THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 Rex all Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THK III l I STORK finish SO. 2 Nyal Remedies "Clean up Your Town" How Does This Strike You? Without eilitorlnl comment, the. for lhe town neeils tin m Atkiih herewith HiihmlM fur tlic ion However tlii'li' was i remark n :i 1 Htileriitlim of It H Ontiirlo rentiers tin hy I Kentleiniiti at t MaatlBf Ihal fiillowliiR rommunlratloti n-ri'lvi'il thu- 1 i I nut MMB 10 Mil for intn h I wotik If you hiivi' some Mens DB I tui'lit nor stir an enthusiasm; bl thin suhjer.t the Argus would lie i la.! ii.i'iin'i I) hiiIiI sleiin up iuir ti lo Kill' them IMUI pullllrity. flenernlh when a bl thlBI bl Url '. Killtor Argute bl fi'llow. all tin' lll'l. fl 1 reml In your puper IuhI nwk a ' liotiti. ami Unit rtn&glf MlM Ihl PARENT 1EACHERS' COLUMN very mtiri" tlnn Htory on (lie ilolin: of tin' t'timtiieri l:il (lull hi a leteM Mttag mill until i'il that tile" nl (hone fellows seem to lie alive. They have a notion Hint M trun on th' town In Just a IBM Bortll, i lean up our town' r Know thai ainoiiK our Dltfhba other towns that (intuilo i eOBlIde er) tin" hrushlest, weediest dlti 'I'll Ih " departmi m i ,m opt n prohli'ins of tl bOOl iin.l II I'oruui for tin' Mi-1 usslon of liimii'. anil I uinl. 'i 1 1 Ion ol t In' ( mi. ii In Pal . at Ti'arh era' association Your Idei ' inn' KlBdl) ll al w tltti n iirthle at the Argus olii. I t tori' TB d) of i n'li wccl, hlocks of pavliiK will hi' u RM I! im !l rt lent , IiuhIi..! town on I In- O S I.. lo lift uh out of tin' in ii :l . yi'K. It will with thf hcst l ilo Hint very thing Another patty 'men In hiislness ami the professions thot our town n e. more iuoiIith ,lllt ,. ,,,,,, Inn from a town bOMHj why Hure thing It dOW, I thai I- clean. Mil .-mlnilei. blind man rtiultl ttce that Ann' her tp, ,, w),, ,r, ... iiowem nnil gris . one flgiiretl It out Hint IT the bOUM ,, i,,,,,,,. that show MM ami up """' '" "" wl nd the streets paVBd KMB thlK hunt of ours Is an nit. lined hy one. that we must firm fix , ,lrlr ma n, ofttlmM II il'" mails needliiK repair, eepeclall Topic for tut week or work shall t In- r I tit. for the rcnnilmler of the ) ; t" iiohl our ri'K P T MP thlril Kt'lilin in l II . the. iloilhtlnsH In Hi . la. I hit'.' ii riiBKlou throiiKli Ih' 'i inipi' miMiv patro ehool win -mil In innm i I stlhji i I n; wit 'i Its only a little thing. Ho NfOT . the ilriims will t.ot Loom nor the t riimii'i t'l.H ' i, bul en i r the tow n ran ami might to net Im mid In tint iii:i ' lulllii .1 probably spoke from In.l full Dl ,, ,,..,.,, ,B ., the main trioelletl mails Icmllng Into tow II All of those ImproM'menta am high ly desirable and each of flume men ITeaa hearing dlrortly upon his own inwrely snlil. Clown up your tov n " aa far aa be want, all BBOd altl will aurely lionst for all those llilng.-, to stranger as well us mors pit I ml houi"lll;e for nil of us DA It S She ittifle Mcp Announces Spring Millinery Opening Saturday, March 1st Don't miss wring tliis wonderful as oraaenl of very latest creations. AH If otto I "Quick sales uinl small profits. " GEORGIA HULL DAIRY SALE .it tin- B. Wbealdon ranch, one mile south ami two miles east of Fniitlatid. ltlaln Wednesday, March 5th, 1919 At 1 o'clock Free Lunch at Noor 35 HEAD OF CHOICE JERSEY AND HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 35 2 Registered Jersey Cows s cowe with young calvei tueeii Kstht r I5taut ( 'lii.f Bright K.ves K euws td lie fresh soon All flows Tested. Horn- I l.stele.l .lerst'V Hull Wn lJf I have records for J earl'. St. Mawes 1'et's Laddie ', production of butterfat. Ill AktIimi It in . al n few have the opportoall i op It I i nil rltti.t for the bOJ v.olllil kii well Itll Milllll.r l the kIiIh III til" m ami n hut liiKtruitois who haw PATRON We shall aii im Kiaii whan work run he laid M hie, Inttn. n i a tlllnu of the pa. I .not "ill work etui go on al u nil Tim rhyahiil Iraliilnc. work Ihh year aaenu to ma irar attUfacton ami is alraad) bi IbsIbi i ood i The '.Moilern Hn I Mill I ! help III III. in ,er he,,re ih hruNhliiR and srrihhln learlier xbould know her work. The aupi i l.elptul JuilKllIK fl'oui the few. MM liroimhl home .n.ilU I h mid like lo MOW atH'M ion i t .a tO ' ami Manual TraluliiK In the . for both boH and (trll It I M'l ) liainl . homeliiio s ni (or a woiikiii to he able to .iii e . nail HtralKbl If the Kt.i ihl bfl iradad of araa dratead II llillrh hitler lor the 1 1 II' (III the whole 'u apUeBBllj good iti plti dlffb ui' Mtiillll: win I i i i: i VM.iii i A weihllllK of till her ol the ( IBlarlU I" "pi" lOllI rill oar i i at Caatrallla, v. toll, hen (il .o e Irene cuine the hrnle of lloiner I'. nil J.r drell The rereinom at MM home ol lor inotlnr, Mr M.uni Uh.eier. b) the Rat -I Vim KiikIiiiuiii ami W ami Impn a. Miss Wheeler Ii . i III Onl.irio for Miine linn ai ni .i n ti iemis bora iwftsi tba II people Ml J.llllll. ill I ka man nonue. tml wnn Mr at VaiuomiT, i. listed ul I .ill Thev were ul I he Mil, Portland until bin leaw- asplrad ' : am on..! , Wo awaiUM ll! (limliarKt) tl'oin tin- miw.. ill make I bail boi II ..i ' tralla. n TERMS Eight months' time mi hankahli notes, with interest at 10 percent. B. WHEALDON, Owner Miller & Dickens, Auctioneer! M. F. Albert, Clerk Judge Oeo DaM ol all the week end m ( mtario with I . ami dnuRbter. t Villi Of III VNK-- To the maiiv kind Iriemt- in OtS lario and Payette who b) at .uioim naalb) iomr.,1 in tho hour of our burro.i at tin death of our beloved wife and MO 11 er, we a i ib la auju " " ii i Basal c w eiJ lMH.v 1111,111 l( l, MM k si WiHltl-S I'o mi i i RIHINQ i m: VI lis n form vt lut ud ." land bi nd litre I adi 'in.ii" ti i Ai ur, in a h ttar . tockraen at "..-ii thli Improt td im ad and all i anl mni bttattaadn obTai audi t solution of the problem i ora ea w hetin r ii I-- ft d to I . till,' , )!; hat a BOBI i a- t l i , K ronveili',1 Bta I I. i.lnl ' t in our ii.";, r to h ronsldered. In the II t.ii hli-li i . Inroadi Into breadin ai thi same lime the r iv in hllton i hardi to tba number or 1 1 1 million haad i he world perllou meal horti "Morn i f md batter ih. ara Imparatlva K tba Amort can Farmer's largest eoatOBMr we n e,iini oobi arn in this with on, the prodnoar llaaoe wa have ('hart, iboWlBI 'ii" tpe ,,1 aalauli thai will pro ilure maxlniuin welrht ami ITOati i I value in Hid ghortOal time stanilaiils that will brlBf 0H the tan ni Ihl market ! their quality Is the high It DOR ItAt'K AT t ITV II l D I M. i,i ...ii 0 In;, mi, i pnss'Ml thru Ontario Saturday. I'm l one alippp skin miuiilht Owner may hae MUM h oalllni at this offlea aad paylag for thlK 1.1 Judge C M Sti'iirmi returtird Moii iln 'M'tiitiK rrom n trip to l.ewl rtOD and PandlatOO, ami Is now hark lit his ilesk in the rerrntly renovateil ( it Iteeorder's office The new nri.u inetit of office room at the rlty hall gives Judge II SariH twice as mmh room, lor he has half of the old marshal's office, hns a neat rountei where his old desk used to be and now has both room and privacy for the growing dllllea he has to perform The W 0. T, I', will meet with Mr 11 I. I'oorman Tuesday, Munh 4, at 1:30. This lining I'tilou Signal day in liitorestlng program Ih being arrange, h the superintendent ot that lie partmont. A light lunch will he nerved VoH are In i. It ml to spend the afternoon with U. - OMew bbbVbbbI laW ;'"Sii j Here Now! A Car Load of Fordson Tractors IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT BUY ING A TRACTOR, WAIT TO SEE HOW TJEt. RE AT FORDSON OPERATES IT IS SIMPLE, YET IT IS EFFECTIVE The Fordson Tractor h the result of yvan of exnerimentatioii b the greatetii nianufacturinu company ever kuowi It is built on quantity production ha sis. That is why m, valuable, so officio t machine can be sold at ao km pricf. It is limit li the great ation of mechanical engineer! In the world. Anyone Can Operate the Fordson. I Inn i- nothing mysterious about the Fordaon. It ii ai limple to oparat i Oar N"' expert needed to ('i reaulta. Paris May He Always Secured. Thepriceof part, when needed will be cheap. They will be alwayi "it band. Nil dela - for essential wrti just when you need a tractor, F. 0. B Ontario With Two Bottom Plow, Complete Price $1,135 The Oliver Plovt company has manufactured a special Plow for the Fordaon Tuactors, It makes an ideal eomhiuation. Without the Plow the Ti actor sells for. $975 Troxell Implement Co. ONTARIO, OREGON '7 Want to See Every Wage Worker Own His Own Home" -. it Mil son, si.t i.i I i: , or t.vitoit I lie Xi. .l.ili ol I4IHOI k".m., II. on his mni eurlt i iei elloll ll'.n.i's I i Thin I. a ilireil plea li'.io lie- N. iilar of I j.l,r lo .n i i i WOltKlM. MAN AMI MkN IS III. I SIM ine. that II is Hiilili fin- i-nr working limn tA JMM1 his own Inline, lie knows, lurlhei, Ihal Inn . 1..1, I In 1 li.iiin , hut h l.u I and Derail toll I self r.-ptrt; lioines Im ul. ate the luihll of thrift ; ami liomi s are the r, fi.tnnl.tii'ii for .1 our Uiiiin useful Xs S MI i:lt t c I I ll S THK ItAltltKSr IlllSt. IS (.1 I IISi. IIOMK Is IS WoltKISi. M.I K HI II iiMIS lli.N I Ml I IMISf. I'OISI .Iirt tkv tMl U tMl, I.KT IM HKI.l' Vt)l WITH Till STARTING l-otsi IH. Ml lit II. HI Iti BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER sj( . ;