The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 20, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Styg QPutario ArguB
GPX). K.AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays nt Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post offiee for
distribution ns 2nd class matter.
SUBKCIMITIONS One fear 91.50
The children "t Ontario need pntttifii
from the danger of being fed tubercular in
feeted milk. Not onlj there is more danger
lure than any other city, for thai Is not the
case, perhaps there is less, in reality, than
can be found in most communities, bu1 the
need exists never I he l
Km' man years stmlents ol pumiej
lieal tli problems and civic activities nave en
dsavored in vain to understand why it is
that governmental sgencics will strive
lealously to protect the health of cattle,
cease to exist .'
success of
boundaries would it not sooi
Not the marvelous
the Bed Cross war work just manifesta
tion of what the American people can do,
mereh the result of the work of the women
and men in every community.
The same agency given the same wide
spread tho united support can win the anti
tuberculosis light, ana with halt' the effort.
If those who want to protect the child
ren of Ontario, and the adults as well, from
the danger Of I his disease will hack the ( 'it
Council in its proposed milk inspection or
dinance i step will taken in the nghl direc
tion. Then will perhaps be i pposition
to such a nieasim . at least there should not,
on the part of any right minded citizen.
The state of Oregon recognises the dai
ger of disease spreading milk and will test
cows free ol charge, thus the matter of ex
pense to the individual dairyman or person
selling milk from a family cow nerd not he
considered. Then too no man worthy of the
name wants to sell milk that would endanger
the healah of his customers' children.
i .. .... . ... .... .. ... ...... i ..... . ... ... i .. . ..
I Ml llll'M n iiiii r M ii .--n i , - in
noes, sneeii ami cioiis, wiiiie a pi.inoii in r M. n,st serious mo
sensible to the problems of health protection thai Of enforcement and this can he clisipat
for the human family. N.v.t the-less this ,.,! bv an active oublic interest in the matt.i
Is a fad Milt how to arouse the public interest is a
.Fust recently th American Red Ciwm question. lVw people, apparently, ear.
has instituted a ureal campaign for the er much about their health until the y are sel
adication, of tuberculosis, ihe greatest
seourage of mankind: not excepting war it
self. That mercilfiil organisation has ap
Iiropriated two and a half million dollars pi
e used this year in preventative and ed
ucational methods to assist in stamping out
the disease.
Winn we read about such a movement,
we all applaud. We agree that it should hi'
done. We are willing, and glad that the
inotiev which we all helped to gather is to he
used in that way. Kut how often docs it
occur to the average Individual that he or
she could have a part in just such work riglil
here at home
That is where most of us, "fall down" lli
our civic duties and in achieving the joi of
service. We always see the Work that is pi
he done, in the foreign field, while mission
the job at home.
The meat effort of the American Red
'toss and other agencies fighting tuberculo
sis will fail entirely, or at the hest will he
long delayed, unless each community swak
ens to its own part in the campaign. tf
ever community would take the necessary
slips to stamp out tin' disease in its own
uallv sick, or some member of their family ii
If every citizen would just ask the per
son from whom nulk is received if his cow
were tested, and demand that a certificate he
shown once every six months to substantiate
the statement, that part of the problem
would be solved. To save the dairyman
from eariA Ing his certificate about witn him,
the Council's ordinance might provide thai
twi'-i each year every person selling milk in
the citj appear at the city hall and file with
the l( refer the necessary certificate of
good Health for his cows and receive a license
to dist rihut milk in the citj
The eit then could arrange with the
state authorities for a sum annual inspct
ti n of all tin cows iii the city, and if new
POWS were secured hetweeii inspections the
city could arrange for their testing at a
lominal cost to he paid bv the owner.
While the 'ouncil already has this mat
ter under advisement, it is of sufficient im
portaiicc to commend itself to the attention
of the men and women of the city for then
study, and their assistance in bringing about
methods of proper enforcement.
7oo Late to Classify.
LOST: A trillion poeket bock wlilc'i
contained IjohIiIo h few dollars In rur
rency anil silver, a hrooch. Owner
will In' antlafled If brooch only la re
turned Leave at The Argun office
Adv. 12 2t
TWO Modern Uounea for aale, MSB
etoae In, alwo Majeatlc run'' . in good
condition flume M0W 1 1 ailwf
full IIIikkI Durham Hull nt
Ice at my place t lime-fourth mile
straight went of fair proundo Wit
tor Dlngman in ::t
"WANTED TO BUY a houae
clime In I'hnne III M
Toll SALS) PollHhi'd lop Sled
Kmiffc V II Staple
FOB SAI.K: r'lvc xuhaluntial
Camp liulllltifTB. Hood Hlzcd, prlc
$50 to $60. One Screen house,! I I
10,000 feel planks and tlmhera, var
loui Hlze four I ay racks, practic
ally new, $25 MM I One 10 III' I
pluife electric, and one 7 III
electric motor $.100 and $200 Onn
2 Inch Centrifugal pump with elect
ric mot ir att.uiied, $70. One II Inch
Centrifugal motor with motor attach
ed, $!0 Call upon or write,
GEO W 11KK1UAN. Ontario
Gel the Genuinerf?''?''""!
nd Avoid i3zzJ
?CggTn tvtjry Cake
lon't ..u Korgel Ii
Hear in mind that Chainhcrlaln't;
Tuhlcta not only mow the l.owi'ls til
Improve the appetite and strenKthen
the iIIkohUoii They contnln M l"l'
: ni or other dlKeHllve ferment hut
HtriuiKtlien the atomucli and enable I:
it perofrm I(h function naturally
Save your old ahoea where ever
you live We guarantee delivery 4S
houra after arrival Mall address
C. O. D. parcel poet Beat leather
ueed and expert workmanahlp.
PAIR SHOP. J. a Flock. Prop, tt
No Ureal Act of Heroism lteiulrilc.
If Home ureal act of heroWiu whs
neceaaary to protect a child from
croup, no mother would hesitate to
protect her offspring, hut when It I
only necessary to keep at hand u bot
tle of i b.iiuberlalii s Cough Remedy
and give It aa aoon as the flat Indira
clou of croup uppears, there are many
who neglect It I liamberlaln's cough
remody la within (he reach of all ami
la prompt .mil effectual
'CUUTADin I Aiiunov
1 v. X X
When a durggeat flnda that his
cuatouier all apeak well of a certain
preparation, he forma a good opinion
of It and when In need of audi it
medicine la almoat certain to uae It
liliuaelf and iu lila family This g
why M many druggeata uae and re
commend Chamberlaln'a Cough Hem
dy. J B. Jonea, a well known
druggeat of t'ubrun. Ky , aaya " I
have uaed Chamberlaln'a Cough Rem
ody In my family for the paat aeven
yean, and have found It to be the
beat cough medicine I have ever had "
llosluN OAPI
Now open for bualnee
Open 6 Ji a m to l- p in
Ontario, Oregon
The bunka used to buy I mud State
bond bearing 2 per cent iutereat be
fore (be war That's how good the
credit of the limed States la.
The $100 you put Into a Victory Lib
eity lloud will be worth $125 plus In
terest when prlcea settle down. A dol
lar la worth hat ou can buy with It.
W ,
Heller have the bonds of (he United
States in the hand:: of 30.000.000
ordinary cltiiens tbau concentrated In
the bands of a few rich men. Think
of that when t'ucle Sam offers you
a Victory Liberty Bend.
Don't Hunk you have sacrificed be
cause you ma) be pa) lug for your In
tercet bearing Fourth Libert) Loan
Honda These tullowa back from Fiaiue
legless, aimless or sightless dou'l think
the) hac sacrificed They Impl)
think the) did their duty.
Mi 'I MP
The Vulor Iaisu coming In April
Is the last Liberty Loan. Then the
war Is over for oi It will be still I
golug on for 1.000,000 Ameiicaua li
The Red Shield reamery Company,
ir08-1510 Western Ave., Seattle,
Pays Highest Market Price for Butter
fat delivered Seattle, as the market
stands today.
Tell Your Neighbors
Checks and Cans Returned Promptly; 1
.w mt ic ..(iagMSMeasjeMaaawasMajBap
Wlille there'a no telling what conditions may
race tlie country hefor.- (he war Is over. Jl
thing la certain and tlni' la that Ford cars will
grow more and i Slla heltiK actual neces
sities, both In (Hy and country. Prospective
buyera will do well to place orders NOW, when
a reasonable quick delH ery la possible Don't
put It off until aprlng for the demand la con
tinuous from all parts of tho country; Ford
ears are wanted to th' North, South. East and
West, every day of Ihe year. Let us have your
t order toSaj aBd we'll liuatle our host that you
may not he kept waltlnr.
KltlllK Aft, Mummrr
ov 'PA Rio. ORKOON.
SMimvaja eTeMSHH wo" - ngj mimmmmmmmmmvmmmm' -.
Bill says to
ihe Doctor-sezze
"There may be
sonic plugs that look
bigger but it's the
good taste of genu
ine Real Gravely
and the way ft
stays with yon that
Good taste, smaller
chew, longer life is w hat
makes Genuine Grave
l sosl less to elite, than
ordinary plug.
Genuinb Gravely
oanvillb. va.
for tvvkltl m citwtKt pli
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch.
How Gould He Do It?
A certain well-to-do young business man
called at a bank the other day and asked for
a loan of $500.00. The baiiker promptly
took his personal Dots tor the amount.
Why could he do this!1 Simply heeause
SJ young man he eonunrneed doing hus
iness thru the bank. He had learned earlv
in life that the bank could help him in inan'v
ways and the banker learned that this
young man was a sticker and could be de
pended upon. In fact each had learned to
stay by the other. Voting men, there is a
lesson in this for you. Start now doing vour
business thru a good bank like ours. Stav'
by us and we will stav bv von.
First National Bank