AMI THE ONTARIO AROUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1919 orncB or UNION LAND COMPANY C. C OALLAOHER, Manager Bell Phone B1M Office, 989 ll The Brunswick Balk Oollandar Co., Chicago, Ills. Gentlemen: took a vote. I had the crowd went the i appointed to THE BRUNSWICK SOLD ONLY BY US COME TOTHI 01 LAVAL SERVICE DAY Wl WILL HOLD ON Monday, February 24, 1919 For the benefit of our many customers and users of De Laval Cream Separatum we have established n De Laval Service Day. On this day we shall be glad to have any De Laval user bring his complete separator to our store for a thoro and careful inspection and adjustment, which will be made free of charge- Should any parts, due tu unusual wear or accident, need to be replaced, this will be done, the only charge being for the price of the new parts used. No Charge will be made for the service. A De Laval representative will be with us to assisf with this work. Bring in ) our De Laval Separatoi that day and receive the benefit of hiB advice on the are and operation of the machine, as well as the free service. It is our wish, and that of the De Laval Company, that every user of a De Laval Separator get the maximum of service at the minimum of cost. and we therefore urge you to avail yourself of tins free and useful service. v,T OOM1 IABLT f . McNulty & Co. ONTARIO, OREGON 25 ThA2S - wwKi-nii,i.inJ!lHl.l4f I scored a big victory for the Brunswick on Sunday 22nd. Knight Templars wanted a Phonograph for their Hall, also the (Blue Lodge.) On Dec. 22, '18, they went to all put their Phonographs up in the hall man put on $275.00, the Edison put a Brunswick. After they tested them for as many votes as Victor and Edison, and one over. Alter Committee of flvcstayed and Mr. Pierce, the man put the records on, put then on Brunswick. At first Vote Committee was three Brunswick and two Victor. But before they left the hall, I had them all for the Bruns wick. They came in Tuesday and gave me a check for $200.00. Tou may not consider this a Victory. I do, as the other parties tried every way to stall my Phonograph, and they got a clear Knock Out. Some of this Committee had Victors at home. On the 26th the Lodge had a meeting. The Edison was up in the hall, and they tested the Brunswick and the Edison. They played an Edison record, ("I Will Take You Home Again Kathaline." All the men in the hall gave a vote for the Brunswick, another clear Knock-Out on the ldison. Respectfully, . C. C. GALLAGHER Ontario Furniture Company KARMH, HAM IIES AND PLANT... tionh ran half IN VARIOIS STATUS PAXTON, ILLINOIS, Phonograph Dealers and asked them to and they would try them out. Victor $275.00, I put No. 175, the $200.00 two hours to the audience, they the same records on the WE INVITE (M PAR ISO N COME AND HEAR IT PLAY ALL RECORDS i.i MOM mil. iMiii With the presentation of l(. Beach's "Laughing QUI ICyilf Miss Jaqalsh'a Dreamland guarantees the mllllona of Ilia author's tremendous following a production without a peer on the acreen and one the pub lic will be quick to acclaim Itex Haach'i greatest motion picture a cblevement Picture lovers will recall the grip ping etory and the many thrilling acenea of Rei Beach'a "The Auction Block," and freeh In their memory are the appealing theme and red blooded action of hi "Heart of the Sunset ' Yet In "Laughing inn Hyde" the author haa eclipsed both tremendoualy aucceaaful productions tn the humaneneaa of the atory of the Electric Suction Gleaners Today Housewives are Alive to the neces sity of a simple, durable, light and efficient ELECTRIC VACUMM CLEANER SEE THE Apex Cleaner ON DISPLAY AT OUR OFFICE Idaho Power Company ONTARIO, OREGON Dec. 28, 1918 The Masons I Victor and Alaakan gold flelda It tell Aa IIh featured player ' Laughlug Olll Hyde" haa Will Itoger. the coK brated wit and lariat thrower of Zlegfeld' "Folllea " He la the llvlm counterpart of Bill Hyde, the author concluded, and Mr Beach i that no one but Roger ahould play the part Though new to the arm n Rogers given a brilliant performance In the name roll Ilia aplendM work and the all-around excellence of "Laughing BUI Hyde," greatest of Rex Beach Pictures, will at one do , light and thrill lovers of all that ! beat In screen drama when It is pr. sented at the Dreamland Saturday, February II. Ad mission tSc and 10c Theatre, E MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! NOW HAS 1759 A Membership Drive for the Ore gon State Chamber of Commerce tins heee. launched by John L. Ethorldgc of Portlaud, State Chairman of the Membership Commltee. During the past month nn office force, working overtime, linn been perfecting the Committees Organiza tion for aecurlng meinbern for (he new Chamber. A large room Iiiih been act aside specially for this pur pose by Mr. Ktherldgo, Manager and Vice-president, Morris Bros ., Igjfl , Bend House, In the Morris itulldlng, S09 Stark Street, Portland The aim la to secure Individual Memberships from the represcnln'lvo citizens of every town, rominutiit and rural district of Oregon, and Or ganization Memberships from every local, commercial development tody Mr. Oeo. W. Hayes, of Vale has been appointed Chairman Member ship Committee for Malheur County Also the following of Malheur coun ty have been appointed Chairmen of the Membership Committee for their respective cities: J. A. Kennedy. Brngan, M I). Kel ley, Jamiesou; i Iiiih I, Cook, ('row- ley ; T. Turnbull, Moorovlllo; Sam Corliss, Fangollano; Krnest Locey, Ironside; Dadld Uraham, Juntura; Frank D. Hall, Nyssa; Vrauk It. Had er, Ontario; H Hatch, Adrian, Dun can Mrltne, Riverside; Oeo Kenton. Creston. Lee Strode, Rlckvllle, c. f Wlldhaber, Vale; Jack Falrmau Waal full. Carl Fegtly. Watson "Every citizen who haa anything ut stake In the State of Oregon, or who haa Interest In the progress and do vclopment of his own section, or of the stato as a whole, will be Interest ed In the Stato Chamber of Com merce." aald Chairman Ktherldge. "Evuy organization whose pun la to advance the development of Its local community or of the entire state should be affiliated "The State Chamber of Common Is laid out on the broadest lines. Its organization plan t so safeguarded that no one section of Oregon, not ev en the metropolis, ran control Portland haa a representation of on ly two members on the hoard of fif teen directors, the other thirteen members of the board residing out In the slate. "Eastern Oregon Is represented tj sit director, residing In SlffaTMl aecttons of that great region. tin- I. velopmeut and commerlcal proaperl.v parta of Western Oregon. Includln representation from the Rogue Itu . Valley, the Coos Buy country. th port region at the mouth of IM CM umbla River and the Eust and West sides, aa welt aa the Northern and Southern on da of the Wlllumette Vttl aj "Such a representation prcc-liid-- I the possibility of the state organiza tion being used selfishly to tfaajMta the Interests of las) metropolis or of any other one suction aa against Um in teresta of any other section or of the 1 state as a whole. "Industrially, the dlvlalfied in "' !' "lata are auso represent el Livestock, agriculture, fruit, timber, manufacturing, morch moil ing and foreign commerce are all re presented on tho hoard "Such an organization can he made I a gigantic power for the material pro 1 gross of Oregon Its work la Bead ed The success of Its mission de I penda primarily upon the character , number and geographical diatribe- tlon of its numbers "There are three clasaeaa of Me in I hershlps: First. "Commerlcal," com prising local Chambers of Commerce and commercial Clubs; aecond, "As soclutton," being associations organ! 'zed for promoting any Industrial, ' agricultural or oilier Industries and met organized for private purposes; land finally, the "Individual," non i voting Memberships The annual 'fee for the "CoaMaarlaal Me mini 'sip la 110 00 for each one hundred f members and 110 00 additional fo- each additional major fraction U of The fee for "Association" Mem berships la 20 00 per year An an nual minimum fee of IS 0b Is to he paid by the "Individual", nonvoting I mom bora "It I difficult to see how iudlvl duals, statewide organizations or com ' merclal bodies having any public spirit or any Interest In local or sta' 1 development can remain outside of the State Chamber once the- know the kind and character of organla tlon tbey have been given the op portunity of Joining Not until all of tbe people of affalra In every sec tion of Oregon have beeu acquainted with the alms and purposes of the State Chamber and until the great majority of them are enrolled will the Membership Committee feel that It has accomplished the work which It was appointed to undertake RED GROSS CHAPTER Mrs V. J 1'lnney, chairman of tli Red Cross chrlstmux Membership DtlVa, this wet k raaalval report for Sthool District No. 88. on Dtai Oj fatl tin- only district Unit luiil noi previously hoe n lii'iird from This report brot six new members to be added to Ho- roll, and made the grand total for the t'llvp to 1 7 T. 9 . The d lny in this cli lit -let's report was duo to the fact that the school luiil h I eloscil for mc nlhs on account of III ness b the district. Tlie completed report for the roh Is .ts follow Allvtllielics Kingman colony Dist. UN, Deed Ox Flat MBt, II, Oeicd Ox Flat list. It, Deuel Ox Flat Dlst. II, Dead Ox Flal Dlfl ON !! nd Ox Flnl V'a'l-y View Nyssa and wyhee Big Itcnil iVItlU feltlett.ent Orange II II I I ' cl Auxiliaries total 6,'X 10 1 Ontario Grand Total 17M HIGH SCHOOL NOTES James Biggs Is again In school if er an absence of several days heenur of Illness. Several of the high school student accompanied tho bosket hall tennis to Welaer. Friday. Joe Messee is recovering from sn operation for removal of tonsils and adtiolds performed Inst Tuesday. Next Friday night tint li the BOJ and girts basket hall i ill ptftj against teams from the Nampa High Set 1 li tiirlo Revs W J Luscomhe and W I" Cochran addressed the nsesmhled high school Friday inornliiK In the If terests of UM Armenian Keller luiil The mutter of hnnilllng Hie fund in the high school was referred to a BOS) mitten of the class presidents iihd Hi student body officers A suggestion hits tiiitii from the Caldwell High He hoed, that we cut t a cutest n shorthand and li Ing with the other high gal I - Ol Oil vlrlnlt) We hate returned an war fuvoralile to Hit ' ion WHAT GOOD MILK MEANS IN TfRMS OF PUBLIC HEALTH The following state-mint lek.i, from the .limitary 1019 Dull) and Food Bulletin of the QiajUg Dulry unci I'ooei CogatnlaatoBar, gic graphic and startling value to tlo of pure milk us a food In IMIe Cortland hud a lag ) deutli rule of !H haliles under one year old, to the l.tmo gam 'hat ) With better milk standards, lah lory testa um! dully Inspection this rule dec, teiisi'cl yeurly until In 1 U 1 i It reached nfi.l to the 1. 000 I'olt land then hud the lOWaM iniant mortality rule of uny city ol 100, U00 population, uccordliic. to th. Bureuu of Health In 1 1 1 7 pe.ipl. commenced In gg their c hlldleli milk and the death rale c.nil up over ten points The compilation Ol statistics for 1 'J I s la not quoit d i OHI ide I--, hilt these- hollies give the I I payer a very gooii idea ol 104 ' ill to Ice gullied frolic III pee Hon. the adoption of similar) method in bundling milk and the graalai IBBf elation of the wilue of this one aril cle of fond In 19U9 there we n I no I. cl.,. died from dlsousfs that cniild h. ,i trlbuted to Impure milk This was at the rule of :2 I pc i cent unci lusc year the rate was recline, i t,, .thoui I per cent Sarel) thai iant enough fur rigid care In mils pre. ditctlon and handling. Tim annual repoit or tin Dairy u,i I'eocl iCinnii- -icier gives u gaaWPgl outline of 'lit! work lohdiit.d h the coiiiiiiIhhIoiic i . his depute , ami the state- e he ml i uiak 'hac i le.c the- prole-ctlnii ol for the general health ol tlo- eogBMttalt) and for the wellare oi the little chihi n n of the- stale l-'or, altci ull. In quote the "lUndhck ol Hyi published ley ll State liejunl of Health, "As condition' thai to for a normal c omm ittiil) and l. .inn life are Unproved, tha lafaal daattt rate decreases. As tltrlllwtloa down, the huhy flaglh rate , What stronger urgiin .,' . i i gjlVt I for upholding and aaa Inci easln dial inepeei "en c.c food and the encouragemont of h- ' I let living coi,.;'!)