VU'VsUU tttartu i&rgtts The Ontario Democrat win ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19. 1919 NO. 7 he SPIRITED CONTESTS TOR DISTRICT HEADS U UMMPMNOR AND;.oi:- ROOM'K ntltlu Tlos Dlsi- litHTs ii w I. CUOUM o- nm i'ou otbh int- RCYORH. INSURGENTS DO NOT SUCCTED -1 I din thins Held fader 'n '..iv Which IIimIiiips NiiinIxT of Illicit op to IteM in Place of Mm Oorj liiV It.illoiing Is i.iui.i In place of Hip uhuuI prefuoclor voting on l In- pun oi n lew inure ivu InnilciwilPTH. there wire spirited il . tlou mi i Matey for position i In. Im.iril ui illnvlorn of Hie BBVerai Irrigation illHlrli-tH of Milleui - ly. Kspochilly won thin line In Hi of tho Wiirmsprlnt,". u . uf tin- Payette-Oregon H0 In Hip Wiiriin piliiK pii Mi ii ii' . avo rlHP to evidence of In , I v , . p. irt ol lllltIM' I: Ol HIM llllllloV. HITS, HlO II. v III surgency was about ill Ml n puiiiip. Humoru have it Unit Hi' I of diss il Infliction IS ih I af Iho board to exceed 10 iiuinilii by stockholders in praseal dttataa to Uociarc iBsMOdlatelj i l what thoy arc to ih.irgc for w.itpi I under tho now yHtcin Tim hoai I MM Hint this run not In tea I until Hip work Ih i iiniplitpil Md IB ' ilplprmliipil tnul iippiii il hm'iI a.' . iirnli'ly. no It Ii aald Anyway, whalpvpr tho cauao, a iih ' : Ml.. caini.ili'.n wiim wugud In whip i W. Mullcll. Dli'k lluArmoinl m l.hi, ii I I, M 'ipi.iin wore tho i mull, I bim oi tho oppuMtion to Hip board . ii illdatPK, Itox MaritilH. Mm RM . II .md ' rn McLaughlin , An l'.. . gll of IM liallMtllig III" ''resui "'. won uvar tlta oppoattlon uikliiK tw i uf Hip throo dlroctora, nnd loxtng tho third hy the nurrow innr Kin of thro vote. In the fjrat dlHtrl.'i .MtT.auglill:i ,i.r...Hp, fAMgafgtM ! II bj I DMf inmiu won vver IIuhhpII hi Hip BMOB hy to Hj while III Hie Hilr.l triit ManiuU ilifpuipil MoJI " ' i,i 1 1 l'a)(4lf-iregoii slope l'p on Dead Ox Flit Interem cent ernl In Hi election of dlrcctoru fin ii,,. I'uw'tti -or.'Kon slope Irrigation dlutrlit. There were nine dldalea for the three plarea and Ih. election wu aplrlted The follow. In were I. , t .1 A. A. OMrMMi Kalph Itndaera. Jonon Hrown The otlui pundldateH were CbM I. Inn. L ' "I'ulhertMon. Geo W I.ulllf. Iota ilurtchl, und Mr Coatx No OfeMMl la )he'. There were no contest In Ih" OtT Imp district and Uie following wi r. elected: T W (Taggett, Huh ! teiH and Dr. J J Sarazin Wlllou Alil.i I Hope und W J l'iniip.v '' ajaotte atMttera of Um wniow Altei district The other director the Ar aaj Bgala1 not leurn. Hip pIocUdiih lata year were the first under the 191? law whhli n IMOM the number of dlreiors from five to three und permit-' tag dis tricts to divide the territory into thre picciiu'lts, or to eleit at I as they please OWYHRK HOUS.TI Its Wll I MKKT SATURDAY KVIAIM. County Judge E. 11. Test, tola phoned from Vale this moraine ih.r he had called a meeting of Hi" com tnittee which wus uppointeil to b Hip Owyhee Project, to bj ball si the Commerciul club room., in tin turlo Saturday evening at I o'clock He Huld that the Vale commute would be present at that time and urged that all who were interested cither directly or merely as well wisners lor mis seciion oi me cuuu- . ' ttueua' lIKIirilBIAHsOlY HKl VIVllH OI PBOORAII lll.llVIMlhll IM llUH.H.i.M wishers lor this section of Hi- llecause of illness earlier in the teaaoa which Interfered with pum ions programs and as u matter of "lit and future precaution tic women of the Music club have aban doned their programs for this season mMPLNTH KM I li:i t.ooiis W Willi I Hi:i litoss uu Ontario Chaptei it C Is hImiii mi iih siiin i of knlted 1 1, i" pat lallj ui wii Knlttafa who iiiiM' .ui;. of Um i oonpli ted are urged to bring iiii'in in i in- win k room hi thai shlpuiPiil m ii I ' iiiiiiIp ill MM 'i in' aorkera hi tin' room ui" il"' ulillK lillli' to cnlnlllplloll ol p.'i l.i linn; ami refugee garments Tilt' work rooms arc open Mm day, Wcilimwla.i mid Krldliy af ternoons mi. I nil w liu i mi BO y tin 'ii mi 1 1 ; . I ii. ;i isj In this needed work Tlio Mm war Ih over IIhh a mill n gipnl dMl Of work in Ii iIiiih . mill Hip officer mill wnr! H hip iii:i'iitly ii'ipii', liim tlic In i of nil who pan assist MALHEUR COUNTY HAS ANOTHER GOLD STAR lamps I! IriiHlilt i.r Jordan iillev Puts Siipi'inp h uedllcr Died of Wlllllllls lllT IVlllP Mils MflMtf, . Oaf I out. t. ... ..Tll'l I.. to plaM upini tin.' Bervloa Hug of a r.imii i hi tar which akaagM n blM n gold Ih that In Hip li'im Mrs Jortea Valloy, ate roan .inn... vhlet tkaff inn lam I'.nwlck paM M OetOBOf Ith, tho tlu family Jn I roeotTi I Both i IiIh death llil Voiiiik 1'i'iiulih , MOM was II' 1" I B llh Hi" M ii.iHv lint on MmIhI iiiiii or wouniw laffarad noatb'i nun in Hip ArRMini.' i.-i;i,ni whil" i in' poasi oldlar bim all wim not known In (Miiurlo the ni"in ban of IiIh taaiUj .i"- pm ihrtar, mi Rob I'piiwI. I. I 1 1 1 mi Hi- I.i' al IiIkIi Hi'linol mid tlvln yoar Ii n aaibafi of the pablle kAooI taoulty s r vino n viiiiv ti. Ki.i'.i ra in i ii i um i in: m: v i i; At Hi.- .ililinul tui'i'linr ol Hi" ' 'II inrlo N ullonul Um. i l 01 por.iilou I.pKI hiN .-. i, I'M, bi lile paHnliiK i i the past year'H work. Hip stockholder) lor lii" iipw i ii I Blaatabj . ' .;nui. C it ftal "ii T J !!' I '. 1 1 1 lll.irknl.: TIip dm i loi ' . ,i ii," WJowtai offloari J i iiim knii.. pi Ulan fri'' ,. . p , loot i I I. BWaStHli . i. .- pi.- hi.-iit, i'ii IBM! saahlar; i' c. Dofrooa. and Knrl r. lot iii.iic.iiiiiK tin- irowlai Of this k.'CHmii iiip i"pi i" of the In stltatloa show iImI Um ii vai i In Its history Hmih I rofj rtM point. THREE COUSINS WILL MANAGE BOSTON CAEE llarrj louu. Upturns I'loin To II.- Assoiluleii In Venluie IliiililniK IteliiK Henomlcil. Alinolllliemi'lll Is 111. lie I III: weeli ttal UM Huston Cufo v. ill open uudei ,i n. Ig muuugi'liu.'iit BSSl 1 l.ursdny rhi.j BunagomMt iii M. u, ll"ii and Rial Kong, ull of , horn ba b0M tlil I in lor some lime. I. airy ftaf hM BOOB BOOM I lrom UM city fag two eai i while he wa engaged iu Um raatouraiil bu 111 Kiihiu tt IIP ri'lUlliuu i i-i we.'i and orBunlzt'd the now in mm i" lake mif Um BmIod This OMk rpMtti Md ! itb .,!.- baollj aagMod la raaoratlnj the builduiB which will be tbOTOl) bverhuuled ami pin ill i ' Khapn I mi UM 're of the tra ns well as the local puiuii tiMAKIOWsHA COMPANl AWl VI Ml.riiSi; POMPOM I. ' Qmiag M Hie fact IhBl no MOTUM .. ... ...... A .1 .1 i.i....llliL' I'OUIll I'" .'.fCUICil in" ., ... ...-- m t the OatariO-NyaM Irrigation com puny which wc.rf schcdul d I to (AMI ' I I"' In um 1" thus U Pimm' ot Ontario, is also ill with the flu at the present. ADJOURN COURT TERM FOR SEVERAL CAUSES Law an IhatM) WTRaoea m with i in or thseiil in iinj Noetic. I iivr Sptlli'il I lui ol Court ( mi. llllilllllIU ( II Use Tin- laaaarj tana of Um niHtrict Court riinip in mi nhrupt pikI wIipii Judgp DaltM Wggs niljourni'il Ho sessions on TaOOtey The 001 iri billing raUHPK of whlrh tlmri' vii- nan) lacloded Hip follow inn i aw( ol ninny iittortiPyH; IHiipsh of niiinnrnilH wltnesson and IIIIuiiiiIn. Mttlamaal or p"inlinR uptiipnipnt ol i.i inn i botwaaa lit i-nnt i nm of point lii II union lpliruui M (Hip Important annoiini OBMl prtOl to niljoiirnmi'iil Ml Hint of iiotMnn the cam1 of John llnnlon who nhoi Hi. ninlrht Attnrney l( W Hwnalpr, Tuph I wpi'k RUTHEREORD BROS. SELL RANCH PROPERTY p Mum K.iikI Itiinil llltri run li.i-isl lit Moiilaiin I mill iiiiiii tT.MM I Mii-ldpin- Hon Nnnipil TbS largOSt iBdlvldUul uleol ranel, piopPity louipl.'lPd III lllltario i.i limp w.ih H.ul by whi.'li Hi,, WHIIaiiiH of Hun.'. Montana pi.iup la to pimHPHHloli of the 2400 BON IMI Marraj riinili M Hurnt river Tho proport) ni sold by Um Rath or ford llron , 11 K and Murk, who limp owned Um ranch for bill a IV mouths. The ranch whlrh comprises; l'Imi' serss la one of the bent Htock pro lea in Baatara Ontoa, Tim aot rated In M.illniii coUlit, but jusl OTOi in-line in con... j. map from Um raaoh ommi Uih amy Mr. Williams expecls to hrlim u Ida Iiiiiii Ii of stock In"" Mnuuiiin lOgaUl or with slock pan baaad In this sec tion to UM rancli He will tul.e p., - ,i al mih" HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Senior ChMB aajrtj BI Um home of Miss i. mil" iiixks lust Taajatej STSalai ill whii lluisn w tin SttMMd i.''il llinl they hud pnJo,'d Hip let imu -uie "iitPiiiiK the high school. Kiuii member ol Hip cla. hroi their pictures at tho request of the euiei'tulniiinnt coiumlltee and these furnished great amusement for pM-i i one liMiititlful refreshments ware served In the wee sum' hours line M nimknlie feature of the even ing wus thut no low "i sjaosnieii a. tcinptci to in. -ilk up the gathartag The girls of the l'lissical I ruining club enlertulned tloir friends In th" high school al an old fashioned hard tune purty Friday evening In the gpm naiutn Taffy pullliiK and ohl i lolled dam es torineil Hie am n "lii. m f (h(, t.w.iin! All declared the aariJ a (..I'P'ii sttoooss and the lavltad ure eugerly awaiting the tim. when iiiitutioii. will h" isiied for another. I'oughmun who lormerly at Mated sahool la PorUaad Mrollod la UM I''" hmali chf ,.-. Men Win l.u k Minlic, w ho ail, Mid" I school ut Yule lui fOOl and M M I recenll winkcil in AltcliI Shoe store, ruslt-ned his position and ha 'akin up school work with the S,,pl. iinore class. All the teachers ure now buck after treatment for his thumb which he in i., I of 'I" i" being absent on B j jured by running a piece of BtMl I . .unit of Hi" llu During M lt ili.-nc Mis, Mii Ilinghani look I qj lls i,.M , ,,. bagfllal lusl , hurB' Of bgg Domestic Scipih " btelyaajj a'tef being u putii'iit aorg f"i Art Claj some time Uegardlug the llu siluution as BM j Mrs A T Christlunsen and bub. uaotad wilh alietidam i- in C" Supt DO (.oris that only on" olU o, ,,w. Motoro tal M UslMBM r (;iI has pupiu , Khooi ,, '" '"' '"I""1 "' ,his """",i"" wlM Z-m.-, lu ,,prove muu voi, oh. situ nk a ,as orguuu ..... o . .V. ..I Ml liicieii" elMBM in Hie grail" achools, the name of the BfgaajMtlM being the Modern Heulth Crusadirs This was done under the direction of - " 1 ( Continued on page 2 ) SOLONS ON COMMITTEES IIihIpi I Iiiiiiiii of lniu,nlloii Colli- ioIiiin', In IImmiii IIIIui.i 4 'oio- jfgaMI (.hIIukIipi on lrrl((a- lion onniiiilp mill Law. Ur InIoiik. MiilliPiir niiiniy HolonH. SeiiHtor JiiIIpii A Hurley nnd Keprenentntlv I'. J (lallnsher dri-w lortunntp imu tnlttpp iiNNlKiiments iircordltm to ;m ateaoaaiaatfl from teloai teaator ffarloy is ehatman of ii,p , Senutp h Irrls'itlon CommlttM, sad Oil the IliRhway ponimltipp. Itpprpspn atlve CnlliiRher Ih b ineinlipr of the MoiiHP lommittop on IrrlRHtlou nnd la ii niPinlipr of the ioiiiiiiIIIpp H It vIhIoii of H'p l.awx II" id" HhIciiIiik to M aide ad dri'sr. ol (ioMTiioi Witliypomlip lln ISRlHluture has ratified Hip rfattoaal I'rohlhltlon AiiiPiidiiipnt and Klarted nillon toward curhlnR Hie I W V and llnlilipvlkl pIpiiipiiIh in thl iii'.iiimii oi i uf ury aiiiioioiio'ii i w.i ioMMirn:i: NAMKD Ti III i.r itniisr OWYHRK rito.u i i Upoi'Kp lIuiitlllK i urtey ol 'Vale l.u I week named the loinmlttpp to rppii Mem Hint I'Miiiiiiiniity In the united of- lui t in iiihnni Hi M 1 1 Ml ""i " II, (IwiIipp proji'ct for wlili-h in". I In k nun held Tteatel nlRhl of Iiih) tt,,,,K l""' "' ""lar.o. i no fan niiipp iii.nip.i is wupii.t. (!"" McKlilKhl. A UNA Q I WUdtatal and Ml Clltl IMH.ll: coi'KT I IM M RRKAN IllXllltlls Hilt nUM IN Till VIS As a gurnerer f fines I'ollce JuiIkp (' M SteuniH broke records In n iiiiim ilurliiK 1 !' I s In ii In- 12 BlOathJ jiihi punseii Um OHj Traaaary aai "in I. -lied by UM muiii of li(7. received thru the fines route uh coiuIucipiI bi I the Judge This surpasses ths r ,- M,.(for,, tt ,-ity several times Im-. ,, ,lou 0llir ,)llt (,. , imiUmM ,ul, ,lis ,,lH ,ore lawless churucleii for the number Of cases heard hy I'm respeitlve police Judges w m..n times greater In Mediord than in 0b tarlo linn h lions per Bffaaj were greater here, perhaps wtiil" the iimm age levy per aaraM convicted lui" was considerably higher, us tin Indicate tIKKU Kits Wll Mill TOltH ill liltM AIUi l. t HUM V Ail oi the tormer glrBOtOI reelected at the annual PMBtBBl of (In l-irst National Hank corporal mil on Tuesday, ; I which the offtoan reported the lggest e.ns huslliess In the hlatoii af UM hMl under its present management. f rectors are: A I. fockruin. H Ii Co,k rum. Mtb Kttu t'ockrum. -t. H Cockriim mid iiiMin: Turnhull The old Mllliei. A I. rockiuili, president ; T Tumbull. Vice liesl dent; II H ClMBTBBI. aaahlori 0 W IMatt, Atst. Cashier wen- reelciteil ami it m Parry was al a alaotte i aul cashier. HOSPITAL NOTES Lloyd 1'ennlngion was able to re turn to his home in Vale last 'linn day after iccclttug tu-utment tof M Injured unkle Mr. und Mrs Half) ROI MM Of V..I are the happy parents of u baa) daOfb ter born Thuisduy Junuury 0 0, ii H.iini arai raaotvM al Um pitul Kriduy to receive medical trcal ment for Illness. P Holland returned to his bOOM iu Krultlund last week ufter receiving daughter returned to their honm in . Ontario Tuesduy. Mrs. Arthua Price, who was u i. In ii,,,.,,, putlent here, left the same da r"' f '"'""' '" Melvin Herry of Welser. MOtbS naiieiii. is ueiiniK uiouk iiiiu uno . - r will he able to relurn there in a lew ffa f Plilllips, whose Iioiim i Bl I Coeur d'Aleii'', was admitted Taaatel 'at tim iuolution IimshIimI III with the -v " 'flu. ONTARIO HAS CHAMPION in Ml I.TIPl.t: Ofl It K HOI HIM aMa H aaeaog in holding down n hundi' of offlooa Ontario I'TH u i anil iilal lor Hip lone 'h tnncp championship. To thi liM or Um ArgiiH Boailaatae Claj M Stenrm wiiiis,. iiuiilllli'iil inns are Hip following cii ItocMiil'i . Police Judgp. WiiIpi Colli'ii.u Sipcial I'olh Pinun, I'nltPil Si idinmlHsloinr. ami al Hiiiph Is SecrPtary of the OtatasOfl lal luh If Judgp St"iirns took to wrli inc the Hlgnlficant InlttulM BftOI his nmiip. KngllHh fiishlon this would he alphabetical result C. M. StcnrtiH. C. Ii I , ; W c : p . r 0 . this la a I Impnlng array. Is It not' ;IL WILL LEVY DOG TAX THIS YEAR Will lUlse teaM ItPieillie Hut Hie I'rltlilpul lib lei I h lo I'loleil I.m.mI Dogs nnd tiii Itlil ol I n'IS,H (Iiii-h. i An)ium who pohhi'nhch a good deg: Bad 'Iiiph mivthlng for It, and H'.i per cont of dog owners, are in thai B III he willing for ltn protection to on courage sny movement Hint i Its purpose tho riding of tho city of useless canines, believes Mayor It W Jones Acting on that belief he bus In troduced Into the city c until a res olution which revives heretofore , , Istlng dog lawH, and provide among other things for the payuieni of a tax on every dog In the city The rule Is going (o be three dollars tor m.ib and five for females. Hefore this ordinance hi mum ii fnctlve sufficient notice will be given owners of dogs of no soJm get rid of them Will Hiii III si Tnu "Kvery year, nearlv, in tin pi no Dntarlo has mi epidemic of dog pels onlng," asld the Msyor, "usuiill) It Is the valuable dogs, the dogs that sunn oue prizes that are the victims, up patently of the spite thut BOOMOBlS bus ul the curs that Invest Ho- gftl and keep folks uwuke nights with their howls If these uulniuls were gotten rid id there would lie iii, in centive for the poisoner, I believe, und I bat la the best protection that can be given for the useful sheep dog. the valuable huutlng dog and tin prised pet of a futility. "Anyone wim owns Milch u dog is, or should be willing to pay tor the privilege I um Willing myself, und I liuve nearly ulwuys owned u dog. In fm t I will buy Iho first tag for mv dog." f HI Ml tit TIIOYV HKIIIIIM. IH RVRNT OP tATL'RDAI At the Episcopal rectory of Payette Saturday afternoon occurred the wed ding ot Miss Margaret Dunbar, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Duvld Dun bgf who reside Southwest ol the ttty, and Clinton f iiow, son af Mrs. K. W. Trow of Santa Harbur.i, CallfOf nla, who resided hero until rfOMtl Miss Helen and Ralph Dunbar, brotl er and sister of the bride, wen- UM i.i id, i and groom sm.iii Mr a-il Mrs. Trow are welknowu iu Oatarifl mid liolh have been prouiiiieiil in lodge circles aa well as oilo-i aotlvtl les. Mrs. Trow gfOB M woiiiauhood here hoving graduated fnnn the MMgl high school, tollowlng which she taught for sometime l.ust year she was Worthy Mutrou Of Star Chapter (i I S. Mr. Trow cume to liuiario win parents several years ago follow o. his graduation from the liiln l Minnesota Agricultural Collafg Puul He was aKricullurisi for ih Oregon Wisli in ColOBtMtlOB 00 any und officer of Advanci nnnl It rigulion ioinpan und the iiutuiio Ad vaiicciin'iil compaiiv prior to lis Mtrj into the army lust spiiug He m lered tho engineer seni" md ;i attending the Knginecr Ol Training cuuip wiien M ni aViaahai ed from the army lust umnlli Ha II at present Muster of Maria Ud !' ft A. M , having gate BMOlOd I that office for the set olid linn- II- is one of the churler BtaBtbOrg Of UM . ui t luh and I taken nn aotlvd inteii t in etvli sffali Alice Hrudy udds to long list of stage und lllui success with utirlni; triumph lu Her ttileut Sacrifice" BODY OF DROWNED BOY FOUND ON RIVER BANK DURING six LONO months sim i: OR WAS Dliuw l l PARBNTR IVaTVKR iimmim:d Mfl Off RRCOVSaUNO His ROOT HUNTING PARTY DISCOVERER Idem ii billion or lloily as Hint of I rank M. (.rinin t'onipli'tc Per. puts I iilfi lulu no Do u bl I unir il Hn-vlcc 1piI WpiIiipsiIh) ftrr n.. .oi I i .on MpIIimiII'-I Cliurcb. The fnlth which Mr and Mm D 0 OrtfflB tall for sl long tunulhs of an guiHli, following the drowning of their Hon I'm iik. on July 21. thai the body won I urd- pil Monday afternoon Al Hint time Mr Urlffln was untitled that a group of boys' had locstod tho emaiinted re main uf n buy on the liankM of Snake river a few rmlH from the point where the Malheur rlni .iiIith the larger h( renin II" B7l BI I" ih" w here be had boon PrOOOdOd h l'i It u I'm. nor, who had beoiv Milted of the discovery previously on viewing the body Mr. Urlffln at once dei lured it that nf his sou. The Idontlllputlon was loni'.niipd by the remnants ot a pair of overalls thai tho hoy won- n the fatal HWlinlng party, which were still upon pm of Hip bod) Idki'wisp the father was ubp to identify the teeth as those of Ills son. liie I.n.l i iik of the body "nded a search which Um members of the i.unih ooattaaod aaciMilafrti for many weeks following the drOWatSft. and which I ln renewed repeatedly iliice lu UM iindvliiu hope that the waters would lurroatet their vlctltn lu this smirch man; people aaslstaiic, divnr'H iiilt was sent for end brol hero from Montpeller. Idaho, and V. W Hill IIHuIp " di'iPiitM Into the -.wlft runni.. Ml nut. without results The river wan dragged and boat i .rtles scan the ahore foi mllw II I Um ii.idv RgfO DfMOMg lb"l iiic ho,l was first seen by a part ot hoys Frank Van I'etten. Dick Ad am und Milo Wright, who on S I .l.u ulteruooii were huiitliik- ni Ci" low lands mar the mouth of UM Mal heur They did not lurry Ioiik ' In N UfOtO tlndr hud but report"! it t" their purcnts on laadaj aftoraooa 1 . .in Piiieii .md i I Dickaou weiii to the si en" i investigate mil "iiiilliined the bins report. They lu turn untitled Coioin r Puyne who was unable to go to view the Md) until Monday afternoon It was then licit the Hriffln fatiilh was i. oi. hod 1'iiin'iai .iv i . sore bald . i day ufternoon from the Methodla lsc,iial church. Id v Win l.u . "Ulb" "tfli nliiiK The pall I" il n from meliibers of the I i clasa lu High School who were class mutes of tin- In Hi. in. mm gataoJ bisl v Crank ililllin diowned while) wiiniiilng Willi n group ol July It, two mlhs up the river fron the point where the body wus found- ROLLER SKATING TO BE ONTARIO PASTIME Itiuk to be OpeuiMl This Wi.-k In Can Held IllllldlllK 11) A. 1.. MrlKilvi II anil buries A. . Hmitli. Out ii lo vvill have a m a of enterl. lining III "Il I lii - BiBl roller k.iiiii' rink will h" OpagB Sitturday night lu the Can Ibid hull, i Idaho .iv, mi. i'iie iiianugor.s of the new ii ItltUtlM BOMrdlM " auliouiicemofj which appears glMWbeie in llii.s i' sue will he Couniilinan A. L. M , Dowell and haxlM A. A. Smith p The building is being prepur for i - stators aod tta 'km joipected to uriivo touinriow fret Salt l.'ik" und everything will ready tor I he (in'.ud Opening San day evening