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About The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1919)
m&vim THK ONTAKIO AROI H, ONTARIO, OKEOON, THUKHDAV JAXI'ARY Ifl, 11.10 Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THE KKXAMi STORE PHOW1 NO. - Nyal Remedies Town Topics Tersely Told lOtliel Hrowne returned Hit It tlic week lifter h weeka vInII it aunt tit IHalnoll'l Crank Koater Im bark nt work .i ilciiartiiiciu Htore anei ks lllneaa ilnrltig whloli -In hi hi opprntion performed mi Nellie Moody leaves t'tlh fur her home In Yiiklinn af'ei visited with her miitlii'i' Mrs. Drown In Onturlo for a Ml hen Nula Do Arinoiul and DOT Ijiuiulah visited over Hiindii homo of MIm Do Ariiiond. II In I M' Vale I'n-ila Ttrgee who tin n been nt the homo ot Mm A Jtt Iiiin accepted u Ntenograplil, M with I In' II N. Stiinii.lil Co fX lfni who has been visiting past two Nki In Aberdeen, expected home the last of llir l" tilenn passed thru thin city lay ou IiIh way to hi" home In Mr. Ulenn had juat I'mi dls- II from thn service ut Canin ater having aeen aeven month ilcc with the A. K K. In Knim e noro department. The ship on he came to New York carried ildlnra aa passenger M)(i ol were seriously wounded. Hilliy Ki'iiwlrk returned Tih'h loin J.itilon Valley where ? ; i - llled mimetlme ago by the III- bur mother ami tiilln-r Ml- Ik's part'iitH remdved official day or before alio larfl It the death of her brollii'i who was reported wounded In franco I' I Stlllwell. a well known . utile man of Hie Uremic lioundc vallc-. wan a hiiHlneNH vlaltnr here the l.r.t of the week. MIhh Kvii Klvelle who has been visiting In I'orlland ami oilier plare for the piiat Hevenil weeks passed thru here Monday for I he interior where she will resume her work teaching school Win JaroliH wbh here visiting with his daughter Mrs Kxle CroHhy tin laat of the weel; They left Tuesday for Mr Jacob's home In Sun rinnci . CO. J. I). Taylor of llrognn til n bus Inens visitor In Inwn Friday Frank Cummins and J. C. (lordoti were two Vale vialtora In Ontario the last of the week, Mrs U l.eroy returned last week from Richmond lleach, Wn . whole she had been Willing i ir some time Large quantities ol hnv arc holnr. I haled at the preseift at the dllTeretit rniiilii'K on the Uoulevard. All the rancher are anxious to k'I ilinr hay balod and the work Is being rnpldl' carrlnd on It is expected that next year there w he u largo numbei of balers at work in this reKion Miss Helen A. Horsey him .laait' Joined the Hlivnfluld business torn after u long ahaence due to nines A. It, Van llureii of Ironside -Sunday with relatives In Onturlo. Asa I. Williams, prominent in tin cattle bualnesM MM 'nldwidl, wn In Ontario on business the (list ol Hi. week ('. 1' Kngsdale was agnln an Ol tarlo visitor here Monday from Bt ker It. II Ixickett was another I visitor In town Friday I' A Hamilton returned to Mi Call, Idaho the first of the week af ter transacting some bUllHW mat ters here .1 It Hewing Ol Seattle, connected with the Western Colonlzntlon Co., was here the last of the week. Mr and Mrs C W I'olk of Hum Ington were again visiting In Onta rio over Haliirday and Sunday. It. H. BraWI of Nyssa spent Sun day with friends In the clly Ken Kami, cashier Of the Falrlniii hank, passed thru here Monday en route for Vale where he was called by Im Iness matters IrB. Mahon was a flume visitor In town the first of Hie week Mr Krnest l.ocey and eon and daughter Carroll and Krnesilne are III with the tin ul the present Misses Helen Smith and Carrie II .1 apent the week end with frletidn In BoJ .1 W Crumtiiett bus reeoverc 1 from Hie tin now after IicIiik sell,, i I III with It at Hie home of bl llii'it Crunimett went of town. Donald Mcl'heraon has been on I In alck Hat this week. (llenn and Hla tlramae are able ' l he up again after an attack of the It itobt I.eroy arrived laat week to visit at the (1. W Dean horn i 111' Uoulevard from his copper mlnea In Canada. Clyde Davla returned Monday to lis homo In Vale after making I irlef visit with friends hero. Sidney Nelson spent Sunday in A i ir vlaltlng friends. Our GROCERY! STOCK is the most complete in town EVERY ORDER HAS OUR PERSONAL ATTENTION Your satisfaction is our success. Give us a trial. E. A. FRASER CHURCH ACTIVITIES Pentecostal Church of the NaxArriir, East "tile. Ilev. H, I,. Mowers, D.D., Pastor Order of Services. Sunday school 10 a. m I'" "hlng n g. at. Peiplca Meeting 7.1C p. in Prayor meeting Tbun 7.4Bp.m Vou are welcome to thoie aervlroa OATHOMf CHURCH OK THK, RI.KHHEI) SACRAMENT. I a m . I.ow Mass 10:30 a in . High Mass 8 30 n. m . Catechism for Hit boy and girls MKTIIOMHT ill lt 10 a .m Sunday School. 1 I a m Preaching -"Heady" 7 p. m. Preaching 'The Wat,!, man s Duty." Sunday wr expeel to begin a aeries of KallKelastlc JllOi'tlllgs. Rov. It.. Ahlrlch of l,n (Jriiinle will bo with ii' i rom Monday light on during the series. He la a man with u message and has had much experience In audi meetings The public Is cordially in vlt, , to attend. ItniKUi (iiurtli Minday was a very em miragliil? ami Inspiring day. i 'nine next Sunday ntnl he hel i and help make It a better one. Plble Study 10:00 Morning Worahlp 11:00. Subjoct, The Seventy Weeks oi Daniel's Prophecy. Evening 8orvlce 7:00. Sulijct. Sufety, Certainty and Enjoymenl; thru present. . results of Salvation Wednesday at 7:00 p in. Prayer Ml lta and llihle St inly 'Danlolii Prophecy.' (HAS II III.OM. I AITKI PRKMIYTIItllN III IK II 11 no a m Sunday MkOOl I I iU Worahlp Sermon auject, "Prayer". si.i: Tin: si ik.imi NAZIMOVA in Melrou !uiper-irn, uction do luxe REVELATION Metro's super .i ,.il u, t Ion M Ium fkC soul of ,M Krie,,,., ,,, m, , ( ((r ,,,, SEVEN ACTS Ol I'OWKItl'ri. DRAMA Dreamland Theatre EtLX , ., M Prlcee: 1.1 ami !10 Cent a ""'' IISSS, - CHEAP COAL! We have two rnra Muniti- fl mm tf Coal from . Kemmer. V,o.P PV f Alt which fW nir selling nt IrVl "Vfll t the hln. Tbl. I. nut us g(H,l as some other high grmle Coal, hut la ihejip CoaJ al Die pilr offered. Add 7iV per ton f,i town deliver). Try some of It. Van Petten Lumber Co. ;. A'iAT',vsSt ONTARIO LAUNDRY' n TO THE DAIRYMEN The Red ShieM reanwy Company, 1608-1610 Weslern A' .ittle. PayH!7.'ic for Butterfal dolivortd Seattle, as the markel itan lay. Tell Your Neighbors ( lutks and Cans Ri'tuined Promptly nffirr5?8r Full of Flavor A nut butter that is finding favor with thousands of i lii'ii v families "UMECO" N'utmargarine Kifh oil of ooooanut neat, ohurned with i generouH quantity of pure patteuriied iweei milk and Bnc dairy salt, mahes tliis pure, wliulisuiiic, nut lit imi- and delioiom nut butter. On bread and toatt, in cakat aud paatry, it less and tastes hest." The product of a aaui tar v, Pacific Northweat facto )'. Ohurned fresh daily, packed in waxed, odor I Hoof cartons. Your Grocer Can Supply You UNION MEAT CO., PORTLAND, OREGON y s