TJH, UNTAK10 AHIIUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAMauY 90, 1010 ' i i i Rexall Remedies ONTARIO PHARMACY Eastman Kodaks Prescription Specialists THB HKXAII, RTOItK PHOIfH NO. Afy Remedies Town Topics Tersely Told li i lnrlci' unrtolrt came ovor Inn her work nl Vale and spent the lek tad with her parent h here. I THomIoii. who wiih illaeliureil bra military duty ut CUM Trail. In Vn'niilo, arrived In Ontario the ol Hip week mid In vIhIUiik for n dajtl with hi lattr Mr. U G. ..n MiiTMiini i no will ko on to I in OrtffOli where IiIm wife and hln n Mr :incl Mi'H. TIioh Jone of Vale km' ii hrlef visit In Ontario wlCi '.a I of (lie MTk II Summer and II U. Kalk, of l mat I and llol i' i ' !" i'i i nlly. w rre Ontario 1 1 'nnaai liiiK homo- ktli' di'alH In till', . Ii laity tin' lai I ol Bi'i'k. W (' l.uekey wiih I Harm hitl 'inr In town I'rlilay iiihI Sal Li. ,v ill l II Senillll'- I' ii I'rlilnj mi ik' for I ' ' i" ill rial) wiiii liar daiigh who Ih very III. .1 Wi'iin r nl lii.nltn wax re- IiimI l hnrxdav Mm. II. W. 'I''iti wtiM mi On "ii r In. in Hi nl, in M .I l in dii) LMr and Mr S N II.. Hon wen . ii Ho MM md "n'lil Siinil ii Hi friend in town LMr and Mr. K. M Snell warn vIh- iii hart for a lirlaf time laat ,wcelt m si Anthony. Mi Kiln. i Griffin received loin- tain from her mm Karl, whu ha en on active mrvlce with Iho A. K In France, that he had Juat arrived New York and would aoon he time. ' W. Goodman of Glenn'a Ferry I ited over Suml.iy In town. lie i-fi Monday morning for Junturi I hero he waa called by huitlneaa mat- a, Tiie Hlaaaa FraseMi and Luclli Sinitli and I'tunr.lx Wllliiinis u"i. IhIi,Iiii with relative here I lie llrn of tin. arafk, They reiinn. i PwM lay to their home In Drewney. V ,l nrphei . .1.' : It l'l:i POOI, JohB Wool) and V I Allen, who have iiern in training al 'amp a rl p eil t It f it Ontario tln lasl of tin. w..l. fur llii'lr liomi'M in I'.'tliill. i . and other Interior place II. Y. llliukwell rcliirned from I'ortliuid Salnrday after Hpr-ndlnr aevernl week there aOendliiK to liuniiiPXH trnnMactlona. John W. ('itnnlnRliiiin. ennln. , Malheur Driilnugo dlHtrh I in Ontario Saturday iv.iiIiik from Portland Mr, altar Oramaa i apandl .11 IIiiIbi. (' Mark l,ehrha ll liere vlxlilni; Willi Iih unrle and aunt. Mr. and Mr John Ilasmuxren. I.i no A I MA1.K a II W hoi man. pr. hhnt of t'alil V ell nil run , .Iwi'll. lila i i . port I lli' . '. . I l '. my nri lili'i'd Man and a hull to I! ,l ami ii. W, Baaaatl ai Qraantaaf, Idaho, 'I he hull al the head ol Mill herd HI 'mint Laroador, No 1 1 1(91 . i mu four year old, Helling at the priri- I J1.000 Tola Ih the third hull Mr Dornan ban nid in pnt few month nt one IhouHiind and over. lie report the local Sliorthorn Itroader aMoclntlon will hold ilieir flrHt puhlle liiile Kehrffary 7, IK 1 9 The Hale rnliHlMH of IN. femaleH and hull. The majority lining nnt ie lir , Mm I) W. HIvetiH, whOM hiiHlmnd wan killed In an accident, and Mr Hlvon' mollier, Mr. Mary ('. Illv- on, left tor HiiiMT i.,iti day morn in. Mm. Illven will return to I H tarlo noon. Mrw Hay W 1 1 .ion wiih In tmvn Wedneday from Nya. I i.nian and lir Stewart nf Uole were vlaltlng here Monday. Mr- baa Bote rame down from tlnll Wednesday- and vlnlted for a whlli' with frleinlH In fore returning thin moraine, Uw oaawhllo al tendiiiK to Nome shopping. ' I of vnnt work on ranch n- i par, ml I .ll v Phono Krillt xTKI I lll.t.d 2t- i lllMIM.' nev N II llerrell. DIhI Supt Of! the Idaho Oregon Dint Nomine church, at the new location, I-'t . evctiiiiK Jannai 1 1 at, to aoattaai leflnatnly Itev llerrell will he ox- Filed by the local paiitor and niafl bara. I'lnnty of good Hinging Her Vloaa aai h evening at 7:30; Sundnv. aabbatli a hool .( 10 proaehlni CHEAP COAL! We linve two cari I, Ignite fij aaar ffi Ooal from . Kemmer, . V).. JJJj liAT f ATI vvlileli ivn an. Helling at Jivl IVfll nt tlm hln. This h not im n mme other high griule Coal, lint Ih i-lieiip OOal ill the prlc offered, AM 7.V per ton for town ilellii'iy. Try Home of It. VanPettenLim,berCo. J Him wllh loriuer frle J V Willi. IIIM . an Ontario t Of lllHt v Idwell w Mr. an. I Mi ar i im m d tO I I'' l i ll ii irl'iul ,i. Mr. al.d I I I I BOW an , daughter Ml lamiu. Mr. and Mi II Park, n:id V. K. Hers i Jordan Valley were vIhHIiix her yrnterdny and today. Mri I). A. Tld'adden woh a Vah vlnltor In ton:i for a few dayn lhl wei k. Mr. iin.l .Iih 8. A. Slanneld cann. do'vn fii. i vale Hpent Wednea day In Ontario. M. M. Kcholi returned from Con don yeatorday where he Ii:ih apent moat of the winter. Mr and Mil. 8. E. Nlchola and W. K Mthoia iti.e down from Ironaldn tin Ural of the week and have been vlaltlng with frlenda here Dreamland A ttractions ONTARIO, ORJDOON Sun . I l! KIMIIAI I nl Ni. In 'SHIALaTff KA1 I i'iii ho Naara I 2:80 and 7 Kvi.ry hody welcomi r v A AT'xv ? s r o v ONTARIO LAUNDRY v N v I Tueaday, February 4th OLADTI MaOCKWKUi In irinit" Mutt ii Juff. ariiM.ii ASKETBALL ollege of Idaho (BOYS) VS. Ontario (BOYS) SATURDAY, FEB.I OLD OPERA HOUSE The Ontario lineup will in clude several old high school stars. Come out and root for the home team Game Called 7:45 Wednenday, February nth WILLIAM I-A KIM In "IN THE JUDGMENT OF." Draw Cemedy: Before and After Taking Thuraday, Friday, Saturday t'HATAt Of A Sunday February 9th IONHTANCK TALMAIMiK In "THE 8HUTTLE" Pathe Nawa Ceming: TWO BIG SPECIALS Feb 14 and 16 the aeiiuul to Taraun of the Apea -"THE HOMANiK Of TAHAZAN". Thin concludeH the re maining Taraian books. Coming; "LONE WOLF" February 16 and 17. Thla atnry waa running In the Saturday evening Foot. CHURCH ACTIVITIES MIL. Ill I ill It! II OF till HLKH8KD SACIt AMKNT. 8:30 a. m., Low Mann. in .in a in , High Maaa. 8:30 a. iu , CatechlHiu for the haft and girl. UNITED l'ltENUVTEItlAV CHI lit II 10.00 a. Ul. Sun. la) .School. U:oo foraala Sermon Kujeit. I'raycr". MK'IIIOOLST till ItCH l. MiiKellli 'aiiipiilun Service eui ii venlng llii.s -but Saturday. On Suinla the I..' lowlngg themea will be araamtad Ham. "Keliglon In the Hone 7:30 p. in. "Chrit the Only Va) Sunday evening will be the la i aervlce that H v Aldrlch will be wn'i u In thin ae. iea of meetings. !- ' every body i ally to make Sun. I big day. Sunday School at 10 a. in KIKHT AZAItli; (lit 'JJCH New location one block west of Hum a garage. Hev.S L. Flowern, I'aator Sund.iy aervicea: Sunday .school 10 a. in pieachlng 11 a. m. and 7 p. in Cottage prayer meetings TueaU.n euluy at 7:30, church prayer nice inga Tliuraday evening 7.30. DR. J. S. CHARLEBOIS Natureopathist SpeclnllHt In curing Appendh UK I'llea, Stomach, Liver. Ithnumatlnm, laflnnltlaa, Kldnoy and I'muaie Dlaoaaaa. I ( t i:i ii i;m Ufl Miv ', In u all nt' railed. Consultation free (Ivor Poai Oliico Onliiriii. t irrjjtin ,dl$aifrafetvvl PaiaF aaW dnpj rok aaQ ROiRam ikH .' 1 MaaaT- A . B' "' M& alkw al Br fl aT I aV T ? !( .laH " Wfc 555 al The F0RDS0N Tractcr The tractor that will revolutionize farming by doing the work of thousands of men loaned to Uncle Sam. 22 H. P. on the Belt. Miint'd by Henry Ford & Son THE "F0RD8ON" TRACTOR is tl.r Ntull i 'extensive trials and experi incuts eoiitlueted liv Mu lleinv l-'mil, OOTWillg a peritxl of many years. Before placing the tractor on the market, orery detail bai been khorouifjhly tried out under actual Canning conditions in various parts of this country and abroad. Experience haa pointed to the small , light tractor as being the one machine which will lilt all var tag conditions utiaiactorily. in devclopiug tin-' Foil I isoN" Tractor, the aim has been t" produce a small tractor which will be 1 in lirst mst, reliable, and above all efficient. Being small, light and economical, the "PORDSON" Tractor is adapted fr use on siikiII farms, as well as on t he largest. It will pull all farm implements and (In the work generally dune by horses on the farm. In addition, by its belt pully the tractor will drive farm machinery such as a thresher, ensilage cutter, sawmill, etc., making the " P0HD80N" a truly univeraal tractor. In deaign and construction the ' Foil ls( IN" takes a lung Ftep ill approach ing the ideal tractor. The simplicity of its operation and construction will at oner appeal to the fanner. Special devices were perfected to keep out dust and dirt. All moving parts are enclosed and thoroughly lubricated. The number of lubricating points rc quiring attention are verj few and easily gotten at. The motor, transmission, and rear axle arc assembled together, forming "lie rigid unit, which, combined with the three point suspension, relieves these part i of ;dl strain. The absence of am fraiin m es acnssiliilit to all parts for making adjust ments or repairs, and allows-the tractor to he taken apart in a few minutes. The motor is of substantial deaigb and is capable of delivering its full power colitinuously. It embodies features which have been used with success in Other fields for many years. TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO., ! Admission 25c