ItIO ltt.l H. ONT.UtlO. nRRflON. TlltltMlt.lV IIUCKMIlKIt i TIIKOMW m Personal Mention . MT anl rn. aim r .nuuiri im Q Q MtniiH were vliOtlng with rrlendH in Ontario Monday Vbtl Tirtjij t fliU, J&W , iks-ArNA,dfL m Mn ?? Lr' IL, m ,11, -i ,erg ,-1 m -" - fTamWTI H nl'ijl yLB ihjj ir jri n. KMimm A season ticket to Met ropolitan Opera offers you no more than the New Edison The Phonograph With a Soul Why then do people at tend Grand Opera? Merely for the pleasure given the eye that is the answer. There is but one instrument which actually RE CKEATESthe singer' voice with complete fidel ity: the others merely imitate. And that instru ment is the NEW KDISON. Call at our store and learn the difference for yourself. .Turner9 8 Music Shop week. o .1 Wexl.n Miller hM'I C W TiMinev of Otxidlna Idaho, immur jumIiUmU of Ontario were renewliiK uld ammalB, (mice In th city flrxt of the wool ir. J Irwin WW aN-aJead VlnllUI III H"ll ...-i .-iiimi.i O Mr ami I'Ik.h KhIiouI ami Utile daughter Katharine motored in apent ('hrlHtniHH w I II llluxknhr " "I ' "" Mbm Kl.-de (lllixon wh Mm MiieK of her Mend MIhh Vlrginln Smith for several daya litis week W making' Hi"- trip from Nyana In i car Min (liiiNon and Iht brother s J. Ulbann had trie misfortune of hav- Iiik their ar kld and turning turtle. l.u.-ktlv however neither one auf iiny iiijiirli-x N. Hubotten, a reBreeentaUve- el Swift A Co , waa a lniHlnnw v here ot Sundny -i i jar a .. , 1 i i - mm - iii. i i i - i I ' " tMUHtl ' villlli IIAiiai.. 2 M M MMM i ij ot KaoT8 jn . uv rivririuu jreetMQs: mm , JJ Ml. fil iy . !. I I 0 Mr. and vial torn Satv """ Mr. Kallown cf Vale jrrfa)- lit Ontario. tl. A Klrklaml waa registered at the Moore Motel Knturdny from Se attle where he has lienn In trntnlrot at the U S Nnval Trnin'ng ei. Mra. A. O Henry, also of Vale, wu the gueat of frlenda In IIiIn i Uv Friday nl Saturday. flmtih Crane paw rt thru Ontario on lila way to Hurt" after api-ndlng.! the last three weeka In Otnnlm where he haa been on business- inat tera pertaining to atock raising l.leut Geo. W Taylor passed thru thin city Friday on hla way to spend hla Chrlatiuaa holidays with friend"" In Vale. Oeo. H Oram waa again '.n Onta- rlo for a brief time Friday from hla home In iiolan. 0 K. ('moduli wiih ttirii' f.i. .i1 hffa Halurdajf K vf ii i ii..h.i. t.kUn ...... fid CHEAP COAL! J" 7.22 perton We haf two cam I Vial from . Ketnuier, wbicb we art) aetUiw at at tlie bin. Ttil la not ax kimmI a Mime other IiIkIi grade Coal, but la cheap at at the prlco i.tfrrnl .I1 7V per ton for towm delivery. Try aome of It. j" VanPettenLur.berCo. 0 wain i mi ir H) I KOI , , un "irtiHc M - .-.I, ,,.. " l no M HWOiii! mm ii TUK FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF"'0NTARI() EXTENDS GREETINCS ANI ,o(D W'WW TO ALL 'm- PATRONS AND WR1KN0S"THIS -i riUlftilr, YULfiWDfiirVHEN EVERYONE HAS ORE TO iJRTfffiOaiW' rrttifWBFUL for and more to look may mi: colriMylii&Brara l'EA( 'K AND PROSPERITY TO YOU AVI) ' i ....nil n,l i n n.rr. ..t. Oabktr I II (XK'kRl'M. Aaat. laahler It M FWrXKV, Aaat. Caahle A. I.. COTKRl'M. Irrwldetii Tin. TIHIH'I.I., Vic Frtsi II. II. ItM'Kltt'M. Caahatv iw 'A (lootl llatik In a nrtod Count ry ' Michael Henry Joyce waa dl charged from the hospital Monday lOUO after upending N.iveral day there on ' Q0 account of the flu w:iofiun laoi3liaSSS . Mlal i yait iO 39 '-L'-argJjg E. W DUNN AUCTIOJVE3 V XT "The Iowa Man" Have ao!d Llrf.ttcok and General F-rm Salea In Oiejron ami Iduiio F r past 14 yea.-t. I Guarantee mr Woi ' flAl (s CVIUMsl. VH -V . . I'ajettr, lidjaho - i mil iii'.-ii tut 'i i i t t i ?:'. ." - aaaawa ywu . '.wuHaasaauaaaaBBaaaBaavBaaaBiBa Bggga rrw mrrr i 'aBB r A HHU OHniOIHIIiJ Hi aaaaaawaaaea -. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Thaaa are economical d un.l m the Ford Car become a more lati j I aaoaaalty to you every day by raoaon 11 j of the ualvaraal aervice the Ford aup 1 1 pile every day It haa become a larae j part In the "bualneaa of living" It jJ la a dally economy. Vou have tlu- ! j obolce of a variety of bodlea. from HI the snappy runabout to the do lurr ttedaa J FORI) GARAGE KHUlh! HAVES. Mauacer. ONTAHld OHKOON. BBBBBaMaV k' ' -III "TClrM J A lloaklna came down fr.nn linker Ihm week und penl Thuri dv and Irldalf vlaltliiK her huHbsnli here I. i Klae) returned to IiIh horn In Port lane to apead 1 1 - bollda H. B. Yotfltg waa u Vale bualneoa visitor reglatered at the Mi. l in , tel the laat of the waek V & aV a COM, II Mnluier, th ..uttrai left for Berkeley, Idaho, the nri of the wk to aMDd I'lirlHtiiuiM u'i his family '. " - i i i . W. H. Pickett of Mldval. -ud Wa (.'arson of Indinn Valle inp.r l.lajio visitors In town last Frldv Don i 'i nit t of the Staufleld left a few days a i the lu.l-( Idaya with his wlf in FOBdl.ii i Clifford Mi diiwn front Barbartou. Id la: to spind Christmas with hla ajrremta kere. i lie made the trip on his motorcyciu and reported the roads at very bad for moat of the way. Mr. and Mrs. Bullard and chll gre III with the flu at their horns on the Boulevard. Miss Paurine Kr vington is the uurse In charge Mrs 11. K Udick, who baa kMP v.-i III for the past two . now able to be up again 0 Mrs. Caall Coleman aad Mia VsiaI Ufuen were Nyaaa shopper iu On i turlo the laat of the week. -., W I- Turner has been 041 the list the greater part of the week Jack Barrett Ua bean U tawi last tew days valting with hla for mer friends and schoolmataa. at Otto Blackaby loft Mouduy worulng far Humadale where ho will spend Chrtatiuas Hgl kttackaby visited here for a few days having been in training at Pocatello o Miss Stella Milllkon cauje hi Sunday for th holiday from ' i dlelon Uie ab has been teuchliiii school. 0 ft t IU s ft ,a5(fSirr , rid i 'AT aaJsTl asset 1 laaq Mm l. I .". . i I.ltlb Jean Aiken with the influeimi. HI Keep Rijarht on With Your Food Econemizing: (J) r;jii thrift a.Ml ,!..!. v p:u,luci fj Columbia Brand 3Sf e OLEOJViARGA 'The Thriti Spread NE 0 wan. pleasant economy a BubtantuiriavjnK with out sacrificing, taste, appearance or-energy value. Kxcellent on bread, splendid for frying and baking. A wholesome product, made nom fine selected ma teriola under government supervision Columbia Brand Oleomargarine is churned fresh daily in a sanitary Pacific Northwest factory, and cornea to you in a waxed, odorproof carton. Your Grocer Can Supply You UNION MEAT CO. PORTUIW, OREGON ' " m l lllli Ull'll " m 0, n