ts. In fad we have shoes here for
every need.
Let us show you the next tune you are in town our excellent
stock of Phoenix, Black Cat and Holeproof Hosiery.
. Exclusive Shoes and Hosiery Ontario, Oregon