mORYAMOAMtm, ONTARIO, OMOOK, Till know MMVAB1 16, IBM E Dreamland Attractions ONTARIO. OMOOM Krl. and Bat Jnn. 17 and II in "RELEVATION Comedy, Admission II Ud Run and Mon. Jan. 19 ajul ALICI 1EAD1 In "HEH HII.KNT lACRiril I P A T II E N I W I Tuesday, Jan 21 . TOM MIX In MR LOOAN ISA MUTT 6 JEFF In Hulling Ihl Bolshevlkl " Wedneaday. Jan. 22: FRANCIS X BUSHMAN in "PAIR OF I III Mr. and Mrs Mil) Drew, Cm dy Thursday. Jnn 23: MADQI KKNNKPY In KAIIt I'ltETKMH I PATH I N I W S ing of (ho state examination In Civics. The examination will taAl place some time the hitter purt of next wook. rinns arc btJag na4l ty officials of the high school to offer lliMM t flu- liiKlnnlnK of the MM all term for students who hart I" Miit long time citi aCOOUBl '' '' '' ' or who would like to miilie .1 half or n credit In those IUbJcU Anion ; the possible classes nre com law, 1 nrrespondi'in I . ad l iflCCd ni'l'l metlr and R-onpruphy (llnd.VH Franklin returned Monday tftl r ulTerlng itn iitliiek of the tin. vivinn ItrattoB alao ratnraad I after helnK lb di due to i II 1 1 Mlsi mi. I Air I in rM " hark at work again aft I due to lllii. CtlM lion. an enrolled In H,e Inn lor class the first of the w,ek i.fler an absenre of several hum The Klrln of the f) miiii .linn will play iii:n'nst Mch other In i lit) liiill nevt l-'r i't.i y I fiernomi lui" I I nrrantreil with BolM to plnce In the near future Carroll and Km- tine l.u. ,-v are ah Ml at tlie present titli tin tin lint are ,,e, I., I I,, li,. Mel to ilioll hood I'la QfMMM returned yestenl .n RftOI a two week I he rurnlture for the nij room is being ttOWt) colVeied DOW, hut there are bopti that It will M fMdj for 01 ciipation In n WMl of tWO The sopiioiMoie olMt hi Id 1 akatlni MM) I'ne.ilm MMlai In liultl.ind The miwl lemarKalile fe.itnie of th' evening, lioweer, was T 1 1 no lee and another was the of the largOf pai't of the 1 for the l.i . 1 .111 inn In definitely blai I'd all bo utpootom ara pt strongly to mi nbWI of a r. linn as welner I mii .1 ."Haiti men Hut tl Sophs, tlio reported an Ml tlltl raek ride t ' a Dwtghl I'll"-. 11 ol Mi and MM I 1.1'iK I.ovelaii'l home it few days nun from oversea won tin .o-im r. m.h I Men, lined in I'Viiiii e. Mrs V .1 I'lnney this w. eelved I k "er from a Cieiii i chant giving I brief MCOSBl iili h William I'lnnev had in. oh at the 1 it' t 11 The pirlt man IfMtM h ih' hiter 111.1I the pleasure which the I nioh family 1 i'Joed In ( nitu: tbl V'ling An" oldler n' The l "" . i "iionlr h Mr .mil Ml I'llltiey Friday, Jan 24 MAFIG WILSON in "MOl'NTAIN l)EV "1MB BABTOOU KaUlnJamer Kids In I'h U Two" i" Saturday. Jan 2fi METRO I'ltitillt v I Comedy COMINO NEXT WKKI. liarlb Chaplin In "Shoulder Arms'" Mra. C. P. Lovoland received 11 rati: -er unusual Christinas pr ,nt which )uit arrived a few days ago from he, on-ln-law In Indiana T ic present consisted of four posaoms which were hipped here from a fur faim Mrs IxiTeland Intends (o keep tie laaat until next year MftlM kllltol them and having their fut I m.ole up Dairymen Attention Have you tried shipping Cream to the Coast, markets? We pay highest market price and remit promptly for each shipment. Price Today Ilk per lb. No. 1 Butterfat f.o.b., Portland, Ore. No deductions; except for Express. Correct Weights and Tests Guaranteed. Write us for tags and cans. We also buy Poultry and Eggs. UNION MEAT CO. Portland Ore. Holler Skating RINK OPENS SATURDAY NIGHT JANUARY 18 In Old Wilson Grocery Building Opposite Moore Hotel Our Treat Opening Night-N0 CHARGE Skating Every Afternoon and Evening Everybody Come and Enjoy Yourself Cheek Room for Coats and Wraps Open Till 11 o'clock P. M. Popular Prices 25C TO SKATE THE EVENING Money Saving Sale STILL ON AND CONTINUES ANOTHER WEEK Some of the Bargains we had out last week are gone, but we have added a few items for this MONEY SAVING SALE. Dress Goous A" K iTfe. $2.10 36-in. Plain and Plaids ftQ $1.00 values, Sale Price wC . 28c 23c 16c $1.95 1.65 1.45 10-4 Sheeting and 45-in. Tubing frt Kciiulnr Mc Tubing OA ''J" Sale PHce 04C Outings ii pillar 36c kind Sale Price Regular .30c kind Sale Price Regular 20c kind Sale Price 72-in. pure linen $2.50 value . mlo till OIIC 72-in. pure linen IUUII; L.IIIUIFO $2. .00 value 72-in. pure linen ,7o value . Regular 75c Sheeting Sale Price Blankets Ramnoni-c Wo 'wve aaYd more i the already over IVt III 11(111 IN fuwiiid tables-GREAT SAVINGS. $20 Blankets $ir r Sale Price 10U $8.50 Blankets ? OP THAT ARE STILL Sale Pice U.OU S wgfffer va,ues 4.50 HATS I -? Pt'iro Men's !fir'00 Urcss 1,ats, noih- linio l LIUKAjWf( reserved, one-half price, End of Season Garment Sale is still on, some of the bargains are well sold out, but there still remain a food assortment from which to choose. giff $19.85; 8 $33.85; gy? $12.85 ?k$.5o $3.75, 5.75, 7.75, 9.75 uSK. $9.85, 12.85, 16.85, 21.85 Shoe Dept ISS $3.45, $5.45, 6.95, $1.95 C $4.85, $2.95 fcLu, $2.45, $2.55, $2.95 Men's Dnt MsaLu 55c, $1.00 .. . .. . Sale Price ALaA Swi.n.rB i... i hh All Knit Goods at One-Fourth Off Men and Boy.s (TJO if Sweaters at O.tD. RADER'S, Ontario 25c DODGC BROi 1 i;. Lll mod. HI. l'i); SAI.K a dltloa, Willi four j,;. - uns N't BM May, run T.r.uo mlh'.s. run about TouO l11"' N Luaglaj BroekM, ern Ortfoa l..uul To , n . CHAS. A. A. SMITH A. L. McDOWELL M A IVTL T3r ; L S3 So 111. 1. I, I i',,ul-lt "lk'fi"'- I rUte'i 'i ,1,. I doctor, 0 tr uM,. ,,,i NU ir?0M ,,,. 1 1 i',M tU ' ,. , ri. rtmt uw,, I.tlpe.l in- 11, 10 1 iio 1 r. 1, und M a .ek'-i -nne I.. i1Upr,i.l D ovrj war, writs Mr.-n i.. a Drink raoa City Mo. T. T. Koliout rwurned n on w.'i.r,' li,- hai been ill for s,,i,. ,,,,. with the tlu 11,. rtill procec! ilau Valley. a.tkd TO LEASE Si acreage trurt close In. Call at Mr Khoo Shop. 7-1 HOT LAKE. OHE., JAN t, Aau. u' haa i-,-. ii rmitu from pf I 1'iiy uiai 1,.. im aaku, raltMl from 11,,. Uovernmeui mttIm at Lettermun General Hospiul. s.m PraucUco, unj ,ll M permanently M home at the Hot l.ak,, Sanato rium about the tenth of Yours truly, HOT LAKE SA.VATohum MONEY TO LOAN ON till '! Neurit? Inquire ol 1 "rotli. ;.jt SOME OOOO MOUSES TO Tlti tor milk stock or sheep. Thos. Clagett, Ontario, Ore. FOU SALE A Ford touring in good condition, also houseb furniture. Inuulre at this offiei i uaureaa p.o. Box 325, Ontario