;rii3&-.:i' ;. I oirrAKioAKo.it- .isTiKin. 1BCKMBRK in, 1111 O i .Professional. . . . Cards . . . DBS PBINZING, WfiM A FOBTNEB offxcb hour I to II ud 1 to t. IflM over rirtt National Bank phone No. II J. W. O. HOW! DENTIST n BUtg w r h .. ii " XI VI IV EVKHt to WE IN old ...v Wo prefer moo who have took, insurance, real estate, bo or who hare had no aalea expsrlnn bat would tike to develop Into sa li nen. We train every applicant a carted arid provide a system that w eaable anyone who worka to mat from (76.60 to 1 1 6o 00 per we. Oan also una women of exceptlonul ability Position permanent. In i airing atate age, past burrfneaa, and rofsraaoea. Adore In confidence RANK MFO. CO.. 1010-17 U C. UVatth Bids , Seattle, Waah. Il-l Save your old Rhoee where ever yon live. We guarantee delivery 40 houra after arrival. Mall address n parrel poat. Beat leather need and expert workmanship. ONTAKKi CHAMPION BHOE UB- Pair shop, j. a. riock, prop, tf I tf ill On wepeiwar vjpww" layeti uii'iA Mops District. Ffrwt publication Nov. 18. 1118 Lent pabitcatlon Dec, It, 118 ,VmCK Or SBRRIKF8 HALE IN XRCLOflVnE I . 1171 BAOOAQC ANB MX- JOHN UANDINOMAJI V. HRITT1WOMAM 117 M ONTARIO 'AIMli'l DOWNTOWN. OFKR7B HWITARV HAHIIIH WHOP 'r:w:;A)v.neY:, 1 ONTARIO LAUNDRY 4 . - Classified i dvertising j ooooaooeooooooooooooo INTKI) A buyer for one of tin- id chn.ipei:! homes In Ontario tvon room iiit'dorn bungalow II for cash on big dlarount, et like paying rent on long time Bray under original oott. Ba ilor full particulars. Argui N. B. Would consider good part payment ou lime contract ilTBD To buy or rant 10 acre art in alfalfa. wtOam -Adv. 1. FED, on alfalfa hay at tb Oat aetalls at the av. ji. SALE- Ons run SAiiO un u Plyw-xith Rock and three White Leghorn seek arsis Couatrymaa, Ontario, R. L I. s ,i .. K vl.f A fa hac un- gobbJera, alao full blooded ryoogolla roosters. Add or shoo 14 N-l. TO KKNT A poaalble by praotwal farm IdrwM The Argua. 47tf STRAY NOTICE Two ewea aame to my place, twp mile sonthwwst of Ontario, on Sat urday November 10 marked with blank paint oo back. Owner can have aama by paying cost of thla ad vartlamedt and for trouble of feeding etc., Wood Thompson, Ontario. 31 KM A NO FOR TKI.fXIRAPH OPKHATOKM Tong men and woman trained In few month under the aupervlalon of a successful dispatcher . Indorawd by Railroads Opportunities to earn expense. Write for Bulletin Telegraph Dept. Ill Railway change Bldg , Portland. Oregon MRU. KMMA l KNI I TBACHER Or PIANO Box 4 IS, Ontario I ;gon Set the Genuine and Avoid Wait .alTT i - JJl enwJa7. ' J -sorx" . 4r w m -sbtib m! S7 gstl gH war dafpr- rAiv: .xvjr X ,, economy vary Calf lessoae gtvwa Mrs. A. T. recess uiesded by Miaa Phone IH Adv. 40 -between Ontario and the iver ranch on the Boulevard, tl with white fringe. Kinder ve at Argus office - Ad 1. HALE 1 One bred Durot 1 year old, weight lie. o and fir curdvtood and red fir and tam- ia carloads. For prices Koltuaoe, Near Meadows, No I. OR .RENT -Moderu 5 la. Inquire of Onl ine Coin pear. -1011 atoiiel seven Inquire of The sash prices far 'tamitura, PEOPLES' I. Caatarsa, Oregoe tf i asOUael el Utle sggfja lead sasaey aa real JN TITLE AND Va IOHH 8AIJE4r RKAI. PKOPKRTY. NOT 1 1 K IS 1IKKEBY OIVBN. That pursuant to aa order of the County Court of His at is of Oregon, for Mal heur County dated Dec. I, 1018 In ths matter of the aetata of Douglas 0 Motlonald, deceased, the under signed, the Rxecutrix of the said ae tata, will sell at public auction, to the highest uod best bidder tor cash, sub Jtct to a oartala mortgage now on said land hereinafter deserlbsd, and subject to all unpaid taxas, ths whole amounting to approximately 11100.00 and subject to the confirmation, of aald salo by the above entitled .Court. on Monday the Ith day of January. 1010, at the front tour of the Coari House In the town of Vale, said oouu- ty and elate, at 1:00 o clock p. m , all of the right, litis and interest ef the suld ssUts and of ton said Douglas C. McDoaald, deceaasd. at the lima of kls death, and til ths latersst or rights that ths said estate haa or may have acquired by operation of law, In aAd td tbO followlag daarrlned land ad premises, to wit: Ths W H ef the W U of, Sectloa T 118. K 47 B. W. M., la Malheur I'ouely. Oregon, lees about It scree bow owned and occupied by the O. I. L Ity Company, as a right of way First 1 ubIUattoa. Dae. I, llll. last Publication Jan. I' IS 1 1 HBLBN M. CI.BMENT Kaooatorli I IN THR OIBOirrr CXirRT OF THK HTATK OF ORR4JON FOR MAI.HB1IR 4XWWTT GEO ROB OLA8SOOCK, Plaintiff. v ARTHUfl B. DODDB and MABB1. DODtXI. Defendants By vlrturo of an sxscutlon la fore elosurs, duly laaaed by the Clerk of ths Circuit Court of ths Mate of Or eon, for Malheur Oeaaty, datsd ths If tb day of November, llll, la a eartain actios, la tae sets Circuit Court for eald BtaU aad County. sjaorsjla Osorgs Disss seek, m Plain tiff, racovarad Judgment against Ar thur B. Dodda and Mnhta Dodds. De fendanta, for Two Hundred Forty Dollars ($140.00) with Interest there on from the first day of May, 1017. at the rate of ten per cent per annum and Tbirty-flve Dollars (185.00) at torney fees, and ths farther sum of Twenty-five Dollars and tea cants ($16.10) costs and dlsbnrsereeata: THBRUFORB. NOTICE 18 HJDRB BT OIVBN That I will on ths llrd day of December. 1018, at the hour Of 11:10 a. m. of said day. at the main entrance door of the Malheur 'ntinty Court Hoase, at Vale, Oregon .11 at public auction, to the higbent Kidder or bidders for caah, the fol dee.rlbsd real property, to- w . K. Aa u 'lvlded one-half Intereat In lite fl - liwest Quarter (8W1-4) of wnship 10 South, 47 I W M ; aken r- 1 levied upon as the prop , .ty of f said above named defeml .anta, aa much thereof as may tw nece ry to satisfy said JiuIkiih'ih In favor of Oeorge Olasacock. and e ulnst the above named defendants, llli Interi'Hl ll.cron. together wf'h all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 18th day of November, 1018. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff By T C MeEl.oUY. Deputy First publication Nov -M . llll. Last publication, Dec. II, 1118 art Ortaisa. CaUft jenummm NtrTR'K OF HOXII KIJMTION OF PAVaTTF-ORRIiON HUll'k IR- aasBfBOM DMrTJJH Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to order of the Board ef Direct ors of ths Payette-Oregon Slope Ir sJanAJMi District, duly sntered on November lb, llll, aa Osartloa will be held within the said Disti December 80. 1011, for the purpose of determining whether six ar rant bonds of the District. In the amoertt of Fifty Thousand ($10,000) DolUrs shall be issued for the purpose of meet lag the doflclt la uialfeaaace for the year lilt, meeting the east of enlarging the ditches and dredging ths Intake canal, aad to provide funds for the purchase of a new pumplag un't to supplement ths exlsttlag pnmn lag machinery ol the Dl1 Far ths parpaer of ths eleetloa. the District shall com prise a single Sleet kin precis t, ths polling place ra which shall be at he effloe of tbe Hoard of Directors to-wlt ths oae tory frame dwelling house near the pumplag plant, located to the South east Quarter of the Northwest Quar ter of eVectloB 1. Towasblg 17 stitk, Range 47 K W M , wrthia the Dts- -trlst aad la Malheur County, Oregon Taa palls shall bo aaaa traaa I 'etoofc to lbs ajoraaas asstll I a'csaeb to the sftaraosa. aad saall tbatoattar a cbsead F. M. BOALB. isTiotory af Beard of Psioalsio t NOTICE 0- KHFHIKI'H SAI.K l KIKKCIONt 111. By virtue of au execution In Fore closure duly Issued by the Clerk of t'ie Circuit Court of ths Stats of Ore gon, for Malheur County, dated the llth day Of Novsmbsr, 111. In coilsln action In aald Circuit duri for said stats aad county, wbsrein A M blomsn. as Plaintiff, recorermj judgment against Crystal Realty Co . a corporation, aad T. M. Craig. d feadanta, for the sum of $8488 88. with Interest thereon from said Slat day pf November, llll, at the rate of eight per cant per and attorney's fees, aad ths further sum of $14 5 costs sad disbursements. RBFORE. NOTICE IB HERE li V OIVBN. That I will on ihe tlt'i day of December, 1011, al tbe hour of 11:80 a. m of said day at the main entrance door of the Malheur Court House, at Vale, Oragoa. sail at public Oaettoa to highest bidder for caah in bead, tbe followlag described real property, to-wlt 8BH NWH. N NBH 8WH stot It, Tp 118 H 47 B. W. M. Taken and levied upon as ths pro Ht'MMONH IN THE OIIUTIT COURT OF TMkI I BxraTSt tiiiMMN rxnt suii I HEIIR OOirNTV. MALHEUR COTTNTT, a munlelpsl corporation, PUIntlff. TO, MILDRED M. BOWEN. BOWBN A Mc INTIRE. D D NAMB1.EY. ELIZABETH O. TOOLE. J. B. PUT NAM, REBECCA WHITE, MART HOWARD BROWN, L N. ROCK KHKEI.LKR. MINNIE 8TEFFEN8, ALL UNKNOWN OWNBR8 OF THE REAL PROPERTY AND PRB MI8B8 HEREINAFTER DBHCItlll ED AND ALL PERSONS WHETHER KNOWN OK UNKNOWN OWINO OR CLAIMINO TO OWN OR HAVINO OK CLAIMINO TO HAVB ANY IN TBRB8T THEREIN OR LIEN THEREON. DKFBNDANTH In the name of the Bute of Ore- gen: Ton and each of yon are here' by notified that Malhenr county, a munteipa) corporation of the State of Oregon Is the owner and bolder of tbe following oertlf lories of delin quency, together with the taxes sub sequently assessed and levlsd. Issued by the tax collector of said county for the delinquent taxes more particular ly hereinafter described, to wit: Oa BE of tbe NE awe. it Tp. 1 South Range 47 B. W. M. Certificate of delinquency for taxes of said county on the lands forsgslng ror tne year lit 4, nmoant or same 10107. Certificate numbered 1144. data of laauanoa August 1, 1010; Certificate for taxee for the year lilt numbered 1104, Isnued May 1, 1817, amount H7r . owner of the legal title aa appears of recerd: Mildred M. Bowen. On WH of IWU Of 8EV4 8ec. 8 Tp 17 South Range 47 F. W M. and WH of NWH of NBH Sac. 10 Tp. 17 South Raagn 47 B W. M. Certificate of delinquency for taxas of said county ou ths lands foregoing for the year llll, in the amount of $110.70. Certificate, r umbered 1620, dale of Issuance August 1, 11, Certificate for tuxes fur the year 1114. nui.tbered 1777, laaued August 1, llll, amount unpaid, $171.10; Certificate for taxes for the year 1015, numbered 1101, Issued May 1. 1817, amount unpuld $108. tl: own er of the legal title aa appeara on re cord D D Hnmbley; other persona having Interests or Hens or claims In or upon the said lands Rabacoa White. Mary Howard llrown. Elisa beth O. Tools, and J E Putnam On BH of HEV, aad BEW, af of BE Sec. 8 Tt South Range 47 E. W. M. iilcate of delinquency for taxes of said county on the lands foregoing for the year 1813. amount of asms $411.10, Certificate numbered 1611. date of Issuance Auguat 1 101H, Certificate for taxee for tbe year 1014 numbered 1180, laaued August 1, 1010, amount $781. tl; Certificate for taxes for the year 1016 numbered Ittf. Issued May 1, 1117. amiunt, 701.11; owner af the Isgsl title as appears oa record I. N Rocker feller On NWH of 8WH sad BW of NWH Son. I. Twp 17 south Range 47. B W. M. Iflcate of delinquency for taxes, of said county on tbs land's foregoing for ths ysar 1114, amount of aama ! fi L'0flfltJ numbered JU, .date of Issuance August 1. 1814; i ertmcate tor taxes for the year 1016 numbered 1688. Issued May 1, 1117. amount $474.00; owner of the legal title as appears of recerd: Minnie itasTns I ' NOW. TJIERBFORE. said Mildred M Bowet. D D Hambley Rockerfeller and Minnie Cteffens to aald owasri of tbO lesal title of tbe Oatd pacela of real property forego ing aa appeara of roourd and aald Howsn A M.Intlre. ElliabelU O, Tools., J B Pataam. Rebooaa White. Mary Hownrd Brown, aa having la tere la or claims to or lisoa upon the said lands by way of mortgage or othsrwlss, and all persona awning or claiming to awa said lands or Inter eat therein, whether known or un known, are hereby further notified that Malheur county, a municipal cor poration, plaintiff above named, will apply to ths circuit court of ths Slate perty of aald 1 above ..mad defsadaat. '2?&JEfc' V'JZl os as much thereof aa may be nocee- Lu, or delinquency and taxee sub- aery lo satisfy said Judgmeat in fav or Pf A M. Slouian. and named de fendanla, with Interest thereon, to gether with all costs snd disburse ments that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale. Oregon, this Itth day of November, llll. BEN J. BROWN, Sheriff. I 0 McELOHY. Deputy First publication Nov 18, llll Last publication Dee 10, 1118 worn i oi dl ikdi.ivh male Notice la herb) given that la per aaaaoe of aa order of ssle made an.l iiru entered by the County Court of the Stat of Oregon, for the County of HnttfV''' vfiths 0th day of N bar. llll. In the matter of ths estate of James Scott, aa Insane person, tbs undarsl3Mi auardtaa of aald as tate will, ou and after Saturday, th llth day af December llll, at but residence ta Ontario, Oregon, affet tor sals aad sell at private sale, for cash in aaad. subject to confirmation by aald County Court, tb follow Inn described tract of real estate, e loagtag to tfes said ward, aad his sa- sequsntly paid togsthsr with accrued tntereet aesc aad disburseuisau on ths said several respective parcels of real property Aad you and each of yon are here bv summoned to appear within 10 daya after tbe date of the first nub iieatlou of this summons, exclusive of tb day of said publication, ti Thursday, November 7, mil. and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown oa any of the said parrels of property foregoing as to which you may be the owner ur holder of ths legal title or Interested in or have liana or claims upon by way of mortgage or otherwise to gether with the secured interest, all of aald (wrtinicetes of delinquency. rstt the rate of It tat, to wit: Lou number 1. 8 sod . Inn-riff aad Tax Collector of Mainour of Block 107, of tae City of Ontario. la Malhear County. Orojpea, oosorsV iag to tb pfftntoi tat thereof Taw Brat pabHiradto of tats aotioo to oa Novasabor Mta. 1011. aad taw tost aohttoaltoa to so Pasianbsc totk lilt. H Oaardtoa ef tb el W. CUBMBNT p erase aad estate per cent par annum front data of Is suance together with sll costs anil dl tursements, snd ta anas of your fail ure so to do a decree will be render ed foreclosing to Ilea of sack Mass, interest, costs sad disbursements against ths laud aad premises sbove inscribed Ths key .borevlatloos ta this summons are: E.Bast, W West, ,V Nerth: S Meuth: BW. NB, Northeast BW, Aootfcwe. Southeast; H. Quarter; H.Oae half, i .taage. m- , aacilea: Tp. Towa sli p: B. W A East of vttHammattv lllTlslSO) BBN J BROWN, an r . 1 D XXoV I awsaflf1 ""aw"" tfoatutv Twm I iiasT- L Plant I. tlBHlMlH.1 I thswM I tf BMSMhlgtl I iff Ball Better .H Bearings; Light L ALLEY- LIGHT engine is - equipped throughout with extra large ball bearings. No other farm light plant engine is so equip ped These ball bearings help Lalley-Light to give better light by helping the engine to run more smoothly. They save! fuel and oil. Thev cut dawn aiction and wear. Lalley-Light brings better light bright, steady, safe light to every farm. It brings power for a water pump, chum, separator, and soon. We wilt be glad to demoistrsite Lalley Light' free on your place. Call for thj owners testimonial book. HUNT'S GARAGE AGENTS ONTARIO - - - EGON Bonds Stolen! THIH IS THB CRY AI.I. OVER THB LAND LIDBRTY BONDS ARB LIKK SO MUCH CASH AND NBBD THB SAMB PROTECTION. AT ORBAT BXPBNSE TO US THIS BANK HAS HAD CONSTRUCTBD A SPECIAL ArETY FIRB-PROOr VAULT WHICH IS AT YOUR DISPOSAL rOR YOUR BONDS AND OTHER VALUABLE PAPBRB A NSW NB.T Or trSBL LOCK BOXSf HA VST AR RIVED AND ARB RENTED AT THE SMALL SUM OP II 10 PER YEAR IN OABB YOU NO DOT WISH TO RBNT A BOX, WB WILL OLADLY STORE YOUR BONDS AND VALUABLE PAPBBB FOR TOU ERBB OF CHAROB, WHETHER YOU ARE A CUSTOM BH OF THIS BANK OR NOT AND OIVB THBM THB SAME CAREFUL ATTBNTION THAT WB OIVB TO OUR OWN SECURITIES Ontario National Bank Bank to Uraot, glarara Malbaoi caooOn, OUR NEW DIRECTORY o will be issued in August, effective as to changes made Ixtfore August I. IF YOU WANT PROPER LISTINO OR A NEW PHONB, ADVISE US AT ONCB Every Bell Tnlopaiai Is s Lone Distance Sutton. Malheur Home Telephone vo. Csmair. flinawn R. W. BWAOLBfi Dtotrtot AMarmsw of Malbeor eteaatr, aasj Attoroor tor FlatoUff. ftoAorto, Osssjso. at waiea all grasses aaA naars to ttOo iriseaSfaj ooajr to) sorwotf esoa to fsfaasjlog anoosw Olatrlct ai- tornaw. First rwltoaMso NwwssJMr 1. llll Loot mnalas'toa Pwoogotor 10. llll $ Commercial Creamery Co. CooA buyermi Cream and Produce $ PIseSb: South of Pest Oflcs, OnUrto, Oregon YwV hat Market tafftti, fgto Foaltty of ajf kfmoV ibot3S s BBS