THE ONTARIO AIirs.ONTAU10,OWX!UN.TIiriSliAV. FKBliTAKV 1 '.. 1!l!i 6 Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies ONTARIO PHARMAC v Prescription Specialists ihonk no. a TUB in l i TOHk Atyer Remedies & i ll. t)l 'I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Kadi-r MM lire IWOdtllBi tliclr clonk and MM depart merit .r-.;i i .. lory to Hip HprliiK opi-nlng Thai have Impelled ii wapUMl lli'iiu; room A lighted ilguri'tte siul. !'!" I MM paper liimki t lull "I paper, mused DO Utile exeleiiieiil IB tin- "' flea of I W SwugliT Krlilay morn ing. Mr Swugler Hurc-'led In ex tlngulMiIng Hi" 'Ire Mart Ml) Ma age wu done Mr I. O Dlcon returtieil fl I bullae! trip to PaftlABi ' tt Satur day. Mian KloHHle Keller, who It torliiiiK acbool noar Welaer part IM week end In Ontario with lur BBjMta Harry RtcndHtroni, wli" tOI UM M year haa bJM nor Inn Uwta MM. "" turned laa weak lorn ('uinp l .!. ami haa again aken up nil 'duttaa clTlllan. Mr K M Moore l nioilirnlrlhg III. two houaea arroim the truck. Mlaa Uertha White, of the Weber High School fuculi). accompanied lha Welaer Olrla' Ilnakel Hall team to Or tarlo Friday afternoon The Wedneadny BgMMOM llTldi; I'lub met at the MeM ai Mra A I. Cockruni leal Wedi lay The prlirn of the afernoon were won by Mra A L. (dtkrum and Mre Tom L. L CulbertMon. princlpnl "f IM Welaer High H. 'hool. ntteinl'd the Welaer-Ontorlo haket hall Kiinie here laat Friday night Meaaera Htedman. Itmpkln. and Patch of Payette attended the Welaer Ontario baakat ball game, and the dance given by the K Hl after 'i game. Friday ulgh Clarence Oyer returned Salurda night from Ua Anglea, where he hue beeu apendlng hln vacnlloii Mr M I Hulling pnl the week end In Ontario with her liuahuml lllll LylfM who haa received In. ill charge, arrived home Hunda avMlBJ Mr Verne OM ' Twin Pail apendlng thla week In OMariO wtiH her innrih, Mra It M Tun., i Lieut Fred t'anlleld urrled home laat Hunday evening Col. Leader waa the gui'Ht of Laure Hlackahy, at Mi--. I. mine smith 5)1 dinner Friday ei cuing I.luut ItoHCoe Turuei arrived horn Huuduy mining limit aatlTI ttrla I" ' France Lieut Turner wan in MM been home auerul daya ug. hut BWlM to the labor troubles in Seattle, he wu -ha waa detained at Camp IwIh. I where he wu -ient la r.'.ciw BM dlacharge Lee Stuart of I'urllaud, paaac.l thru Ontario, Mindu mi Iiih way to Hiawatha. KaiiMix, where he tnteiil to go Into hualtieaa with Ills hrollni After an ahaetire Ol neurly Iwa yeara. Hgt Karl (Irlffin. aM of Mra MM tirlfflu of thla ctt. arrived in h.nuu Friday morlug MJ (Irliilti left ileriimiit Ferrand. Fran. he. ember 20th lot St Ni..ui. when waa truiiafervd iroin the ero In atructli.ii hetachiiu'iit to till up th" H .'th Aero Squuilron ho that It mlghl Kail for home He .tailed with the 7th Snuudron on the I' S S M.ui churla After 12 daya on a moniiy aea, he urrlved In New York, and niter -.pending 8 daya In that city he RfM dlacharKed there, u he wu the only weHteiii hoy In the u.uadroii Mra I. 1 I'urivll, wife of the edi lor of Wolaer Signal, and her brother Mat Mugee who la Junt hack from Camp Lew la, api'lil Tueada) with Mra. A 1. M.hnwell They utleiidel the Chaulau.iua at the Dreamland and Mra I'urcell met her kMUil on 19 which wu an hour lute, and returned home, Mr Mugee going In Walter next morning ,l l tlrlffln, or John hiiy, la Ih Itlng hln wire nud nun In t intarh. th' week . I'vt Harry Cullen arrheil limn" Monday from Vancouver where be haa been for aevernl month A large amount ol valuahle spare It ii'icd In till- lam hie ArgllH ti ndurate the public regnrdlnn eontU Hon In Armenia and Sprla and ' forth our duty to the people hi OHM There Ii no greater gacfka fWt can render humanity than liy giving row money to thla work No not full to read the article of Kx-I'realdent Tall ami Dtbef great men i,(i. ai Committee CHURCH ACTIVITIES I'NITKU PHKNinTK.IIIlN III HI H 10:00, Bible 8 hool I l hi Public Worahlp Sermon auhjecl. "The Man i Imi Jeaua," thla aermon will have th" same outline an uaed laat week In considering the . liurin tei m Ml Itooaevelt Hla fame, hla hlrtli. Iil mlnd. hla power, hla highest achieve aient hi Faith. Ml I'HOHIHT HI lit II in i in Sunday Mhool I I on a iii I'reiuhlnir. "Mi Ii Miienci' 7 ill p in . I're.o lung The RfOfld 1 hreiiicMt Magai A cordial ln itniiuti g given Hi' public to nlteiid these sen i. . HAPTIST t III Itt II IU:00, lllbli' Si I I 1 1 00 Morning Wot up I! Y P D (i.lMpel Service, ; :io Prayer Meeting. Wednesdays, 7 II Attendance Bl Siilnlav School Ulld church aervhes are Increaalng earh Sunday You are Invited II K Mnrchall .from Silver Lake writes that thev are having I .plenillil mm KM there and I- plal nine to begin h.-i Thursday tilgM the until Shoe Mr Marshall :i here hi ' tor.irniiiei vice aa an officer on a prmilon ship comes back with a live DJMMM fi the Hook thai oll need to hea. Clll'iu II Ol THK eVaafaMB NAcit.MKT I: SI a, uj . Low Macs 10:10 a m , High Maaa 30 a m tatechlam for the boi and glrla KIHHT RAIAHINK " R " New location one block west ol Hunt a garage. Sunday aervlcea- Sunday achool 10 a in . preaching 1 1 a and 7 p m Cottage pruyor meetlnga Tueaday ev ening ut 7:30. church prayer meet ings Thurday evening 7 II llev.H I. Flower. Pator Ueo Fenton, of lllvrldo, wa low n visitor, Monday COME TO THE Bt LAVAL SERVICE DAY WE WILL HOLD OK Monday, February 24, 1919 Fur the bonefll of oiir many ruitonvrs aitd users rf lf liJival 'iiiiiu;itui s vr liasr (HltAhliullvd II De Laval Service Day On tlliri tl.iv wr sliall l.e Kal to have any ! user bring his complete parttor to our rtorc foi .. thoru and careful liiMiMN?tioii and ailjustuniii. whii'li will lit' uiatlf t'rtf tit'iliar-i Slmnlil any parta, ilne t iniiisiial wear or arcideut, need to be repund, 1I11 ill b' done, the only charge being for the )riee of tin- in w parts nsfd. No Charge will be made for tli sirvirr. lt l,aal I'liiifSfiita' Ivc will be with Us to UMHhil with tins work. Brin in our )r Laval Baparatoi that day and receive the benefit of his adviue mi ih tart and operation of tlie piaehiua, as uvii as the ir.- sirvi.r. It is .mi-wish, ami that ..I tin- De Laval Oompany, that every uer ofaDc Laval Reparato get thf iiiaxiiiniiii ut' gen'ice at the minimum of . and we therefore urge you to avail youraelf of tin t'i and uaeful aervii'c. COME EARLY McNulty & Co. ONTARIO, OREGON ini: i,iii WOLI I, on. Woli Ml MM tiiiinini' In Ida s.niiniav BvmIii i'"t to Hi ir, and a in M aMwo al Hie hreami. mil Theatre Bandaj and Moa ia, Pi bi narj II and 1 7 The i.""" Woli i lull ol thrills and will h"h up iBtenaa Intareet from beginning in end 'oll i ant afford to nils 'Lone u oif ', and on i an afford In 10 It I onl III ami I llM I s WII.I.AHHH MIMHItl W The W I' r C will hold ii . Haul Manorial Meeting Tuat day, Pebraarj II, al lha home ol Mrs I ,ck III.' hostess w III I D Mi I ivnii A talk OB Ihe Bartj i i in ado w hi be ilren b) Mn John luaiiiej who.e grandn of lha crii--ailcrs LOST A lailles pock. I I,. ., .ihlc'i i iiiiI. lined beside a lew Milan In cir renc and "lU'i, g hronch Ownei' will be satisfied If arOMh iiul.1 la r. at The Artills office Id! II :t CHEAP COAL! We hull' III" ais Llgnlle I i I from heniioei , H " . which lie an selling Ml at (he hln This Is in.l us giM.d aa BOOM oilier high guide ,M, hut Is cheap I oat :il Hie prl. offerwl. All 7tV per Ion (,,, lOWa dellien 'I'r.i some of ll. 7. per ton Van Petten Lumber Co. W.N"li:i' I'h W hone hull III. .od Hnrliaui Hull it . in I'hfiUt ' M i'" Bl my place thru fourth I.'. . I i ! i I 1 I i. . 1 . Ii.a.1 I . .i. C I utfnlulil ii aauf .t f,. le Am . J ri'll n. I. IV It'll leii i "! . ' - i nni(iM T-r.. in inn y I UIIIMia V I Cl lot I II liar llkBt i .. J liaage V. Hi tei iiingniaii aSaWaMF ' vfl bbKbW ' aWI'aaM Will be Here Soon A Car Load of Fordson Tractors 1 1 if 'Ford; e bavejusl beeu Htlviwd iroiu fmtin repreHeutativea that a wuWu si. ii 'i'rai will reach Ontario ahmii Februarv lL'th. IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT BUY INO A TRACTOR, WAIT TO SEE HOW THE GREAT FORDSON OPERATES IT IS SIMPLE, YET IT IS EFFECTIVE The Fordaon Tractor la the roaull of v, am of fxiieruneutation by ilu- wUM inanufacttirinB eonuaii; tver km.wi Ii is l.iuli nuuntilv uroduetion fun sis. mat M why do valuable, s,. ,iii.i, i H inauliluu ran be Kold'al ffe l.w a iriai it u i.uiit bv the mv.iti s, ,iggiw,tiin ,,r uirrhauiral engltieeri in flu- wort Anyone Can Operate the Fordson. There i iiothtag myaterioiw abuut tin I'm-daon. I, ,s as s.inplf t.. ....fiatr as- r"ord ( ar. No experts uoeded to - i nsults. Parts May Be Always Secured. The'i'i ,!,,,.,. win,, ,i,,,,, U1 . ,.,, T jjj (. hvavs ((M i;11(1. NodelayaforeaaentlalpartH m whei .,,., ,,i a tni.-tor. F. 0. B Ontario t , ,, With Two Bottom Plow, i t Complete Price liltitl TretHiT1" ftlSf WJ"? """' tuml a s(,(.ia ,ioW for the F..n!so.. '!' wra, it make in Ideal combination, Without the Plow the ttnrrr Tractor sells for . $47 4 D Troxell Implement Co. ONTARIO, OREGON THE UNCHANGEABLE LAWS OF NATITRF THAT Mil HI IS V sll im.ii, .,, ,., ,,.. ... .. i X U IV Vj lIO IT KVKK IK t I It TO VOI TH VI III til. s V s .:mi ,, . vvn Wl laws nun WWK til AftDUN h v , u skh im hi: uhown iv V uh l llJl' "" ,vv,t,, " K mh vi.n , , u .. . ys . m THK NBfJBjg ol THAT MH VI.IT N ATI RK Ml IU NUK s I M.s, ?, . "KIAHAIK IAKI ,.' TIIK , NTIV v h, , , .. ,..,' VUS A NU K "Dt T tXLMU AKK MAMIAhTlHKHs Ol IHV.,,, UMWCH KHt IIUHO MOSI. 22 MJaf'1" K H, ,,.,UNOH IIKN THINK Tills OVKH. IOISE PAYETTF i ixtij.- xz. . . i I iv Ul.Mlii CO lu.l