The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 23, 1919, Image 1

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4hrtafl Gratis.
The Ontario Democrat
NO. 8
Ul LTV WITH HI . old.
unil I'rogram in In- Given
1 I loll llf HlC I'lll.ll.
it Kurt of l Ja
The annual 8llvr Tea Riven by the
members of the Ontario Women
club will be held next week at tli
home of Mra. B. II. Iiorniiin, and the
niembera desire n unanlmoiiH attend
anre In order that the club's record
In the worthy object may he main
tained Wednesday, January 29, In
the date net
The proceeds of the ten have for
yearn boen Riven to the Scholarship
Loan Fund of the Stall' Federation of
Women's clubs From this fund Hi
Committee Secures Action mi Part of
Assessor l'osliopi Further Ac
tion I'nltl Plant Can l...
T in: DHOVmid i AROVH
At a meesfng of the commltte.'
Hiiiilllinis Lawrence (luce Itepoitc.l
"Missing In Action," rries
lliuiic With Wealth of Experience.
p lainiiiious uiw I'lin' or iroiiH iic
which has taken In limid the boosting who In Aiie-ust wn. Ilt...l 'Mi...
. , 1 .. k- . , ,t . I . ,i..l t . . . . . - I
wormy students ai institution, or " "" wvyier i rnjei i neiu at iiic jUg In Action," Ih home, safe, wear
higher education may secure financial OltJF Hall last Saturday evening, I ng Hie honor IiihIkc of wounded
assistance. Thru the aid has been
liinlii), February H, Ontarl.i
Illy Is to have the opportti
Mil nmu to an addrers by I'ol
iler of th Pnlverslty of Ore-
lily Col. leader, who as
kcr lit (he Itoyal Irish 1 1 1 f I
line for himself In the early
l!,i war. proved a ureal In
to Htudenla at the Unlver-
liiiir. and at the onicer
(nurses during the summer
luiio of the men who attend
ll'nlverslly or the Officers
ramp at Eugene came bark
liiml of l header stories,
nloquont In their praise of
Mutiny, as well as his pro
nw ledge of the world's Ills-
lug or col. Lesaer as ue
Senator Hurley on his re
the training camp aald
knowledge he has of Iflatorv
luus wny, lie even snow i
Hi our American history
lone of the aludents he ever
kwn there, and he lies a de-
vay of lecturing, for every
Illustrated by a flttlag aaec
kleudenl H K Douglass ol
Schools Arranged for the
tui Loader to Ontario an I
kig the program to be given
pie The completed delall-t
.gram, giving the place
rill be held will be an-
Isxt weak
Leader waa bom at Quet-
IlimuUy mountains near
I'aaa, which la one of the
jliit. In the world that Is
He left India when mill
wont to his family home In
The Leaders have an old
sat In County Cork, where
uirieen John Leadera have
. old family name waa lem-
the time of the Battle of
Iter when the John Temple
an Important part In the
lint King William renamed
ler, mid Leader the name
liifd Although born In In
uel Leader Is thoroughly
has all the Irish humor of
ktors The Portland Ore-
kr March II, 1111, says of
K at a speech he delivered
Half shy. wholly likeable.
re teller of talea la Colonol
given worthy young people or Or -gon
and It I one of the err.. its in
which tbe women of the rlub tak"
great pride.
II Tent was sele. ted us clialrinnu soldier, the stripe on Ills sleeve show-
saa George II Currev of Vale wu- n( y. Hervirc n,i democracy,
nnmed secretary "Cam", as he la known to hit
At this meeting u lotninltlee ion friend, saw the horrors of war, flg-
rlstlng of W J IMnney, K. M QrkeJ ured In the attack nt Chateau Tlilerv
Announcement Mnilr of ( luuigr of
Ownership of Agrticy Plcntj
if Trui'litm llnolt for Hpr-
Ing Work.
i.inl T. W. Clagett was iiunied In
Interview aMMNf Morgan Curllsle,
In an effort to secure ucllon looking
In the placing of the assessments or
10 per cenlH per acre within He
illstrlrt, on the tax rolls for this
Mr Plnney represented I lie com
mltlee on Tuesday nt Vale and M
- - 1 1 1 1 1 . he. I the desired result
and In the St Mlhlel offensive stop
ped the liullet thill earned for lilm
Ills wound stripe Hfier four dnys of
fighting In Hint uicmornhle drhe
He accounts for the report, "miss
ing in iicflon" to the fact that lie
was picked up hy Frencli stretcher
bearers and taken to a French ho, where with French ami llrltlsh
wounded lie was trented ns I ho n son
It wits also determined to have 'the ,,f Frunce
..ext meeting of the committee at To -ome of his old friends lie told
Ntssa m Wednesday evening hut Um one experience with .. Hun that was
pillion of the rouils made this In ulinnsi hk In.i .i,,i , a..hi, ti
dnvltahle and the meeting Vu post- happened lMMlMa like this
poned In lie SI Mlhlel drive he ran out .
With the certainty or plenty of Already m Hon has been secured a i,n I c dug out. from which came p
touring carg to keep Its organltatlo-i looking toward endorsement or the ,K Hun with arms up stretched cal!
busy the Ford Oarage relinquished project A Joint memorial was for nR ksi rud. I have a wile
the agoncy for the Fordson Frartor warder from Hie Oregon Leglsliniii." ,w tort, hut the Hun hud u gren
In this section or Kastern Orogon lust ndo ing the project,
month and the Troxell Implement
Company has succeeded to the busi
ness of selling that popular machine
Announcement of the change Is
made In this Issue If the Argus an I
Irwin Troxell, manager of the Trox
ell con pany announcea that aufficlent
machines for spring work will bo on
hand Likewise there will be kept
here a fully complete line of auppllei
aa well aa mechanic for aervloo work
The flrat of the new tractors like
that which waa demonstrated here
last fill) will he In Ontario foou to
aid In turning over Malheur countv
eoll for the lit! crops
.Colli Waie Hrokiw by lUinfull In
Lower Valley Kroet out of
(ivuiiiI and Hiockmeti llau-
Ish Tears.
Oobs of Indigo blue enveloped the
stockmen of Malheur Valley for
weeks, but these clouds paradoiw
ally vanished with the appearance of i
rain clouds In the lower valley thl
The sheep and, cattle men were not
particularly elated at the rain down
In this Irrigated section What
pleased them was to know that Hi
ade In his up stretched hands, ami I
hunch nf . mutinies were coming out
of the dug out in lighting trim. As
Lawre ice tells It, he did not wait li
argue Hie standing of the Hun s wlf"
In New York but let fly his own hand
grenade and missed the whole dug
out That he waa not killed then
and there, he attributes to the iulk
work of a bunch of American soldle-.
who arrived Just In time to clt-un tl.i
Roche out. every one of them.
What lo do About the Mint at Kasl
Km I of Hnake Itiver lU-nlgr Hut
ih s llusliieks lm Con-
fereuce Held.
Ily the kindness of the editor,
column In the Argus will he devoteil
lo tho interest of the schools of On- I
Hecmise of the prevailing epldetnn
the meetings of the Parent-Teacher !
Association were dim onttnucd lor the '
winter and the work of Hint organisa
tion will he curried on thru this col
umn until It seems wise to call an
other meeting.
We nsk your assistance In making
It not only Interesting hut helpful
What topics would you like dlscu ;
sed? Do our schools meet with your
hoarty approval? Let us hear of It
Can you suggest some method .for
bettering conditions of which you do
not approve?
We all know that this Is a year of
unforseen difficulties the war work
calling for so much time making the
school work hard for pupils and the
teacher-- Then came tho forced
vacation caused by the Influenza and
when school npenel again ninny of the
pupils were unable to return for aome
Now It will require a "long pull, a
strong pull and a pull all together '
to make a aucressful finish.
Let ui take for next week's ills
cusslon How can we as parents and
leachers, aid In making this school
year's work a succeas?
Do not hesitate to send In your
nam nu raw tiua
Severn ) i.omo. Marin for Total of
9101, 7lM In Territory Include)
Within I astern Miilliettr Count)
A. Volt It. -in Ion. New President.
The second actlvo year of the On
tario Farm Loan asslclation was clos
ed last Haturdny by the election of a
new hoard of directors and the re
celpt and consideration of the reports
of the work done during the peat
At the election the following were
chosen to the board of directers: A
Von Itenden, O. W. Dean, Hans Oft.
A Orsmse and L. O. McCoy These
dlroctors In turn elected tho following
efficers: A. Von Headen. president .
(1 W Dean, vice president; and W
Ideaa on this topic and suggestions for F I Ionian, secretary-treasurer,
other topics to he discusses thru this Chester T. Lackey, president of the
column; mark them P T. A. and hoard sin. e Its organization ami C I.
(nail or hand to the editor of the I Thompson and L. O. McCoy were
Argus by Tuesday night Names will named as the loan inmmltteo
not be published. But communicat
ions should ba signed.
PRK8 P T. A.
Has I.oanded f lui,7(Mi
The report of Mr. Human aa the
secretary treasurer showed the fol
lowing Interesting facta:
Applications have been made by 70
I Individuals for a total of 1267, 960.
There have been cloaed 37 nppllca
i tlous for loans in the total sum ol
I $101,700. fc
There are still cpendlng 16 appllca
' lions for a total of 166,000 while the
remainder of the applications have
either been withdrawn or rejected.
The flgurea shown here Indicate
that tills Is one of the most active
Farm Loan associations In this aec
Hon, .iiul that with a total of morn
Every day adds to the Hat of Mai , than oue hundred thousand actually
heur county men who are reported louned that the land within the dle
among those to be discharged for the trlct is highly considered hy the ap-
I it. I ' .11,11. 1. 1 l-i , ,1 I Iviilen.
sin i , aa la Hoaciw Turn
Dr. I'ii ii Hug Kxpe,tetl
The classes In mathematics under
the dli action ot Mrs Edna Griffin are
now making marked progress In their i first rains had drawn the frost ou
work and few of the classes will i the mountain sides and thut this con-; The policy of waiting until the
have Unladed soon In the half year I dltlon. followed by anow asaured roof ! .iks to fix it, Is again munifi .
subject. Pupil who have been ab- them of range for their stock uext ins Its difficulties. Am usual for on-
"At fur greai length of time arc summer.
Leader was graduated from
n ' "lloge, England, one of
e in eat English schools
Ing Wellington. Colonel
nt to the Royal Military
where he waa made a cadet
lfur.iihire regiment. In
ted on his travela about the
firm went to Germany,
was made an official Inter-
ii 1M0 he was back In Ire
e military staff, and In 1898
the lloer war In China lu
acquired the position of In
of Chinese, (he same posl
given him far Japanese In
ui- outbreak of tbe Rusao
war, Colonel Leader waa
ugland, a teacher of mount -
"' The war caused htm to
I' u.e far East again. In
went from Slher to India.
01 fought In Arabia
b Colonel Leader waa mar
niece of the Earl of Kad
went to Canada aoon after.
t Vancouver the same year
Vcl i,;,s two sons, John and
the latter born Just before
to the front In the preaent
"inlander of the Royal Irish!
he day the war broke out
ancouer for England. He
now entering special classes hot!
fore end after school houds
Can oil and Ernestine Locey arc
now back at echool after a siege ot
the flu.
Mlaa Carrie H. Joy Is making com
plaints now about her bookkeeping
classes Oh, no, they aren't getting
low grades or anything aa serious as
that. It la Juat simply that sjiuh u
large number of pupils huve awuk-
ened to the need of bookkeeping Hint
these Is neither room lu the rlasi-
reean for them nor time for any more
special classes All of the commer
cial claases have made a large In
crease in enrollment lately.
The flrat game of the season In
the Interclaaa schedule for this year's
pennant waa played Tueeday evening
at the opera houne between the Ben
lor and Junior girls The Junior
team carried off the honors as usual
with a score of 11 to 7 In their favor
DeapUe the uneveness of the score,
however, the game we hotly cor.
toeted The playera on the Senior
team were: Delta Hill, Jumping cen
ter and Amy Canfleld, running cent
er. Lola Howser und Qladys I dick.
guards and Myrtle and Mamie Ste
wart, forwards. The Junors wero
Alfarette Sage, Jumping center and
Ardelle Boggeas (First half) and
Dottle Crummett runlng centers,
Mary Meeaee and Derce Dearborn,
forwards and Etta McCrelght ami
Louta Neece aa guards
The reverse English of the saying
about the 111 wind etc , was manifest
In the discomfort occasioned Intrep
id autoists who endeavored to operate
their cars on the roads hereabouts.
There was no fun In thut at all T!o
roads lu Hi country were second
only to Ontario streVts for general
disbursement of mud Hut what U
mud, If the stock huve feed uext sum
tier and do not have to migrate to
Montaua, Colorado, or go onto the
market lean, say the stockmen?
John Laird McDonald, ugt-d l
yeara died at the hospital on January
8 from pneumonia, following Influ
eca which he contracted while work
ing In the Government Spruce work
down on the coast.
McDonald who had beou In this
country for three years, working for
John Wood In his sheep camps came
here but a few days prior lo his death
and went at once to work for Mr
Wood, he was feeling badly on Ills
arrlvul, soon afterwards was tiken tt.
the hospital
Funeral services were held on Sun
day January 12, and were attended
y all of the sheep uiou of this section
John Laird McDonald waa a native
of Pranserburgh.Aberdooniihire, Scot
land und ciune to Oregon lu 191b.
from Canada whe: he had lived fe:
several years after leaving his native
land. Ho was welknown among th '
sheepmen of the interior where In
worked until ho Joined the Sprue-;
Corps last spring He is survived b
District Attorney R. W Swagler Is I one brother, a resident of Australia,
captain of the staff at head- at his office again apparently none a step mother and several liair broth
aml soon was promoted to the worse for the murderous attemnt ' ers and sisters in Scotland
of major, and later lleuten- mad on hi llfemade on his life by ,
He went to TJIater and John Hanlon at Vale two weeks ago ' Mr. and Mrs. L Adam entertained
battalion which he com- An Xray photograph of the wound a number of friends at cards at their
it (he battle of the Somme. In his left wrist showed that tbe bul heme last Thursdav evening Undue
tliU battle that he received let missed the bone and that be will was the game played. Among the
' ' have perfect articulation of the Joint I meats were Mr. and Urn Oeora-e H.
itUaed ea Fae ..) waea tee woul4 keel. ' Kellogg of Weleer.
altro this problem Is presented lu tie
ondlt ou of the road thru the rut
on the East side of the Snake river
bridge that leads to Fruit land und
Thai the road Is in i ad . uihIiiii.ii
may I- knowu by the fact that sev
eral c. rs were stuck In the mud and
unable to make the grade several
daye this week.
Slii' the road Is in Idulio, and
not yet accepted by any Idaho bod s ,
an Id, no read, and the further fuel
that ( nturlo business men had the
road it ade, aud Malheur county built
tlie hiulge, the solution of the prob
lem p esents many Interesting, com
plex and difficult problems, rivaling
In fait Hie ruinous League of Nat
A peuce conference ou the subject
was held last night at Fruitland
Muor It W. Jones aud numbers of
Ho- Onturio City Council made Up
grade last evening and went over lo
consider Hie- question with the direct
ors of good roads district there.
Mu)ur Jones believes that the pi oh
lem ran be solved by tbe installation.
of tile drainage on the sides to re
move the seepage from the hillside,
and will suggest that to the Fruitland
mi ii Since the Fruitland runchera
desire to sell their produce ou this
side, where they Mud u good market
the year round, and the fuel that On
tarlo business men are willing to
meet them half way it seems that
silica it Is a flfty-flfty proposition,
a solution vtlll be found
At the conference last night the
Fruitland commissioners undertok ii
put the road in good condition, by luy
ing a tile drain on each side of the
raodway down ttm hill. The center
is also to be graded. It was agreed
that the cost of tho work be divided
between the communities, and Mai:
Jones went to Fruitland today to de
posit Ontario's share In the bank ut
that place.
service. Mrs Fred Canfleld receiv
ed this week the commission of her
husband, who has been promoted to
a Lieutenancy prior to formal din
charge. Lieut. Canfleld entered the
army u private Just a little over a
year ago and graduully roae in tin
aviation service until his commission
was given him
Arrived lu lu.-nm
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Turner received cent
a telegram from their im Lieutenant
Roscoe Turner, who has been in
France since September, telling of lil.i
safe arrlvul in Huston, with the san
itary Corp. He enlisted lu the lum
pltal i orp while at Yale University
and was among Hie first detacluu.hl
of I'ncle Sam's troops to land in
Franco. He started in as u private
In the hospital service aud won gjg
commission after steady advancement
prior lo the signing of the urmlstlce
Walling for Traiisxii i
Mr and Mrs. W. J. Pinney have
been informed by the officers of tin
Parents Association ot 63rd II. -an
Artillery, which halls from Washing
pralsers of tho Spokane Federal Farm
Loan Hank
Since the loana made In this dis
trict , lo a largju degree represent the
retirement of mortgages on farms
which curried as a rule li or 10 pei
cent interest, the financial gain to this
section euch year can he appreciated
when It la considered that the Fed
eral Farm Loans carry by C 1-2 per
('uiioei'i ltd lUi.lles Take No Action
I In Suggestion for Kinliiiseineni
At This Tlitti Ailiislhilll)
Itenuci'ti. Ihul endorsement he glv
eu, and a reuueHt inudo thut the lie
ton, that their sou William is with; purtinent of the Interior, throw open
the organization at Brest awaiting for settlement lands that have been
transports to start on their return designated for entry under the en
voyage, larged homestead law, have not been
Dr. Prlnxlug Coining it... k I BCted upon by. the Ontario Commer
Mrs Jucob Printing received word ' dj cub or the Vule Chamber of Com
thla week that her husband Lieut . more.
J. Prliuing would be discharged from tt ),as been urged thai these lands
the service at Cump Lewis Saturday us made available for the reluruin.;
and she went to Porllund to meet hi in soldiers and lo hasten their opening
Ion luesuay. j those who des)e this movement have
On Wednesday night Earl JJlack- urged that the devurliiicnt he mem
aby who has been in the service in orullzed on th subject
, Porto Rice passed thru Ontario en ' The ejgejigrg of Um organiiatlons
, route for Eugene to Join Mrs Black wi, 1UV discussed th. mutter take
aby who has been with her parents ( tle View that with practically all tie
since Mr Illa( kuby entered the ser- wter rights n MP . in county all
vice, from which he was recently dis ready appropriated, there is a coin
charged Mr. and Mrs Ulackaby paratlvely llru:td uuo unt of the land
expect to be back lu Ontario before ao classified that would be desirable,
February 1. und without a thoro study of the sub-
Among the men ditchargedat Camp je,t, with fads hctorc them for con
Lewis this week was Sergeant Crull slderatlon, any action on their part
Orcutt, who arrived MMM M Wed would be ill advised, especially In
l.esday and Is again at work at the sxsj of present range conditions.
Luebrs Pharmacy Furthermore it Is pointed out thai
Fred J, Clemo is bark on the Job . to ask ret timing soldiers, with llui
as Express Agent at the station, buv ,,..1 taplial to endeavor to make
Ing been discharged Dom Camp homes in the arid sections now, would
Lewis last week He arrived here on i be an entirely inadequate manner In
Friday and went to work the next which to repay them for the service
day. ; they have given the nation
Geo. II. Gilliam, who saw his sei
Ice taking radio messages for Hie
H. B. Cockrum left Uils w iek on a tuuw u in ti. k .i in
kesleess trip to Muskogee. Oklahoma rMion as cai l.ler
Mrs. William Wheelon of Poccatel
lo, Is the guet of her sister Mrs J. It