' THE OXTArtJO tUi H. O.YTAfMo. OREGON. TttCMDAV sVUrVAafJT . Il. f Rexall Remedies ONTARIO PHARMACY "fc th RRXAix stoimb Prescription Specialists no. 8 America's Greatest Work Be Prepared for Annual Xmas Membership Drive of Red Cross Nyal ftn;du-s Town Topics Tersely Told Ml:.s Loo:.u ltutler is quite III wild Influenza this week. MImh lli'tii' In another of tlifl IIIkIi School tonrliors to contract the flu. Mr. and Mri Albert Christiansen nre the prjud pa eiitn of an elghl pound daughter who arrived Saturday evening. Mid Smithson, a Salt Lake nurse, stopped In Ontario last week whil" on her war to Vale. ft N. Brown win a Crane visitor heie the laat of the week. Win Connolly wna a New Yoar' vlaltor here from Weirtfall Miss Emma Jonas ami Mrn. Krnlly. aftlMOl of Vnle ImIi imI here Thurs day II I Si l.llppl-ll, of Hal, IT, UM TO- now iik old ti'iiiainlancoK here, day MIhki'im Mm' and M8f8Jt8l HSxSaaj with their liiotiipr. l 9 Murphei. were down from lleiibh H;ilimlin 0 Jack Muiiiford and W. It Helen were In town Sunday from Jordan Valley. J B. UwrriiiK visited here Satur day from IroiiHlde. ed here this week. W. n. Mclntuff ns in town Fri day from Caldwell. H It. Clark vUited here from Crane Saturday. Kugent tirslse. from Boise, waa In town Sunday. o Hazel Daley waa a Vale vlaltor here laat Thumdny. O, W. Porter, of W'elaer roglsf r : ut the Moore Hotel Friday. R. (). Sail wan In town Tuesdnv from Iteulali. . Mm. John llausermun v .sited . . ie from I liuper Thursday W. S Perkins w: IWI from tTO gnn Saturday. i. i. Huiii. : o( M iheii visit' , ,1 .nre IiihI I o J. It S . i I . a (ionihiiK , It itor hen 'sr's day. B7, K l'i i .ii. Iin iml G i I"1 ttM who nre feeding shetip on tlM llench were here Saturday from Mid-vale. W. , Miller of Nampii In aubslltul Ing an rum ' 'or on the Crane train,1 while C. C i'lin-y la reentering fromi r i an n -wiiifrson wax a iisk't ., .. first grade. Mlaa Dlcknelt la a grad uate of the Lewlston State Normal School and taught laat year at Mevan, Idaho Frank tlrlttlngham and family mo tored to Vale New Year' day and took dinner with the Ernest Adam's n A farewell pnrty waa held Saturdav afternoon at the A. L. McDowell home in honor of Mr and Mrs. Joe llrown. who left the first of the week for Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Let son are In Portland this week. C. It Kmlson and A E. Prown left TneHilH.v morning for t'rane. L. O. Wilson and H C and C I l"; .lork were In town Friday from V Ktfall L .. If. c. Oeer stopoed In town Su i.r ii way home to llurnx I.' I Gee- iiaa heen In the hit inthn, of which he Hpenl In th ii France. James II Hell Ju I rcc i,ved a hi r from her hushand, I'M James itell. b0 to nerving with f 1 1 - iior in i:p.-litlo nary POTOM In Trance. under date of November I'll xtntlng that he was In a Hase Hospital re MVSrtBf, from wounds recelwd while in Htlon Novemle'r 8. -o I;, II r Ied his triilning at (amp Utwk and was trnnsfered to Camp Merroft. N J. In June ami Bailed from there averseai In July He is a mem ber of Co. B 3A1 Infantry in the famous 91st Division. visitor here, Tuesday. J. P. Joyce was s Saturday ilsltor III town from .Minium Mr and Mrs. Jack Ijtndls, of Per ms were visiting here Saturday A, 1. Maker. Ed and J W. Machsm were here Monday from Uolse, to see iiliinii c csttle. Mrs F C Clef and nephew. M. T. iCoaaor. from Westfall stopped hero Mrs Mallelt was In town Mondsy "" to '"Isnd on her way to Poise - Mrs. Lucy Fos Is absent from W. M. Lsmbert visited hern from school this week because of a son Jordsn Vslley, Isst week. John snd Howsrd Kelthly ware Mldvale viators here Saturday. throut Miss Mae Piatt Is quarantined be cause of her exposure to Influenza aud her place Is being taken In the O- B. Weed, of Portland was a grades by Charlotte Clagett. Mondsy visitor hers. o- o Mr. snd Mrs. Herman Caldwell snd Mrs Qeo E. Coolsy. of Bolss was small daughter, Wanda, arrived hero vlaltlng hers Fridsy I New Year s Evs. after sn extended a 'stay in Washington snd have again R. H. I.orkett and W. S. Perkins uksa up their restdenes here wars here Sunday from Brogan Mrs. W. P. Homsn is again in her old place at the East Side School where the enrollement. 48, ia the largest during the year Too Late to Classify. llol'SK FOR SALE:has s sitting room 12x14; kltchln 14x8 and porch 7x14 :ls located on the Owyhee near Pete Htsiu s plsce. Will sell fori ISO Inuulre of Henry Raul, Ontsrlo.--t FOR "ALE: Tent 30x0 with ,t foot wall, made of 10 oz duck. Is In (air Klupa. Can be reen at camp near Malheur Butte. I rice 140 Inpulre of H. A. Arneaon, Ontario. For Trade Improved 440 acre raucli locsted In Harney county Would like to trsde for s smaller (arm near some good school Or would consider suberlon property tt Address tleo W. Wyst. But 416, on is rid. Oregon. Beulab V. Lewis, of BonlU. was in town Thursdsy H. 8. Bower snd L Bower were here isst week from Crane. Mrs. A. M. Ward snd MUs Blanche wore down from Beulab Thursday. Lee Howell waa hare from Drswsey Mondsy. Dewey, Ed and Geo. Lsrsen were In from Junturs Friday. 4 Mrs Bessie Lone and children were In town Sunday from Harney. 8. A Staufleld was hers Thursday from Malheur city. Frank Schumway waa visiting here from Riverside Friday. Mrs. M. C Hsssell. from Pendleton as In town Mondsy. Win Bsine visited here Saturday from Bolss. J. I Brant, of Huntington was in town Sunday. Kod McArtbsr was wars ibis week trotn Beulab Mr. sad Mrs C W Pel, wars bars nl week, from Huntington Gaarar sf aaaa, waa aaaa Year's amy. FOR SALE 8eed barley Connell Cox, R. F. D. No. x, Ontrlo, Ore. Miss Helen Blckneil of Csldewll. Is s new teacher In the Grammar school. tsklng Miss Feuwlck's place in the I will unload a carload of floe Bur bank potatoes In Ontario on or about January 15th Price $1.86 per hun dred st the csr H. L. YORK. ii i i i .i .i i en n release frem the Government service st Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, and will be permanently at home at the Hot Lske Sanato rium about the tenth of January Yours truly. HOT LAKE SANATORH'M "CHURCH ACTIVITIES Peotdrostal Chorrh of the Nazarene, East silk. Ksv. S. I,. I Iiiio-k, D.D., Pastor Order of Services. Bunday school 10 a m. Preaching 11 a. m. Peoples Meeting 7.16 p. m. Prsysr meeting Thurs 7.4f,p You are welcome to these MTftoM CATHOLIC fHiriUTH OF THE BI.KHHED HACRAMENT. 8:30 s. m . Low Mass 10 30 a in . High Mass. 9:30 s. m.. Cateihlsm for the boys and girls IIAPTIHT till III II NOTEN Bible Study 10:00. Morning Worship 11:00. Kw-nlng Serylce ii Next wick In tin, week of prawf anil services will be held em h BTMI iik at i; :in, new lime Oil w III he weh nine i ll s II IH.OM. CHEAP COAL! '7.Hperlan We have two earn Lignite I Cosl from . Kenimer, . which we are selling at at the bin. This is not as good as some other high grade loal, but Is cheap Coal nt the price offered. Add 71V per ton for town delivery. Try some of it. Van Pet ten Lun ber Co. E. W DUNN "The Iowa Man" Hsvs soM Llvcftick nnd Gen r.il IV. i in Sales In Oiegon and Idaho F r past 14 yen.h I Guiirinlei, my Work. Call i, ll. it. 27C-W Ps)elli', lilnln. Ml Ml IIHHIIS1 I III III II 10:00 a in. Suiidio M I 11 a. in I'reai IiIiik ' 'I'uiilng (he First ThlngH First. " 7 p in Preaching "The Power of Cholca". Please note the time of the evening servloe Is 7 o'clock new time An interesting series of Cottage meetings have been hell nightly this week. The meeting Friday evening is at the home of Miss Doty. Wo expect to begin a series of Evan gelistic services January III with the District Superintendent helping Rev Aldrlch has had much experience In such campaigns snd we expect much good to be accompanied thru this effort TO THE DAIRYMEN The Red Shield 'reamery Company, 1508-1510 Western Ave., S.-altlr. Pays ,73c for Rutterfat delivered Seattle, as the market stands today. Tell Your Neighbors Checks and Cans Returned Promptly I'NITED PKErSBVTERIAN rill i it 10:00 a. m. Sunday School 11:00 Worship Sermon sujsct, "Prsysr". For the Bent Quality of Commercial Printing Call at the Argun Office HOT LAKE. ORE . JAN. 8. ltli Word hsa been received from Or W T Phy that he has secured hit How Could He Do It? A certain well-to-do young bUsVJxMM man called at a bank the other day ami asked for a loan of $500.00. The banker promptly took bis personal not lot tin- uinotiiit. Why could he do this. Simply because as a young man he commenct-d doinjr bus iness thru the bank. He had learned early in life that the bank could help him in many ways and the banker learned that this young man was a sticker and could be de pended upon. Tn fact eaeh had learned to stay by the other. Young men, there is a lesson in this for you. Start now doing your business thru a good bank like ours. Stay by us and we will stay by you. Compare the Food Energy Content of Various Food Products With Columbia Brand OLEOMARGARINE "The Thrift Spread" Calories per lb Porterhouse Steak 1100 Mutton Chops 1411 Cream Celery Soup . ISs Chicken 305 Salmon 1 Byga 3G Milk 10 fnr above Sguree taken frui I'. H. Calories per lb Entire Wheal Flour 180 lllce 20 Whits Hresd 1200 tlrsuulst.il Sugar 1 7 SO Potatoes 2 Tomatoes 0 Apples ' Orpt of Agrtcwlture, BaUeUn US) Columbia Brand Oleomargarine Contains 3410 Calories to the Found and saves a worth-while sum on your grocery bill. Taetea good on bread Ane for frying and baking sweet, pure, wholesome not touched by hand in manufacture or packing tVMd Veta Dally Put sp la Waxed OdWprouf fWtos. A QCAL1TY PRODCtrr VV THE UNION MEAT CO., Portland, Oregon First National Bank OUT ABIO, OEBOOH. Geo a Ssssasy s Vato ststtsr TWsuav. Mrs. abbs Katos. sf Poittoa toU-