The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 26, 1918, Image 1

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    (BnUtio t 0tts.
The Ontario Democrat
' "
V. ()RF,(1()N, TiURSDAY, DECEMBER 2;, 1919
, mm. ii ,i M
bRKIM OF MAljiiaJVl jvn-
U aolMKll WJlfN vum.
of the Boy Heady to Rotarn to
jjgag ol Peace Now That
to Over lumpuuai miany
L uniform of th Ucltd lltalev
,ui of the Nary wH. art
Joalf ht on tha atraata of Ont-
ftbU week
Id Id hletory haa tha city
ch military appearance for
lt It entertained ao many
m who are or hava racaatly
I la the xrvlca of Unci Bam.
yef tht boya got homo In time
irUwms. tho othan did not and
reached hara the day following
; DMrly -00 Malhaur and liar
aty man have arrived during
I and thua added to the Joy
-' an eioaptlon the boy
I the effaeU of tba training
thay had undergone, and a
lar aoi more cieaniy out. up-
lil bunch of men would be hard
lira Moat of tba boya added
It to their rramee anaer me
and almoat unanlmoualy
raised tha life In camp They
the food nerved uniformly
d iubatantlal aad tha care tak-
Ithsli Interaat all that could be
returning eoldlara all bar
I word to any for the work of the
eapeclally tor Ita canteaa
and aid In training Mkewiee
booatera for tha war work
itiona aueh aa the Y M and
C A , the Knlghta of Coium-
Iha Jewlah Welfare Board, the
Community eervlce, ate
it omplate I let of tba boya who
line can not be given the follow-
la partial Hat
at (amp uevona. aiaae.. cam-
Cream, from Navy Training
Seattle. Harvey Teat; from
C. Unlverally of Washington.
r, Barnard Rader.Peul Van
Marcua Plnney, Kay Bervlu
IB Cam ateArtnur, .
Camp Lewie Crull Orcutl.EI-
rcla. Walter Oramee. F.J. UMBO
is I'leroa, Coy Browa.Thaodore
. A. T. C. at Corvalll Paul
eh. Arthur Cockrum. Marnn
Oramee, Harold Von Read-
rr Dearborn. Frea ieei
lath. ,
Chrlstmaa day waa tha coldest day
of the year. The mercury went rtovAV
aJmoat to aero here fn Ontar o and
not a few of the reeldente proceeded
their Chrlatmaa dinner with a session
devoted to thawing water pipes
In the home of Mr. and Mrs H R.
Douglaaa the pipes broke and flooded
two room a and otherwla sinned the
day' awry.
While thla may be cold. Judge C
H Brown who recall the early daya
la authority for the atatement that on
the day after Chrlatmaa In II lit It
waa ft below aero here And the next
day It waa 1 below.
BUY W8..
After January 1, the itosM that have
doted ut f o'clock under the old time schl
ulc will observe that closing time. During
the holiday shopping the stores have i
untitled (ijH'ii until i o'clock but will tf on
the new schedule with the new year.
Among those who will ohwn-vc the 8 o'clock
closing are Radcr Bros., K. A. Fraaer, On
tario Furniture, Allen Hhoe Co., Letaon's,
Alexander ( !o., The Toggcn Taggart Hard
ware. McNultv & Co,
Kiprann M lf that One Project In Dplte Shortage of Help Prosper
ity Evidenced Crops are Aver-
Hruu.r Vaudeville vl.W. - Hit -"Olfta"
Start Hilarity Topping
Musical Number Given.
The Chrlatmaa program given
under the aupervlalon of the Junior
claaa la the aaaembly hall of the high
achool Tueeday afternoon waa a true
caea In every way Baeldea a large
umber of pareata and frlanda and
puplla who attended the exerclaae,
there ware alao a great many alumni
preaent who had returned from
college and training campa to apand
the holldaya here Of theae. Hgl
Arthur Cockrum. Corporal Dorr
Dearborn, Bernard Itador. Itay
Bervln end Robert Smith, from the
Student' Army Training Campa In
Oregon and Waahlngton, made brief
talk on their work while away and
all exnreaaad tbelr gladneaa to b
bank In the O. H. S. again j
Ose of 'tit Ban Ml1" number,
on the orogram waa a vaudeville
given by the Senior claee In which
blMkface comedy played a promi
nent part. Two muaical aelectlona
were a eolo "Holy Night" by Mian
Catherine Conway of the faculty.
aad a piano quartette union u
Concert by Claralne Wooda. La
dle Him. Mary Springer and Char
lotte Clagrtt Both numbare were
encored. Tha Freehmeu eiaaa im
a "grende opera" eelecilon vocal
numbare were given by the glrle'
trio and the gtrla' eextette.
After the program waa nnlahed the
Chrlatmaa gift were dlatrlbuted and
tbeaw alao oceaaloned much merri
ment Everyone waa talking at once,
borne whletlee and rattlee were doing
their beat to drown each other out In
no lee After a half hour had gone by
quiet waa reetored temporarily and
the member, of the faculty were aek
ed to dlaplay their glfta to the audi
ence Aa a reeult quiet waa banlahed
for tha reel of the day At tha
eloaa of tha afternoon the
gathering broke up and each pereon
departed for hie home In the beet of
spirit, to apend Chrietmae Day
Karh Htatr I l.lablr to be He--lerteilfor
Price. I 'orreaponil-
lngl (Jood.
Mr Clarence Poorman recently
received a letter from her husband
who la "over there", containing a
copy of the letter which In given every
American soldier who paaaea thru
England enrotita to the front It lu
a letter of greeting from George V
K 1 , and la a cordial meaaage of
welcomn to England. The letter la
written on the created stationery of
tho Royal Household In acrlpt fac
simile of the King' hand writing
Needless to say the letter la a priced
souvenir In the Poorman houaehold.
Thecloae of I18 marks the end of
one of the moat proaperoua year In
Ontario's hlatory. Bualneaa haa
been good, and that the ranchers In
thla aaction have enjoyed their
ahare la evident by the Increased vol-
In a letter to P. J Gallagher con
earning poaalble development under
the government's plan for hultdlnr
homea for returned eoldlara Hrpre.
antatlve N. J. Sinnott expresses the
belief that one project in each of the
arid land atatea la likely to be consld- um of their purchases
ered Ha further aald that the Owy- Bualneaa men declare that this haa
haa project waa In high favor wlt. bn on" of ,he be,rt " ln thlr
. experience in Ontario There are few-
the department in w.anin.ton .no ouUUndnf accountll ,nd lh. e
might be securer; on proper snowing. m,ndi of lh, rtnch, h,y baan
lfpresent plana mature heavy All thla iff aplte of the fact
that there waa only a partial fruit
crop on the bench
8o far aa the hay crop la con
cerned It waa equal to tha average,
and tha price at which moat of It
sold oorreaponds well with prevail
ing prlcee of other commodities.
In aplte of abortage of labor, which
waa perhapa leas marked hare than
In most sections, all crops were har
vested. It la true that not all the hay In
the valley haa been sold, and that a
great number of aheap and cattle
have baan ahlpped out and put on the
real Before City Dailies Told of
rtiaaaje Argus Readers Were In
formed of Pending Change Two
A. M. in Hour of Clinnge
It l not often that a country
weekly gets important newa affect
ing more train loaal hntereeta be
fore the big city dallies, but the
Argus did that recently, when
waaka before the atory of the transfer
of thla aaction Into tha Pacific Time
tone waa carried by the dally papers
It appeared In the Argua.
On November 14 the Argua gave
market that might have remained Ita readers authentic Information
had the price of hay boon lower, yet
there la not so great a aurplua that
It will not be fed thla season
There have been no bualneaa fail
urea In Ontario during the year, aad
there haa been but a alight move
ment among ranchera. ahowlng that
conditions here are such aa to In
duce men to atay here and make thla
their home Taken all In all the peo
ple of Malheur county, eapeclally In
the Irrigated section have much to
he thankful for. and have raaaon,
loo. to look forward for a more proa
peroua year during till.
Ctty AasU-
la allll am opportunity for
who hara not dona ao. to Join
Croaa. Receipt books are
id .1 ik. hsedauartara. la tht I "'"""
letore and E A Fraaiar a eiora. "
Delicious and appeHlng odors
have baan Boating up from the Do- j
meeilc Bclaooe room thla week aa a
reeult of Chrlatmaa candy making
Moat of tha puplla were unfortunate
enough however, to not gel any
etoeer lo tha ealtnary aoana of ac
tivity than a lantalUIng wh of
chocolate fudge or of Trench fondant
Tha Phyaloal Training I iuo awn
thelr Chrlatmaa party In the high
achool leal Friday evening and ev
reported a aplenuia i u
l tba heaaquanere. in " "'-,, pI.ofr.m with auch ae
Ad. offloa. and at t-Vjj .uul. Jack Mor-
.. Kiihi nature Christ
have not Jot.nd go thar. ,"' ,. flve m lb. a mbly hall
W- -.- Toward. lh lt- were dlatrlbuted
ally of course the campaign i chrlatmaa tree and tnee
all dfriad to U. mna- !. lo
piay games HefreahmaBta ware
leVvl in the Do-' T
A larger aaTalr la pla4 "r ,b
. . vih invitations will
aaar luiura u .
fanne Conditions'
I rbod Shortage gfpggggfigjj Hamne
Senou food Shortage
Prerenl rood Suppfy
Dul Mure benoaf
U alraady i cwrvin
Ameficftn Akd
JJJ IMdaaaifiuad
Point jjji bw L
Ra Jlgfinl LV
F5j reopii' alraady ioiyin aaVraV pf:
Sff. wm w .
faflL P M
MctMsuM l 111 W l f $ ggHffvaal W
JBU n tTUX VaKftAfifl UlWtHaayX
not s slugl
ood msu of Europe today ahowalst of govenwawl thr lltUe naUon'a I gluua. with ..oudltluna laoat aerioua la
. ....-i. ,r i.. uhlch thr fu I first thought waa to epreee bar grail 1 1 iud
'"" '"" "-.;'. , .,,..,. ,a, i .1,. i ...uu.lM.lou for Relief In' iMi.inla. Sfiula. Houusula ana
dXu.rndoXaull-rt whirl. ,Belgliii for preserving lb. live, of Montenegro have already reached! Ikw
dim.umes sou ouiy a iu... k- i,i... f.mln. im nt slid ara suffer n a beavr
... ..ii., ............. 1. 1. ,.- Hie r.luiut- luuiiuua ui iiri i. .. . - --
IS UOI iu,..u. aii- . - . . . mmmA
Willi the elirldlou OI toe urrmanj, " - w.-. ,-,
ouly ihoae .-ouutrlea which I uot figure lu auch a map for Amerl
Sill wet ana, i.m.w mw .' -
concerning tha change in a raneaagn
received from the Interatate OtMaV
merce commission, hut prior to that,
on Boptembar II It preaagee IM
change. It waa not until November
ISth that tha city dalllee all carried
under a Waahlngton D C dale linn
tha atory of tha change.
Thla weak tha railroad authorities
received tha order making th
ohange affective According to
theae Instructions all watchaa of
railroad men will turn bark one bour
at 1 a m. old time, on January 1
, By thla arrangement tralna will
run on tneir oia erneaui unm
a. in . then atand still one hour, ao
that thay will arrive at terminal
polnta Just aa tho nothing bad hap
pened Depot clocks however will
run until I a m and turn back one
hpur at that time
f'ltlaens who hara always marked
the New Year by some change In the
ordinary rourae of their life and are
now deprived of the uaual "swearing
off" custom ran change their welch
ee Inatead Thla change will be
mora apt to "stick" and haa thla ad
vantage that after It la onea made
they'll never nota the difference
Owing to the popularity achieved
by "llooverlalng" time It la alto
gather probable that on March 1 we
will all aet our clock ahead an hour,
ao that ao far aa thla Motion la eon
corned future ehangea will Jaat take
ua back to our old schedule
Under Pacific time Ontario folka
will approach "Sun. or meridian
time" eloaar than they did Mountain
Time, which waa nearly an hour
ahead of tha aun Under the new
achedule wa will he 14 mlnutaa be
hind ran time
Payette Ooatrtbeitea lere N
of Th Oueete t'nlforms Leant
Military Touch t Function.
to ha . aad It waa a
unnalga aa fax aa tha city waa
ted Hara la Ontario, wunuut
la memberships, which ware
siicllled. hat maay of wnien
corded aayway. the total la ai-
katan Kolong haa 10 9
laat yemr'a roll '
n. Kll
IT r.lnlx.4 The BIB ""
head hauoh by aiekaeaa. ani
' haa not aaaapaigued yet at all
si account.
W J. Planey. chairatan of the
lie pleaoad wtth the raeulta here
th total to be all thai
be hoped fr udr the circum-
Bmlth raturoad horn f
ago from Portlaad where be baa
the high school
111 with
be iaaued lo frlaods in
Mlae Hole Bmlth haa been
ContlBMd PM Bt'-
empioyd lh the ship yrda
of th atBdenta irom ..." w
A C and th U. of O returnea
the holiday. "' ",, 7 T
IbU Bmlth. Erma Von aaadon, Nat-
". Poo N WUB?!
from the O. A C. Md Gray-
iriaRadr and Ren. Adam, from
the unlverelty
have uialntaliied tnarlne commerce
have aulhcleut food supplies to in.-. '
actual urls until MSI harveet. snU
ttm lu the Ukralur, with storee actu
unlisted on the fanue, there la faunae
In thr large center of population
Belgium aud northern France, aa
aroJI a Serbia, appear on the hunger
map dlalUict from the rest of Europe
because they stand lu a different rail
llou from the other natloua to the peo
ple of the L'nlted Slate. America has
for four yesr malutalne.1 the email
war ratloo of Belgium aud uorthern
r'ruuee and I already iiiaklug special
efforts to .are fur their luiraaaad
after the-war need, which, with tbone
of Berbla, must be Included In thla
plea, are urgent in the eilreme and
must ha liiimeuiaie i,.
cutlou that we ahall ba called oa at all
to take thouiil for tba food need of
ilermany Ciermauy probably can care
for her own food problem If eh la
glveu acre to shipping and la enabled
to dlatiibutc food to th dtiee with
dense populations, which are the trou
ble center.
England, Franc, the Netherlands
auu Portugal, all of which have been
malutalne.1 from American supplies,
have utlclint food to meet immediate
needs, but their fututre preseuta H
oua difficulties. The eauie I true of
Spain aud the northern neutral coun-trlee--Norway,
Bwedeu and I'euiuark
wboae ports have beeu open aud wbo
have beeu able to draw to aouie degree
upou foreign supplies
Moat of Huaala is already lu Hie
....... ..t ih. Uelaiao natlo
for he help America ha r.leuded to throe, of famine, and i0.000.0ov people
her durng tha war conatltutea tue there are beyond the Doeelbl.lty of
t appeal for us to continue our help Before another aprln. tbou
A there The uiouieul the Ueruuin ' aand. of ll.eui Inevitably must die
lilies withdrew frvi hi 11 and ah , ThU appile as well to Poland aud
wtltrbluhl oZ uuir. in W owa practically throughout the Baltic to-
toll of death Th. Armenian popula
nun la falllug each week aa hunger
takes its toll, aud ln Greece, Albania
and Huiiinaiiia so srrluua are lh. food
sliortage. that famine la near. Al
lliuugti statvatloa Is not yt liumlnenl.
Italy, Hwltaerland, Bulgaria aud Tur
key are in the throe of aerioua atrta
g.uclea lu order to fulfill America pledge
lu world relief we will have to export
every ton of food which can h han
dled ilnougli our porta This tueau at
th. very least a minimum of 30,000,000
iiipaied with 0,000,000 tons pre
war aiporta and ll.HUO.OOO teas ex
liorted last year, when we were bound
by the tie uf war to th Eurupeau
If we fall to lighten the black tU
on the hunger map or if w allow any
portion to I niic darker th vary
peace for Which we fought aad hied
will be threatened Revolt Bad mar. hy
luevitauiy follow famine BasOald till
happen we will see in other pari of
Europe a retartitluu of th Bxxaaton de
bacle and ur fight tor werld peace
will have bean la vaua.
Tha Nut club haa atappad forward
aa tha active socall organisation of On
tarlo thi season and Ita dance ara
the magnet which draw large crowd
every time one le .enounced
The Chrlatmaa dance given by the
club at Wilson Hail Wednesday night
waa ona of tba moat successful glvoa
hare for sometime There were a
large number of gueat preeent. aad
they enjoyed the program to the lim
it Among the gitaata were maay r
turned soldiers, others here oa a
furlough, and tkeae with the 8 A. T
C. boy all In kkakl uniforms gav a
iatlnctly military flavor to the gath
ering Then, too. there were maay
Fayette and Frultland young folks
over to that taken all round th
I Nuts had no trouble living up to
their motto. Keep out of tha
i Wood"
but w.aa.
Mia Ruby Penwich la abaeat from
I achool at present la order that ahe
might he at tha bed lde of her broth
I er who la erioualy III with luflueaaa
ln Caldwell Another brother who
auccumbed to lb diaaaee waa burled
thar thla weak