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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1919)
THE ONTAKIO Ali IS. ONTARIO, ORKOON. THrKSjJAY. FKBRITARY 13, 1 We are In luxury, tlir are ertjr. Vou may wave th life u or (rlrl wtiii later tuny hav wide reputation Remember the ilnle, February IS and 19 cut down the use of i iar: -. cigarette, chewing Run and candy t the mlnlnlmum yen rut It out en tirely and help to M?l lives In lea and Hyrln IB on lit nvc n life "o ttvaj 4e at IWoCm ii.-qiiir.ic. tC ome I'rcat iii i of herolTii we' ll P '" r ! rieatHHiir? I" protect a child from erlj.rp 0 ,,,,,11,,. wn, heeltnte t. protect hor offaprlna;, hut when It la only neceaaary to keep nt hand a hot tie of ehambcrlain'n Couch Remedy and give it an soon ns the flirt Indira lion of croup appears, there are. m0 who ncjclert II ('liamlierliilir-i adUftl remedy ia within tiie reach uf all uml la prompt unl effectunl. '' i i . ' ' I 2T (JIS3 HHATHI IAVIVI Ladies Special Suit and Coat c i Sale The next ten (lavs will witness tin- RreatcHl .snlf if Ladies' Suits mid Cunts tins Htott! Iims hail for M'Vcral Henwum. It will hi1 n sjivini; in dnllurs to ynii to visit this sale and doled at niiri- your wants fur snim tinif to cuiin'. BOYER BROS & CO. ONTARIO, OREGON Ill Til M II Ml! HIH.JK si iiiii i i vi - !: . iCoii'Ibu' l From I'.tfe t i of the dairy himlm - The hire 'Top of nlfnlfa uml coin hIIbk' that :i- produced llre run he marketed 'o Miter MVMdaM iliru firod dalrv citlle thnii in anv oIIht ny offered lo the produoi The iunllly of the - ' . projects in Man em oonntf . . i ic into ci.-pei .)en' npui ti dairy iiiv nay i on r . to HjloWv1" price Tliere la ortaei' ul dull productM, hem e the dairy cow will provide the heat market for hay The quality of the OOWI will determine the price received for hay myfr -,- VVhtSU .l I V k,-rr wan the Kiiest of noi.or at a err ONT.tltIO f. s i Mil is '"'" '" ll'" "r.'i'ii club rnotir J H ' -' At the Inter , r;n m bgld a ti UntuXJ Froin I'.. I 1 hy the Colonel ,iuilal numbers irtra let, jjie u:(siire you, that to given hy the fellewln: viol:', solo, Mayor H W Joner. nccorapaiM" i Mra. J (. Smith; ocal aolo by Hi drill, inn he trained and fit and wIIIIiik to da fend the American Kovernment .i .re pcrf..i jiiIiik the. big beat Mini m Hentanni of the ("lirttn uiun c.impa:iy D.ltrlntluli liv Miss I 'i hlottfelill and vocal Holm I .'Mie. i to l. in Malln-ur ri.ui I W(1Il wl,(, lp ,,,,,,!,, by JameK Smith V V NOfl.mi p . herds of the future Ik dependent up , ' "d") and Salurdty fehrunn I I 4JW fofl ,, nr rnnnV- mTI 'Uleit on the good Judgment used In hre. I " ' ' ''" ' '"ere are groups ot JnJuwl . ,rp ,,., ,,, H,5lrtlottl I4MI fti! I .mc practice, nna. Improvement ip "Uer io n plW In the 'fM'f a,,1 Jjlfclijl , ,. it 1 fWet.l UfflP j'H mllklnr ,a(l,H of ,. or l.rraf. " 'rl -r Nv -a. ft in . h. PtiM, WttUnrttrf W JL Mn (&' tuif ..f1 an onl OOme thru Uflltlfl hull 1 rn nil wiunm wnuwuum ih- uiu-m- mi .. in. ...j.. .1- ii. . , . . fti Innrninif kli.nil I lut flalfe 4 i, .i I ' I 1 A irrr.r. """ r. .'"" ', :.;::. ,,.;:.:.,,.. : , .MMrw i in- an in Hiion inns iiKeii n'-nn - ". , - p ,,.., Hi'io f"er)Tn1!Vev " I nit rifles In an Inereaaed butter Tat p.o.luiiln,, hulls which Is protlBI ho sun es-.ri I I1I1(MU rr()nl ,llP KVernment Will a . . .. I.t ..II.... ..!.,.... t ...Ml t... .-.. l...l t.. or iuu pounds or more a year in t' ""' p""i '" "') """ . i,irwiiriled to OreRon uViiMhttra of Htioh bulla OtW the """'i '"" ""l" tO '. II e aed ; me Jtllilllnl lUI-i fl liii l!ll ill..- IMtOrTHMOV.Ib Ml ilM It. il Ml .si: itoiMi IN HHou iihtii Nimu soon, in.-, fcrly r.llu l.iialBdr. men wl lisps l'i Ji ! in. I in will ei' nesnnii an uHerrailnc one round c iiniouiil Klveti liy ilanis I'he 'If yoH ran alve thin some puhlh H supplied Tufladuy inernlnn b 1 Altorne nm 01 sum uiiiis is proiii.imve 111 ami iisfik, in iirrnncitiK n meeiiiiR or -fn rToMnK I want to ronnral iilm. W. K Ufa and Mr J ITInhiR Tin . the man with a fe ettt WMD wnrr- nieeiiiia- for purpose I ballatt yon roQ vim-'f an nn tht proffreM yon mill wan stuKcd In the eniraiici win ne renoi'MiiK your uairv rtrmera n ade and I i onKMiulaie yon Mr ,r, offltt and wiik brut la a real ttftltl l acpeti uml i.. i. Wealmer i h, waa iilmi Id ntiiliMi nl the )ee- enihcr meellnKl will he with me K- ,y ihr ('..inliierli nl In I. :in ' folli Ilia alone The hull assocliitlo however, pnttMet llliilll'. uherch' man with only a lev. m can the iiat of aurh a bull at a prteH fa hlKher than the poill or atrtlce Ol it ' - 11 in-1 Ki,i ii. '.' m I , ,v,in iiiiii'- unl, nn mill 111 ipialn for Hi. work ol the n ,.n by the l;ilrrveuUon of ()ren nn At ii.x.n ( I'l'inel leader : llf'll ('. Jloynri . NdtAaJaft- la I u.irPV Ruest of honor nl ii lnrhf.Hi ! a-. done following flte melee In I'rlnrlng enriched the rllv with a ten Inferior bull Ml to arrive ai Moore Hotel Thurs mu j.1 i,i,ir,m mint ,,, ,,. . i. ,,,,.. i ,i,.m. i i. i,..i . i,...j i,i. . ... . ! ,iu'-, ll' unuin ..,iin-n iiiiii- "The development o the irri.;i.. ..... . day evening rtr Krl.lny morning llt ,, ... naiinnd I. III. . Ml.f will, ,11'jturblna t fie' peace ' 'I m0Mi FURNITURE! We are just unloading a car of Furniture which will soon be on the floor for your inspection. By shipping- in car load lots we will be able to give you the best prices on the high est grade Furniture, Beds, Springs and Mattresses ' High tirade Eastern Furn iture at the prices of Coast Furniture. McDowell Exchange Great Range Stock Sale OTQ HUADOFFlJNtiKANGE OJJ STOCK COWSSTEERS 2 Pedigreed Shorthorn Bulls . WILL BE HELD IN i i ONTARIO, OREGON, February 20 SALE BEGINNING AT 1 P. M The Biggest Gathering of Stock from several of the best stockmen of Eastern Oregon are listed for this sale. All stock in good condition, furnishing a wonderful opportunity to stockmen to improve their herds. DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SALE Note below the detail of this great listing: m St. m J I nnlt ' I kfcnT vtvpe luvii. lioiv... ) IH THE GREATEST INVESTMENT OF THE DAY GO HEAD 2 YEAR OLD STEERS, Durhams and Herefords 30 HEAD 2 YEAR OLD HEIFERS, Durhams and Herefords 20 HEAD RANGE COWS, Springers, Durhams and Hereford!: 25 HEAD MIXED YEARLINGS, Steers and Heifers 55 HEAD RANGE COWS, Durhams GO HEAD MIXED YEARLINGS, and TWO YEAR OLDS 100 HEAD BIG STEERS, 2 and 3 year olds, good color 9 HEAD 4 YR. OLD DAIRY COWS, Some will be fresh by date of Sale, Others in Near Future. lVa v exoeBViim;illv good milkers and are guarantied to gitai; jallaiHw milk when fresh. iua .. . ... Two TWO EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH PEDIOREEn RKfJ . I (J'H-l 1BTEKKD SHORTHORN BULLS, FROM THE DAY & ROTHROCK HERD, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 1 REGISTERED SHORTHORN COW 1 REGISTERED SHORTHORN COW, with calf at side Two . m Tin1 Oasis Oil Co. ni'ffis tn (In i. niil. tin' jjrOntoNi chance in their lifi' tiim- t. make t h- suivst sutr-i in I'stmt'iit in (his Oil ( '.i Tin' sliaits iv now s(lin ; at five. Cento per sliuiv, Tins Oil Himuii is lm'kid by th' OuviTimu'iit as ii u . iiniii. nt l S Otficials an-nttu-rrsot thisCu. Km full purticulars iri;aiiliii. this j,'iv!it opportunity, call fat MV. Th.'inas )ns.-..n, SaU'stiian ii Shan's in tins cnuntv, Ontario, OrvgiHI., Care White Luneh, 'it luimui i iniuy in Other Lfattngi will Probably be Made Before the Sate Remember the Regular Ontario Monthly Sale, Saturdau, Feb. 22 Hi. Mil.' tin- u.siiai run of unmll stuff, i audi i'qutiment, etc . luiv, Ii4ad tv.i- this snlf: 12 OR 14 WORK HORSES AND SADDLE HORSES 10 FOUR MONTH OLD PIGS . ONTARIO SALES COMPANY H. H TUNNY, Manager C R EMI80N, Olerk MILLER ft DIOKENS, Auctioneers