The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 20, 1919, Image 1

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    be'n:fcnrt0 r$m.
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The Ontario Democrat
xx in
NO. 2
Malheur Development League
Is Launched at Meeting Here
By a unnnlmnim vote of the mem
ber at the Commercial club nicotinic
Monday evening, the club pinlorwil
the formation of a Malheur County
Development League for the purpose,
of promoting Die general Interests of
the Malheur and Snake river valley"
This action following a rousing
talk by II. F. Johnson. Oregon ft West
ern Colonliatlon company represents -tlve
at Vale who graphically outlined
the possibilities which will accrue to
the valley thru the development of
the Warmaprlnga project.
(lean-up and Work.
"Now la the time for Ontario, Vale,
and Nyaaa to get-to-gether and boost
for thla whole valley You have no
Idea how land-hungry the people ure.
I believe within to day all of tlir
Oregon -Western land will bo sold,
and In many of the contract ari
term which call for the clearing nd
planting of half the land for the 1910
"The beat thing that Ontario can
do I to clean-up Ha atroeta. vacant
lota and allay It la here In Ontsrio
that the land aeeker geta hi tlrat
Idea of the communltle of the coun
ty. You can not help but benefit by
the movement of aettler thla way "
Mr Jobnaon diverted hare to tell
exactly how the opening of the Och
oco project had boomed Prlnevllle
and he declared Ontario and Vale will
feel almllar benefit from the Warm
aprlnga WUI O Out Folder.
W. J. Plnnay alao dlacuaaed the
benefit to be derived by co-operative
effort and told of the project of a
united effort on the part of the Ore-gon-Weatern
company, the Vale
Chamber of Commerce end the Onta
rio Commercial club to print a folder
deecrlblng the country and Ita pos
albllltlea Coming from a united Mai
heur Development League he declared
auch a piece of literature would be
moat effective.
Thla waa endured by the club find
the new dlrectora were Inatructed to
proceed to carry out the plan made
for Ontario's part made by O. K.
Aiken, while president of the club
Mr. and Mra. 0. F. Tlleaion and two
little mm, F-ed and Cheater. Jr., ar
rived Tueaday morning from South
ern Oregon to make their horn to
Ontario Mr Tlleaion Intenda to
work In the plumbing business with
hla brother-in-law, L. 0. Olson
Mis Carrie H Joy t utertaln-I .
;ew frlenda at a lalentine party, l.t
Friday venlng. in the parlor of the
Moore ilotel. Music and read.n'.s
helped to paaa 'lie time pleasantly
DurluL the evening the gueatx i r.
aaked to write an original valentine
Mia Ca-.he.rlne Conway receh.
prUe for compoilng the beat one. The
hostess waa aaaiated In aervlng by the
Mtaaea Viola Houated, Amy Canfleld.
Dottle Crutnmett and Mabel Madden.
Thoee who ahared Mia Joy'a hospl
tality were Mr and Mra. Frank Hade.
Mr and Mra. H. It. Douglaaa, Mr. and
Mra. E M. Oreig. Mtaaea Helen Smith.
i.eona Radar, Mae Piatt, Mame Henge
and Catherine Conway.
Girls From Ontario Take tioae Uame
From Weiser While Boys art
Vanquished for Second
At Wetaer laat Friday night the
Ontario and Weiaer High School
teama again divided honors in basket
ball games, tho Weiaer claims both
gamea. However, according to the
reporta of tba game by local follow
ers, the girl from Ontario won a
16 to 14 victory
The referee tried not to allow the
counting of a baaket which waa
thrown by Mlaa Mary Messee just as
the timekeeper's whistle blew the ball
being actually on the baaket ring as
the whistle blew, and according to
the rulea thla baaket counta. On this
point there can be no dlapute, the
rulsa being deer
However, the girl 'a victory waa the
only aweet morsel taken home for the
boya were no match for the Weiser
Hare who annexed the second game
by a 41 to 11 score, maintaining the
record of no defeata this year for
The Troxell Implement inu i:-i
thl week received It flrnt carlonil
of Fordnon Tractor and unloaded
them hero on Vedneday Within a
abort time ufter their arrival two Ol
those machines fully ''! ) i il were
started for ranches near by, ami otli
of will be in hand of buyer till
The demand for thee tractor la
such that before the second carload
which I due soon, arrives, all the
present shipment will he gone, ays
lrwin Troxell, manager of the local
I'mponal Mn. I. for Removal of Iihmi
terra Kn bloc to .loin W'arm
Hprlugs District Must
Ho t'nanlmoua.
At the annual meeting of Ontario.
Nyaaa Irrigation company alnckhold
era held laat Saturday afternoon at
the City Hall, a new board of direct
ore waa elected, only two of the board
which aerved last year were re-elected
These two are T W Clagett and
Peter Tenaen. The five new W
bera are: J. ('.'Walter. (' T, Lack
ey, O. V Holloway. I. K Wilson and
W. T. Roberta
One of the principal matter which
came before the board wa the pe
tltion of a number of land owner or
the North end of the ditch uklng
that they be permitted to withdraw
from the company so that they may
Join the Warmaprlnga district The
mutter was debated for sonic time
and proposal made tliut If ull the lund
in that section go out en bloc the
petition would be granted
K M Urelg who ha for years beeu
secretary of the board of directors
and manager of the system resigned
his position In order thut he ran d -vote
his entire attention to persons!
bualness The new dlrei tors luivs
not yet organlied and elected his
Vol Him .i luwl'-i and u..ui 11
I mn- in Raising Ouurler Million
11.. 11,11 Kxhlhltlou Hulhlliig
at rortliiinl Mallii in
I .ill ll-IIH 11 l.l-lcil
for 1 0110
Leading dairymen and livestock
breeders of Oregon, Idaho. Washing
ton and Montaua have reorganized
and now compose the directorate of
the Pacific International Livestock
Exposition The next exhibition uno
sales will be held November 15-22 It)
a apacloua and modern exposition
building, to cost a quarter of a mill
ion dollars During the week be
ginning February 24, stockmen of the
northweat and othera Interested In
the livestock Induatry will raise
through stock subscriptions about
1150,000. This amount was pledged
at a recent conference of the breeders
and dairymen, held at Portland
Malheur County will subscribe
$4000; Harney County is scheduled
for 1(500. Lake County promises
$2500; and Klamath County, $2500
The remainder of the elate la in
proportunate amounts The present
total assessed valuation of the live
stock of Oregou Is $40.43,3.
Portland, conceded to be the proper
center for the Annual Livestock Bhow
and aalea, has agreed to match, dol
lar for dollar, all that is subscribed
by tbe upstate counties and repre
sentatlve breeders of the Spokane
Country and Central Washington, si
well aa Idaho, and Montana. Cali
fornia stockmen are also actively in
terested H N Stantleld la director for Mul
heur County. William llanley for
Harney ; Bernard Daly for Ijtke, and
J. W Siemens for Klamath County
Will Discuss lKMptYta of Mcclirlng miikkoMIoii Made That F.frort to Se
Oovprinent Aid at Mas Meet Intf sjsjbj Mtren Paving He Inaugural -at
N'yssn Frldnv tftornoon. 041 cleaner City I'rged More
While In the West for the purpose
of representing the Reclamation Sit
vice in a suM which was tried '"
Holse last week. Will H. King, chief
council for the service, and former
Ontnrlan. who Is still a legal voter of
this city, called on friends here laid
Saturday He returned to holse
Sunday but will lie here again till
week Speaking about the possibility . .
getting government aid for the Ml
Ntructlon of the Owyhee project Mr
King said
"Of course the amount ol wor
thai can be under taken I dependent
upon tbe action of Congress upon the
ipproprlatlon bills Introduced for the
I 11 -pose of providing homes for Hi
returned soldiers.
"I believe, however, that Congress
will paas a measure that will permit
the construction of n number of pro-
jscts and thai the Owyhee ha. an eg.
ceiiiwn i-iinnc 01 iif-ina on'- 01 iiini" 1
On his return from holse this week
Mr. King snld that ho would have
additional Inloriuiit'.m to give iu'
roncornlni possibilities In this sec-Man
RAY W1UH NOW MANW.IM. that the member, present Indicate '-ne feeding, and tho all are pos
PAAMA HHAMII Ol WILSON llltn their preferem . from the Itofof dl ' aora of high pedigrees, tl,.
' - rtors ele. ted lor I'resldeBl and re ! range animal.
Mr and Mrs Hay Wilson and son
Joe were in Ontario Tueaday, Mr
Wilson returning on Wednesday to I
Parma whore he Is now muiMKUiK ;
the Wilson llros store In that thri'
in.- Idaho city Mrs Wilson re
maun-. I In Ontario for a few days, the '
guest of Mrs II II W'l.ii 11 1
Ranchers Meet Willi Prof. K. II. Fills
l Consider lroMal for Forma
tion of Hull Association.
At the City Hall last Saturday uf
ternoon a number of the dairy ram I
ers of this section met with Prof. K
li Kilts, of O. A. 0 to further con
sider the sdvlsablllty of forming ui
association for the purchase of regis
tered dairy bulla.
"There Is need of Imprmemeni In
the quality of cattle for milking pur
poses in this country The average
production is low" said Prof Pit's
"The average dairy cow m 111 give
to to 50 pounds of butter fut f.i
each too of alfalfa hay eaten while
good cows are returning double thin
yield from the same amount of hu
"The use of good bulls from a high
producing line of ancestry will brim;
great Improvement In the milking
qualities of the dairy cattle of tins
country, and by no other means cum
general Improvement be seeured It
is not unusual for such a bull to
bring an Increase of 50 to 100 $M
cent in yield In heifers over their
"The bull association provides op
portunity for every dairyman no
matter how small his heard, to
cure the use of a first clan, hull at a
very low coat."
It was decided at the meeting l
advance the association plan and the
following men were selected as a com
mittee to interview the dairymen and
awaken an interest in this important
mevement: E. h Conklln. K
Amid. hi. A II (sin and 0 F OM
Kvery dairyman Interested In the
bull association movement should
get In touch with the committee
Prof. Fitts expects to be in this
part of the state again In a few weeks
and It Is hoped that the organization
can be completed at that time and
arrangements made to pun huso the
tOOEaVT mlltini. or YF.AR is
II Needed, Kte.
With optimism on tap. and flow
1 Ing freely from optimistic speakers
,who In no uncertain terms omphnlr
m (holr bcdlof In the advent of pro
sperlty (o till sei Hon In the immeili
ate future, the annual meet In, of tho
Commercial Club at the cluh rooms in
the City Hall, lal Monday evening
waa one that recalled old ilny In On
tario, "when there were things doing
hereabout " That wu the
placed on the meeting h tin
timers" present
To those who were mn Inn- iu II
halcyon days, the moating OMMd
visions of activity and hopes for fill
ure. In the words of the day It was
a "pep" meotlng with Just enOVsTh I
straight frank expressions of opinion '
and criticism to leaven tbe lump and
keep the optimists from runnliiK
away with the Idea that mere state
m,t of , possibilities would r.-u'i
in ineir irunsiiti 1011 nun ichihii".
Wood Elected President.
After untangling parliament. h
tangles tho club elected directors
Frank Hader. T W flagon. II r
Doyer, D M Taggart. Hugh Allen.
W W Uond and II It Doimlass
leollAwln. thl. a motion nrev ailed .
commend the election to the hoard
of Dlrectora. As the result W U
Wood, was the one iolecie, i.
I'rge Ktrwt Pavement
Following the disposition of the
business before the mooting the mem-
bers took time to consider Hie num.
problems which must be solved a
make Ontario tin- kind of town Hist
the members present bellve n should
J It hlui . n . elved :i 1
uppluuse when hi 1 d thai On
tario must, beside cleaning up ill
streets Slid alleys, "pave the business
"Now is the lime for us to start
Just such work," said Mr hlackabv
"Every where I have been during tin
past six weeks on a trip thru Calif
ornia and Western Oregon, the cities
are developing public work so thu
labor can be supplied the boy re
turning from t'ainp and fium over
"We all know that most of the
progress that baa been made b on
tarlo 111 the past ten years has coum
from movements started in tin
merical club. All that we need 11
to get to work to put things ov. 1
have tulked with a number of the pro
nerty owners on Oregon stre.i and
they ure willing to go ahead utid pav-
1 am willing to stun.l my shuic ol lb
expense and I want to see done
this year.
W 1 1 . Iioth Nam pa and l'alde!l
are figuring on spending great sum-.
In paving realden.. sMtlOstl of their
towns if they can spend money on
residence streets It Is a certainty that
Ontario s main streets cuu he paied
Now is the time to do it We l,i.
the water mains laid, and the sewer
age cainpletcd now we should paw
Must Work for Home Town
K 1 Van Petten contrlbim !
the rousing talks of the STMlBI
when he said
"There Is this much II. ai must he
admitted, we must work for our own
nome iowii v c inuoi a" ib"'
.. , n.i, .1
and work together to accomplish Ihe
home lown We must get together
.. .1
lllllisa lliai a.w uvummi j .j v..- r1
gress of the community
Now If this is to done, there g
only one way to do it and that is for
the business men. the men who own
property, the men who are Interested
and who will financially benefit dl !
rectly at leaat indirectly, must put .
their shoulders to the wheel and push
every good movement along
'ITkla .nAanu Hi i fiend 11 n ri- of
. . ,. . ,.,
t me. and uf money, but Ontario will
not progress, It will not grow utile
(Continued on Pag V)
Quota for Armenian Relief
Not Yet Reached in Ontario
(' II Trousdale, forincih
ger of the Western I'nlon Mfl im:
now a resident of Caldwell where he
Is mannger of the Western l"nlnti
office arrived In Ontario last Prida)
to spend hi annual nication Mr
Trousdale reports that Ills son Kver
ett, formerly a member of the High
School faculty, Is completing tlM of
fleer' training course at Aloxandn.
Haley At Kline Reach Ontario With Hull I'uri lnis.l from
Middle Western Hloek-
With a carload of fine registered
Hereford and Durham hulls W. II
Kline of Halev ft Kline reached On
,lir(o t-,,,,,,, TneM ,, ,,,
the first of several shipments due in
arrive soon, are at the Carter barn
where they are being sold to stock'
men in Hie alley and from the In
terior In the near future another big eon-
ulirtittiitnl 1m unit these ul'l
m ,.,..,, tock nuc.
Hon to he held by the Ontario Sales
company The exact dale of the aale
has not boon announced but It will
probably be some time early In March
All of the animals to be offered
have been especially selected with .1
v' of l,"n "", requirmonts of
Ivan K. Oaks, I ormerl) of JmiiiIooo
imiIihi-iI hMMMM Changes
Come This Week New
Manager Well known
111 order thut he might lie free t.i
1 care for private affairs. T W Clagett
who far years has represented Hie
Eastern Oregon Lund compuny Iu thl
section hss resigned his position wii't
tin 1 ouipuiiy This week his
sor was named, the manager of the
local office now Is t v it I Oakes, for
merly of Jumieson, who lui - In-cn II.
engineer .sill. H.e Willow Itlver Laud
Mr Clagcll's resignation has l.-"n
in the hands of tho company officials
for several months, In fact he resign
ed a year ago, but Hie Hiut wur
conditions existed and work planned
during his son ice hud not b4M gORI
pe,ea caused him to remuln
ciaaetl rosltns In order that he
can give more time und ulteullon t
his personal affairs which include mo
management of two ranches Sun
he has been with the company lie has
had charge of the development of
several of the bMbMAAM large rumh
ea which ure now consider, d mining
the finest In this section of Hi
country New Maliugri Well known
new manager of the local of
fice, Mr Oaks needs no liitrodiictio'i
to residents of Malheur county, tho
he is better known In the Willow
river valley than 111 Outuru. Ml
Oaks Is an MfJUMI and wus wit1.
the Willow Hlver Land and IrriK 1
tion company while it wun iOTOionlni
projects In the Willow Hlver section
.-. ,.
aud by his activities lias mude manv
I r.B.... ...b....... .1... ,,..11... VI ,
I I I. IU in III! U'J'H II ID .B.I.U, ,- '
Oaks passed thru Ontario I
from Portland und went to Jumieson
and Is expected back in Ontario to
take up bis new work today
The Ont.-iio bos will meet th'
Nampa High School hoys and tbe
Ontario (Jorls will play the Nam pi
High Si hool girl-, at husk, i lull here
tomorrow evening Two good fa-t
gullies are expected hy Ihe local root
Ontorio Is mukltiK progrtga, bill it
still tins a long way to o to reach It'
quota In (he drhe for Ihe relief of thfl
millions of HtarvliiK Armenian
The commute consisting of i M
Tuggnrt and II I. I'oli rson who enn
vnned the business sei Hon M W'i .!
r.'Pni t -.I good pi i
a general willingness 10 give. Ml)
naif of the business district was Ml
ered when the report was made
The workers in the residence .11 '
rid had not completed their wont
when tho Argus went to MM so n i
report from them had been receive I
Owing to tin condition of the roada
the worker In the country school II
trlits will iiniiouhtedly haie a hard
lime to cover their tcrltory and It will
therefore he up to Ontario to do It i
besi t soo that any deficit Iu Hie full
quota be made good That this will
be done Is the belief of tho cummin
but they do not think Hint sin h a
cuurso will b-J necesnry If the tun
generous spirit It manifested hy UkMf
who are yet to be rson.
Should anv one have been missed
by the tlM cni .ontrlhu'e
lo the relief of the four million aturv
lug Armenian i by leaving ttoii
wllh C S W'.tMi. trcai.urer of Hi"
local ininmlHj.- .1 the Ontario Phr
Jack Pltser'n ltempl In hull. I lire
Willi Kerosene Results In I
plosion la Hinlh Itn .1
As Itesull.
TlM residence owned li) r C Cart
er. Just north or the tarter llnrug",
with prurtlciilly all Its contents, was
doslropoil by ft, ai.oiii .' 0 do. k Hut
urd.n inornlng. and Jack I'ltser, Mt
farter's soti-lu-luw. who rcided lltei.
was badly burned
Tho fire followed an explosion of
gas formed b) tlM Mt 4 IMMMM (
liulldlng the morning fire I'll. Hames
onvelopod Mr I'ltser. und but lor UM
quick work of Mrs I'll .or would haw
piiiM-n ui.. MfsMM Mrs I'ltser
-ilnotll. led lln Ha s Willi u bluiiket
Into which she wruppod her husband
The fire depurtmeni did Ml
the fire until the building was ho
.tlug. but extinguished tl.
flames soon after urrlvlng IiioIiik
abundance of water pressure from
u.i linns of hose I he tin n nit. o
In a . ompli'te loss to Mr Curler und
lo Mr Pllser for neitlier the house
the contents were Insured.
Mr I'ltser Is reported lo be rapidly
ie. .iwiing from his burns about Ihe
face ami hod
Jury Requires hut short Time to
Hem li Decision aa to l.ulli of
swgler' Assailant K. m
nn (.hen i'uesila)
In one of the briefest i uniiir.ii
trials on record in Mulbeur couni
John llaliloli, wloi on Januaiv Ttli.
thrice shot Dlstrhi Aitorm). It W
Swagler, was tin- Mt m.'i
vlcted and soiitenc. d for his crime
On Wednesday inornlng at Vale. I mi
ge I Hilton higgs -.. nt. i.e. d lluiilou la
serw- from five t.. IM fMIl to Uto
State poinientlur
Itefore s'-iiiem j, paMtd UM "1
fiials telephoned to I ' : V .- 1
J (jullugher. to useertuln wlotlier he
had attached an emergency clause i.,
bis bill, whtih ileclurcs MMUll wit'i
Intent to kill, shall ho Mihj.i lo lite
imprisonment This bill lis hoi i,
passed and signed ti,.- Oovornoi
but without the eiuorgoncy tto
not opi-rult . ' line
l h. i: I..1 opt to d Monday sJUirSOOn
and three hours luter the Jury was
I, th. ) iryinen were I. in, I
Aduins, Kriiesl LoMX. Jain.-.-. Duncan
J T McN'ulty, Cleve ( uiuiiuiii. Marl
Hutherford, J N M J I'
(Continued on Pavg K )