T11K ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTABIO, OR&GON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1019 M m Styg OJntarin Argtia GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon. ind entered at the Ontario poll office fol iMtribution as 2nd class matter. SUBSCRIPTIONS One Year jlLW WHAT IS AMERICANISM? It is hard to pick up a newspaper tins. days wit h reading of a general strike" thai is threatened for some city, either here of abroad. Thai which has centered the Inter ests of the people of this section of enure fl the OUtbuni in Seattle. What does this all mean I Is the ttmv tnre of American Instritutionn hreakin down f These are sonic of the quest ion -that sober-minded citizens are asking them Helves. Out here in the oen of mi auricult lira I and thoroiv American community, for from industrial activity, it is hard to believe thai any great number of Americans will be swept off their feel by the teachings of Bol- shevism, orother foreign political nostrum - Hut it is time to awaken to the fad thai W( an people have been trifling too long wit ! our vaunted security and If we wish to rc serve our Representative government thai we be prepared to tiuht its enemies here at home. Bolshevism Is class movement, an anarchist movement, it is socialism carried to its logical conclusion, the annihilatoii of government by law. The tanner who toda.i denounces the acts of the Seattle Bolshevist lead by Rikowskv who threaten to take over industries of that great city, are merely o trig U) step farther than that proposed llj Twonley and his Ndii Part i an leaders. The only difference is in the methods employed, At the same time business and profes mono! men, who have stood idly by and per inittcd unfair tactics to be eiuplov ed toward the farmer or the laboring man, who have permitted eonsienceless politicann to run the affairs of state had better awaken to the fa.i thai such conditions an- responsible in par; for the troubles that are now disturbing the peaee and prosperity of this country. This is representative government. The essence of Americanism Is a square deal, and an e(iial opportunity before the law fo every man to achieve our basic ideal of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. If this ideal is worth anything, it i worth protecting, And if it is worth pr , tecting it is worthy of the unwavering sup port of every citizen. ' '. THE ONTARIO CADETS. The members of the High School lade! company received generous praise from the Colonel John Leader following his review of their maneuvers last Friday afternoon. Tht hoys will undoubtedly iheerish his words of approbation, and strive to merit further ap proval in years to come. Among the other sentiments which tin Colonel admirably expressed was this, on which even citisen ma well pender: "With teli cojiipaies like this that I have watched today, I would gladly receive the Bolshevik! from Seattle should they attempt to march on Oregon." At another juncture in his address to the cadets oloiiel Leader Midi "I am pleased to say to you that this i . the best drilled Hiiih School coninam thai Hi has been ni privilege to inspect. Volt have a high duty to perform, then' can hi none higher than that a man he trained and willing to protect the government of the American people." These words coming form one who ha - given a quarter of a centnrj to soldiering in many lands and has served in helping Ore uoii perform a noble part in the world war, in which he early gave his all until wounds incapacitated him, should be indeed a sonic of joy to the oung men of the company and a cause fur pride on the coniinunitv which has long taken pride in the cadet company, THE JOYS OF THE COUNCIL. Ontairo' s City Council will uol loiter al many of its sessions If it solves all the prob lenis which arc before it at the present time, and others thai arc bound to arise before every meeting. Aside from the water problem which is a job in itself, the 1 1 y government is far d with the realization that to collect the dog taxes, to compel indilTeVeiit citizens to keep their lots and alleys clean, to enforce the regulations in other respects, and incidental ly to combat the emboldened boot legger, i a program that will tax its constructive statesmanship, as well as its financial re sources. While the council realizes that it lias n hard .job before it there is no faltering in tackling the problem, and that is half of tic battle itself. It is the temporsing with con ditions by many city governments that maki enforcement of regulations hard. Once tin public realizes that a city adniiinstia tioll means business, and is playing no favor ites there is a general compliance with n ;t ouablc regulations. iHlllliiifllffffflAffiJII Kii. yr i m m i r.... i wmm PARENT-TEACHERS' COLUMN t UVroriM 1.1, Uf h-J ttoiwlu ""ALK about smokes. Prince Albert is geared to a lovhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough to make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new ! Get it straight that what vou've hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality.' You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process ! You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back I Buy Prima Albert tvtrywhtrt tobocto ' told. Toppy rtd bagi. tidy nd tint, hondtomt pound and holt pound tin hunnJort and that cltotr, piuKtual pound cryttat glatt humidor mill tpongt mouttnti top that kttpt tht toAunu m tuch ptrftct lonjilion. R. J. Reynold Tobacco Co., Wintton-Salem, N. C ThlH department Ih an open Forum for the dlHCUHKion of problems of the hcIiuoI and the home, and Ih under Hie dlrei I Ion of the Ontario I'arent-Tench-era' aRHOClatloii. Your Id BM welcome Kindly leuve wrltd-n artlcloH at the Argim nlTl, DO forn Tuenday of MM li week "I'luy h; the logical deniiuul Ol mith. ami the Ihi or girl hOM phi life Ik Htlinteil puKWPH on Inl.i adult life handicapped for the Hlrnic glen tn MM I'lnv Ih In Itself an eilui iilion, nm thai SW to (he child Mtrengll. health. fttortBMa, uggrc ivetn "iin:ii'i' belter than thene It pave, the way for a higher standard nl morali thU we could obtain In anv nl her way ThlH Is greatCd t . ,,n hy most pi'i pie. and I hone who were hIow to in knowledge Hie henellt of supervised well equipped play-grounds li 11 v been pondering the uueHllon llltOt UiIh war hrol out the fart that hu main of llieir MM who all, nut pa I he physical examinations, eould have I If their liodlen had been prop erly eared fOf during thOM curl hi hool yearH Home nl llM parents s.iv "We have no objMtlM I" our children playing, lei them play " Then Ml are of the Hume mind In fart they fairly drive them out of their mint! motive building with lh( In junction. "Hun and play " Two minute after they have been thiii ordered nut. n urn h.'i . retuii ami want to go hark to (licit n I tn .It fur (hi i lie play period What In wrong'' l,et ITN) Mil Ml ask litniielf lli'it iuenllon Ha he i lOl grounds al I .it And If Unit parent shonl I pass during the play period. MtlW the iiuliiiikerH leaning again tl liulldlng or standing on (he icntril walk, watching 11 tie game thai Hie griiiiini afford, and know that eoiy '.oul tliere wishcK he hit. playing. ' AIho look over the Library or lllg'i S, hool lawn, ami If by ehanee tlieri are any little folk there on the gran I where they have been told positive ly that they should not gu i hiiiII atul think, "The youngnlerH mire take to grass " Then look bark at the tirade yard again When Willie or JoIiiih , OUM holm- With Ills b:nk rnvererj with mini dim i blame him think of the I .-, srhniil anl. w nhiiiii ,-, tl 1 1 iiienl and remliid M.i.r,elcs thai Ills MMClM riiilld hnve been dove! nped ..ml his energy expanib d ' chinning himself mi an In.n h.. I who h wusn t there I II thrown on nature, and used nature' iiieihiid. I'lie survival of (he IttMl 'I'he girlK III the gr.idi are liavin siime nl their needs met In their 1 1 training classes a nn the llnard nl Kdilialhui i . Irving nut thh. veal And II IhiTe Is ally ilulll.' en ling III any patnm mind as to the henellcilll results of tills move Ol.li I let hllll go over tn the ha e Ml of the High Si liool anv d.o l (lie week from Iwn (III llnee ami walcli the gills While (lie I'hysicul Dlreelor ' ilolug great work and using largel. the play spirit in her mirk, Inriiial gymnastics can never uci oinpliahs fo. children I lie w hide smiled 0M action Imin then mint: I .otn itn Which tliey Wllllld receUe Hum pliv oil ,i well equipped pluv ground liKAlii: I KM IIKK What i In you Hunk ' Ale lull sallslled Willi the sllhj.. i. now being taught in our s, -liools " What . liange wuiild yuu siig.t1 It uil linoe ideus nil Hie ab.,e wrile eiui upininiis lur tin- column l.oST due livet i it Muff on mad lietween Vule and Ontariu 01 Oiitaiki and rayelle Kinder ple.n uotity liny Ueavis, W eiser, Idulu . anil re, cue reward It'll 14 M'l'UK VIM I'l HI U 'AXIOM KKI'AKTMKM' OF I'HK INTKCH I. I l.AN'H OKKliK A I' l.i'. ORBOOM liecember ::nili I y 1 s NOTICR Is hereby given lll.il l(av luond ' llarland nl Ontario, Oregon who. on June 5 1 1 1 . ll, made II. mo stead Kntry. No , fur SW', SW ', , M tl, SivSK', NW '.SK', W ', of K4 NK1, KW 14, SI . NW i, . Se, 14 and N'W g NWIi I L'4, I'own.ship 17 South, ltunge 4 " j W illainelte Meridian, lias tile, I notice of Intention tu make Kin.-l Three Vear ITooi. i,, i tahlish claim 0 Hie land above described, MtON Keglsier and Iteceiver 1 S Land Ol io I .it Vale. Oregon, un the 4th da. nf Kebruary, 11 (,'laimaiit names as withe---, licrge C Uavis. James Muv. Juhn Klliutt, f Heckmali, all uf Ontariu. Oreguti THUS JONES. Itcgl.ler TO THE DAIRYMEN The Red Shield reamery Company, 16081610 Western Ave., Seattle, TuyK Highest Market Price for Butter fat delivered Seattle, as the market stands today. Tell Your Neighbors Checks and Cans Returned Promptly,! THE UNIVERSAL CAR 1: no huiger neiessari to gu Int., t,(, details .i. .rlldng the practical merlin of the Ford car every buily knows all alni'H The 1'nlversal Car' How II g atul i. im I y after day and ywar af ler year at an opeiatliu- MSMM M small that It's unnd.iliil This a.lviriisemetit Is to urge pron MtUft bajTWI t0 place e: ders wltlioul (inlay an the v.nr has produced OOBdltlOBI whl, h may Inlerler" with nnrmal pnnlintioe la a lord car whm m.ii can get MM We il ke good care uf your or der get y mil Kind 0 on soon as poHglble titid give Hie besl in al'ei .mi.i- hen reiiilrei! FORD OARAGE UtlllK HAVtta, Manager OVTAKIO. 000SJ. Shorty yets a hunch from the. Captain "When you get such real lasting tobuccu hutisfiiciion from a small chew," suys the Captuin, "it can't cost tiny more to clicw this class of tobucco." Good taato, amaller cliew,longcr life is what makes Genuine Grave ly cost less to chew than ordinary plug. H rut It: GhNUlNB GRAVBLY IIANVII I.H. VA fur kttilrl urn ihtmtml ptmf. Peyton Brand REAL CHEWING PLUG Plug packed in pouch. How Gould He Do It? A certain well-to-do YOUDjJ business BMUI tailed ut a bank the other dav and asked fol a loan of $500.00. Thr hanker prouipth ti-ok his personal note for the amount. Why could he do tins i- Simply because SS a young man he coiiunenced doing hu mess thru the hank. He had learned earlv in life that the hank could help him in nianv ways and the hanker learned that this young man was a sticker and could be de pended upon. In fact each had learned to stay by the other. Young men, there is a lesson n this for you. Start now doing row husiness thru a good bank like ours. Stav by us and we will stav by v.,u. First National Bank 0NTABI0, OREGON.