6 THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919 Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists TUB RFTAM RTOMC . M jA i PBNB NO. a Nyal Remedies a Letters From Malheur County Boys Who Served' Over There" I The following letter w received by Mr. A. K. Johnson week or ho ago from her brother Uvt. 0, T. John hoo who I with the 23rd Knglneers In Prance: Aunbrevllle, Prance. Thla letter leavoa me fine and dan dy. I do not know how long I will be here; a fellow cannot tell what the army will do, we may move In a few daya and then attain It may be montha. Bo you aee we Just have to welt patiently We are all anilous to get home. Tho people need not worry about their boya staying li. Franc after they are discharged. All I hare met are very anilous to got home. Thoae of ua who havo been fortunate enough to live thru huh war are going to be real patrlotlr men. Thla army lire In a foreign country aure makea a man long for the home land. After I om settled again you won't aee me once a year and that will be Juat going to the county fair. I etpect in a few daya to go on my furlough to Nloe, a leave area for the aoldler boya. It will be a long cold ride some of the way, we will ride In bos car. At nice It la warm and I aspect to have a good time there I have a friend who la going with me Ha la a good man we can look after each otbar. t aspect ot see Gordon Shaffer while on thla trip 1 have bad aavaral lettera from him Me la with tba 21at Knglneera and lan't for from hare. I haven't met a peraon from home I know. I get kind of lonesome to aee a familiar fare again It la funny to hear the boya here. You will aee a fellow open hie letter from hln girl and then atari to awear lag and then laughing They have probably aent them a (ew hundred franca of old lace or aoiue other Prench aouvenlr and then their girl haa married a alacker One of our frlenda received an Invitation to hla girl a wadding It la happening pretty regular over here Think of it, I haven't apoken over a doxan worda to an Kngllah apeaklng woman In ovar a yaar. Wa have been on fronta where there was no Y. M. 0 A 'a to cpak of, only a few run by men. The Itei Croes la the greateut of them ull and a wonderful organisation They have helped the fellow who needed it the moat. Well. I muat cloae for to day Truatlng thla lettre will reach you and that it will find you all well, I ab. Your aoldler brother In Khaki. Pvt. Tlioa Q John-i. Prom Uermauy cornea the letter which Kuiinnt Johnaon wrote to htn parents on learning of hla brother' death lu the great drive: Henldehern, Uermauy, lite, is Dear folka at heme: I will writs you a few lines togeth er thla time aa I havent much writ ing paper. I received your letter a couple of daya ago telling of Klbert'.i death. I bated to hear It so bad I was so In hopes that we could come back borne together 1 am away over here In Uermauy and have no chanoe of finding anything out about It. I do not even know what front he was on. I am more ansloua to gat back now. Wa huve been ou the march since tba tOth of November, mopping only a few daya to real a couple of time Wa are at rest now for a couple of days or so We weut thru Alaace Ixirralne. Luxemburg uud are now well Into Germany Will soon reach our destinstlon. The 40th Division undoubtedly waa broken up and put Into a replacement camp to fill out those that had been in the Hues. That la the way they have been doing. Well, I gueas that wn will have o stand It as best wn can. I want to go back with you as soon aa I ran for I know that you need me now. I spoko to the captain yesterday about going home right away and he aald that he could get me transferred to an 8. O. H Camp (Service of Sup ply) and I would catch a boat and go back sooner. lie aald that he would take it up with the commanding of ficer and get nu) a quicker route than that. He ...hi he thot that I had done my part over horn and hp would do all he could. Captain Fuller In his name and he came serosa with the company and was gassed and wax away for a while. I expect we will all he hack by spring anyway but It seems a long time to atay away. You wanted to know If I needed any money. 1 draw ray lent pay In June. That leaves me six week's pay coining counting this month. I have had plenty of money all the time and still have a little left I do not care If I get paid now until I get In the Statoa and than I will draw U. S. money again. The reaaon 1 didn't get my pay whan I got back waa be course I couldn't alga the payroll until the books were atralgntenei out. It seems they dropped my name from the roster. I will have to close now. Goodbye and answer soon Your son, KMMKTT JOHNSON Adenau, Germany, Dec SI Dear Mether: Kverythlng Is coming slong sll right ovcer here In Gerrasny but I cannot tell how soon it will be he fore the 4th Division returns home as no one knows It was one of the picked divisions in Prance to go on thla expedition In to Germany to do guard duty And It la considered an honor to be able to come over here. Wa left a little lowu called Vert urtey In Prance on November 20th, and reached thU piece In abunt S4 days. I should Judge e marched about 2i0 miles or more We came thru Assaca-Iorranlne, Luxemburg, and on Into Germany coming down the Moselle Kiver 1 think he will go from here to Coblens unless or ders are changed. Captain Puller haa gone back to Prance to go to achool for a while and then he ex pecta to return to Company I. If we were atill here He put In a re commendation for me to come home but It was revoked at headquarters until further ordera aa no soldelra are being dlacharged in the A K. P., only In the atates. There la quite a bit of talk of ua l. lug on the Hat bouud for home by the fifteenth of January and we may If we gat relieved. When peace la signed and not before, tho. There are two or three divlaiona ahead of ua and several following up behind Wa ail belong to what is known eg The Army of Occupation. Some days on the march aa far as forty kilometers After a long daya hike with full packa ou our backa a few ot the men had to fall out and ware aent back to S. O S camps In Prance. Well, we had a pretty good i'hri-i mas here There ia a large recrea tion hall and a Y. M. C. A coming There is a lied Crohn room here now with several Hed Cross girls. They serve eandwltches to the aoldlera now of eveuiuga and everythtug Is free of charge. We are Minted iu all the ' I PSia German houana In spare rooms and have lights, chairs and Area all fur nished The cooks made some candy any tbey cooked a good supper and we all ate together In the haanmnnt of a church on ChristmiiH night. Then after aupper we all went to the re creation hall and had a band concert, a program and servlcea by the chap lain. It snowed about two Inches ho It was a realAmerican Christmas, ov er serosa the seaa. We landed In Ilrnst on the 13rd or May, stopping there about four days Then we entrained there for the British front, staying there for about 10 daya, and our ordera were chang ed and wc went back to the Sol alonea and Chateau Thierry fronts It waa there wn first went Into tho linos on July IS when the big offen sive started I have not benn uble to learn any thing about Klbert but I know that he waa In the big drive that Htartcd about Soptember 2.V Well, do not be surprised If I come home in a month or two. I hopo to be hac! by the flrat nf February, anyway. Goodbye. KMMKTT I ' -ass III II I. II 8 In the Spad mono plane We lime heon as near as 1" miles from the front with our field fllil and as far back as 40, so the only danger we were In was from the drop ping of bombs and there sure was gobs nf them up North. We hove been In the Third Pursuit Group Hlnce last Auguat. There an1 four aero squadrons and one pant squadron In a Group. Lieut Col. Thaw wax In command of the Group but since the armistice waa signed he has left. I am afraid they will keep In the army until my time la up, since I algned up for the full enlistment, bnl then. It won't be so tough If I can hold my rank with A. M. CLIFF o IM'PI'H DINWIDDIK TOLLS OF FIGHTING IN FHANCK Will It King who was In Outturn lui.i week sent the Argus tho following. Interesting letter written b) llul'ir Dinwiddle, of Jordnn Valley who well known in Ontario since he iil lemli'il the Ontario schools vevernl yours ago. "This being 'fathers' day' here In Prance, I will take this opportunity of writing. The censor has 'eased up . too, so I can toll where all wc'o Ihm'ii That Is a lengthy article In Itself "To start with, we sailed from llo beken, N. J . January .11 1918 hy wn'. of Halifax, whore we were three clii'H on the boat thin was just after Hie explosion- -landed in Liverpool, Knit land, February Hi; same day took n train. You can Imagine a dinkey Kng llsh train, for Ttnmsey, where we wore from February 17 to March 2 W wore then scheduled for Frum Wt wont by wuy of Southampton to Fnl It -tiine, a famous summer resort, and took the boat across the Kngllsh clian nel to Ilologne, France. Arrived about 6 bolls March I, IB 18; stayed overnight iinil next day continued ot our Journey to Dunkirk, the town of horrible nights', March 4, llM.s. on the Plunders front. The squadron split Into fights, and wo were sent Ml Join tho fifth It N. A. 8., then on the St qulntin front, March 10, 1918, lp If flight, via Ilologne, Calais, Aplln Court to I'orronne, March la, hy wav of truck to Mons Kverythlng was lonely here with the fifth It N A. 8. until unexpected ly one afternoon, March 21, Frltx started his big drive and wiih coming from St. Qulntin, miles per hour! Wn were In another 'famous retreat from minis', the next atop being Hoye, be tween Milieus and St. Quentin, ami there we lasted abuot four daya, and forced to retire again, March 26 1918 arriving at llertangle, five mill's from Amiens, that night, two mllea or leas, (Continued on Page 8) CLIFF CAM IKI.D I I I.I.N OK IHU'I N I nil IIOMP.COMIM. In letters written his parents, Mr and Mrs. Ward Canlleld and hla broth er Lieut Fred Canfleld. Clifford Cnn field who Is with the fumous Lafa) ette Squadron tells of tho desire of tho men of the A. E P. to get home again. Ills letters follew: Krres, Prance, January 1 A merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of the family. We are eating our traveling rations lately and have not had a very good Chris' mas and New Year's dinner. We got some cocoa and sugar from the Hed Cross last night and made some fudge candy. We ate It all last night so that the rats would not get any and as a result moat of tho boy are alck today. We turned In our aeroplanes a few weeks ago and have been drilling lately Kverythlug looka aa If wt might get ordera to go home before long. Some of the boys have been reduced from the ranks to go I so you need not be surprised if 1 come home the sums way Am aendlng you a couple of snap ) ahola taken Just after the armiatlce waa signed I had charge of ih plane I received It about the first of September. It Is a Spad mono plane with a HO II I' lllapann Sui.i motor. My pilot got a German plane with it during the Argon no drive. How la the winter at home this year? It haa been raining hare every day or go since September. We had a little snow Christmas Kve We hava not bad a real cold day yet hut think It Will come soon Your son. SOT CLIPPOHD CANPIKLD 103 Aaro Sqdn . Lafayette Bacadrllle atxW ! ML. IP JsjBT 'tf'' 0 ' xaov a&aafL fata xaJoViBP JtisM iM. xooT Jof tar $A- TaW RHaf a-XftsP . Here Now! Dear brother Pred: I received your letter yesterday, and was fry glad to get It. We are Just hanging around here at present waiting for orders to go home. The prospects look good, too. They gave all of us crew chiefs an examination the other day for A. M. The exam was pretty easy and I mud a rather good grade In it. So I am now an A M I spent four mouths In Paris ou Hlapaula Suitu motors and then weut to ieeadouu for a month and then came to the front In February. We took over the l..i fayette Kacadrllle from the French Our equadron was attached to the French army until July. We were In Flames for ubout a month and left Just before the big drive for Peris. Then we went around Dunk erque and the Kngllah Channel until July and then we came down and Joined the American army at Toul. We had the 180 Hlapanoa flrat but aluce the summer we have had the A Oar Load of Fordson Tractors IT YOU ABE THINKING ABOUT BUT ING A TBACTOB, WAIT TO SEE HOW THE GREAT FOBDSON OPEBATES IT IS SIMPLE, YET IT IS EFFECTIVE The Fordson Tractor is the result of ars of experimentation by the greatest manufacturing company ever knowi It is built on quantity production ba sis. That is why so valuuble, so efficient1 a machine eun be sold at so low a price. It is built by the greatest aggregation of meehanieal engineers in the world. Anyone Can Operate the Fordson. There is nothing mysterious about the Fordson. It is as simple to operate as a Ford Car. No experts Madid to get results. Parts May Be Always Secured. The price of part, when neetlei I will be cheap. They will be always on hand. No delays for essential parts just whei: you need a tractor. F. 0. B. Ontario With Two Bottom Plow, Complete Price $1,135 The Oliver Plow company has nianui'artured a special Plow for the Fordson Tractors. It makes an ideal combination. Without the Plow the Tractor sells for $975 Troxell Implement Co. 0NTABI0, OBEGON Plan Your Spring Building Now VOl' IN'TKND TO Bl'ILD THIS HI'RINO! Ol' WANT THK MOfcT FOIt VOl'lt MOXF.V! VOl' WANT VOl'lt Bl'l'IMHNG CONVUN1KNT- VOl' WANT Ol'R IH'IMUNGS UtTlHTIC! Why wait until you are ready to build to plau for something that ahould have your careful attention for mouths? i'lannlug homes and farm buildings la our businvsa; wa art- equipped to do this to your entire satisfaction This department being u part of OCR DiltKCT COSTS YOC NOTHING -THKN- SKIIVU K FOL1CY, IT BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO.