The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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. j
jjjg OMarta Argua
GEO. K.AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
nd entered tit tli Ontario post office for
iistrihut inn as 2nd class matter.
One Year $1.50
Representative P. .1. Gallagher of this
district is the author of measure designed
to solve the problem of financing new Irrl
nation projects in Oregon arhich will com
mend itself to the residents of this lection,
where the potential wealth of the countrj
is as useless today as it w;is when Columbus
discovered America.
Under the prorisions of Mr. Gallagher h
plan which, howerer, is uol s new one to
Western legislatures, the State thru i prop
erlv constituted board, would, alter B thoro
examination of the proposed Irrigation dis
triet. guarantee the interest and principal
of the bonds of the district to the purchasers.
The Stati- board WOUld have the DOWer ti
compel the levying of necessary taxes to
meet these obligations and enforcement
would be secured by tirst right of foreelos
ure on behalf of the State.
While there are many admirable feat
ures in the proposed law that would inure
to the benefit of practically oven section of
Eastern Oregon, it is almost beyond belief
that the present legislature will take the
plunge In State socialism which this nieas
ure approaches. To secure the passage ot
such a law will require enormous work in
lining up the Multomah delegation, as well
as the lawmakers from the timbered count
us of the West side not directh benefitted,
unless the terms of the bill be made to in
dude logged off and swamp lands.
Hut the greatest difficulty which the
bill will encounter will be due to fault
methods in irrigation nnanee which hav
tions Were necessary only during the reic.ii
of monarch! ot' the Hohensollern type, in
dor our present representative form of gov
eminent we have in the past 147 years
. chieved greater reforms thru the process ot
poltical evolution than were dreamed id' b
the leaders of the great revolution against
George III.
All these things have come about be
cause of the genius of the American people
for self government, and while the leaders
to a large degree were of Anglo-Saxon lenl
age, The direct sctionist movement, the
disgruntled socialistic pmpagands has Its
direct foundation in the followers of Kail
ftfan and the Tuctonie t pe of leaders wh i
prcj upon the ignorant in the industrial
A glance at the list of names heading
anv protest movement these days indicates
thl origin of the men who are advising re
volt to America ideals and casting slurs up
on American institutions.
To COUnteTSd the baneful efforts nf
such men. it is not enough that we privatt I)
condemn them. Every true Anuieian inilM
guard his birthright in this great demo
eracy. We have fought a war to tnak tli
Vorfd safe for democracy, while permitting
ts enemies here at home to sow seeds id
dissatisfaction which if carried to the ulti
in. lie would make democracy unsafe for the
A lively active Interest iii. and eoiitiuti
ed study of the elements of political lite i.
every American is the best safe guard that
thid nation can possess. To that end "iii
schools must be Increased itt efficiency and
illiteracy banished from tin- land List
wise the English language ami that idoii
should be taught in the (Jraininar schools.
Attorney General Brown has a specific
item of .").immi iii his budget for the pros,
CUtioil of the suit Sgainst tin' Pacitic I. iv
U.....I r. ... l... ,..... ..I, . .' Lin. la ,1
,, , ... niin h i urn ii,ui mi iiii ii iiiiii i'i 'i', ...
markeit all tnc wesien coumry , i ", fa ,..., ,
Orel but allot itss.ster states. I USI1V .',,.,, ,.,,,. ,,,in M.llcrheadoftheP. IS
crooks with irrigation schemes have worked awai.(l
their eaine upon tlie pnmie, m uie no. .us, ....;..i, i,u ,,.,, I, I,.. I
,t past, to get the people of the entire slat, legislature! rises amain, and this
launch o a program ot state guaranty ol w m,
irrigation bonds
Ultimately, If the national government
does not solve the problem, such a measure
will receive public favor and i-iui be made
effective. There is sufficient basis to .Hstil
the measure with the proper sale guards Mil
reundini: its use, while we hope that Uepn
pew, except those wno nave taken p.nn
to make a study of the controversy know
anything Of the merits of the State's ea-e.
which is already pending in the Court ol
this District, having been started at Burn
during the last term. However, this need
not deter one from hopiuu that the appr
tentative Gallagher will succeed in gcttinu n.(tl()M wl S1( tllllt ,,. ,.,,., ,..,
his measure on the statute I Its, even n ri i.;imr( (lini tll(. ,.,., .,,, tlP questlnii prop
docs not he is accomphshing something in . lllsMIN,.,, ,. Sl. onK as the question
getting this matter before the people foi
their consideration.
There is a type of Ann
exists it is iroina to cause trouble both foi
the company and the people of Rami j snd
Malheur counts too, for some of the land
involved is In this count . No good can conn
of delaying the adjudication of case. It'
the recti arc as those urging cue prusecu
ricau citizen wh" tioil of the caSS claim them to be. the lands
allwavs Imagines someone is"Putting some .should be returned and it the are not, then
thing over", that will give I special pnvi the P L S. will be the better of! to have a
legelo a portion of the people and not io all court deeieion in the matter. It will be tint
It is (list lUCh people, and we have them Jcsm piece o. iigaiuu ,.. ,,,,, K.
here in Ontario, just as the) exist in larger '
cities, who are allwavs talking about "our I'll, new Warden at the Salem ilistitllt
class", as opposed to some other group, ion, whk'h for lack of a better name is called
winch for the la.k id a more definite nane the penitentiary . but is described SS tin
they term the "capitalist .lass " dirtiest hole in the state has the right idea
It is not to be denied that there are some He sa s give the ininat. I pi. nt of Work t
people who have nunc money than others, do and there will not be half the trouble.
and that some ..t their money may not have One job that it would seem fitting and
been honestly or righteously secured, but proper for the inmates of the institution
that the receive the advantage of laws en to perform would be to clean the place up
acted ill their favor in these days ean SSfcl) a bit. No matter what it is built of, n.-r it-
i. deuied. present architectural lines, or lack of them
Rut that Is not the ital thing in the pro ma. i.e. the well directed efforts of so large
lefts of these dissatisfied citisens. Theele bod of men could make of it at bast ,i
men that is worthy of more than passing thot clean place.
is that then- statements indicate a lack of Hack in sfiimesotS S0M yQ$T ;,.U" tilt
fait!. In our government ss it is constituted eouvicts of the institution at Stillwater.
today. In fact they are an indictment of while annual! returning to the state mori
our government, which as it becomes repeat than it cost to keep them confined, built b
ed should unand attention. handsome new institution several miles
So lone, aa ever) man and woman has from the site of the old prison, and the) were
the right to express his preference for the not working iu competition with the free
number of officials it now devolves upon him labor of the state either.
to select Ills responsibility for the sue. ess of V. me. iter favor could be bestowed ol
this great government is as great as any otli the people of Oregon than some action
er man's. The vote of the banker counts no which remove the peuitentiar) a cause ol
more than the vote of the humblest laboring noisome scandal and unsavoiv publicity.
man. Thil is one of the tasks (.. which the B0
Viewed In the light of history, the in Ions at 8aleiu might well address themselves
dividual citizen in the I'liited States today
enjoyes greater privileges, greater advent yhi. Iaiw ,,, ,. returned soldier will
ages than has man ever enjoyed before. Hui i,,.,.,,,,,,. a national scandal unless soin.thniu
his privileges will be greater in the tutmv
for the science of government is a progres
live science and not yet complete
While at times it has been necessar) t.
resort to revolntionan methods to secure tie aims, the historv of urovei nnieiit anions resignations
Anglo-Saxon peoples show that these revolt strike for better wages I
is done, not next w.ek, next nioiitb. iy next
eai. but NOW.
January lfi. 1919
TIN total metal production for Ore
gon an OHtlmnted by the Oregon Hu
rcuu ol Mines & llcology . luring 191S
la $3,270,000 00. Thla IiicIikIoh the
uhubI p.-ai i' tltup nPtala, audi n
(ipppi-r. gold, Hllvor and lpad, amount
Inn to $2.H0,r,Oil()O and tlin no
(Mllcil ' ur mntnlH", aurh n rliro
nilte. mangaiiPHP, m.'rcnr.v. linn tM
mid platinum, amounting to $l,12r,,-
TIip dPVPlopm.'iit oT cliroinlli' '!
piiHlts and UM proclui lion Ol tliln mill
oral Iibh SMS SM "f tlto BOttbM
Htf rl of mining arllvltv wllliln
IM during Uip piihI v' i
BSSMfS nd ioii(ili,'',rii Ori'gon
I, mm' dmi'lopi'd rliromltp nrpiiH that
hMTt cintrllnit.'il on.'-tlilrd of UM 10
tnl output of tlio 1'nllPd Stiiti" hut
itiK Hip year 21.000 ton wan nun.' I
,,,,! ,,, (If this prodiKtlon II
into totiH wiih produced In Orntii utid
I la k or rotiiitlPM In MSMTS 0rSOI
and alwoit C..11011 tons In Josppliiti''.
.lnckMon. I'ihm. i urry and Doiiglim
.ountl.'M In BoutliwPMtpm Oregon
The total alue of cltromltp bSI SMS
T . . 1 :,t l 00
Tlie nlue or other war metals pre
duo 1 1 ln hiding manganese. i"il k
allvpr, tungsten and platinum la oa
tlimitcd at 170.000 00.
According Io a preliminary csi
mute of Oregon's metal produrtlun
by ('baa O Yale of the fulled States
OMIOsImI Survey a decreiiKe Ml I"
gidd Ih shown for Uip year The e
tlmiiled output Ih $1,270,300 lor the
ear which Is a decrease of $2.'l l0
I o.inpur. .1 M 1!U7 prodio ISM
In aplto of high . ost of labor and hup
piles (loop gold mltiPH malnl. imed
their usual output bill at greath re
,luo-, profit On.- gold ilrnl.. Nl
ll.iU.r .-1111111 v (lOMd down on 1MOSSI
of having worked out lt available
ground Thin cauaod a iloi roasp It
output from gold dredge-, the total
ileoraaao an SjHMfMS ' dredging
o.tupantPH being I3I1.! 'I AhIiIp
from dredging operallon gold pr.
.1 il t Ion was Holliewal Incrvaned ie
ill of grealil olllplll ol i ..ppei
ores which alito carry valSM In Kll
Tim Hllver output Is esUinutol
$143,600 wblcb III an Increase ol
$111,000 nvar 1IM7 output Tk SI
i ti'bkp In allver In partly duo to lb.
Iiu'roaned production of copper with
whh h tbo Mllvar Ih MMtSMWMl Tb
Olllpllt of eopper WHH Mlllled lit $711
400. an Incraaau of M.SSS.M Th
no reuse Ih attributed to BMWSSMi '
tlvlty In tb" copper mines of uke.
Illlll Josephine rollllHe There III.
mer Kill produ. lug mines of ill1
clilHHes In OMCM 'f "he deep mine
uliotit produce gohl from hIIIcIoiis
orPH while the three operating dred
ges mid hydraiillc iiiIiiph account for
the remaining production
TliMfe ar aavt-ii ... o i i oppar mine-.
In tlie atate and during l s I s nrt
nine rtiiooiin- propertl wor. pr
Maker county lead In the
production ot all metals with liranl
and Jo cpl.m.- io o in ordar
nifoi M.ix". NOTIO:
Not Ice la hereby given that. In
pumuaucc of Ordlnunce No 236.
of the .It) of Onlurlo. I MM taken
lip and ItlipoUllded the following clc--crihed
animal found running at
llllga Wltlllll the colpol.ltc lilllllH of
the i'lt ol duiurlo, In MslSMI
(ouuty. Slate oi OMflMi l" w"-
Oc lllack llorae. smooth uioiith
welghl rtlmUl I 100 pound, brand. I
7 1 on hit -.hoiild.-r. M on right
on. Itrowii llorse Minoth nuiuth
weight about lilllll pound-., branded
l Mil light shoulder
And that I will M the 2Mb g ot
January, IHl. at lh hour of One
o c lie k p III , of said a offer for
aale and will el ubove dewrlhe I
animals at public am Hon to IM
higben bidder, for cash In, e
Eagle 1.0 cr llaiu m s..ld City of O"
Taken up thl lOlb day or Januan
1 1 1 1
J'oKtei) this llith da of Januury.
MAiiios w Jonas
('ny Marslial
lama to my place two tulles w cm
of Ontario, a bay mare 10 ear- old
branded H on left shoulder, an I
marked with white slur on forehead
Owner KM juie b) pi'oMiig pro
p. in ..iid MJriSI fl" UUi aihcrli and i ost of cure and feeding
Would it be fair to call the series of
from the President 'a cabinet,
ill inai Ii lioulle
'IMori I i i: 'bi-rlaiu 1 ik
. I docioic : u i i.u ueal igr n
I iucIi tr oilde nil le't nerous .ml
l. red all ' ' I ia Theae lab!.-'i-be'.ped
mi- tnui tb I il. aud MMSUt
i( a VMS'l 'inie bad lluproNei in
Vrj way, writes Mmfl I. A Orluk
ard, Jefferson City Mo
Dairymen Attention
Have you tried shipping Cream to the Coast,
markets? We pay highest market prices
and remit promptly for each shipment.
Price Today 73c per lb. No. 1
Butterfat f.o.b., Portland, Ore.
No deductions except for Express.
Correct Weights and Tests Guaranteed.
Write us for tags and cans.
We also buy Poultry and Eggs.
UNION MEAT CO. Portland Ore.
ll I no 1st It neriMimiry
desrrlhlng the MMUmI
ecrboih knows all ahou
I low It goes lllld comes 1
ter ear at an operating
wonderful This ndorll
pel the buyers to pla. M
war has produeed ronclltl
with normal product ion
you ran gel one We'll ii
dar get your 1'ord t"
and give the best In "aft
IS in Info tlie detail-,
merits of tin. ford car
1 'Th I tnversal Car "
y after day and year af-
cxpeir... so small that If s
""no in Is Io urge pros.
tiers without delay aa the
iiiiii which may Interfere
llii a Kurd inr when
he good i are of )our or
ou noon ga possible -er
eervlce" when reiitlre(
ONTAIIIO. olili.iiN
XIou betchaf
w J
"The more a man
knows about genu
ine tobacco, the
surer he is (o see
the value of Real
Gravely In compar
ison with ordinurv
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch
Good taste, smaller
i he iv, longer life is
what nukes Genuine
Grsvely coat leaa in
chew than ordinary
Halt )
Gbnuink Gkavuly
.r iiht .a iri plmf.
How Gould He Do It?
A ii-itain will-to do jrOttUg liusnif.s.s man
railed at a hunk the other day and asked for
a loan of fTj(K).lM. 'Hie hfinkor promptly
took his ptftontl note for the amount,
Why eoiild he do thin Simply heemise
as a young man he eomuuni-ed doing bttt
imss thru the hank. He liad learned early
in life tlutt the hank COUld lielp him in many
ways and the hanker learned that this
young man was a stieker and SOuld be dfl
pendsd Upon. In fsol eaeh had liarned to
stay liy the other. Voung men, there is u
lesson in this for you. Start iiuw doing your
business thru a good hank like ours. Stay
by us and we will stav hv .ni.
First National Bank