dfotfavifi rm. m The Ontario Democrat XXIII ONTARIO, MALHIUK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 11! NO. 10 HOMESEEKERS TO BE HERE ON APRIL 2 SPECIAL CAMS TO 1IRINU PHOHP. ECTIVE pihciiaskrm OF LAND iVMAMIEIk VALLEY FROM COAST Xl'NTRY AND XV IHHINOTON iihoifb or inouiiuk usiio Inn-icon . Western Colonization im- pany Hr-portn Great Interest In thr Proapertlve Opening of Wanuspr lnir Irrigation Dlstri. i A( all the office of the Oregon I Western Colonltatlon company, In Portland. St. Paul, Ontario, and Vale, there la a conatantly growing niimh- pr of inquiries for Information con cerning the poaalblllty of securing Km. 1 under the Warmsprlng In Ijcn- iion dlatrlct In the Portland office alone i, oroUray. Two bf nUH we lUined. nan i.iiii niiiiiir navo ritrn ij. iiia ," "v. .:.: !" . iiu-iiuh. a-iit in 111.11 HiMuon , h a . -1.. .... uarge nuniner are on me at the h une Dfflce of the company at St I'uui. line 110111 nnrii 111 iiniiirio and ui the ale office, the number la nwtofLvW the barn and ...her balldlBM "? . . . 1,. ..,,.-.,,. .i.... iv run etcumion ., ,, To systematically care for the pro i-v- yurciiBBvrs ine company is lannlna on liavln. i.-.,ri.l s..erll are attached to a train leaving I or' and on April 1. ' On the arrlal nl the uaeengera here -pedal cara will he ll. . f. .tl.H. A.. !... ...., . .. . . w hv iiivw u.v ... .ami I II. h company under the project water and carried to others on the "There la absolutely no doubt of'roof r " barn and thua held-lad. the demand for land, and the te ultc which will follow the development jf the Warmaprlni dlatrlct." said M- Mnney. local agent for the compiuv "Now la the time for the. .eiilnc' ,-thr nt .11 -!. mmmt aa, . ki. ogether of all who want to see thla The u la ueeaea lor crop. it will 1 a . ..ui .ii lave the water necessary an. I the !! will come to do the develon- .em work and every coinmunltv ln,,n" ""'" C"B, ",,a u"n lu" '" 11,.. ........ 1. 1. 1... .....I . ....... 1.... ii. proportionate .hare of the benefit in 1 r l II IT in I'l'llllll tit- Ii which will naturally accrue ,r,. from ." 'ANOTHER BOOST FOR OWYHEE PROJECT ItiMirr-MMiuulte X. J. HIubuII . Mrs Hut I'lol.al.llln In That ato.i -OOO.OOO will be Appropriat ed for ii-rlgXtlon In a letter to W. J. Pinney a mem ber of the committee which la work log for the advancement of the owy hee Project, Representative N, I Hlnnott gives a repetition of the cliuer Ing newa that the Owyhee pro e t Is In high favor with tun officials of the Reclamation service. Mr Slnnott saya that both s -ere tary l..nie and Director Oavla of tho service are ready to conaider tho merits of th Owyhee Project and that P. J. Phillips, formerly of Nysaa had made an excellent show ing fur tho project when In Wash ington two years ago. Mr 1'hlillja Is uuw In Washington in government service and baa IMM working there for the advancemen' of the project. Mr. Slnnott .lnu said that Secretary Lane has algnlfl "d a wllllmtneea to urge Hie approprla Hon of 1100.000.000 for reclamation aud that from thla fund at le. at one ..-w project win oe started lu the,for a lort talk by Col arid land stales. Tho he did not say the Chalauqua program. airectiy, the intimation was evi dent that the Owyhee has a very favorable opportunity of Being the Oregon project selected Chairman E. H Teat of the Owyhee Committee baa called for a meeting to be hold this week at Nysaa tllA-KK TKA RKFKATH A1X OF IORMKK SKX'KMMFIL KKt tlKIW 1 be annual Sliver Tea given each year by the Ontario Women's Club, was held last Wednesday at the hum. of Mrs. 8. D. Doriuuu The success ful record of former years was main tained and the total receipts amount d to t 10, which will go to Hi-; Students' Loan Fund of the State Fed vi -non of Women's clubs. EASTERN III SI INS MEN ARE OPTIMISTIC FOR THE I ITI III: II (' Hoyer returned Monday pvp nltiK from Now York where lie spent two weeks on n buying trip. H dl dared Hint business men on the At lantic Hi'iiiioiirii urn optimistic oVOI business prnsppcls, and Hip belief i geiiprolly incepted f hut Hip tin I Ion will weather reconstruction pmh Ii'iiih with n in in itn n in of disturbance to present prosperous romlll Ion boy WIIH MATCHES OlIIOT Ar Dili Tine llfllllll III Kill Mnl VnUUL VI UIU I IIIL 1 110 1W of May on J. It. Weave. Ranch iMHi Hatlirtliiy Nll-ru- nous Kfforis Itesiill In HH. lug lliillillng-.. ...- ..-...,, u. ...i... nniT.ru nv. year old mm to witness the Hpark . 01 a match caused Hie loss of 120 ton- 01 nay in ine weuver rnncli last Sat l "" ""'""" a. .a .1 it wuh only due to t ho utrriiuoti1 - efforts of Mr Weaver and his koii Weaver and his Ml, slsted hy nelghhors and llremen n,l im.ii,,,.. ,,,,.,, rr,.,., 1., ,1, ., on tho ranch, which Is two and 1, t. ,. .. .... i1Mi n,iiPM rriin, twn mi 1 he n,,,,i vard. - - mt iocbi nreinen answered ine call and Ai chief w II Ian.., ,,., the scene sent for Mm on and that was I Ing the hulldlngH All hla arrival at chemical wagon to aid in savl . ... . .. n . . - - - - Ill,' (III. , Illii, ll.fgciin III llli'll i II 1 1 ' ii . " nemea. They were aided b the f-cl '' " '""' W"M ''lowing froti' !" n0"" nd wy fr,,ni l110 H,lu' turea. Tn" "ule '', wh" H,nr",l ,ho ,',"' waa the most frightened Indlvlliril " .. . . ubout the scene He realized lint . . , 1. .11 be 1 a 1 1 1 1 11 1111 .1 1 h rii 11 mot tier, JUKI a snort nine neiore in. tire started took some mulches from ri 11111111T uir nif luii'ii). nimrm" wa" ,hu" wcupl'd aomeliow ,v ured another supply and sllppcl inm, ",r """ " ,n-' "" '"' '" ,,,,r l match he had lighted started the blMe. The fire caused a complete Iik to Mr Weaver for an inauraiice policy un the nail had expired a rew nayi pr. vloiis COLONEL LEADER TO BE HERE ON FRIDAY Will Itetleu .i.ii.iii,. iKli s 1 Cutlet C01010111 lal Club to I i.i.iiiln Mini at Lunch con ami Sionkri .Superintendent II it Douglass of the Public Schools was Informed h. wire Monday that the date for the Inspection of the High School rude' I I Col Leader of the I'nlverslty ot Oregon had been advanced from February 8 to Friday February 7. Tls fact tufetlPfir wllh the pr ence of the t'hutauqiia here (hi week necessitated a change lit Hie plana for the entertainment of (ol Leader, but plans are prepared some what as follews: a horse hack ride for the Colonel after his arrlvul on No. 4: luncheon by 'business men ut noen: review of cadets In the ufter ', ana smoker following Chat- auqua program In the evening Arrangements have heeu made, too. Leader lit ONTAKIO-NYHHA IKKIOATIOX lo lit III I I. FKHltl Alt I .III The adjourned meeting of the tin-tarlo-Nyssa irrigation company which was scheduled for lust month will In held on February 15th tiu II I I ANN! AL MKKTINO -fails tx nana gioitt m Owing to the fact that no quorum was present the annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Owyhee Ditch company adjourned sine die Tuesday afternoon Hy this proceedure 1 In old directors hold office for the next year This vJas the only mutter to' come before the Stockholders SECOND ANNUAL CHAUTAUQUA Excellent Program of Musical Entertainments ai Lectures Scheduled for the Remainder of Week, and Monday and Tuesday Evenings of Next Week. (,",Hrlo'M OM annual Winter '"''""Mni'la iiki in furnished In (h1 Kmi,on.whn ,rpBll w,, ,.,. !py the attention of Ontario for the hIx days TherP will he live evening progrillll. all of nil o.el lent IiIrIi standing character The aiaaiaii tin. vnr will ha held In the evening at the Dreamland Theatre, and will Include beside Hi. rPKar program an address hy Col .... .,.nilr. ,. , ,.. ,.-,,,, ... MonH Kr,ay Venlng . , -- - - -- - - The prhe of u full MUM II ket makes each entertainment one of low ...al. coKld.rln the character .. - - - -- ---, -- --- .-, -,--, -,. ..- r . . 1 i iii licit r Him it mi iiiMiniui in. . " . ' . treat to bo offered The auocet ot the ChautaiKiiia from a local Nlew P'"11 "' ,' . " .hy. ""'. """ '" ' ..-.--... . ,.r.. 1 1, L iiiu ui.iiit.kriiiALiii . guaranieeii ny ine iocbi comiiinni ' wnicn is sponsor lor ine pioKraiu un Ontario. Al ""' program lemur. () ii 1 . 1 .1 l""8 of wl'u ur" r" b" f,,,"", '" " ' uverllsemeni n the last page of Hi! """ ,he "liowlnic of the Ui Reed CLEAN UP OF CITY ii.iii, .... ...... m.. 1. ..- hi..,,, i I'mli-ct llenllli of I 'oniiiiuiiltt noil - Compel ln-iei 1 Imi of M1I1 Ii Cons If the pr lit city council can d . so i.at, ,,iiiions m Ontario are 1 improved Among inner steps pr p(HMHj r ,.h two filth la to I'" removed, and not permitted to ... cumulate; and peraons selling .n'lk n u,8 ct ure 10 he compelled to 1UV(. cows tuberculin tested regular ; There la no division uniting Hi" member of Hie council! to I In H slrabllty of both these steps but the council la In the durk. somewhat, a to how proceed to get the resirt H dealrea. Cliiiiiiiitl-sciiien Want liifoiinal mi These questions came before the roun. 11 meeting Monday evening hen (Continued ou Page Six.) War Pictures Coming Remarkable Viewd Strtigbt from the Fighting Zone y ,,.' IM""M ZI-Zrl!. " -. -i-l a4Li' --. X " t -Ml liBB The most remarkable set of war pictures which the couutry afford will be shown at Chuutuuquu by Henry Warren Poor, expert photographer aud well known lecturer. Mi. Poor's collection has been secured lu two trips to the war zone and through his particularly fortunate im-iilou as loud of thu Slide and Color Department of the grt-ut photographic firm of I'uderwdod k tinier wimsX He is the first to see and .elect from the vust amount arriving eaill week from Europe. Ills lecture has been voiced by Eastern papers aa oue of the moat In formative aud interesting of the plutfnim. The icwa shewn Include trench Systems, Pershing uud "our boys," liquid lire, gus waves, Zepelius, subma rine aud bow destroyed, shell exploding on Kheluut ciitheilinl, methods uf tewoullaga, tauks; la fact, every ne wonder of the great war. WINTER OPENS TONIGHT Entertainments and and Pn4grwcpj war picture tngetli ''' with " K"'iit lecture on Hie Htrui Kle l.y t nn who took the picture. E" W"rrp,n ,'oor of N" V'"K Mr Poor made thrpp trip to the war ,, gj different MMH f UM strug- glp. It the PXnerl of IiIn coini.nnv nn.l ,H therefore ono of the hpst nutlinru- "vp eye-witnesses nvnllahlp Then there Ih the lecture of Mr A c Zehner, the greatest woman led urer on the American platform who ,M nl, . , .... - iiiii 11 mo iinci III lilt III till stutes government She will dc liver her lecture on. "American Ideals t in n - ereM 1 .. .. 1. . . . . Another great treat ' 1 1 , .. "' ". """A "". . ,r"" ,l,,u " l,u,f '" ' proHonuMi on Mir . i .... 'losing evening liy the International Trio, which 1., .... .. -.. . . " ," .nil i nnri ill I ire, MIm4 and Holland ' ". iii- rnt.il BIUIII r Millie. Anoiher la leiitertalnment Is promlssed 111 the , , h 11 urer on Mnerl.u and Japan" by the eminent Japanese Author and i.n.r, Hr Vuinamolii The opening number of the aeries this evening Is .. ,ll", ,v"n X "'' "ordon-Smlth com- Is still time In which to secure se .son tickets for mire course. PLAN CELEBRATION OF DRY AMENDMENT Will Menili. is of Hie W. C. T. T. I illlligll Murk Hie Making or I Hllisl Slides 11 Iknieless IH'ioocrHcy . t)wlnf , ,ll() fui., ,,lu, ,,, ,,,., eiieiauuua U on the hoarda for thl weell ,. (,ri pnnH of tle NV 1 T. U. for a celebration of the rait flea ,, f ,,. udoptlon of the. Pn .1 t(on Atueiidnient to the Federal on tuutloii bus been postponed to Thur.-i dy February It, The following program will lie given ut the liaptlst church, and everyone Is Invited to attend Music by chorus; Scripture read ing. Rev. W. J. l.uacembe: I'ruyer. l(e C W 111. nn. Music by cherus: Address, "The Crusude in Oreg m Mrs Julia llrulnurd pf Payette; Tem perance Campuign,' Vup.-rinteiident II It Douglass, Music by the chorus. Address: "Victory", Rev. F W '. I.ran, Music hy UieVhorus. ARMlxixx AND SYRIAN HELM i drive i iititrxitv 17 fo Sitm I) M Tnggart, local chairman ol the Armenian and Syrian relief hiinl drle, hy meaiiR of which million of Htarvlng victims of TtirklHh atrocities can only he saved from starving, an nouncpH that Onturlans will he uked to give their aid during Hie wed, rf "'""n- i foniinlttpes will lie appointed this week and completed plans for ili- drive made The entire city Is to he canvassed during the week Fun her dptaiis will he givp., m iipxi w, . k isue of thp Argus LETSON JEWELRY IS SOLD TO RAUTENKRANZ Miss Freddie llmeraon to .Managr lK-al llranch Deal Consuni- mated Sat urda) e o ner In t liiirur The rumors of an Impending sale of the jowler, stock and huslnes , nl m Lemon to H. P Kautcnki m of Payette material..-.! last Satur "u Wlth the tran-ifer of the stock and business Mr ltautenkrun. placed Miss UYiMldle Jlmerson. who Is nlri.ii.lv ,.ll.n,.ii- 1.. ia.4.-i 1., -I .., ,,. ,, .,, ,,.,. , wll ,,. ,..,. ,, n. ,, ,,. .,,,, .. ,,,,,, ,,. CBre for ,, ,,,., work , w,l(,cl vii- 101 uir Uiii ui nuin ill WllH'll he ..peci.iuea In Payette The new flrm h , , , , development of the i.uslnes. In the local alore, Including the ;i, users or to adopt a Mat rate inai win dltlon of new lines, Including 11.11 ...1 MMMWIfl i.'"' "" "f water for the lustrum. 'ills-, hand paint. .1 liiui. ml Irrigation of lawns and garden as similar line Mil as the growth of U Mr and Mra l.etson hnie no la Another problem to be solved la finite flans for the immediate fiiiuie'ihai of making connoctlons with the and exnei t to remain In llnliirln fur ill in istem It has been dls- -ome time to come They Iium hi eil here five years, coming to on .tarlo from southwestern Colorado and ever since their arrlvel have Ink- en Ull active intere.tt in lodge .111. 1 civic uffulrh WARMSPRINGS WOULD SERVE SUBURBANITES ProMKt) Oumr tinier Ailviuue mem In iK, in, ,u System listen to rioM.iils From Iiiu DUlrict Tiiere is a possibility, almost a pro liability, that the Advancement tract- which border the City ol Obtain, to figures on Hie cost of delivering water the West und Northweat will be to irrigating systems lu this se.lion, watered from the Warnisprlngs . lr- and declared lliul If u higher rate rlgation system, Instead of by dm I than 7 cents per thousuiid gallon pumping system at present in use were charged to persons Irrigating A meeting of the laud owner an land they .mild not affod to use tin der the system was held at the el'y 'system, and that the cost of the ays hall Monday afternoon ut which 111 tftn would full upon the taxpayers propostlion wut discussed Al H..-: It was then thai Muyor Jon. Mi ll lime u report on the general condl- ciured thut It was the purpose of Hie Hon ol the precenl system prepare. 1 council to so fU the rules thai the by John I'uiinlnglium was r.-ud In people would use the water to hcuiitiiv (ii am.- Mr Cunningham went In the city while al the same time pay to all phase of the loinpunys pi 1 H lug enough therefore lo pay for op Ii ins .ration and upkeep as well as contrlb- ! Il iiiu not make specific reciu utliig to the ultlinnte paying lor the 11 1 minion concerning the proposal ... plant add 1 In lands to the Wurmspi ins District for the reuson that he had. Oneofthellmtii.is.il the Council 1 nt nefore him sufficient inforniatlo 1 'at the session wus to elect V 11 to base u conclusion J.uxon to its member. hip to till Hi" t Afltr bearing t.n i port the men. vu. uncy lesultlng from lh failure .. hers present determined thut ih... Erble Hayes to qualify ufler being ' woul.i take no defli m- action b acted Mr I. axon wae th unanimous would adjourn Jo meet February 0 cholse of the four ciiuncllmen wiling I to consider the' mutter .gum D.-I.uie IK.k Tex Directors Rex Marquis of the On tin- reading of ordinances tha U urnhprlngs district board wum pn only one presented was that to amen I lacnl and made u talk to the land Hie dog tux measure to road $3 for owners .-etling forth t'.e plug of l'n hoard lor serving this section, giving proiiaele costs' and oiier data Harry llrowu, son of Mr and Mr A K iirown arrled home from the .u my last Thusday He wus HobOen Handy to go over when war ended , OOVER.NME.XT SEEDS MAV HE HECCUED AT AlUil'K OFI ICE Two small .sucks of gm.-rn men l seeds were reieited 4 this week by the Argus from Itcprchuntutive N J Siunott. the supply this year is iiml ted, suyrf Mr Siunott ami dls- trlbution will he inade in tin way. If you want some nl 4 these seeds cull at the Argu office for them ' COUNCIL DETERMINES TO IMPROVE ONTARIO POLII ". M NKU AKMIMHTKATION T UK, "MAKK ONTAIIHl IlKTTKIl mi IV WHICH TO l.l K" MAVH MtVOII UflTCn DDADI PMC HFRAIFH fTfllLlI rKUDLLPIO ULDHILU . I'nas Ik T tJrilliuincp ly Narrow Vote Committee Clinrlmnii In- I -1111. 1.. 1 Aa to initlr-. lixon la Vllllltll I "II M. I I II, .11 What we are all striving for la to I make Ontario a better city In which to live", said Mayor It W. Jones. during nn intrestlng aeaalon o the City Council at the City Hall Monday evening The dlacumlon which hrol this de claration of the new administration' policy waa that onrernlng various phases of Hie water problem which la "l for solution at Ihls time No action was InVen on water atei or policy of operating the water eyi- !" ' -nllre subject will be considered at a series of nmetlnga of Hie water committee on edneafiay evenlna and other evenings to follow. ,,,,111 all .ueatlons can be Ironed out. Thai tho council has u real proh- ,, . on Its handa was evident from "" - !' debate Monday night , ,n. , certain wh- tlnue tl,e ter syste,, hi The mem- ei her to con- ystem for water overed that aeveral persons have al- ' ready connected with the system with- '"" making application to anyone a far as Ine records show I hey hat been gelling service for not lilllg l.lk it Is found tbut la some evenil 'iiisineHH liouses are colinv. ted thru one meter and thus the city I loaln ' rcv.nue that rightfully belong to ll The proposal Is made that liereuft"r i.U ciiiinecllons must be made by Hie super iuteudeiit of the wuter system and 11 flat charge made therefore to be paid to the city ( Thla will neces sitate the equipping of the plaut with tee i.eceaaary tools and the pur. huse. possibly of a car for the uae of the water department Such eiiulpm. nt the members belleui will result III nil Increase of efficiency and a Ml ultimately to the city J T Mllllkln wait present ai the meeting and presented u series of tun .Named to Council mules and 5 tor lemule- Win 11 Hm vote was tuken Coundluiaii Allen started the roll call with no ami w.i - followed by 1 nun. iliiiun Troxell who voted- no ('oun.iliiieii Mellower Moore ami I. axon however voted yet an,l the dogs were thus dooined for n,e present year The mauin r of enforcing the M dinuiice ai principal question discus id In Ibis . oniiecMnu, and at- leuti.ib VU -'ll'ii 1.1 the fuel that oftag ranchers dm. .nine to town and are liable to he cuught 111 the net .,1 the dog .al.hei This phase, of tin matter wus disposed of by tin ganaral airaagaanl that the enforcing officer would have to a 1 discretion la this matter. Prior to getting Into legislative ses- sioti the council disposed of the usui.l grist of hills