The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 02, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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all 2
- ' . fi-aaa. s i . .tj u
David Lloyd Gorg, British premier.
Who will havo Increased support In
Parliament as a rasult of ths rsosnl
London - I'rrmlrr l.lnyil flenrge and
kl mention government will have au
aver helming majnrlti In tha Daw
atiu"'' nl i umruuii. an a rfniill of Mia
le. lltifl
In i i.l i.h.i.1 He.uge n( the
Cuallloiii government rlild
In Parliament from Car
MtMin Wele. aa a roalitlon Liberal
Anion Henderson. Iadr of lb
British labor party and former innn
tar oi the war isliinei was defeated
or reel' mm In I'srllamsiil from the
Si, Mil I I ii'UlHin
Muli. ii II Ainiili. lormer premier
anil leader of llii Liberal parli. was
detested fur hi t in Hi bona u(
liuim In. in the rani iIIiikIi.ii M
rife Hi nl land hi i iiliinel Sir Alai
Badei Sprut a H.olll.h laird
I he !. I rrpilll of thai elei llOB la
dimmed up aa a personal Irlumpli
for Premier l.lonl tieorge In liM ill"
appeaian "I ttM iwu great parlies.
Ihr Liberal ami Irlali Nailnnall.t
J lir i.ewspsperi without npllon
ewphs.l'e thai ths leition la lift
Wsjl) giest triumph but a great (ur l.lovd (lor. aa ths
eouuiri nialala mi Iks mtMii.i mil of
isal luogtam n' suilal rrlonn I h
.si Ian Dial His goiernlhg i lass, are
in. iii I mill it ll.ei '.nl to Mllaf) tin
Ipmilt.i .1 lalllliil Hi ku ulna J
them a. II,.- licit ollll b IMS!
MM -in. hit than la now apparent
In II,- i hiiiisi nun it is pointed out
that lul.i.i latgeli ioie.1 iiialitlun la
ths i e lalliin i Iml a point agrss
able la lalmi would I piirauril
In "For Husband Only," which
will he seen at Dreamland Jan. 5 and ,
ronw.iit broil Ton! Wyld had aud
di'iily marrlod Humuel Dodge aa a
anlarn for a heart deaperatelv
wiiuiiili'il in Its first experience of loss.
Mnny other women had learned, HVr
Tonl, Hint Kolln Van D'Arcy was not
a marrying man Mm Kills was nTi
tid 'iiin trlpd In vain to wurn Tonl
that I. Any whh nirrrlloaa anil dan-
I grnroua. Hut Tonl was bent on ra-
! ven;i' Hhe regnrdiMl Hamuel merely
i aa ti mean to this end Ho animus-
ful waa hIio In her studied flirtation
anil ho auri' wbh she of Samuel's tiller
ili'kntliin and trust In her that D'Arry
soon mini' to realize that be wanted
Tonl more than he erer wanted any
thlna; else In IiIk whole l!fe
When he found out that Tonl wan
playlnR with him he reHolved to force
her hand and at one blow destroy
Hamuel's love and faith, and force the
object of his desire Into his armn In
, the private theatre where he gave per
formances of his own plays he pre
pared, to produce a play In which tha
' characters would be In reality Tonl.
himself and Hamuel The action of
tlie piny was the aame that Tonl hail
plnyi'il wllli him, only with Ihe worst
, pociilile 'xpliinatlnn given to Tonl'-
action aad tending to reveal to the
' Ime-bllnileil Humuel the manner In
which he bud been hoodwinked all the
He tinned Humuel to the play
which was railed "For llutibandi. Ol
ly, ' saying that he was very anxious
to lni'.e Hamuel'" opinion The night
of the play Tonl was startled at 1 j
Mil frnm l Arrv, bom "be HUpposel
in lie hi (be theatre He huh dressed I
In traveling hiiiI and bad h mil'
arltk lilm Hi- expbiltieil to Tonl that
he had given Hnmui-I a front seat
lu-r lie i mild see and lie
thing and then In proc led to tell
Tonl ( f r plot uf the p 1 1 1 Aa he
fin "hid. Tonl reiilleil tin) desperate
iIhiikit "In was In. and for I be llrst
lime him Hiuch she really cared for
Humuel 'I'error Hi-lied her aa she
nl In w ail her iiiiikI to wonder shut
he iliiiuglit of her now
"Humuel Is IokI to miu now i1"
villi divorce you Vou hetiei
wllli me while there Ih still time
"You beast I would nther 1 1 -wllh
Hamuel If he hiii.d ire thun
iiitiili in ur Itlle linger." erleil Tonl
JllHt then Hie key turned In Ihe
The situation wa Intense
' -What did urn think of the play"
, asked IIAri) with the emotion ,,l I
gambler who "inked his nil mi one
I blow
"I would nut like In ill'-, ii il l
lure niy wife and "he looks tind I
know you will inriiw us " And D'Arcv
walked out, bis one i hanie gone
Hut what ol liinr' Would Samuel
never speak to her'' At last he looked
li It would spoil Ihe slnli
i II you what he salil
Pic.i.I.i.i Villa a - 'ia aid
laat iilai B
sa, - urn . A " killsa" in
Uil.H flghl iTll Hr l 1 1 Ii. sinilll
lbs ie Ike latest irmita funs the Ur
Ii, si, lapltal
I be HlfMII lisie rriuiufd slmka
takn, 'in ui ihe batiks In nintbria
Viai.ii appniilniaiely ta
S. hi i. mill Iisiiis
UlTfal I'l-ishmg baa issurd aa ar
ill I Ii all Allielliaii . iillllllBildrlS to
11. i.pelslr flllll with the llell. Il .l
linn., nl ill measures against m eaallr
usi nt sh nlluln ll.ll..i
Ihr I'nllsh gniei i.ii.. nt ha sslab
llahed .. ibn. in 1 1 1 1 mi limit agaiasi
tk sillHIHllia lUdslli'llk tunes Ihe
line fi "in I apt iii ib n. ii III
BHiithwsid I-in and h. ml l.em
H, mil,, I'lirlaii. f i alifi.i aia driiu.
crat iiiiiiidiu ed in the i.iih ths
buns, lesi.lutliili tins liefine Ihr ti.i
Igl, sflalts , ii"P"lllK hat
Ik Aiueiiian prai i , 'iii.ii.issiimri as
slat Ii ebialiiliia fteidiiiii lot
AJi,,. les'k.ns kr r'slr lUpsit
annul tn.ui H.ii l.siesl said lbs uiaii,
fai.r iii ihr Hnlahsvik nan la Mubsib
vsnalsieil ut bOu HUH Kussiaa Bfl4isia
fwi. nl lo sta the B.dabrtiki fessauar
f Irs ' alaiiatt'.s fin iur Aiiaim
tilings, an prlaniiria f war k "iH fn. n. ihr ajalkas piuilu.ra sua
.fut' i Slues siiikiiisii
ritisli Makes Arrsste in Cslefn.
irsar.a If) I leilaini I h riiisk
troops hair n ,.i4 ami srissl si
I i.ioasr swans ike poptilaiiua
i, ui ube onieii. In he IB Chair knasss
at 9 p ai anuidlsg in rapoiia is
i-aUril hrir Pies had ,- :u
Pameue l Nualmg
rohlaiis llaiMbia sas with lag
pert already brftaalaa te rust ah
his Keiths whleb st.rflsrl Iks wens
ky Its long fir a a Parts last
sarins he ka ln m ua fake hi aa
M iierajaaai arUkaay la a
A ttractions
il.VTAKIO. ultKi.iiN
Siiii.l.i ..ii.l M I.iv l.inii.111 I,
MltH t'llAIH.IK ill.VI'I.IN
I'al.ii' News
Tin s.l.i i January. 7
mil MIX
in u tTMtN lii.iiiiii
Mull . JeM I'ailunn ill To I he I.,
We. lues. I. iv t.iuua y II
In SI ii 'KSSr II. H ' K'Tl UK
llr.ii I'll digraph
I hin "da. i .l.uiuaii I
I'.llln ,
nii'i'uiiiii n i t)K hi M
Si hei k and dues and main nther
IMIIi... .illllii I- I., III., I J ii. I K. I
All lot I . ..ul in .1.1-
I'li.l.ii .mil Saliln'al III II
liul 111 SS lAlltil WkS
lu KKAi IllSii l-OII IIIK liin
Katlnjaiiiei KM In Thinwiai: the
Hull i
I Ollltut. IsllllaM .'I slid I. IN
l'lli pii-luie .Hid MuUilay al
ll.i l eallilalld s y "Husbands mi
Ii Here I" lour rliam',' t.- MM Mrs
Charlie ihapjiii
lien's and Young Men's
Couldn't resist the temptation of buying more than
we required. Would have bought more at the same
price if we could have secured them. Result; they
have done the work. All season we have been selling
overcoat? for less than wholesale and now are ready
to sacrifice the balance.
Win or Lose They Must Go
Hundreds of Fine 0 ver
coats in all the Alexan
der Stores, now on
at prices away below
pre war values.
for $25 to $27.50
for $30 to $35.00
for $37.50 to $40
All kinds, all styles blue, black, fancy, fur
trimmed, fur lined, -belted and plain coats
Wool and Wool Mixed
$1.45 fur $2.00 Shirt
$1.80 for $2.50 Shirt
$2.65 for $3.50 Shirt
Ruff Neck Sweater
$3.45 fur $5.00 Coats
$4.25 for $6.00 Coat
$5.00 for $7.50 Coats
One price clothier
Ontario, Oregon
I'Olf SAI.K lire 'i uiomei.
lie fain, tM, partial!.! MWi 10111-!
pleie with bni nd ha.i rail ,-n--
lii'.n rtuubU- unrk harue.x. on
.resin separator. three I gallon
i'taiii i alls, oun sli-ale gilpdsr M)l
bark l lid .''. dli.i'll White llrplog
Inn heus slid pulleix Tall on
iii.isrln K K H J i, mile S
nl . it iiear ll.iul.vsi.i
The High Sl'llillll opened M.uidav
with hui'Ii a large n umbel of pupil.
thai Hie al leu.Un. e Ihe
inn ' mi. lied per rent mark and i
fill I i-i'iird sin, e the llllasliitl hi
All i abni'iii's lb (ajUowtkl
."U . -iilueil then -liluul mirk
Klleu U.ivis. Ileuii Jobusou in i II
Kelso. Henri Kersluier and lofjj
Mundai also ii uussed ilu- i,
traiit'e of a number ol urn ieiuiu.,1
Mudsut. luto lbs High Si boo I I'aul
M. t'ulloi'h ami Unbert Suiilh, from '
tin- naming si loriallis
have enrolled Hi tile Senior and Jllli
n.i .issse.s i espoi liieli I. aura
Win-in fiuui Spokane entered H-e
Juuior ilasH wkile Kduiuud Uuilo.
of issj enrolled III the Sen 0)1 rlu"
Miss Helen SaiitU bs revoiered
front Ibe tuRuru.s ami tb iK'i'upauisi
of iba leai are released froai
tiuarsallur aud again present la 1
' lass loom.
A .puited stadaat bod. uieenug '
look plain luesdai at hlrh tbl IMI'lH MUM. Mllll I r Km ae
ihief dls. UKKi.i, ,e uiei the tar'ii ,-, i- i.neh giien ibal In pm - ., . . .
ml Iba. Ihe High S.1 1 Is plapnlt.K ,u,, t(f IS ui tk " "
fo glir soon The I. illuwl.lg ,,.. , v , 0iuall. ton ,.,, M aPll '"''"' -' l'-1 "OM UU tlM
mliiee .i. appuiiii.f.l lu perraci II. e imp,, ,! i 1M ioIIumii.k,eri
plan- S.-IU..I- ii.U llusted Aun ,,iniil fouinl inn tiiug al large i it b
1 aubeld. Steven I ieblei Orville 1,1 Ihe ... , I Lilt of Hi. City ol
ier juutorh i ena i roi.iu. r.n.i Onlurio. In .1 .... . u. Count Stateof
Mrt'ra'yiat Klduu Madileu, Auln-ev (,regun. in wit
Ilea,. sophomores Mit.bell Mou.e I Ay , .
' "" ' weight about lbs . hall kltk
1 .uiiiil mil :ii i is 1 1 r a in tits' i a .. . . .....
- ...K,... .....-. . . . .... ,,,,, ,rt,, wi.ite, nruiineil i (I mi
rlb hip
tine soriel kaM'J eoll. star in iu:e
head light hind .....t while, lira n.l.-.l I
C (I mi rigl.1 nip
Knglish and Hlsinrv i-lasses this your
Hie Literary Digest baa been aub-
. i ihe. I for and a weekly lesaon '
lei-ll.d on Ihe eleUts ol lb da i
wiuier muni ;.t, and lh.- ,,m- luiiuiuiie
alio bale but one u,l get thru uh ii
iui. kl ami wllhoui any seruuia eon
"uuei, ruki- i h.iuibi'iialii
OUgli Kemedy and olo.erve the ! i -eiimns
with eaeli boltle. and you are
llke.'l Ii, he oil if the furlUllall
liie worth ami unrii nt tha reme.U
lute been mill ii,,.Veii There r.
.uaiu bMklHW win. bavw alwais ,
" '' '. 11 wheii troubled with g
Hue bay yearling h, use ,,,ii all reel I eub or .old aud nilU ihe be-' r.
... ! .."r
w line, nail la. e. tiiati.ieii i , . ,.(l right "
w. v. r i m nt i
Ibe W C T I' III niee. lues
da afternuou lab 7. lsla al lli A'"' ll"' ' UI ou the loll, day of
borne uf Mre I f Shaw Ihe lei j Jauuari . It. al Ibe bour of one
low bjuj -up. iuiendenls Uave been J "I V m , of said da offer fur sale
upuoinied and ere i.;uMl.d to lie j aud will sell above .tea. rlbed auinials
presrn; at nils meeting I HUblle au.tlnn to Hie highest bld-
Svisn.lf.c I'eBperea.'e laelru. Hon ' d" "' f"r ' ""J' ' U,nd- W K1 '"
Mrs Kutkuu. Ceaover. loiiiei
Mr Holland. Mrs
llager Sunday Sebool Mrs Ijlxi):
' Ua. n lu the said City of Ontario
Taken up Ibia lib day of Dei em
bar. lll.
PreasiMr Seooy. Soldiers aad Suit
or. i, Mrs. I.eea. tied Letter Msi.s,
Mi Seuine. Offitial Pajers Mr.
WANTICU--Aiiy kiud of work bv
at rung -jpable girl Addreas 1 I. ,
Kroitlanil ,
K U.S. I. I ..l r
'Befyr. I u.e.i i ' ,. .uerlaiiis l .b
l"i t doilm. ii rtraJM deal lor i.
iloiuacb It ut'le ai d l.-li nerou ae l
tirrsl all "el . e rkvaaa lua
Poated Hits Hid dai si January, . blad tirfuia Hie I r. sad la'.,..
1, i.f wee s Mm HtlUrKt la
M anion W AlNaaf, every aay, wrila Mr. a f. a imnk-
Maraha) ai.i. Jatieraon tit M..