rvsx.u THH ONTArtlO AMiVH, ONTAAIO, OREGON, TlllTltADAV JANUARY IS, MM 4 msional. J mrds . . . gggM ., Ml" - ING, WEEE BTNIB HUUnS: Uu a to t t National wbbb .1 Ontario, ore HT1ST Raa 1171 KIAOI AN EX HN I.ANUINOIUM I I N a H A M Transfer Puaae 117 M J AlNMrtV IWN OIT1CE llU II HI it MHor IffMIMSS) itied r Using Mi Her red I'lyiuoutl, Vlllneuve atraln; kholce bird Alao a It would mato wall. I Cleveland Boule idalio. adv4t No. 1 good mllcli In February Oeve er day last umuir IS Adv.atf folding noekalbook. Icutlmi cards Ho of aaiiio to llhirl logon. V. t. l"u 111 luproved e0 aire n lluriiny lounty. radu (or u smeller good achool. Or l.orlon property if W Wyat. llox :!o, carload of fine Bur- Ontario on or about rice II 85 per hun- II. I. YORK Tar.t. 30x60 with 3 if in oa. duck, la In be iNn at canp tte rrtce o Arneeon. Ontario barley Connell 2. Ontrlo. Ore. an alfalfa bay at Oat deUlla at tba . 1-U. C. (Iran Mr. A. 1 aianded by M:e hea IIR Advil tatrect of title whan lead money on real UR TITl.al AND Vale Oregoa SA1.E. tir.ee M alia weat of Ontario. AS ATHBRTON trade Jersey cow Is two gallons of will give five gal ash difference. In lis. Adv 6 It. TRADE One 1117 I claea condition milch co we In uto Co. garage. St Ft.VHD beat amah prices for lure. PBOPLBS Oatarie. Oregon a NOTICE to my place, two of Ontarle, on Bel li marked with imck Owner can log eoet of this ea- i trouble of feeding Kpeoa, Oatarie It FOR HALE One 6ft foot mower; one farm wagon, partially iipw, com plete with box anil hay rack, MM heavy double work harness; one craam aeparutor, three 6 gallon cream cans; one trickle grinder; one hack tntl 2 dozen White Orplng ton liana and pulleta Call on MRH. E. C. MORTIN80N, Ontario, R.F.D 8 Mi nillea 8 W. of ill v near Boulevard. Hankers Mortgage Corporation. If you want to borrow money on your Livestock, Wheat, Wool or Lib rty Sonde, talk with J. It. Blaokati) of the Ontario Notional Hank about oar terms and service, or write to tie direct The war la over and we want to help you do your part In taking cart of the reconstruction which le ont next grant duty Portland, Oregon. Mm. leley's lttr In a recent letter Mrs D W. laley of Litchfield, III . says. "I have used Chamberlain's Tablets for disorder f the stomach and as a laxative, and have found them a quick and sure re lief." If you are troubled with In digestion or constipation these tabled will do yon good Bare your old shoes where avai you live We guarantee delivery 41 hours after arrival. Mall addre C. O. D. parcel poet Best leetliin used and expert workmenshlp. ONTARIO CHAMPION BHOB HE PAIR SHOP, J. A Ploek, Prop, tf MRfl. NMMA IWNKCCK TEACHER OF PIANO Box 435, Oatarie Oragea Few K.M-ne There are few Indeed wlu esnipi having at least one cold during the winter months, and they are fortunui who have but one and get thru with It quickly and without any serious con sequenoea. Take chuiuliarlaln't Cough Remedy and observe the d'r ecllons with each bottle, and you arc llkel) to be one of the fortunate ones The worth end an ill of th's reined has been fully pioven There ar man families- who have always gags' It to.- yeift when troubled wtt'i i ough or cold, ami with tin best n ulta. NOTICE FOR limn ATION. Department of the Interior U. 8 Land Office at Vale, Oregon January 8th, lilt Notice '.a hereby given that Hryson Rice, of Payette, Idaho, R F D No I. who, on February 17th, 114, made HouieMeJd Entry No 031 IB. for SB. EVk BWV. NWtJ HWV Be. tloa fi and NKV. NKVi. Section h Townehlp i7 South, Itauge 46 East Willamette Meridian, has filed uotlc. of luteatloa to make Final Three Year proof to establish eloim to tU land above described, before Register anl Receiver, U 8 Land Offl.e, a' Vale. Oregon, on the 17th day of Feb ruary, III Claimant names as wltneeees: Cbas A Rice, of Payette. Idaho. Henry C Wolf, of Ontario, Oregon; Clarence Crow, of Welser, Idaho; 8 Elmer llaworih, cf Payette, Idaho TII08 JONES. Register ADMlMMTKATOItH NOTICE TO CREDITOHH Notice la hereby given to whom n may concern, that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Mal heur County, as adm nlstrator of the aetata of H L Zutz, deceased All persona liavlag any claim against thr estate of the said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the undersigned, duly verified as requlr ed by law, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publcatlou. January 9th. 1911. W. P. HOMAN, Adminletrator, Estate of H L. Zuti. Deceased And that I will on the irti day of January, 1918, at the hour of one o'clock p in., of iald riny offor for sale and will sell above described anlnmis at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash in hand, at Eagle 1. Ivory Barn In the iiatd City of Ontario. Taken up this 4th day nf Herein her. i 'us Touted this .!rd day of January. 1919 MARION V JONKK. City MarHhnl IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATB OF ORBOON. FOR MALHEUR COUNTY The First Pentecostal Church of the ISaaarlne. of Oatarie. Oregon, a Corporation. Plaintiff, va. Ontario Townaite Company, a Corporation, David Wilson, president of the Ontario Towuslte Company, a Corporation. Mra. Flora B Mc Dermol, McDermot her hus band, Frank Winchester, and .... Winchester, his wife, and to the un known heirs of Mrs Flora B Mc Dermot If any there be and the un known heirs ef Frank Winchester If any, Mefendaata. To lia-'id Wilson, presldeat of the Ontario Townaite Company, a Cor poiatlon, Mrs. Flora B. Mc Dermot, Mc Dermot, her husband, Fronk Wlncheater Winchester, hi wife, and to the unknown heirs of Mrs. Flori R Mc Dermot if any there be, and to the unknown helm of Frank Winchester If any. of Hie above named defendants In the name of the state of Oregon, yon and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the complaint Died agaiaat you In the above entitle! suit within alx weeke from the date of the first publ ctlou of this summons, or tor want there of plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the com plaint to wit. for a decree of the above entitled court, forever quiet ing and determining the title of the following described reel property to wit: Lota numbered Nine and ten In Block Eleven In the City of Onta rio. Malheur County. State of Oregon, to be In Plaintiff hen. In. and forever barring and foreclosing any right, In terest, claim In and to the noil In you and of each and every one of you, jointly and eeverelly either In law or equity, be barred and forever foieoloeed by a decree of said Court I'hls summons U served upon you by the publloetlou thereof. In the Ontario Argua. a weekly uawspaper published In Ontario, Oregon, and of general circulation in Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, under and by virtue of an order of the lon. Daltou Blggu, Clioult Judge of the above entitled Court, made at Chambers, at Onta rio. Oregon, on the 1 3th day of i oetitber, 1111. And for such other aad further relief as to equity may peitaia . Date ef oret publlcatiea. Dec. II, llll Date ef laat publlcatioa of Sun. ateaa. Jan. 31. 111! C. McOONAOILL. Attoraey for Plaintiff, Realdeuco, Ontario, Oregou NOTICE OF HKTTIjKMKNT OF FINAL ACXXICNT Notice In hereby given, by that the duly qualified and acting adminis trator of the estate of Frank H Cram, 8r , deceased, that he has filed In the County Court, of the Btate of Oregon for Malheur County. Oregon, hla duly verified Final Ac count, In aald cause, and the aa'.d Court has set Friday, January 14, llll at eleven, (11 10 A. Ml o'clock, at the Court House in Vale. Oregon, as the time and place for herring objection to aald Final Account, and for settling same, and for the dtecharge of the Adminis trator and closing of said estate HOY 8 CRAM Administrator ef Bald Estate First publication Dec 21, llll I.at publication Jan II. llll itttTlCE OK FINAL HKTTLKMBNT Notice la hereby given that Charles I-oeland and Isaiah l.oveland as administrators of the estate of An des son Loveland, Deceased, have filed in the County Court of the Btate of Oregon for Malheur County, their final report and account of their administration of said estate and that Friday, January 31. llll, at 10:00 a. m. at the Court Hooee in Vale, Oregon, has been fixed by Mi.l court aa the time and place for he.- ring aald final account and set tllng aald estate Any and all persons interested In aald estate are hereby notified to ap pear at said time and place and make ami flic In writing their objection, If any, to aald final accaunt ISAIAH LOVELAND. Adminletrator of the Batata of An derson Ixiveland. Deceased W. 11 BROOKE. P J. UALLAOHBH. Attorneys for the estate First publication January I, llll Lai.t publication January 30. llll NOTICE FOR I'l'BUCATION DBPARTMBNT OF THE 1NTER1 OR, U. 8 LAND OFFICE AT VALB OR SOON December NOTICE la hereby Raymond V Harland, Oregon, who. on June made Homeatead Entry, for 8WH 8WH. Sec 18 30. llll given that of Ontario. Jih. llll. No. 08116. BH SEW. NWfcBEU. 8W',NEV,. NB'.. 8WU, 8BU NW4. Sec. 14. dec 24. Townehlp 17 South. Range 4e East. Willamette Meridian. -has filed no tice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, g establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver V 8 Land Of) Ice, at Vale, Oregon, on the 4th day of February, llll claimant names as witnesses Oeorge 0 Davla, Jamee May, John Elliott, F Beckman, all of Ontario. Oregon. THOS JONES. Register NOTICE OK .t ARUIAN N BALK Notice la herby given that In per euaace of aa order of aale made ami entered by the County Court of the Bute or Oregon, for the County of Malheur, oa the Itb dey of Novem ber, llll. In the matter of the eata'e of Jamea Scott, an neane person. the undersigned guardian of aa'd es tate will, oa aad after Saturday, the aith gay ef December llll, at hla reeldenee la Ontario. Oregon, offar for aale aad aell at private aale, for caah In hand, subject to confirmation by aald Couaty Court, the following described tract ef real estate, be longing te the amid ward, and h'a ae tata, to wit Lota number I, 3 aad 4, of Block 117, of the City of Ontario . j In Malheur Couaty, Oregon, accord ing te the official plat thereof The firet peblteatlua ef thla netici la en November llth, 1911, aad the, laat enblieatloa la oa December Zl'h lilt. H W. CLBMBNT Guardian ef the nereea aad estate i of Jane Seott. aa lnaana peraea ADMIN INTRA TOH'B NOTICE TO t ItKDITOHB. Notice le hereby given, to whom it may concern That the under signed have been appointed aa joint Administrators of the estate of D. M Nichols deceased, and all persons having any claim against the estate of the aald deceased la hereby requir ed to present the aama to the under signed duly verified aa required by law, at the law office of C. McUona- at ill at Ontario, Oregon within aix months from the date of the first publication of thla notice Dated this Slth dey of December llll A. B. NICHOLS W. B NICHOLS Joint Administrators of the Ec lat of D M Nichols Deceased SAVE TROUBLE Ranchers who have machinery must keep them la repair WE FIX tiABOUNB BNOINBfl I H RIG ATI NO PUMPS At rOMOHILKH All kimJe Machinery We specialize on Pumps aad Baeollne Bngluea oa. Prions Ave Right. MARSDEN MACHINE SHOP IMPOCNDINO NOTICE Notice Is horeby given that, in pur suance of Ordinance No. 13. of the City of Ontario. I have taken up and impounded the following described animate found running at large with in the corporate limits of the City of Ontario, la Malheur County. State ef Oregon, to-wit One bay mare about II years old, weight about 900 Iba., ball face, both hind feet white, branded C O oa right hip One corral haras colt, star in fore head, right hind fu.t white, breaded 0 O on right hip On bay yearl.ng lioraa colt, all feet white, ball face, branded C O en right alp CARTER GARAGE AGBNCY POR Hupmobile and Chevrolet Cars Goodyear Tires and Accessories TIRUilLY IQU1PPED RIPAilt lrT JAMES HARVEY MANAUEK , n 'usiiaii t9 gC tkBBUVw JAiay JUSH I 4iet L K mbssb1 e J ". Planl .. IT ImIih I.,., MtMhaswtaW 21 bMlMa high Big Bail Bearings; Better Light 1 ALLEY- LIGHT engine if -v equipped throughout with extra large ball bearings. No other farm light plan t engine is so equip- si ball bearing! help Lalley-Light to give better light by helping the engine to run more smoothly. They save fuel and oil. They out down friction and wear. Lalley-Light brings better light bright, steady, safe light to every farm. It brings power for a water pump, churn, separator, ani so on. Wewillbcghiu toikinonstrateLaUey Light free on your place. Call fer Sie owners' testimonial buok. HUNT'S GARAGE AOBNTt MARIS ORIGSN Bonds Stolen! nf. MS M T ALL eaa -mm LAN! Laganvrr ONOg IRg LIKB BO sfWCJal l.Ng NUnlB) TgfJ i: SAMB PROTBCTION AT 0RBAT aUCPINBI le) Hia BANk BAI BAB BNSTRUCTBD A BPBCIA1. BArSTT final moor TAUI.'I WHICH IB AT TOUR I)1BP0AI. FBR TBBR IB-NBa ANB BTHBR VALUABLB PAPBR8 A NHW Mil OF BTBBI. I.OOfc. BBXBa BAg JVST AR RIVBD AND ARE RBNTKD AT TUB SMALL SUM OF 2 GO PBR TBAR IN CABB YOU NO DOT Willi IB RBBfT A UOX. WB WILL OLADLT BTORB TOUR BONDS AND V A L U A I I. B PAPBRS POR YOU FHBB OK CHAROB, WHBTHBR YOU ARB A CUBTOMBR OK THIS BANK OR NOT AND UlVh THBM TUB SAMB UARBKUL ATTBNTIBN THAT WB BIVK TB OVR OWN SBQURITIBS Ontario National Bank Meet Bank in Bkaau, ataraw? Ms BUI wMBtes OUR NEW DIRECTORY A new directury is now bsiog lelirered. Sate trouble by dsttrOfiDg your old one. UT YOU WANT PROPBR LI8T1NB BR A NHW PHONB. ADVISB US AT ONt'a Kvery Bill Telephone t a Long; Diatance Mtatien Malheur Home Telephone u. $ Gommercial Creamery Co. Cash buyer$ofCienm and Produce Pleee: South ef Post fRcs. Ontarie. Oreaen Y tar Kelt Bliiat lei QUeJB Vltfi Fiulliy gf all kin.a $ ti&hWfiuvYWSlk'vyiX ity fwss wnYfiei 4