The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 20, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Town Topics Tersely Told
Dr. Prlnilnfc mucin a business trip
to Boise Thursday.
Mr. Loula Hurdle has gone to
Baker to attend the wedding of her
sister, Miss Faony Sknsg, a former
resident of Ontario.
Harvey Tent, who has been servlng
In Uncle 8am a navy for the past
year, received his discharge and r
rlvei) home last Thursday.
MIhh flladys- Smison arrived hMM
last Tuesday night after an extended
visit with relatlvea in California.
During her absence MIhh Kinlson en
joyed a trip to Honolulu
Hev. H. A. lampo made biiHlnecs
trip to Baker laat Tuesday.
Mr. DuKord left Thursday night
for a business trip to Portland Mrs.
DuKord accompanied her huaband
and with him will vlalt Mr DuFord's
aliter, who haa Just moved to Port
land. Mr. and Mr. 1-ee Corkrum re
turned home laat Thursday. Mr.
Cockrum has been in the service r.t
Camp icwla for the past year.
Mtsa Victoria Stanka chaperoned
the girls basket ball team to Welaer,
Friday night.
Mrs W. b Turner, accompanied by
her sons, Roacoe and William, visit
ed In Boise laat Thursday and Fri
day Quite a crowd gathered at the de
pot, Sunday night, to cheer the boy
of the 05th Artillery, who paaaed
thru bare on their way to Camp Lewis
to be discharged.
Mr and Mrs Hay Wilson and little
on, Joe, of Parma visited In Ontario
Mrs. A. M Itoelhler, ot Westfall.
haa been In Ontario for the paat week
Mr. Iloelhter brought her small
daughter here for medical treatment
Mr. and Mrs Letaon have moved
Into the Holcomb house, Mr aud Mrs
Holcombe having gone to Nampu to
B F Johnson, of the Oregon West
ern Colonization Co and Mrs John
son were In town IshI Monday und
Tueaday from Prinovllle
J. 8 Held passed thru Ontario Mon
day, enroute from Portland ot Vale,
where he Intends to make his home
Lieut lloscoe Turner left Monday
ills-lit for New Haven. Conn , where
lie will resume his law course, 'it
Yale, which was Interupted when he
enlisted two years ago
O. A. Kosknick has traded his
ranch on Dead Ox Flat for a Uenerul
Merchandise store at Clatonis. eight
miles out of lloiuedale, Idaho
Ctiae. Ii. I'iuney, who has been III
for some lime, Is agalu able to re
sume his old run between Crane and
F. B. Tlchenor, of the Portland
Oregon Isn, who is also United States
Deputy Mart-hall, passed thru On
tarlo, Sunday enroute to the Interior
Mr and Mrs Uus Conrad of Pav
ette were town visitors Sunday
p J o'lirleu. of lllg lleud. is In
town on business.
Mrs A 0 Welcome passed thru
Ontario, Sunday, en route from Port
laud, where she has been visiting, 13
her home In Burn.
J. O. Thurmau of Vale waa In town
laat week. Mr Thurmau has been
shipping cattle to Omaha for Judge
Dalton Biggs
K. C. Propst, a former resident M
thla city, who haa been living In Port
laud for the past year, is In Ontario
on buslueaa this week
Benjamin Payne of Westfall sua u
business visitor In town last KrWtu
8. N. Bolton ot Crane. Oregon, was
la Ontario on buslueaa laat Thursday
A. K Nichols, of Juntura, was In
town laat Thursday looking after his
property Interests here
J. O. Lytle. of the Bowman Couuty
Abstract Co of llowmau. North Da
kota, was lu towu laat Friday. While
here, Mr. Bowman transacted busl-
witb the Oregon Western Colou-
iiatlon Co. of thla city.
Frank II. Clerf, of the Clerr Land
and Livestock Co. of Alvord, passd
thru Ontario last Friday on his wry
to Portland.
H. O. Hall, of Westfall, was a busi
ness visitor In town last Thursdm
Mrs. Tillatson and Mrs M Chirk,
of DrcvHey, parked thru Ontario. Sat
urday, on their way to Holse
K. W Harris, of Vale, n u ion
visitor, faturdav
Mr. and Mrs. S D Dortnan M
tertalned at u dinner party at their
home Tuesday evening, having un
their guests: Mr and Mrs Itay Wil
son of Parma, Mr and Mrs. W. W.
Letson and Mr and Mrs II II Whit
A social session of the Women's
club will be held this evening at the
home of the president. Mrs. 8. D.
Dorm an.
Mr. and M"i K M Orelg were tin
host and hostess for the "Remnants"
last Hutun' iv evening at dinner and
cards. The out of town guests were
Mr. and Mm Oeo. Kellog, of Welser
who were house guests of Mr. and
Mra. Orel;, returning to Welaer Sun
day. Miss Lavlne Smith spent Saturday
and Sunday In Boise visiting her sis
ter. Mrs T. T. Kouhout.
II P. Itautenkram came over from
Payette Sunday on Business.
The annual children's party at
which the sons and adughtera of meni
bera of Eastern Stars are the honor
ed gusts will take place tomorrow
evening. The children are counting
on a good time, and of courae will not'
be disappointed
The Martha's and Mary's of the M
V. Church, an adult Bible class, will
hold a Washington Tea at thme par
sonage Saturday Fobruary St, from
3 until 10 p in The public Is cor
dially Invited
o -
II B. Cockrum relumed Tuesday
evening from an extended trip thru
Oklahoma and Kansas On his re
turn trip he was snowbound several
daya In Weateru Kansas
II 0 lloyer left Sunday evenlnk
for Portland on business
Lieut. Anthony of the Aviation Her
vice, who hue been In Houston. Texsi .
as an aerial Instructor passed thru
Ontario enroute for his home In (fees'
fall. He was wearing the red stripe
of the discharged soldier
Karl lllackaby who has been lu the
service for more than a year, during
most of the time being a machine gun
Instructor inPorto Itlco, arrived hMM
last Friday evening He had spent
some time in Ashland since his dis
charge from the service and was ac
companied here by Mrs Itlsckshy and
their young sou
Mr. and Mrs 1. II Cockrum ar
rived Friday night from Camp Lewis
where Mr Cockrum has been a mem
ber of the mustering office force since
September 1917 lilud to be back M
the sentiments they express
At the home of Mr. and Mrs An
drew Robinson last Friday e enlng
the young women's and the young
men's bible classes' of the Baptist
rhurcli were entertained at a happy
valentine party Following n series
of valentine games n two course
luncheon was gffVwJ by the hostess.
K. C Van Petten left Tuesday fo
pi'inlli ton on business.
W II llrooke returned Wednesday
morning from Salem and Portland
when- lo- went on business At Sa
lem he witnessed the maneuvers of
the lawmakers mid recalled his ex-
perlences In the legislative hull'
At Portlntld he nttenileil the lunrheo i
given In honor of ex-President W H
Taft and other members of the df
tlngulsh' (I peace PrJ
Roy Wrinkle relurned today from
Camp l.ewh where he spent Id month'
In Incle Hutu's service attached to the
Quartermaster'- corps.
Miss (iladvK Kmlson returned last
Saturday from nn extended trip thru
Sheriff lec Noe Is In town today
on business
Dr W (I Howe has added a new
complete outfit to his dental office
equipment, and has secured Dr. A. it.
Roberts who will operate the second
chair. Some of the present equip
ment Is being replaced with newer
designs, and the second complete out
fit la of the most modern and sani
tary type
Dr. Roberts la a young man of pro
mise and while new to Ontario by no
moans to Eastern Oregon, having
been born and reared In Union
County near La Orande He Is a
graduate of North Pacific College of
Portland and Is licensed to practice
In Oregon and Alaska He practic
ed one year in Portland and two
years In Seward, Alaska, returnln
to the Statea to volunteer for the ser
vice from which he was discharged
last month after serving ten months
In the medical department
The practice will be continued In
rooms In the Wilson building which
are now being fitted up.
Wearing Apparel for
Springtime Arriving Daily
haflgW gs4arr!aft V fl
bbw , M x DEACU
Ouarantet tills Picture ss Rev
llet lis IU--.I
i . in ii.. n -.'
V.lm ion IV "! Hi.
I wish to announce to my patrons
here and elsewhere, that I am better
equipped than ever before .to take
care of their many wants. I have
all the newest things in Millinery,
Waists and Neckwear.
The Osborn Millinery
In our newly arranged WOMEN'S READY-TO-WEAR depart-
ment we arc receiving daily consignments of advance models of
Spring garments. These models show the trend of fashions dic
tation in style, materials, iinil w- rkmanship.
Capes, Suits, Skirts
Among the many offering! are included new militarv capes, these
garments, ideal for spring wear are offered in various materials,
handsomely trimmed and tailored are destined to he popular.
Each day sees additions to OUT stock of spring suits, the work of
exclusive tailors, and the pure baser of one of these is assured
that the model bought will not he duplicated here. Of course our
stock is not complete- new models are coming every day. Before
you Imv yc. ur spring suit wait in. til you can see what we have to
Fancy skirts again will be the vogue. We have a number on hand
now, and more are coming.
Washgoods in Great Variety
For house dresses we have an unusually wide selection of wash
goods in excellent patterns.
For waists, our offerings of Georgette crepe and silks make poul
ble the exercise of Individuality
but as in other lines, addition! aie being made to this department
every day.
hill BALK Uond Pole
Milch t'ow. Ulves .r. gals dally and
Is fresh Inquire A llurr, Ontario.
It V D -Advlx-St
KOIt 8AI.K- 3rd cutting bay at
1000 per ton Phone SOe K 1
a Ii tain. 11-1
suiitU) Hi Ices.
10 a in Sunday School
11 a in Preaching, "A Man and
Ills Mouey "
7 SO p in Hev II 1) Mi Donald
and a I uniii from Payette, Idaho,
oill fill the pulpit.
The put or will preach lu the Pay
ette church Sunday evening This
exchange la a part of the Centenary
program which Is under way In our
10 00 Ulble School
11:00 Worship Sermon subject
llellglous Knowledge
Day of
prayer for college
7 00 Young Peoples' Society
7:30 Worship.
W. F. t'OCHKAN. Minister
This Is the unique title of u little
booklet which the Secretary of the
Interior, with the active cooperathni
of the War and Nuv) Depart iih-i".
la aendlng to the various i-umpH l
the army, nuv, und murine gsrgg
throughout the country to usrertsln
that attitude of the men inward his
plan for providing them with work
and homes on rerlalmed land
The booklet Is in the form of QMS
tlons and answers which give a gf
plete and concise description of the
plan, and also hat. attached in it u
post card questionnaire which th
men are asked to All out und mail
to the Depart inenl Kuch man in
forested will be usked to state his
name, home address, uge, orcupatlnn
before enlistment, whether he h
ever worked on a farm, whether lie
Is Interested In the plan, what
kind of farming he would like to
follow, whether general, livestock,
truck, or fruit, and whether he woiil I
be willing to take a Job In his oun
State or anywhere in the I'liltel
States if the Job on one of these pro
posed projects Is offered to him
A tabulation of the replies will Im
presented to Congress In connection
with Secretary Kane's requeat for an
initial appropriation of 1100,000,000
to begin construction on meritori
ous projects throughout the United
Double Header
Ulble School. 10 00 a m
Morning Service 11 00 a ni
Oopel Service 7 30 p in
Kvangellal Marshall will prearh at
the Sunday services und each night
during nest week at 7:30 He has
the Uospel message vou need to hear
id a. m . Low llaaa
10 30 a. m . High Mass
I SO a m . Catechism for the boy
and girls.
New location one block weet of
Hunt's garage
Sunday services. Sunday school 10
u iu , preaching Ham and 7 p tn.
Cottage prayer meetings Tuesxlay ev
enings at 7:10. church prayer meet
ings Thursday evening 7. SO.
Rev 8 L, Flowers, Pastor
Boys etnd
Feb. 21st