TllKONTAHK. UM, OSTAUIO. IMCUI.N. BtMU JANUARY 2. 10l Sty? (Pntarin Argue GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher. Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, And entered at the Ontario jost office for tintribution as 2nd class matter. BlHSCHIITIONS. .One ' .-i i- $1.60 THE PAST YEAR During iw Ontario lias been an ex ccptional oonnnuni. j . No other ait) of Its size in the intermonntein country lias wit ncsscil the development end Improvemenl mode here. It is true that practical! nil his improvement has been of a public im tuir. Imt oerer the less it has been nub stantial. lias been needed and without it the -it would n"t be in a position to go for ujinl during the dcvelopmenl era thai s before lis. Of eOUTM the most important im provement was the Municipal Water yn tern. The eiU has heen able, in spite of adverse conditions to const ruct a water s t tem giTing pure, soft water at coal of slightly more than $100,000.00. The svstein was built and completed within the contract time which in Itfl Nell was an accomplishment ill note, in view ol the shortage of labor and material. There In llo doubt thai the almost complete ahseliee of phoid this year has heen due to the in stallation of the new system. Heside this there is now undei' con st ruction, and soon to be finished, a com plete sewerage system for the Baal side of track. Bl this betterment there is added to the desirable residence section of the clt J many blocks. This improvement looks to the future tojiisti!' it. in a measure, Imt in time the wisdom of the Council will no doubt he evidenced. The health and sat'et of the people of that section justified It even now, Outside of the city, Imt of equal on portanee to it, there has heen constructed the Malheur Drainage system. B) thin mi provement , for which nearly $150,(1(10.(10 lias heen expended, several hundred Here of land will he reclaimed, and better tiil other hundreds of acres will he protected from the dangers id' saturation. Owing to the high st of labor and material there has heen little buildilia III the city, hut there is still a margin of safet.v in that respect for the ciiy has not entireh overcome the effect of the dry wave which relinquished buildings used for dispensing purposes ill the old days These of course will gradual!., he taken for other purposes. In tin meantime, however, Ontario has room for new concerns and can look forward to their advent in the not distant future. Next week Ontario will have a new city government. Mayor .loncs and nil i sondes will have many problems befoiv them for solution. The ArgUI wishes them good luck and bespeaks for them aln OparatJ if the people Such co operation. if given whole heartcdl will aid -reath m their efforts to make Ontario a better city in which to live. Ws-j Sss WS.s HONORABLE NEW YORKERS The people ol America Will apploe ol the action Charles E. lliiuhes and utllCI eitisens of the Empire Bi ite In their refusal to serve on tin committee represeutiUM tic city, in charge of receptiouH for the returned sohliers, so tous as William Randolph Hearst is a ineinher. It is hard to conceive ol a more delih crate and uncalled tor alVroiit to the people ot the United States that that winch Mayor llylan has perpetrated iu inakiug 'he un speakahle Hearst Cliainnaii of that impoi taut committee If tin -ovcininciit at Washington would name some other port ew York would he nerved rightly When one thinks of the attitude Hearst and his pnhlicatioiis, have taken during the war; of lnw until long alter we entered the eoiillict he was .lose to licmstorff, accord nig to the statements made by Witnesses at the Senate investigation; of how he was sought to create disciisioil SUlOUg the allies of his compounded acts f pacifism am! obstruction, all absolutely un-American am! disloyal) is it possible to conceive ot &i reason why he should he chairman ot tic reception committee to i;ivet the nun re turned from the trenches . W'hv should these men he insulted thUfl W'h should they he made to rtH'ou, nils as the representative of the greatest cit in the laud, a man who had his advic. heen followed would have had them pla an ignoble part I Not only that but a man whom German representatives described a their "best friend.' William Randolph Hearst is just, what he has always heen. a supreme egotist lb' has endeavored to enforce his wilful Idea on the American people thru his which cir ciliated papers in various sections id' the union lirostitutinu the press lor Ins ueia- rioiis nurnoscs. Hi' has been a national menace, and yet the Tammany Mayor of New York attempts to give him vuidivi cation by making him chairman of tin m- mittcc which will have charge ol the re CCption for most of the men who fought for the ven ideals that Hearst ptlOlicatlons DC littled. Think of it. Is it not a disgrace to the entire nation f Thank Cod there are such melt M Charles K. Hughes who will puhlicallv re buke such an attempt. Would then- were more of them. BO that the Sachems at Tain mam would realise emphatically that linn organization can not insult the American people with unpuiutv BOOST THE OWYHEE PROJECT If cvei there wrts a time for united ac tion on the part of the people of Kasleru Malheur coiinU. this is that tunc Alter Anproi.riatinu moneys by the millions the authorities hack in Washington arc no longer skitish about small appropriations such as would he necessar. for the Imild tag of the Owyhee reclamation project Imt that is not the only reason for SC tion. The Owyhee project bus the endorse mint of the department, or rather had it. and can secure it attain, no doiiht If concert ed action is taken. There is, perhaps, no more Feasible project in Oregon than the Owyhee project f Vi-'tniiih tin re is nolle that Would put het tor land under cultivation, in a hotter ell- mate, There is no tune for delaj . The project should have the endorsement of all the or ganisations in this section. Its merits should be placed before the recently organ lied State chamber of Commerce for en iloisiinent. and likewise the State rrigS tion ( 'oimrcss-. Aiid'whcu the rime conns to send representatives hack to Washington good strong men should he selected so that its claim for consideration may ! adc quately presented. Vvss VAV, Wsy POTENTIAL RESOURCES MABEL'S MISSION By CARRIE QREENWAY. The lack of the power, "to see uursels as Ithers sec us," of which the Scotch poet lamented, i.s a sad handicap indeed to most individuals, and to communities as well. Witness the revelations which the visiting officials from O. A. '. presented roneerninu the relative richness "i Malheur eoutit.t lands. Of course there have heen inan eiti ens who have been convinced that this is indeed a rich section of Oregon, hut lew there Were alllollg the IliaiP residents nj this section who would have ventured the assertion that this is the er richest por tioll of tin entire state. Likewise our guests ol reeeiit date in formed their hearers that this land is not prudueing half of its NMudhilitieH Ikh'SUw ol I'aultv use. This is not a pleasant truth, tin' admission uf which will iu doubt he de nicd i many. But there is no doubt a great deal of truth in the statement, and then are some anion- us who are willing to ,id nut it entirelj That being true what hctter resolution could he taken h the producers of this tipll tor the new year than to res,, he to in vestigate for theinwdvew the truth of pro p ssoi 's statement and endeavor t" inak tins rich soil yield its most abundant hai vest. That, would turn t,, good aeeount the recent irrigation school. It Would he cap italising in the proper maimer the desire , prCSSl'd! "to sec OUreelu as ithers see Us." on miiB WHY? TIM Argus would like to ask the CoiiuU Court why it has appealed from the oWii ion of tile District ()Urt III the High School tuition case '. Was it done from pure pique at (hiding itself "reversed b a higher court '" One of the reasons which Comity Judge Geo. W Mi Knight nave for his iv election was: "1 have never been reversed bi u higher court." .lust what had this spirit of pride to do with the late determination to appeal 1 r,. hurt, n arai etaaalag "P "" , Tlw upstair Rlrl, anxwerliiK Mi ring ft.r h liiririr areata haaki-t. nlmoxt fi'll down the Inn k atalrs In Imt hurry to Spread 1 1 1 MW1 OovlBftOO Imd come to hoard at IM.' Hi :nU' '-1 throe yt'tifx before nnd .siriii- the, m dm rnutil rtcall having MM Un' I'M' "f tin- daak, A lltlli' pact in treat Jut inrif.' noofk '" writ,' apoa. arai kapi fWrtjt rtai i j t for tin- r."t Cnrtagtoa wnmtt i" fain n iri,i' in ill,' ,,,nfiisi,m ii.- maintain ol :,n. I boaatfid that ! eoaid Hnd nny iIiIiik ha wanted at nMNMBt'l tiro. At tin' "Hi. . ttiv daal araa m rupn 1,'iisly unit. I, lit tli." tOfl In Ml Mlt- tltiK room, u-,',1 tor lit 'i- 1 "" t-. ..tii. M" araa pHH Ml "l"1 i"' "iM'i" aw) bonka, It niliflit liv lontltnti'.l M fnt n- othri ii.'",' jraara nut Onrtngtnai rpKtlc". Ha f"iiti'l the otilinr ,a- pan 'ion. !" Staatrleal a4vartla nmti aaiSa no aajptal t" hta. aad t...ok-. arara iBtatatajMt, In lil" roallaaa aaawaf Monod the ronin h ntt.-iition iii attracted bjr ii,,- BBd Inklne lot" tl"' 'liiilr ha beajaa. t, It mi aaj Rata al hwat, :i ii n.'vri , paHaaj aad aoon N u hwdty wiatad in r unit orat "Irl loltr-r mi, I iWnrnrfWng thno of ii.. fintiii'i' iBtataajt Mnl',1'" l'tt"'. of ronrp. U kpl l ,rn,i tl"' top "to ltli tli Yala i"''k' Wall, pnrimps it aroatd )" rift , ,..,r ,,;... ",it too, Roajanca ma ,i. ad HofcoS rrlttoo bat Mm pro poaal ha aaomol fewaMa ta :; iha la it- ...ii and had adiaSl "' -'"" ""' SV' hbiiIii until "iir aajawaf i'"'",v" fSW ,fl, I I ii foitnlKlit ngn. III. afM emaJM ii SBO In nn ad rtrtt in, 'in in n tiioitrinii papor ttwt foriii,',l pnrt of th. llttrr of lil- ,1,'nk. "Oooaldar aUoaiaa poSi fMt" It ran. That was what ho 'i iotpg, Mahal hmi aat arai hUtn th braaMa t" ntiMwrr. II,. vl.loiiKly thrunt the papal Into ii,,. Imxk.'t ini'l I'anulil up n li'tt.r It vi. that ehaaS for hhl tailor. Hv hail i n poatttfa ha had aaaUai Haiti tha xuhHoenii'iit iirKnin.'nl had ri'Killli'il In n trniiMfiT ,,r iii patvoajajja, yet han n- Mm i k -.till iniiii". II" araa rntiiiT k'liot i tut t ha hint aaaaaaaajaoi Ihr , Irunlnii up proivan. Thnro wn niinttivr envriopa aaSat Cm I'M'" of ninsiiiiir raparta, Ha iir, It out :iml hi. fur,' hlanclHMl li "ii- tin. lattar M haihol in laaaa faaha Ion It hait allppad Int., tin- tani;li Id,. ,,sl; II.- i.ii.iiiIh.. Ii.' Iill'l wrltl.'ll a iiiiiiiImt of ollior lattaH at the JUime tlmr Whrn lie hail done In lapped n rnl'liiT hand ahout them and hud kIoii tli, 'in to one of the fellowa In take out. " What rould Hhe think or hlinT He had ,'euaed Ilia i-iiatomary vlalta and had not ev.'ii wrlttou. He allppid "lit of hU hoii-..- coat and Into hla dinner In, kot 'I'h, to waa a telephone In the low.r hall. I'i-rhap Mabel had not aone out. It waa hat mother who anawered, iiilh.r frlKldly. with a certalu note of In Iut volrr Mnl'l was in, hat aha araa m and ha4aaMa to her room She did not think that alie , ould "' ' Mr. I'onIiikIoii Hut Oovlagtoa was paaajataaj and in Mm mi ha eaJMi panahaSai hi aaa llo r,,iin,i Iut pale, artth uitoum llnea In hat fail' MM tried to lailKh It off Imt In- would not have It ao. I bare " apart laHretf tui-aaaie for" In- iiiinouiii ed "It -liouM not bare a 1,'ttiT at all, hut I uuoi. I'm a oort of moral mward "Aioiiow. i araa ahaaahai ap mvdeak al id" boaaa taHalaJhl ami i (aaart ihis I tlioiu'lit It had heiii aent two weeka aaja." nflen k" aatray." aln- com- :i ah -lr. ti'li.'.l out Iut haud In rreetre a "It aaja in fault " ha aald liumbly. Von ".' IW I denk up at MMhaejM anil I'm- oith.r pridid mvs.lf upon Ita rnafuatun. ToatajM ' aataajai It up. lux to have aoaaathtat to do. and I found 'in' i.-tt.-r " S.mii.iIiIiii; In IiIh loin- ..nivoyed lta Import ami aha etoarty hrefea the aeal ami plaarod Ihreaajh the aaaaaala. At l.isi lir look) 'I up s,. tiutt la the roaaaa I have not heard from poa lall," she aald. "I wondered thai you forgot the Apollo ,oni-iTt." That la "lily one count," he aald humbly. "I did not bring the letter eipeottag that poa would give the BUM answer 1 hoped for two weeka ago. I Just wanted you to aee that I waa uot quite na bad aa you thluk I am." "I did uol give it great thought." she mild, while the red, Hooding her fa,.-, deuled her wonts "I thought (hat perhaps you were engruaaed Iu aoiue Important deal." "Tills Is the most Important 'deal' Iu a man's life," he laughed a lit tle bitterly. "Aud I have bungled It hadly." "I'lty Is akin to love," she reminded, "and do you kimw, Frank I think I have a mlssiou." ' And that?" he aaked hoarsely. "To keep that desk straight," she smiled. ll'opyngl.i mis by lh. McClura Nswspe p i Syadkata.) .rjy THE UNIVERSAL CAR Theae are economical daya and ao the Ford Car bflcomen a more lalBBBI neceaalty to you every day by rnoaon ot the unlreraal aervtre the Ford MB pltea every day It haa hocome a Inrne part In the "bualnnaa of living " It , la a dally economy You have tho choice of a variety of hodlea, from I tha anappy runabout to the de lata Sedan. FORI) GARAGE Mail II.WKS. Mnnaa-xr. oNvanOi ohkoon. DR. J. S. CHARLEB0IS Natureopathist SpeciallHi a curing Appendh Ilia, IMIna, Stomach, I.lver. Ilheumattam, Inflrnitllea, Kidney utw Kemale Dtaeaaea 1 CTIIK I'KRMA.N'KNTI.V When all other inethoda have failed Consultation free Ontario, Oregon Over Post Offlcr Hank pinned the bee on Ed for fair cSir?r IP ? E1 never could aee any chew hut a big hunk of overaweet tobacco. "You take this plug ol Real Gravely,"saysrLink."Take a small chew I wo or three aquares. See how long it holds ita pure, rich taste. If you don't admit that Gravely gives you tobacco satisfaction without extra cost, I'll buy your plug for a im mill " Hanged it Ed didn't walk in next dav, grab off a plug of :.vely end throwdown his i .oney just like a little man! fM " itSl'l F fi. fd 1 ISU .MM ' . .Ml. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug e2cn piece pacnea m a poucn TfHeTJT'TTTrTaTaTiiPT.fsM.tiesgr.T Vilas aas.j t EM fa-VaBBBBaV - 3' .aaSH BaBBBBaVT .sSariQaaLsV MBBB aaBBBBft fffJrHPggggW ' BaaSkaaMBBBBE M Bathe in comfort bV II asFVl Perfection Oil Heater CjlAI tluid chdls in a ifly W I mfl Lights at tha touch ol Hh. pBBBBjL E a match givaa instant, -BBbw ffMfl coay warmth No ixnoke BM agaMpfV lisl w m ot odor ( E'SSM ) J9j Portable EcoaomicaL vK r "V r HrSjfl gU decs steady comCor- B & J k -aSaBaBBBwaaBBBBBi uye ttt jor many J OSt- Q- HQ hours on one ttlliag UxJBAfi' asm -'MTB with Pearl Oil. the eer- S A BsbbbbI obtaioabla fuel. ' SaVaJT Hi S But' Prf0etionOilHmat- bggfrlSBjH V 'vgl r ,odm' Dmalun eraejr. fggcBmVMlH9 a Tsl S wisrs - P TVtW HW-M j Sta.ui.rJ ill V&iJ ISC JaaCaijBBr. Company I'RLgVflgfl 5W )nrVmprm j (Cuioi) ytLjgrvV'y KsQ4 ERF P OIL ECTION H EAT E R IKH. KMMA IIIAMTh TKAl UKK 0V PIANO Bos 436. Ontario, Uregou 0. H. TEST, Special Agent Standard Oil Co., Ontario VALK TRAIDINU 00 VAIK Mt Vll'l M. CO ll.MlU HOW. CO. t . tii l l l fKCX)XD HAND 8TORK NYBSA HU CO. Vale, Oatarto, Oreapoei Uaurto, Oreguw Njraaa v -