The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 09, 1919, Image 2

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rMllw-'V MMIARV , 1BIB
This is a sale ot Odds and Ends gathered from our itguiai iriani., which i& our custom cvci ju to
clean md at a sacrifice to our customers, and thereby reducing our stock, making room for the new Spring
i ..,u:..u .. , u rr EVott; flDnartmont hnu v mu t li i im f o nffpr ni a hnrtrain and hone vou will
ciean 'ip ai a siicniice tu um cusiuhicib, aim tuvivvj i.ilk. . ,.... ...-. ... ft -... . -. --
goods which are on the way. Every departmeut has something to otter at a bargain and hope you will
taKe acivaniage ot me same.
End of Season Garment Clearance Sale
Trad ieallv the entire stuck of Suits, Coats and Dresses are included in this sale. The splendid quality and
drpandabiHty of thi apparel is an outstanding feature of this sate. Come early prepared to buy your
limit, for most of thM modtll will be effective for early spring wear.
Plush Coats values to
$31.51), Sale Price
$1 n.85
Jg 1Q
9Sci0th Cofttl values to
"Vl- X u $59.50, Sale Pi i
V. I II I 1
i S!
( loth I oatti values to
$27. so. Sale Price
$1 Q.85
s a
A . V
A.. I
J r
1 fi
tl' 'M f
J l i!
fofr M A'
skirts Of Novelty
Plaids l) d Plain
colors of Silk, S
Poplina, (ncludiriK
extra Value;
up to 118.50 now
priced at
$5.75, $7.75 and $9.75
T"v New Dresses in four big Lets in fancy or plain silks, Satins, Georgetle Crepe, etc..
Dresses 3iK.prk,d '? $9.95, $12.85, $16.86, $21.85
Dress Goods Sale
FOR STOCK REDUCING -We will offer 42-inch
all wool Btrgt, Ottoman, Poplins, Ktc. in all the
newest shades of Hurgundy, Plum Taupe, Brown,
Navy and Hlaek, all new goods of the flO I A
Under quality. Regular $2.50, Sale Price $L. IV
S6-iaeh Serge in tan gray, brown, purple,
navy and black, good wearing quality
86-tn. Plaid Suiting, suitable for girls
tlrtmea. skirt., etc., $1 value, 6c: 75c TaluetW"
I, ace Insertion
In Ik Nig Heakel
aloes to 8c . sale price
Valim u He, ! ariai
OM l"t of Women's
Boat. 26c value
Oae Fourth Off on all
Stoles and Fur Sets, k
Silk Underwear
In flash cdor. Envelopes, chemise, Gowns, Bloomers
Const Covin, in Crape' da Chine, Satin aad .Jersey,
fancy trimmed. Values to $12at ONE-FOURTH OFF
1-3 Off Remnants 1-3 Off
Saturday all remnants will be offered at a great re
duction. This lot consists of White Hoods, Wool
Ooods. Gingham, Paresis, Outing, Silk, Lace, Scrim,
etc., at ONE-THIRD wliat they are marked.
Special Sale of Blankets
PLAID WOOL BLANKETS, large double bed size
block patterns in pink, blue, gray and djl pf CA
tun: Regular $20.00 blanket. Sale price yASJeSJU
in large block pattern of tan. gray, pink aad blue.
good weigh! and dandy wearing; QC
regular J&.60 blanket. Sale Price opO.OtJ
WOOLNAP BLANKBTS. a real nice aoft blanket
Tuble Linen
71 Inch imri' linen In greal variety
of patterns i hmn, linens were pur
Chased lung before Mm linen got high
price. They art the real Irliih linen
c..-i til you will require (or some time
to come while the assortment la good
$ 60 linen, sale price f 1 r. : Ou
linen, sale price $1.65. 11.76 linen
ale price II 4".
10-4 Sheeting
The well kui n peppeioli shieling HI
Inchaa wide without question the On
eat sheeting on the market. Mal nrm
aud strong, yet not heavy, au(t t.nlsh
and fre tr .m dreeing -Q'lntitiu in
Outing Flannel
They of the beat heavy atandard
quality und the beat ewer offered at
regular prleev Si inch wide white
outing regular 3&cent, aale urlce lie
17 Inch wide fency and white regular
10c, aale prtco llcenta 2 J (noli wide
fancy and white regular so c aale
price 1 i cent
Pure linen era- toweling tunblacli
.il i for rollers or dlah towela
!0c value. Hale price 26 cent.
I'nlon crash regular 10 and IS c val
ue, aal price IS rents
Turklah toweling pure white. 26 and
In,- values, aale price 2cents
ih light colors of plaid design
tri anil $6.50 values. Sale price
EXTRA SPECIAL Mens Dress Shirts, soft or
laundried cuflfe and in a variety of colored
stripes, usually sell for 75c to 1.25 Supply your
need. Special s.ile prioa
7.rK' values now 55c; $1.25 to $1.50 now $1.00
Men's all wool shirts odds and ends in small sizes,
extra bargain at $1.98
Men's heavy cotton shirts, asat. colors, now $1.48
One lot, mostly grays, all sizes, special at 65c
Men's and Boy's S oof Sweaters, Sale Price $2.45
All Women and Children's Sweaters, Toques and
Child's Knit Sets at ONE-FOUKTH OFF.
1-2 Price HATS 1-2 Price
Men's Felt Drese Hats in all colors and new styles
This is an exceptional sale, as we are going to
discontinue this dept. Closing out at Half Price
RADER'S Ontario
Great Bargains
in shep: department
Shoes for All of the Family
All itvles mill nliex lire olfcn .1 nil lit i rvrrj lot Ik nut nun
pitta Vou will find the slie .in. I style nu want In
OwM of those lots
Women's Shoes at
In this lot there are S pairs of nil Or. y Kid H 1-2 Inch
tops full Ixiuia leather heels, luce gOMl rmr-e of slr.ea
hi. I nil lis Keguar Price 110 no
2 Women's Shoes at
Choice of 111 palra of colored shoes . nmhlnatlon low heela
mllltarr and loula heela, tan calf with huck topa, hlack
calf with buck topa, black and tan kid with coored cloth
tops These are all abort llnea but good sixes and widtha
Women's Shoes at
choice of about 4S palra of black kid lace shoes, aome
with cloth topa. medium heels aud toe. Makes a good
ahoe for eery day wear.
"" Women's Shoes at
In this lot there are 3 pairs of patent leather button kid
und cloth tope, high and low heela All good sites
Men's Dress Shoes at
Choice of 75 palra mad. ot good hlai k aud tan calf skins
Button and lace styles English und medium hroad toes
All sliea i to I I
Men's Work Shoes at
$2.95 .
There are only 14 palra lu tin.-, lot RapJ Kl.(,ii value
get in early and he aure of your size
LOT 7 ii.
Misses & Children Shoes at
Choice of about 176 palra of Misaea and children school
ahoe. made of oalf patent and kid leather. Both lace
and buttons Six. 8 1-2 to 11 II.4I, Siiee 11 l-j to
Boys Shoes at
luelra Af riiinMia.i.1 l a .
i Howe ol 100 palra of Gunmetal laee and button ahn.
Sixes t to t 2 4fi Sltea I 1-3 to 6 l- $2 "