The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 27, 1919, Image 1

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    0nfmi0 Atm.
The Ontario Democrat
NO. 13
utovm or si mrAcma to rr
hom oh which onmom
DIFI'KIt IfflTRlWililnT
Property limine Would Not Object
If II- "i. r- .. Willing to I-..
Higher Kent Pave, Don't Talk
Put log Sin s M.miii.I, i
Ontario business men arc almost
unanimous In their desire to have nt
least the business section of he city
paveu Thla la the ronclualon the
Argua drawa from a series or Inter
Wewe with property owner ami liu--ifleaa
men, on the proposition latin- .
d by J It lllacknhy at the Coiiun-r
clal club meeting laat wnt-k.
Not all of the business men, nor nil
of (he property owner could be aeen
thla week, and effort will he mad"' in
Interview othera next week and the
week following ao that a rmnpi.
alve review of tho general upln.on
of the community can b secured mi
thla Important iiues-tinn
Iton't Talk Paving, I'ave.
One of the flrat expression of opin
ion waa that secured from Hammd
('room, manager of Alexander
"In a talk with Mr Alexunder nr
the telephone lat Saturday I drtrt
him that there waa talk of paving
Ontario hualneaa aoctlon, and 'iu
Immediately aald 'Don't talk f
Ing down there, Pave.' That In
I believe, and all the men to whom
I have talked feel the aini raj
ubout It "
It Ought to Ih Dime.
"Die bualnea district ought '.
be paved," aald Frank Kader of da
rter Hroe "Of course I have no
perty on Oregon atreet, hut l
lleve that paving woulil help on
tarlo "
"Wluil klnrt of paving do thev I'
poee laying?" waa the question II
Hoyer aked, and then he com in n-1 ;
"I have considered the puvlng j i .
(Ion for Home time. Iiut not lutel),1
have been too buy I'avlug wmilrt j
be a good thing, and I believe ,i
-iiuulrt be Investigated thnmlv
what can he done "
An Awful ;.mmI Thl"g.
'If the property owners want It. It
would be an awful good thing. " wis,
Toggery Bill's Idea of the suhje t
Frasrr I niletrrinliirrt
"I have not conaldered the in
enough to pas ao opinion on the suh-
Ject." said E A Fraaer
Hlmul Hate IU-.ii Done Heroic.
"Oregon atreet should have been
paved yeara ago," aald H I. Peterson
of the Ontario Furniture company.
"The city cannot afford to tand bMk
and let It neighbors surpass It In
general appearance and comfort of it
street Not only Oregon street,
but the streets leading to the business
districts ahould be paved. There ho
been enough money spent keeping
the streets In repair to have paved
the street twice In the past ten )curs '
If II. m, i , u ill Htand Hals
"If the renters along the street are
willing to help meet the cost of the
Improvement by paying higher reuls,
paving Is alright," aald W K Lens,
one ot the heaviest of owner of pro
perty fronting on Oregon strret. "Pav
ing is a luxury, uot u necessity." he
continued, "but If the renter want It
and are willing to meet the cost that
cirti be figured out on the frontage
they occupy, It might be cousiuVn .1
I Am fur It
"I have not thot much u)ut ii.
but I am for It." aald President A I.
t'ockrum of the First National Bank
"1 would like to see much of the cliv I
paved aa we can get this year '
Willing if Oothers Are
"If the others are willing, I will
not hold back,' said I. Adam of Km
Ison A Adam, "the present street Is
not bad, and It costs money to keep
pavement clean, but If the rest of the
folka want It, it is alright with me
Did Not See Moore
The Argus was not able to see T
H Moore, who has perhaps more pro
perty fronting on streets that might
be ptved than anyone else, but those
who have talked with Mr Moore aald
that they understood he was in favor
of paving some 30 blocks and had al
ready outlined a proposed paving district
Hnlph Webster, Silas Sliclton anil
Anilirose Klnrlngc of Jordan Valley
wore arrested by the authorities- of
the South end or the county lam KH
and charged with the larceny ot un
steer trom Fred 1'iiituer Uebster
and Sheltoii when urruiKnert by n.i
.tlorney It v Swugier. iieio...
, mint) Juuge R II ii'Mt at Vale oh
Monday admitted their guilt, ana
said they deposited the curcuea 01
Hie animals with Llorlugu, who rag
to have appeared In Ontario t him
week Hi arraignment
Organization to Which Ontario Ms.
n anil Vale, With Ollor Towns
tlong (I.H.I,. Help Support
! II or Work Done
The Onlurlo ( liuplir A 1( (
eel veil IIiIn week a Ii II. t from
1 1
olflclal of the Huntington Canteen
which I aided In Its work liy nnii
rio, Nyssa, Vale and Baker in I
and Numpii. Caldwell I'arnia, I'.iv
etto and Welser In Idaho, telling or
the reception given the boys of lit"
1st Coast Artillery, when th--
I there two weeks ugo
The lettor, written on a paper u a;.
kin, follow!
Tho Sixthy-flfth Coust Artllli r..
boys are home, we entertained tin in
liiMt night, one train with 4tin onn , rl
ami men at inlrttilgbt, the second sec
tion with 470, Including the ban I
came In un hour luter Thl unit g
made up entirely of Iduho, Oregon,
and Washington hoy, they will he
I discharged from Cump Lewis and
will soon be home HOMRI Tl..y
illiln t talk of anything else, th-p-
1 wasn't a chance to ask them a m
1 tlou about what they illrt, so we let It
go and handed them ,it two tkOkM
ami clilcken satirtw Iches, one Minus
and piece ot perfei l- good cake.
with orange, apple und coffee.
Kvery town they visited din no;
Monday gave them a PM '
D H atlSR I v
V. 1.1.1. k.MiVA..' Ill )' . i.. I
Miiu of Ontario's cltltens, who
! years ago were friend of Mr. Minnie
, Johnson Clevlnger paid their last tri
bute to her at the f unreal MVTWM
. which were hold at Payette laat Sat
urday afternoon, uniting with i
of the dlaeased from Iturnn und l'a-
Mr clevlnger who wa Minnie
Johnson of Prairie City was well
known, as were all of her family, in
the early days of Malheur county
She was born at Salem 60 years ago
and moved with her parent to Prairie
City where her mother still lives
Twenty-six years ago she was married
to O W Clevlnger ot Payette and t
year later they moved to Burns where
Mr Clevlnger has been one of the
leading merchants for u quarter or a
Bealde her husband and mother
Mrs Clevlnger Is survived by onn
daughter, Mrs Asal Walter of Burns
and one son, Uerry, 14 years old
also of Burns
The body was brot from Hums
lust Friday and many old time friends
attended the last service which rai
held at the Presbyterian church gg
der the direction of the Naiari-'O
Pastor of Hums interment era
made in the Payette icmetry besld
that of Mrs Clevlnger' daughter,
who died In babyhood
During the past week llenr
day and Don Piatt have been add i
to the colony of returned service nn-n
in Ontario Casiduy who was a mem
ber of the first group of volunteers
to leave Malheur county has been
stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Tex
as since May 1917 Piatt left On
tario laat July and reached the East
ern coaat before the waa ended
Malheur Count) folks (.Inn Assist
line In Arriving at Solution or
Their Tnvpiulng Problem
Karl y I'nyniont I rgiil.
Messrs Payne anil R Immlcr IXl
t In- Internal Hew nu. 1 1 purtnient at
the Council Chamber ot the City Hall
thl week equipped with Information,
arttlse und blank necessary for Un
making of Income Tax return They
are here to help you comply with
the provision of the law. to nv
you time, money and trouble that
would result from nn Inaccurate g
turn These return must he made
before March and this Is the
last chance to get the advice and an
alntance of the agent sent forth by
the department to aid you
H you do not come under the pro
vision of the law, tell your friends
who do of the presence or thee men
In Ontario, tor they will be here onlv
until Saturday night and leave Mon
day for Vale where the) will he loco-
ted for three days, next week, anrt o j
from there to Hunt.
Appeal for Furl) Puinn in
I'ncle Sinn ha . ho iniinv Immcdl
ate bills to pay that a special app .1
M been made tor the payment or
the first Instsllment of income taxes
on or before Marrh 1 1, the date pay
ment I due Thl appeal ha been
Issued by Secretary or the Treasury
Carter OIuhh. thru the nrtbe or M!l
ton A Miller, revenue , nllector inr
First inline ha nil I loin Htrwhn
II) Acllon of OiMier Authorities
'oiislilerlng plans rm Cnlcb
ing ( r tin I ii .1
Hob", one Councilman Hugh Al
ten's pet dogs was the first canine to
suffer this year from the annual
visitation of the dag poisoner
depredations huve puzled author.
here for several years.
That Boh Is not in the canine
heaven now is due solely to the fact
thai Mr Allen secured (he services of
Dr A. O. Moore In time to rem,.
the poison, which wus Htrjchnlue
Just what to do In the muttei I
puzzling the authorities who are de
termined this year to solve the mys
tery The) are particularly ok -graveled
at the fact that the persons
who are engaged In this injurious
work have not waited until the city
can get a man to round up the stray
dogs of the city and get the mlnos
.'..utised If It is merely an ill will
at dogs that are useless the author!
ties assure the dog poisoner that tlnn
will take rare of them, and the oth r
dogs that are licensed, the city must
to keep faith, protect, and will do so
Clarence Wood of the Allen Sh ,e
company made a trip to Hiversldu
and Warmsprings this week.
Information Concerning the 1919
Thrift and War Stamp Campaign
Thrift Stamps of 1919 are tu.Uutlal with toe ofhs 191 Thrift
Stumps bought in 1918 may be xchangert for War Savings Stumps
or the new Issue on the sUm, ,,fMH as last year No new Thrirt
card Is necessary
War Savings Stamps (issue ol 1919) for the I ol the
public are somewhat smaller in i . than the 1918 Issue, are blue n,
color und carry a portrait of Bcnjamltic Krunklin, the great An
can advocate of sensible spi-mlnu- Rfseept In uppeai.iine i.,,
Wur Saving Stumps of the new i nun ai. uiichungei! Dwii those of
last year They cun be pureh i ed from the same agem les which
sold the 1918 Issue They cost 14
dltlonul each mouth throughout the
(iovernment will pay you $a 00 tor
sue This represents interest on your lunniy at 4',. comfioin.di d
Was Savings Slumps (issue of 191S no not huve to he c,ihoii in
converted lo the new Issue s The (ioveriiuient will pay
j you IVO0 tor cu h one you hold on
card is filled or not
New turds aro noccasary ror your 1919 War Sa' i Stamps Do
not paste the new blue stamps on )our old 1918V S card Ask
for a new curd when )ou buy your first slump of the new issue
Maximum Holding In udrtitl n to the uinount bought during
1918, you may purchase a maxinum of 11000 worth of Wur Sav-
iuga Bumps during 1919 You c ay purchase this maximum for
member of your family
Huss leeiiiiK nt Njnjgfl Lssn Satiinln-
rt.lresseil b) .liiilge Will K.
King, IH'terini"es nn Action.
Willi the endorsement ot thfl Rl I
it i nmtnlttee on Irrigation on Tims
ilny or the Dane plan for bttlldlni
prU.,ll.. ....1.. I ..-I..
pinLi'fii u j, mill n,iiiiii;i. .
ting ui e hundred million dollar I'm
Hint purpose, hope of booHteni loi
the Owyhee Project bine reached a
high point
At Nyssa last Saturday a mass
meeting of those Intern t, sj in the
project was held Judge Will I.
King aildresMeil the meeting for tn'iiv
ly two hours explaining in det.iid
JltSl what I needed to lie rtoll"
Those who heard him were enthusl
astlc over the message he rtellverert
It was the sense of the meet in
that. Immediately the government
makes provision for new projects
that a committee go forward to i d
Ington anrt remain on the nii rati
the Ojrwhee project Is assurcrt Those
who attended the meeting from on
tarlo were K II Test. M tin I
.1 It Mlackahy. W 9 Human. II I.
I'oorinun, and T W t'ltiKett, M I
Judge Will It King
Ontario District, lin lulling Ijistcin
Porlloii ot (oiini), North of Vts
sit,, .S.IOO Oversubscrib
ed With More Coioliig.
In spite of bad weather, and the
fuet lilal several of the school (IIh-
trleth assigned to Hie Ontario territory
were worked by l'aotte, Welser and
Nyssa cotnpiitteeii, and the further
fuel that the Ontario churches hid
previously sent In sew rai hundred'
dollarH, this section surf. '"hire Judge Dulton Bigg ror trial.
(fuota In the drlvo lust week ) lu but turned Hie tables ,,u i kg
Up to last Saturday night Hie eon and Sbeiilt I.e.- NtM ml gave fhes.
milieu here hart ftifi.ul over the a! officials u taste or what tin I
ItMJBMt or $1080 uislgncrt thi: I i cImii others by depositing them he
rltory, ami still had one district on hind the bars ut Sheriff Noe l.nn :
Dead Ox flat to In-ar from and also hit? house This was lull I par! of
some of the local rarkgfl reppfd tlM high Jink ptoirani tor II b. .n
mole mining to them
In view of the condition of Mi"
roads, and the general situation in
the country dlmrhti tin- loeal emu
mittee Is extreme!) proud of the lll.l II
ner In which the people responded to
the appeal
At the Wilson bull last I
evening the young men, who wlu'.e
they were in school here were no
hers of the Nut club mini urn 1
their friends at a taMtaf pail)
A large gathering or young ptopla
iiicluiling beside Hie Ontario bov
and girls the visiting busk.
players trom Numpu und a tKBbei
of Payette's younger set MjOJrt
dancing program
la in January unrt one cent ud-
your On Junuur.v I 4), the
each War Saving tagftB ot (Ills ls-
January 1, 1913, whether )our
MtAI bUIWlUNIir .KlMtdu
The Inst basket ball Karnes of the
season were plnyeil last 1'tlilav eve
nlng at the old Opera House The
rtmlhlc header nrnveil n rranil llniiln
191 8-19 banket ball season
for the local boy and girls won hod
games by decisive scores Tin- Nam
pa boys and girls team put up loud
fights but could not locate the Inn
kets with the accural) of the In. .1
Count) oilli lals t anguish In .lull
I nder Hentenee ol Kit"garoo
Court Hilt Carload or
lalll ill Is, si In
With Hie Vale hand In Its hi t
form leading the way 4U l.aOrande,
linker and Wallowa members or I. a
(Irande Teniie, Dramatic Order
1 Knight of KhoritHHen Invmb d '
oinitv seat last Saturday tuoriiliiit
for a big ceremonial session hell
there that afternoon and eveulin
llefore the cereiuonles ended Ih
most hilarious enlertalutneut M
I In Malheur county, 46 Vale
and Ontario Knights or P.Whla hart
been added to the Dokoklaja lin
' work was perronnert under the ill
I rectlou or Marlon Davis, oi I'n'i.
(Irani! Vlier; und (loo Maker ol Wei
Iowa, (Irund Muster or (Vrcmonli
It reifulred a hull cur load of eiiiilp
ui'iit to stage the trial ot I
To in urn Hie afet) of the i Isllorii,
Coiinly clerk Arthur M Mumli mt
escoiised in the Count) Jail dniia
arrival of the visitors, and Hies
turn on their urrlvul were hint
a legal holiday anvway, till Vg -Itself
over to having a guort time with
the visitors,
for delivering u midi
oine to the fin sis ui the i l!
Wildhaber was chained to a tc,
lihoiie post iii front of hi lunik and
mil to listen lo nihln' on the
nibject of speech making and other
At six o'clock llo llokllkle. 'he
rs or the Vale Lodge k
or P)lhlu, and the Vain band gl
down to a big httiKiuot ut the Dreieli
Among the new Dakokles are Jurti.'"
Iialion Biggs, unrt I W Mct'ulloeh
of Ontario liistrlct Attorne, It W
Swilgler piloted the vl,los from On
mrlo to ale, uuil ha
the effects of the trip
LOW Will
staht ON APRIL .!:
Telegruphn reports of change In
ill for financing 1 1
ineiit have proilurert a feeling ol ii'i
certaintv In the minds or our citizen.
ii ending to u statement Issued h
J K 1. vnci,. Coveinor or the 12th
lederul Id-serve IH-tried
We I, IIV. ,.,,Vi USSlll.inie l,l.l
thai u populai luon
will In -1 J r i .1 for subsci ifdioti 01
AprilZlst. unrt thutthts will
salable loan. ' In mini .void, a loin
that will he atllucllve 1 1, the investor
whether in the form ol ii-iiii,
Obviously, there ale ifelall-, whh'l
cannot vet be decldert, ami announce
inentH wbli Ii cannot be Ii i .i '
1 ougress bus legislated
Let us not be confused b) on limn
ary discussion, but let us keep otlf
liilurts rixert on the fact (hut our
Government icinircs the money to
complete the srofk it has undertaken
; The attempt industrial revolt which
collapsed III Seattle, owing to tin
firming of Hie Muyor, Is evident thai
Hun propaganda Is still active Tie
war ' will not I. ov.-r until the Huns
have been given the bill and hvn
begun paying Then, ttnd then only
1 will they realzlu defeat and
Iti i in ns I i. nn IMg K, nd Clover Crop
Nhotv Character of latnil If Ott) -hM
Project Is I ttt II t . Thriving Town
Will Hesnli
Por the iiuifioes ui learning tho
plans of tlto prnposed Malheur Countv
Development l.ivag'le, V. V. Hlckox of
Hie Big lleiirt District stopped In On
tarlo Wednesday and declared that lit
any such movement the Big Bend ami
Kingman Kolong certainly wanted lo
tnke a part.
"Itlght now, " siilil Mr lilckox," the
I pli' of the lleurt ale plnillllni on
Improyements. A petltlM I out
now for Hie uniting or School Dlstrhl
No. 46 and 47 in the Dig Mend and
CI In Kingman Knhiny, into a Com
munlty High School District, ami tol
tii" in .nrance or bonds lor tho erec
tion u( u suitable building to I.
standard state high si i I
"And that I not all u pel II Ion Is
out in have the I'nsl (lull Ii . named
Adrian, w here the High School will
be erected H plans deyelnpn an we
hope they will.
"Vr are looking ror result from
the movement In revive I lie Owyll"e
i'loject, und lire glad to see On
tario and Vule Joining with Nya 10
help put It oer.
"If that project develop It will add
nils of acre to the developed
i the count) It will greatly
Increase the prosperity of our Mtttlon
ror some (1,000 acres or the land und
er the project lie right next to the
llend It will mean another thriv
ing community ror Malheur MM
and iiiHtead or being tributary to Ida
In piiint i.ii mess will remain In tl
i mint)
I mil id-turns lairge
l nv n nie do lint seem In re
I 1 1 II I III Hie Mend Is some of the
land Iii the count) Aas M
alliie of w hat flu land will tB I Q
KuberU lllllde enough llolll the clov
er eed taken ufl six acres to buy u
rine bit- triicior Somo of Hie ram b
ers untied $276 pei a. in Iroiu their
lov.i s,,d. mil ibei were not the
, tons, either
Hi'' best proof ol the value of Hie
laud is l Im way in which (he people
who li Hi re buy up their neighbor.
tuinhe:, .iiiv lime an) ot lloin want to
i II, an I -it rood prices, loo Km
ample I told ui) much in King
Kolony last rail to John Vauilm pool
and Hen hoi Ho- Judd ranch in Illy
ll.-iul I nil I'illsbury sold hlr ranch
0 Huberts and N S I'helail
solrt hi- ranch to ll.uvcj Match The
price at which the last ranch sold is
ail Indication ol what land In linn
SJ IS VUlllfll Ut h) tinea who
know wliut It c.u, ,i,, I,, aetuullv farm
Ing ll Mr Hutch puld fill per
acre ror tin land and on top of that
price has to pu) Dn ror a govern
ineni water right Ii It any wonder
that the pi i, pie are looking lor the
opening oi the Owvloe Project where
we unci rtaiirt the water right will
I more Ihati .
lollowiiig wa i iken from a
irg, I i daiu t.-ii ,,f tf,H mar
riage ot Mr ami R M .1 Joc
Mr ami Mri Joyc- nturi.
last Sattirrtay ami rn ,i the Moor"
Hotel tor the bilaine ol the winter
I he Pitt i,i, , p i nays
i huriuiiigi) appointed weddlag
was soleiuiiui d v iiioriiing a!
1 I o'cloi k in St Aim Itouian Culho
lie church v. ton Miss Anna Veronica
loyce he. aim- ll. mil. of Martin
Jeremluh Jciyci of Jiitiluru. Ore lo v
Father Hiij-geii) pi i forim-d the cere
moii) I i. binle was attended by lier
sister, Mrs M J Hurley us- mauon
of honor und thl hi nh inulds wore
Mis Slellu ( 'onroy or ('levirtunrt.
hi i Ml, Katherlne c Hrowii of Lake
Forest, III lb -itrici t oi,i,ey wa
Mower girl M J McKlroy served at
Mr Joyie h best man and the ushers
i .eul J J Cool, who has Just
(Contlntieil in