The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 09, 1919, Image 1

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    ftc (BubxttQ tm.
The Ontario EfeiTocrat
NO. 6
mai. 111 1 it conmr rmnuia i
ak;i katk irruHT mora
'llli,Hlli DK.H TO HKIJ
MASlKAtTl KK mil i.i.N LAWS
liiforiiiiitli.n In lie Brought Bonn
IHP "Ml BM til He PrrMMlteVl PlMp
rrly When Time Gfcggfg I" Hniil
Men I"
For Hi- Piomotlon of tin- Owvl
project, thin is to Ret nil InrnrniHlIni
necenaary, and tO NNN funds, when
i he tin.e remea. In Mend men tu Wash
ington to urge the . mi ir ml urn ut tl.l
proje. t hk a governmeut undertaking,
a commute of fifteen m named ut .1
mauling held In the (omiiierrlul cluh
room Tuesday evening.
The meeting wan well attended hy
men llitete -ted III tin' lirojei 1 Knur
auto loads ol Nyaaa men came to the
gathering and there wrc MM 20
Ontartann pNMat 8 II t'urrey of
Vale wan alao present.
The meeting k . tilled to order
by President (1 K Aiken of the Cw
menial club, .who was made chair
man of I he i..n heilng. while K II
I'onlilln wie eliTtrd set rctary.
County JudRe K II Tent, who yearn
Hgn worked for I he 1 onstruiilnu of
the Owyhee Project briefly outlttit-d
the hi iui Hi the project and the
early surve.vs and declared that he
in" he veil this iu be Hie time to pro
reed to get aid In bull. I llii' plnp'i't
lie declared lhal Hie storage rapalt
uf the reservoir an kIiowii In suii."
would be inr : C 4 ,HMI acre feel of
J llu.Mlell. ut vssii. Herniary of
the preseni Owyhee lilnlrli'1 Iiu.ii.I
luhl ol H' .M hi mi. hi. I. il standing
of the district, and of the desire ut
I ll" I .HI. I lull. loll II' I ul I fl It
aertlilll 111 I II V I 1 ' ii"j'ii I II. II II'
dim iihh.'iI Ihe vi Iiiiim plain- for the
projei t 11- nIhiuii hy Hie Si. iii- mill miii. v and ulu ul tin
Trowbridge N I vera -urn-i
J It ilia, kal.i ..lit 1 .li-i-usaing lie
gen.T.ii in 11-1.. . 1- 1.11 development
mid .i .. .. . 1 '... in i ..1 11 I.I. irut 1 'i in Hun 111. . i . .1 i:..ii .1 luininli
tM 011 pLTiiiani'til urgaiil.iiiiuii he
iiiiiiii'iI. five in iiiiiii 1 rum Njraaa, flaa
from Vale and !! irmn Ontario.
With only a few propoaed law In
hli grip P. J. Uallagher left Saturday
evening for Portland and Salem to
take IiIh place in the mining logix
lature. Prior to going to Salem Mr
Oallagher Intended to be preaent nl
the.state Irrigation Congreaa
On the name train with Mr Oalla
Rher went ex-Sheriff Bnn Hown who
waa called an a witness in the cane
of Zorneaa, a draft evader, captured
in thin county. On Monday Cnunt
Clerk A. M
name case.
umvpo THMn nun
7JSSumSSi ...
mm ur olImiunal m
11 mi. iwtiis sim.k QAMUaON
Ml Mill HSHll- 'oh CHAP'
TKR IP TO l"uu
mi hi 1 OOMlMtt.
Ailmlniatrallon lravra Several of
Prwvlnua Offlclala In "Acting"
1 .i..i. ii I mil Situation la f'an
vaaeel Conway Night Pollreman.
It in Mayor It V Jonea now. 1 .1 k -
Moody waa called In the w,"p " H proper to addreaH a. Coun-
lu.i.l lu..i.i May 1 until il. in.- to
Support of nnti-en i HiinliiiKtun
i '.iiinIiIitv. Kumlnlilng Mm "rr
Month Loral AiiouiitK 11. In . . 1
At the hoapltnl Inst Krldny Mrs
I ... I Vl-.l. .... J 11 lAkll i.-j . -
yr-.i .. ii'm.i in u.--" in Li liii'ii . iiur an
lllnesa of hut a few daya. She loaves
beside her hui-liaml who wiih with her
when the end oaiue, two daughters.
I Ivu aged 20, lluby, 7, and gat
George 16. She la alao survived bv
j four lirotlietH and two alatara
Mrs H IIhoii waa a niitlvo dnughtei
of Oregon. Her maiden name wn
.l.. iiiaylork. and Hhe wiih Ihuii .it
itlsTRHT TTOIIK li .
.IOHIIAN uxnr.
Ontario Chapter A. It C equalled , prairie City In 1S78 and on June I
the quota et for It In the ChrlHtniai, 1S97 wnti married to Wllaon
cllman. thn folewlng: H. B. Cockrum. j Hod Ctohh memberahlp drive thin For yeara they have lived at KlvanM
Hugh Allen. Irwin Troxell. A I. week when the reporti from iiuxlllar- ami WeHtfall and bitli are well kMWI
McDov ell arid I)r A II Moore Krhle lea aent thn total memherHhlp ovit throiighmit thin imtlrii region
Hoyea the other member elected to the 1900 mark. Mra Wllaon wan hroughl t,. 1 m
the council did not qualify, and doeij In the city ao far the memherHhlp ' tnrlo ill two weeka ago for medical
not Intend to do ao. and It will be haa rearhe I 1 100 which demoiiHirafs attititlon The liody waa taken to
ceannry for the frnmcll to aelei t a that the adulta of the clt are almoHt Itiveraide Monday nnd funeral -,.m
eml.'i- for Ut place. I unanlmoualy enrolled Mra W. J ' rea were held there on 'Tih-mIim
It took quite an effort to get the Plnney, chairman of the drlvr nun n..r hrolhern and ilnti-m lire llnl.
new municipal machlue In running nilttee. expecta that addltlon:il iihiii art lllayloek, now 1 nslilini ol 1 all
tiaila I.mU- HoIiK Aflernoou anil order. In the flrat place It waa hard D"rH will he enrolled heton 11 ml fornla. S I llluvlock of llo lata,
K.enlna Si , sinus with Dliinir at to gel rid of the old office holder for ' ' . ea:ieclally In tin' N.v-a.i Idaho, and Kd and William ul lllnr
SU and Ki-eil at i.luii:lii no quorum could be nei 11 red for n "ctlon. aide; her atatafl are Mrn Kloinirr
meeting Monday night to wind up the T Help s,,m,h Kniiteen. cox of RIVtnMt nnl Mr Klhel nn
, affairs of the old body. A quorum, A committer from the Huuiinginti mrong of t'oqullle
. ... . . .1- A lit lllnrt. .. lliL... l'I....IA .. .. u I..
ini'iiili-ih ol Aiaili "" H uri o 1 ueHuay evening anil tne " - i"-i --
One Itolli-i Pleiiea l-eli W lat j Sec
ond Perforate Itlglu Slilu; Willi"
Third Knteis, left I high Hajilon
I111II1I11I. Iti'funea 1 omisri
alate ' cleared of buHlina and the. Ontario thla week to eek aupport for
the canteen they are operating for
unfit of the Herlce men tra
ellng tlirough 1I1U -wectlon Twcnli
ll look the
Lodge A P It A M. all Tuemla.
an. -I noon and all thai evening lo con- "" "" '' InaUlled.
fer the degreea on candidates who Mayor Jones took the oath adiuln-
Iimii- I n Kuliinr fur nwnrW fur mum. Iatrad hv Judce ('. M HteaniH anil
ItaM The ge had Ihe uuu-ual tlie councllmen. all but II. II Cock-'",h" HlWtlBftat women, working In
dlH.lnctlon of having candldatea for run, sworn in M, . ockrum '"Uvm " "' P"
the flrsi. aocond und third degrees in took the oath of office Wedneadav
one 1i.11 evening at a aperlal neealon.
After the aeaalon of the after- Juat to be of eervlre If needed, ex
noun member of the Lodge with Mayor W f Human atayed at the
hour of the nlRht and day. und hav
been meet lug 11 great deal ol Hie M
in ir .
At a meeting of the dire, lorn of
Hie I'tiiitili-t I In. rm 111. ...I tt It., iliiul
their gueata. Including a large num flrat meetlnR of the new council and I (n)n eomn for . ,,OIlu((l( ,
her of Pavel. and Nyaaa M.aou. en- watched them get down to bualneaa ' JQ wM tukn B .
Joie.l 11 l.i. 11, 1 i,e n 11 Hie horn- Hon lather. vUeinent and Mra K M. Grclg. .
1 of .mil 7 .10 when lodge work wa rim II ,,,,... ilH l.v alaailiia ' md 1 A. turn .l.uir.un.. f H, .
-ud work In Ihe third .1. ,, i,kruni chairman ol ll." home sHr-.-u Motion were upnoiuii'il
gree was exempllhi-d for Iwo raudl- ,.oun,., h virtue of wlihli lie pre 10 NlVMtltnM the lltURtli 1 mi
,Bl aldea In Hie absence of the Mayor, j The dlatrl.T uudltor fur Ihe North-
I'lilH hhnIoii too. was lollowed by In I his posit Iu in Is 111-, father west llhllon win in lliiliirlo N'.'.l
an informal dinner and smoker be. A I. lo.kiiini. who bus In chair nemluy and I ompleed uti 1.111II1 d
lore I be ilHltors let 1 for I heir homes mull of the i oil lull for two eura pasl
Onliiilii In- A t ..hi Hlurage Will
Stun- IMin Tons 01 Ur ream Mn
I el In I fin II11I111I... I . 11 1 ul ll,i-
Ihe a. munU ul I he i bapter
1 sii ii si w; 111 1 11 tits
ls 'W.I. Kl Mils K IMM.
II.. nun, b. is of Mmr Chapter Ihl
evening will Inslall the now I)
..111. .'I Ol H. I- rn..,lel mill fOtOWlBI
11.. 111 i.ill,ii,,.n will liuve a inula I
n lu bleb u niiinbii ui 1 1-11
lug iiuuiberH will b. .r. . m
Parle) WooImo wi... nas umii r-
Mavor Junes then, announced his
ii.p.iliiiiueiiiH to varlouH cliv positions
aa follows (hv ll 11. lei. c M
1 na, w hi. Inn .11 . Hi
II II , Whitney. Iieullh officer, wh..
likewise I'lilll III III - III ollile N M
Dgvla, Hlreet eoiiiinlssii
Krneaaln, Chief of Hie In. H.-parl-111.
-in 1 - a i...t hi ..I . Q Aldrleh
wan appoliileil eiikliieei ai lb" water
plant and l f innwav a- nppulhled
lllglll plllil .111.111
The Mayor pass". I, without ap
Tlie blggCHt harvest of lie ever
Kal'lilrd III I till It rill Is being Mill"-!
HiIh week It) Mllllllgcr IIoIiIiihoii 01
Ihe Oniiiilu li. I Cold Slorage In
llll be eieels lo lull" !llll lolls ..u I..'. I
"1.1 lui ilu mil Id dr nl mi
The be biir"sl, wl lib s mi in,
usual one In thai ll " ...1. ilng llil
n ' 11 1 l Hum SiiaKe ill. 1 I
lui nl- I 1 1 1 .- euiiloi 111.111 for a L.i
iriw ol men Iu. Imliug I 11 iinilii-r m
relumed sul.llulH nil, I all. 1
li.u , 1 ini, 11 iu 1 1 Roini iu
ll . .it home 1 hit h
Ill-Ill III llself I . ,1 I 111 1 ll
Used .. "ill Iliiul 1, 1 li 1 im 1
b I RUll I he highest fli-in
' nasi 1 "aV mi Ini in tin pn
1 . .bl snap, and lb. la. 1 thai 1 '
The (iriinit Jin .11 nl Vail , ,. ,, t.lllK ..,,,., i,.,, Ootgrhl
s. 1. ini liulii inienls Not Mii.le P11I. lb
Tlirval lo Kill C.lUs.s .Imilali
.ilb'i Man llulil.le
vi, 1 symm la imm tholr men. l"'"' '" "' I""''1 ",ri' "' otaUat lh tollewtai offtetn: City I on m.i..i.v 1 .. d ami w .-.i 1..- .1.. ,,.- i.m ,, . ,1,
iirnilill ul Hie ineel " ' ' '" '' '" ' 'tali, " atlorilei -ili. I lull III of Ihe wl"l bluilglil seielal Hue bill, ... I . Ill I., , I . . I,
nig in u. in..- 1 1 . 1 mi. 11 iu 11, in.
Tie 11. .ill. ui wa m.uiuI.'.I b JihIk"
11 I In 11 w ariie.l Ihe (nl I"
thai it would be 11. fi'' ud a
'in, ..inn. . ii. u aehiugton g
llllle. tint I.I. is lint HOW Ilium .
Ill Hi lt.'1'll.llll.ll..ll Hllllls With Wllll'll
in atari new projoati lie uige.i ibut
I b" people h. r- Inlen-sl 1 1
iii ihe aavaral aula thai are prop
fur ilu ralalni of funds ami eii.loise
III' una Will, b ll.ev belli illll 1..".'
sell, the purpOM II" (.'.He j lull. I ol lb" l.-atui- f lh"
arheii ii"i "I.. 1 "".'k tu join his wife lyatem, rll) marahaJ Tha praaeni i" raporta raoarvad hil tea ol :,, ., n,.,, .
who ha- I . . .1 .1 lh ul In. in. umheulK of Hume ofllies .11 Hieiu were maile puhlb pending the .,, ,, lun., 1 M,
pa ran 1 a, 11 iad Mra .1 1 Haia ainoa iii" 1 1 m - being . miniming to perfm m .1" 1 iii nun in n iii HiibiiiHiHi sui'i When ludge Vn. .1
III '..,.-' .nl..,l 11 dUteM ul Hi.'ll otllees; P J Hal Will III III Lalebeil ul .1 . ' I .lull . , ,,,, I in u., ll urged
.11. il.; . 'in. -nl-. i. in li i..- will hiahei .11.1 , ilium. M. ui.. ii .lun. ii.i iiiimeil in uin ui.iu'l iiu'lil i liai. u i ttOW I'laln. i n i ( :.
i.i.ii.e iiii . in. ui their home
li Jam.- II II. II Is lUitlng lu'i
with lir iiiuilur Mrs K M John
wbile li-r bnslfallil I- In 1'lalUe
il nialsbal; II I. I liilioni b. sii,i.iii:
i.'iiil.'iii nl Hi" iinli-r svsieni
Itiiiililer ln'ls Hals.
All the Mayor' iuhhIhuiioii were
with having ihraatanad lha llfi
neighbor. A tril" hill was ills i
brought agalnai John llaaloa ol Jot
dan Valley for ahooilng hi i mi AI
.oiifini.".! wiih. .ut debnie. ..mi il, lonaji Bwaglei
aubject of aalaries for rarioui Boat
HollH were lull -I'll -led The Oil
change definitely made waa that l(
m Maan i gM) n i oror, which
waa Incieaseil truiii ltS par inoni
revolving fun.i fat iii.i inn a. the W -i i in Spring dl-
Miniib ciiuiiiberlulu bill mid dl--i um-i'.i Irlcl had aeeured li lie alau a-l
otiier ntaaaaraa uru tur uim. a!i ataalthat reaolitlog ha gjoajtad itaap '" IW '"'' nth.
that ihe ciiiiinlHei' gpfjolitad gal in kfOVtSfl il) ai.iempi on Hie pan t 'oiiiniille-s Niniuil.
fne,,, .,., laatkai aee u, ll Hint Hih-'iIu U.nn, Sihmh- hoard In "lade Ihe Mayor Jones numi-il Ilia following
legal rei, '-nieiils were pruiieil Ini 1 r.-iuiii n ol atlta niniN ol ll loi.iiniiii
The mi inherit of Hie til. li I
,vi i. S..un lluiuphrie I, al
Ward Caiiin I.I an, I A A U right, Ofl
Inrlo; J III an on, W aatfall . lh '
Mui'phi, Bavlabi Utai D K
I. .. I h I ... . ...I I ' 11 l. . .. .
. Ill" I .U T- 1 I " '! ' I
. II I ' "11 I III I ..... . M' ". ' . ' '
an. i after keeping in lou. b with
ililgloii'aulliorltiPii, go lo H'a-ii
lligliin when Hie nine BOHai IbHl the
llu'iu'i I- available
OY J I'lllliel elulolseil Ihe pii-lllull
taken I'.i Judge Biggs, as did uiber and It waa determined that
the "1111111111 iee ba gfjpotatai win.
power in Maura the liltnaiUai nag
aaaar) uud in call fur another me. i
In the niaautluie it wa deeiued ad
rlaable ihai tha gvaatlaa uf flutr iug
aacli a trip ! considered thai that
fun. Is will he mailable K M lirelg
ugganled Hiat the people of Ontario
aad Nyaaa udvaace Hie ueceaaary
faads ou warrauta iaaued bv the dis
trial, .ieclariag that lie kuew the
axpaay could be thus secured
J. R Bla.kaby aald that Outarlo
buiBess men would care fur the ex
paases ol one representative without
aaai to the diatrlct
T W Clagalt declared thai utie ul
the Hrat things to do waa to hnag
tha data ou the project down lo date
He urged uiat au effort be mad '.o
Mtion- aa apaa'opriatiui. frnui Hie
llaH hail Hie bell. Ill
I luring ii recesH tin- Nysaa delega
tioll pie-, i, 11- llnllibel- ...
' ! riiiainni ...nilinite aa follows
II WaliiiN. In Saisn. S Hoahar
i ri.utiipsiu and l.aiigley Hrimk-..
Ilu I Ullariil . omillillee appollllr.l WgJ
it Taal, W J I'lnuei r w
Clagell J it Hlackahv and II
, Ihe BBggfftgaj al.n wired I' I I al
ligber wiui is in Huitlaad alieiidln ;
Hie Stale Irrigation i mn nuiion. ask
iug lilni In secure 11 peaathla. 'he in
dm Hein eni ui the stain body fur lb
ptojeii It was alao reported lhal
ol llrogali
The members ,.i H.e Hiul Jun n In.
and LighlH will Hike up in.
in.kiuni. Moore. M. Howell. Parka BJrneei r. i
ami i enielery: Allen gMori W ' " ""' W tiuwle.i Sewers Mi-Unwell. Troxell. v ol"'v' "Harlo
Co.kruiii; lleaih und I'uli.. Troull Jl'r"' Broalll. Vale
ann Alien To aaaaral of thai t;,v ''"
iiiillees Mr Haven had been all- (! " HuWni. Irulisnle
W B Kaluii, ilrogutl
11. i.i C Rdwafil l.iinlesoB
J l I .III'. e,l.lll
Oaorgt Qi );'M
..nn. il are meuibers of the Hn.iu
I'lllulllltle ut which Hie htojTOf
chairman ihe special lueeliuv V
nesdav .. euiag waa given over .in li
lt to i ousiiterailou ef Hie uueation
sieps .ail been taken to sei urr If! . nn-11, e
poaalhlt a lolll re.elulluu of He uw-fc. ,,,. -- .i.....,.,! ,.
The III llllll I al .1 lie. Hied to .1.1
in nee the hour of tueetiug fiom '
o. Im k to 7 It, at least for Ilia win
ler iiiouiIih
Sin., all uf the lueuiher.- of the "" u HaiHii. S.-t,,l
Saiiiii-I Hill. Payette, It No
A . Hull'. I'-uuu. It No I
1 1 mi i N)
i. W I. also li lllal Ul
L i rsi IjM-e , IrniiMili
II MclhSMld vi
legialaiure endurslng Hie project
J Hymlell told ef Hie tiaaiu i..l
atatua uf the district aad ut the ap
parent difflculy ef geitiag a tea eaM
per aire tax on the tax roil" The
niaiii.itiei ou gerntaaeiii orgaai.a
lion was lu-ii u. tad Hi aiake an
sluiiyiag the water nit ua i n.i v.
delimte coaclusions were i . - , ..'
however, com erning rate- ml
the preseni exiatin rataa w. i ba'citli
i la ued
" MrUatrlch Juuturn
1 Mi ulli , in.tario
in. t Miller, Paynt.
1 iut..r o
1 c Palaa-i. a
M itauiilaaiau. Weatfall
Houier llaulkv, Hiilarlo
.im. v A Heed. Urogau
Mr aud Mrs J B Adriau
earnest effort to ha Hila aiali" iloir -d niarch ou their friend- andjMak llulh. rford Iroualdi
airjuated al uuce. i we marru-d Cbrisimas eve. were
Before tha meeting lunciuded cof-ihrrr from Holae, Saturday Mra.
(aa aad sandwiches were scried to! Adrian was frometlv Mis- Marraret
Hie guests' b tha club roa.m.ile.'
Ill rr ...
I; Scuit. Vale
H lilUiUMta. Beulab
It Vanlnran Iroaaldv
k VajiPi iten ttaiailu
l! ink thai I Would i I I
year In bu I lug an
,. but Hi. i' a I- llappeil
l a, w hie'' I now I
taahaa ihick, i had daw hil
I. .im lib" " b.
Iiii iik ol hu i u.i and i hi
I iiiiiii the hi'.ul ul i In u i 'I In ' he
dan a bara ll li tahag oil
"Bui mi ui' nut i uni I hi
lll.'l We ..I" ,u
i Mm-- ini mil,. i iii. : Ii II b.' '
f I ' uppl.
eniiie aaaaon, fm n gli
slil'lllkllge ul llllll III! , i ..111 11
Hills pai k"il we. will liava "liougll In
auppB Hu ii i ui demand ; nxi
giving en, iu tin l.i 10 ii. -ii ini l.-ain
lun. , ami all.'
kanplng H.e money bar. ..' I i" In
stand ol asiidlna H ".i i town w
.llir tu b" able i lelllli ' ii hi U."lli.lill-I in bill lull. Id
i , ,i -iiiniii.r
III It I. ltd N Hi SI I NN
i on Ml ,hi: siv.v .im. p tt: i i
i Ills ol 'll" N-N lb'
Im .. u .i i.i katniK pai I
leli Olil.illo la i I . Id
i il iu usl oe tu akaf
AH.'i lining the until .Ige .lu!
iiiiil lull fof two limit x the partv
relumed tu Ouiar.u and arei.t in lha
Hi i i, ul where .i.irn n-i ii A
I i,,. i, is in. . Iii .1 a film i finale n.i
I H.e evening a tun . ij : uuai
of the party were all la em Kara of Hie
liu-iilit Atiorney It W Swagler
wan Ihe victim of a sen-niHonnl ahooi
lng affray that was staged a I moat at
tin. ilnor of the Clrchlt i oiiri room nt
Vale mi Tueaday morning Although
three hulleta penetrated various
pin is uf Inn body Mr Swagler waa not in lured and is rapidly re
Til" IIIIIII who llbl Hie hunting l.l
John ll.inluii of .lui ilnn V'alli.v, nh..
used three bullets of an inn nnatli "l
aliooter He evident Iv llioiight ha
had killed bin ilrlln. for IhoilRli lu
tiilluwe.l llin down lh" stall from the
point where ha ahnt him. and luid
plenii ..I opportunltv to sliiuii again,
he did not
William Jones nl Hil lu and hi
on. Ben Jonea of Jiinlura. were Hi"
..nil "in iiltnessea ol the shooting
I ha) were standing al Ihe tool of th
stairs when Mr Swagler 111 pad up I .
the grand Jim mnm. und il was Into
Mr Jones amis thai Mr Swagler
si uni!. led ami tell after Ihe third '
hit Iiiiil
Thai H.e ail was . I
"inlelll for Hllllluu ap.. nieil al
tup ol ii..- -.lairs waited until iii
li. Hill almost reach. . I him before
npastag in.' How ba fallad la hil
a vital gaajl i nnii'ii in ihoaa who v i r iha iiaae.ii. for ha i'
sbiiotlng .In mii iii in , li Hui nnd
i uillil ll). I llils- lilln
t. IiiiIi- I i one
Sb. I III Lee Vu. WOO a of
flat heal. I Ihl - ll ll
llll. si .lie Ha
In nn. to n e i
I "I ' Ill I. HI U II llllll III!
urresi lo i ntj
llll i.ui it., i Ion
.III W.'l .'. '
11 "Upon
til III.
i In.ili Ilu- .
Mr Swugl.T in
111..1 aid in in
i '
I Hi.. I n : ll
III. III.. .1 111 !
Iii 'I
wound .
itapotl I I V '
im i
ii. .ui. i
i i
III ugl
Iiii uni
I had
wen '
lie 11
iiulttad He 11
aid lold 'n
I... .e. Iliieil li
in P l Wl u .- .
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