AK(lls. ontakio. onm. mom fAWAitr aa, am TliE ontakio -rrrrrr t mwiNTFR ECONOMY PRICES I m Jul BE " . m .,. u,...n ;w!uoirv in nnt.imiS- f i I CPFflAI V Ik 01 I M i tne mantei vaiue. 18 ft regular Ki ft regular 12 ft. regular 1 1 ft regular 8 ft regular 16 ft n gular -l ' 111 i'" ' ''ill Kirsch Cu.ta.n Rods, regular 35 cent ipec la 89 oenta. 25 pel t off on all icrimii marquietes and Drapery goods. $ BRUNSWICK I PHONOGRAPHS I ..ol I I M'l K TO ,ilHIKs nVHIIIN- (Ceutlnutid From ftM 1 I the wound lhat have '") him for service. it waa IM battle of Um torn i that ehowed ili llrttUh thut M '" dlnary trained clvllUn could lnd up anl do the work of '""" " come from generations of IghUI Colonel Leader tells uh Ha klmaell li deaoended of a MM ol "lvl" ' John Loader, nil of whom MM Ighl er, and h uh M " Hll ""' r,'sl of tha fighting Ht- of Europe '" ' believing iMi u MM '", r.'U;lii up aa a fl(liter and with u tOM MM Ol lighter behind !' MBM '" ceeeful oldler However, ha eayii Ihla Ideu bus Ml MM "'" disproved KeturuInK health made L'oUmwI Leader feel It Ml ptMl " nulu KI era to ! soldiers, bin..' UM BrtUM War Department .1.-, lui.-.l lnm Mil for mtlltui duty Wli.'ii ll mraUv aTMta 10 IM HrltiMli WkM "' Oca lu the fall "f lill MhWJJ foi I umu to drill ll UMMi IM ,,ni" back a lit ol iiii-n tluil MM .I"11 able und MUUMa TM Hll Mil! - ,.lm tod lilm as tlie lMt lllttll to MM, anJ hU comiuK li Ml ll ""' Inlversilv In l" Ml li" l"l HUtia for tin' IrOOMi l'u'1 '"',' rauifiiH'i.l-. lor ll. ,'iilv kind "i forniH iinu'ti, .i','i' ""I Md drilling a" l'i I ,,V ""' '"u' hours iii leeluri three day a week d.iunii i.i work", wua the opinion ol IM atudeol body after he l.ud MM H ""' Cll hUv a couple oi da) . I.KTTLHH ITUiM MAI III I It OVU T ',oYs'. "V nt mi lit (Continued I'ioui l'age 11 having oyer there now ' ll ruin, hen every half hour Wl are near Uun kirk, a reeort lovwi und n MTtllnll ta muddy, but fnrleualeh ur, i tf drilling uiuoh now, und we MMM I i move aoou "In Juat a few daM uow 1 will kl entitled to wear atvlOI atrtlN ing been here ueurly U iiioutln- "BoUier over here stay any Old place, pluoeH they would not thinU of having us at home We ure now quartered lu I Mri Md IM Mfll do not even like that Maybe M will gat u out of France aflMI Ik) ami It caunot come to doou for I will I. I.KADKIt to Short Length INLAID VIY IcKKT WIDE 2.60 q. yd piece tor $2.25 Bq. yd. piece for $2.35 Bq. yd. pieco.for $2.50 Bq. yd. peici for $1.85 sq. yd. piece for -,.", Bq. yd. piece tor Solid Oak genuine Spanish It Able automobile typ rocker. ,11 t. nun-mi etui BprillgR. block corneni placed rr value you cannot The New Home, latest improved Bewiruj Ifaehineisuncqualedandat this price Ih fai below its value extra special be w'llllliK to wulk out If IM) lll KM nit "Hut If " don't get Ml u'"'1 ni.xt ( lirlNtmuH I II be huh ' 1 Inn i' never heard from W'llllum. tho 1 luivo krltteii uboul liM MM moiitli I thlna that lie Iuih MMt " , .n.,1 my letlera, mbe, bo uml k be will gal one of Uhmii I laat letter 1 wrote ,"i ' ir.nii Si. Catherine Helglum Sin, .i,.... i i,uv. I, ..mi mo'. el Iron, mi" I n,,iii in iiiinilier und have MM " ", go, alwuyH wintering when VI I would xel l''k. II It m I" l"l gut MM "t all. Now iliui the war la MM M "' wonderlug ubout our John, but I gue, .vlll M work, llu. not us uleiU. ful uh ll wuh before the wur Hut I believe I CUI1 get my OlJ JOO UULK uguln. "If Wllllum getn buck lioine MION 1 ,1,. iii-i Mil I. no I'm on my VftJ Deur.'Hl Mother and Folk, I am mighty glud ihul I eun oil you yliere I am at now We MM h.ei. biking all owr llelKluin It MM lo me We HN lo go to Hi lol the re eKIublisliiiieiil of King K b.il und were ie.ill lliere The ol ,. , Witt liaug.-.l M M Md I" iniee bMh I M)Uld MM Uaeil lo Mvi ll lli.ie hut M ll I M '' '! I.ouie .mil 1 behew we lll he I, nil, or III the hlul.M III a tew week u itoVld Ml UM bread ll Ol whole wheal, hanll. groUSd ul ull hut I like it Junt fcOW in,, ol and in). sell ai, lag wllh an old man lll M very wurm und he Ml uh wash our elOtMl. or jungle up" on hU lUVI M it unything we wuut to At on, we muyed the woman told I l:,.,l launy ol the MCM would MM '. if It had not been for tlu Aiiieiiiuin. helping them ihru the It. ' glum Keliet Fund Am IHdU nu a'i.ture ol And enerde, the (own where wo lu&t stay ed and WON lliere when the Aliulfthe gfOJ signed We hud taken IhU loin November lira! It sure was a IMJM the way it was hhelied hy the re ucating liuin It Is a he.iutltul place and 1 WM ll'"' "U ,oUld see thl .'.,'hedrul There are ilirce lutle girls here ab,,ut Velma's and Poll'- a;,'s MMM are Kstlier. Murll..i and LiOttlM and IM MB) I num.' i FlUilbelh T'l.eir nmCer cooked for us six Myi four Tttinkaglvtng teed Uuoaa what we bud boiled putuloea with s.,u,e. Linoleum ...f lll.llll 7.50 i i.i to ! i.i ii i 1.50 13.50 titer, i S;at Heavj nt. A rlll" liai 12 Sil'rW rock under dupiieaw $10.65 ! '4- Ontario TrxiFLNirrxjixtt OS I XIUO. three rleil ruhhltN, und bread ,tnd butter wllh milk lo drink I good, too Th" ure gwfull) I rooka here Theae little glrla all BTMf IM aboea and they make a luip Ml the aldewulk Their mother, fHtlier und liin brother all wear Idem Ion Wouldn i M look queer In them" When the go In the house limy leave the Hhoea at the door and wulk In their Ntoeklug feet or bnrefool uim the hoUHea are ho rleun i ei. BSTB1 I. MORTON II (' lloyei led Saturday nilil for N.w Hork. Clileugo, SI I.ouIh uml ol .mil Mldle Weutern i llle-i on u buying trip. I'lliS I'oli SAI.K Six luilf grow I. pigH, DMM ' TOHHUll Willi O I C, weight about 110 Urn eaeli ln.julr.. at Huneli 4 mlleh WTtMl "I town or phono aolt I" I' DMrtora Dreamland Attractions O.NTAIUO, OHKt.ON Sunday und Monday. Jul. Noit.MA TALMADOI 111 mi: siout or raacHAgs P T ii I N K W Tuenduy , Juii 38: VUMilNlA PEARSON iii "Ql'FKN OF MARTS" MUTT JKFF lurtoous in lug u Spy I. an,' Wednesday . Jill Al.l. 29: TAR 1:1 "HOUSI OF MlltTIl 8IDNBY DRBW Coaady, After tlanrj " Thursduy, Jan 30: MABEL NOHMANI) lu JOAN OF I'l.ATTSUl'Uli P A T 11 I N K W S Fri ;inl Sat Jan 31 und Feb 1 CHARLIE CHAPLIN in a D001 LOT KATSBNJAMBR Kins in "HMth , n llenetll " t'OMlNi; Tkl Kninanc Short Length PRINT Linoleum .in i'. I.,., il ',n ui 24 ft regular $1.50 q. 24 ft regular p.66 q. 11 ft regular fi.uu Bq. 29 ft regularfl.80 q. lii ft regular. $1.00 Bq. $39.45 v. have tour davenports some in genuine Spanish leather, all quartered oak frames, that ire are making a 20 per eenl discount on NOW "KI (.US CHURCH ACTIVITIES I'enK'i okImI Churili of tin- Numeur, Kant i,b Key. H. I,. Klowera, U.D., Cantor Orrler of vm, . - Suuduy achool 10 t u Preaching 11 a. ni. People Meeting TIC p. in I'ruyar uieellug Thur 7 lup ui You are welcome to theae aervlrea CATHOLIC CHI 'lit II OK THK IUMB Hit HVMLNT. 8: 30 a in , Low Mann 10:30 a ui , High Maaa . 9:30 a iu . Calechlatu for the boy and girl l.MTKII I'HKsHVTKItl AN (HI K II iv uu u. ill. duiiuu ai'iiuui 11:00 Worship Seriuon auject, "I'rayer". . HOT LAKfc, OBI , JAN 2, 1818 Word han been received from lir i W. T. i'hy Ihul he Iiuh mmred li- releuHe from the lioyeriinuiil m llu at Letteriiuin Uenurul llospnnl. Sun Krunclsio. and will M MMMMAtll at home at the Hot I.uku Suiiuto rlum uboul the tenth of January Your truly, nor lakk SANATORIUM NOTICE nut I'l hi.ication DEPARTMENT OP PHI INTBRIOH l' LAND OPPICB i i.r OREOON Januury lilih. l'.uy NOTICB is hereby given Ihil Thomas J Wulker. of layille. Ida ho, who, on Murch 0tbi 1111!. made Homestead Kntry No ttlTI, lol IB '.. S M , m NW 14, NW i, NEtii Btl II, T its R w m . and who on Junuury 2, li14. mudo Additional lou.- Kntry Number 03070, for V V SW. sW i, NW',. IM I and SK' NK', Se.tion , Tow iil,i, 17 South, Uunge 46 Kuui, Wllluiuetle M Tidian, hu .i tiled notice of Inten tion to make Final Tl.rce Y.ur 1'roof, bllsli ilalm In lh.' luud above descrlbid, b,i,,re Clay M Stearns, V. 8. Comniissuiner, at Ontario ore BMi on Ull llth day of Februarv. lam I'luiiuant name, as witnesses: Snow den L. Hull, Albert Hull, Charles Heeler, OtM A Knslmick. all of Pay. ell. Idaho TIIOS JONES, RMwtN . ....... .. A nil for yd. piece tor yd. piece for ya. pit iui yd. pieec foi yd. piece foi 13250 will buy you this 48 Inch pL"U top quartered Oak extension table. Pedestal inches square with 3 inch legs. We have-it 6 0r 8 fool extension. Are also snowing a r Inch pedestal of eastern rim ' unshed (iolilm IMK.niin. im- A 42-piece set of dishes, i pretty pattern oi gray and gold with rose decoration b1 a special price. Also carried in open rtock. Regular 13. 00 for i oo, NOTICE To uiiniioiis .Nnlice Is hereby given t ll It t lh' HU deiHlgued has MM uppnlnted mliiilii Islrutor of the , dale ol John I. Me Donald, deceived, by order of lh County Court ol Ihe Slale of Ore gon for Mulhi'iir louiily All per hoiih having cIuIiun uguinst tho suld eatate are herein MtlMd in i lb, in, duly verllled us by law re,Ulrei. to the suld itdmlnlstrator or his at torney. W W Wood, ul Ontario, Ore gon, within hIx mouths from the d . of the flrat puhlleuilon of this uoiic. Done and dud d and lirsl publish",! this 23rd day of January. 1919 ll OOCERVM, AdmlnlHtralor of the estate of John I. Melionuld, deceased. NOTICB oi HHKHIll'N sai.i: IV POEECLOSCEE Hy virtue of an BmmUm In For" cloHuro duly Issued by the (Tork of tho Circuit Court of lh" State or Ore gon, for Mallnur County, dated Jan uury 111, 1919, In a certain action In the said Circuit Court for h:i, Stat" and County, wherein T II Craig, un plalntlll n covered Judgment aeai.-i Crystal Iteally Co. a eorpural Ion. II Tyree, Itosku Kited, Helen M Kltch. John It Wurley und Jan, Dl Worhy. husband and wile. A M Sloiiian. t; W (Jeisler and J C r , o palmers UK ;.i ,iei Broth. ., I'endiiiils for the MM Tliree lluiiilr-d Klghly eight and IT 1 00 Dollar (IIII.4T), with Interest n al the rate of Six per , eel I li per eenl i per annum from March 2S, 1915, until paid, und for lb, further sum of Six Dollar ($6 00) for prewiring and recording notice of lien; und the further sum Ol BUtl TO THE DAIRYMEN The Red Shield reamery Company, 1508-1510 Western Ave., Seattle, Payi Highest Market Price for Butter fat delivered Seattle, as the market stands today. Tell Your Neighbors Checks and Cans Returned Promptly 1!U' 16.50 17.75 5.00 18.7") 9.85 $15.85 $9.90 PATHE RECORDS Dollar ($00 00) attorney' foe, the further utu of ITftyatix and 100 Dollar, ($60 HO), coat In II circuli Court; and the furlliar n of Forty nine Dollar ($19 00) coa lu ihe Supreme Ceurt: together wl the accruing costs of thl prccendlg TIIKIIKFOUE. NOTICK 18 HKRl II Y tilVKN that I will on the ! day of Fohruilry at the h iur Cf 11: o clock Iii the forenoon of cald d ut the main entrance door of the Ml loon Comity Court House, at Yi i 'i 'gon, di at public auction to hlghi'Mi bidders for caali, (lie follol Ing described properly, to-wll All the right, title and lit- tho defendant Cryatal Healty Col pany, u corporation, In and to tint i NortheiiKt ijuarter of the North iuurier (NB44 NWJ ) of Iweiuy-rlve (IS), Township Slxl (18) Snuih, Hiuige Forty-iveu (4' K W M lu Mulhour County, OrefO Taken and levied upon aa the pro erty of the suld above named deful antH, Cryalal Heulty Co., a cotf ratien: II Tvruo. Itosku K. KIIM Helen M Kltch, John It. Worley UJ Jane Dee Worley, burfband and IW A M Slomuii. (i W. Oohiler a.ii 1 C. lielsler, co pui tnera a CliM llrothora, or as much thereof u Ml be tincMHsary to aatlafy said .'udf n'iit in fitvor of the T H. Craig, Hi against the uald above named fundaiits wllh Interest thereon. U gether with all coata and dlsbu iiicnis that have or may accrue Dated at Vale,- Oregon, Junutn 18, llltt. H LEE NOE. Sheriff Uy T. C. McELROY, Deputy. First publication Jan. IS, 191- Lust publication Feb. 10, 1" a