ORTArllO AHfa-H. ONTARIO. OJUDOON, THt7RlM DRTEMHKIi l. IM8 njeaaauaasynmii i i mil M' H 1 flfyg (fltttarto Argug MM. K. AIKEN, Bdftor md FitblMieF. Pubtiflhed Tbursd at Oiiiario, Orori, od entered at the Ontario peat oilce for votm PKAOja DUTT--. HOT KARMr KMf la with Hoover while kaajntan; with to Cfcrlat- him Betrk. We (Hoee Our Store Wrk !) at O'clock. From Raterdey Uatil OirLUnaa Op n Kraamc "s 1 r g R A DEB'S i mtribution m 2nd laa I gUBSCRIITIONB Owe Tear $1.S0 A MERRY CHRISTMAS After four years of warfare the world thin year will enjoy in part a'Chriatmaa such an the angels proclaimed in Judea nineteen hundred and eighteen years ag; "with peace on earth." Bat it c0 nt4 '"' id that there exists on every hand n "ffood will toward men." Until that condition exists and the notions can fed hi thei hearts, good will, toward even their enemies, we will not be upon the plane which generally existed prior to the great barbarian raid. But no one will deny that from the tire of war has come a chastening of the spirit thai will raiae all mankind to a higher level of service than the world has ever known. And tli;ii we are approaching nearer to the reality of ideal of the brotherhood of man taught by Him whose birthday we will commemorate next week, is indicated by the discussions of a League of Nations which shall protect the rights of small nations and make war imiossible. Fw tlio we may be from the realization of that glo rious condition when; "The War drums throb DO longer, And the battle Hags are furled;" vet we are steadilv progressinc toward that goal and met!) bound to go farther toward its realization during the year! to coiik With such 1 prospect before us: with assurance that many of the sons and fathers who left our shores within the past year to tight for freedom and democracy will be home s.itv again, blest with material prosperity web as the world has never known trulv everv American should. have a Merry Christmas. BB B HI THE SHRINKING DOLLAR A prominent Ontarian. speaking of the annual city tax levy made a pertinent nbscrratfcyi the other la when he said: "Most people when thev think it taxes, and the e.M ol administering public affairs, fail to take Into consideration the fact that dollar paid in taxes today will do only halt' aa much as it would five years ago. It therefore follows that Instead f remaining stationary taxes in reality ahoiild have raised almost proportionately with all other commodities." There is no doubt concerning the first statement thai the dollar is only half as efficient as it used to be. And it is i also true that since everything else has gone up one would naturalh beleive that property values wonld do likewise. Btiange to say this is only relatively so. In some cases the very rise in prices has caused some property to actually decrease in value, since it has resulted in a depresion in real estate in many small communities, so that actually non revenue producing city property has less value than in normal times. This however, is off-set by the increased value of per aonal property, if it could all be marked up to war prices, which of course it can not. These few considerations, however, are sufficient to show how complex is the problem which municipal govern ments arc nailed upon to solve these days. Taxpa should take these facts into account. n n m llgfl III VL mmIwbBVBBIHC JT-jC3)CLruJ3CJjr.-.-Tu)C. JLJi JL..7ir.7ClTM Si i JP 3 3 , -a Oirrrtiiuui: S A Happy, H;npy Orristmas, cj sff Be yours t day! m Bk Oh, not the failing measure Lj Of fleeting earthly pleasure, C J But Christmas joy abiding, While years are swiftly gliding jp 5 yours, I pray, S Through Him who gave us $ g Caristmas day! & I JJ PraQOSS liidle llavirgal. Mf OMAKIO fcVABTlMT (HlltiH ( M. tUXIM, Pastor j B' 35h ni ti" nni-vni -v-v -. "icicrrv r W naK UlurU I mm AW )t For a Victory Christmas Those who are desirous of keeping alivp thp spirit of Christmas, yet are anxious to comply with the Government's request for war-time conservation, will find an answer to the perplexing "What to Give," in useful gifts such as Women's Wearing Apparel. In almost every family, women have denied themselves little niceties of dress their hearts just long for, in their patriotic and commendable effort to stretch the family war-time purse to a point where it can cover the demands made upon it. Make "her" heart jriad by giving her for Christmas something she can get good use out of and, perhaps, really needs. I Gift Suggestions Georgette Crepe Waists Crepe de Chene Waists Cam fooles and ilk. Lingerie Sets of beautiful design to gladden the heart of women. Ivory Sets or individ ual pieces. Combs, Bruahes, Nail Hies. Manicures, Buffers, Trays, Etc. Modish and Well Made Coats ennnwnawawanawnwnnansnwsaneewaBnwBnsasj A new coat, selected from our display of handsome modish, well tailored coats in Plush, Velvet, Wool Ve lour, Fur Trimmed garments will crown any woman's Christmas joys. The prices are attractive ana as low as $29.50 CHARMING DRESSES What could be better for a Christmas present than a charming dress. We have excellent selections Satins, Silks and Serges, embroidered trimmings; excellent style, as well as a number of ADVANCED SPRING MODELS. Another suggestion from this Dept A Silk Petti coat. We are offering substantial values from a widely varied stock of designs, all taffetas, and some with Jer sey tops. The prices are from $3.50 Upward Practical Gifts Handkerchiefs, Hand Bags. Lace Collars. Boudoir Caps. Bath Robes. Pendleton Blankets. Fur Sets, Fur Cops, Muff. Coves. Etc. Etc. Women's Shoes An In nrr department of our store row will Nad K'"x1 substantial, useful Christ ma irt la our ulioe department. Mkr your rnrl ioa fn.m our lair models la All leather with rloth top, la all chad, aad with mediant or high linrU. KtrrUtat Clirktmaa valiK from $JT .50 to $Q.50 Aay ntenibrr of to faniU) woalil a preclaUi a pair of oar haartniar and romfortable bed room allppem lu kjaap their rant warm. Dress Shoes for Men -g"' rtor a maa'n (lirlntiima not a pair of UtwM boa. He alwaya aaoda thm. Make aatae ttuaa froa oar offorla tm Kaaroo. VI rl kid. aad ralf nklu ntada an la all the beat laata to live rotufwrt and aatlafactloB.. Tlaf are priced from $r.00 to $Q.50 Aajf ma will be plMitid to receive a pair of aUk aorka, ar a pair a aoaa fwrtaaie hoiwe aUppera. We have lota of them. Give Him Something to Wear That's What Men Like Best. THW I I INC. II (. vi I Tlrl uuivni Nil K HHIKT MIMTAK1 UMl'HHKM I.KATHKK BKII NAr'ICTV KAXOIt fUKK HI TTt)N Hk?T KAIMOUTK WATt'll KNIT HKIJMKT 1111. 1. IMMtK HI M'IMIKBH For Tha Christmas Gift for Your Wife Don't forget substantial piece of aluminum or a handsome perco lator, or some flat plated ware Knives, Forks and Spoons. Get a good Knife fcr the boy. TAGGART HARDWARE Ontario, Oregon CHEAP COAL! "T.H.perlM V I- ham PM aaaj I.ikk, I (hI from kt'iiiinur, . Mhlrh e art m-UIiih al at (lie bin. TtUa In not ai. guntl aa annie tli-r liitfli Krad. I but U tiieaii 'ul mi tlir price oaered. Add 7Be per Um for (own delivery. IV) Miuie "of It. Van Petten Lumber Co. Notice of Annual Meetta- Wkaa your utagailaa aabaerlpUoa The aonual meetiac of the ahara axplraa renew It at Turner' aewsund holders of the O.itarlb National Bank. Saw the clubiac rata and eave Konay will be held In the bank rig office la the oily of Ontario, Oregon, at p. in . on Tueaday. Jau , 14, Hit Halloa of director and otker kuaUana. W. f. HOMAN, BecretaryT BUY W 8.8. Oat a aaacaslne aubacrlptlon foraay meaibar of the faintly. It la aa Ideal LhrUtmaa preaaat. We otter alt the bant, oluuinf rata that wU save yoa atoaey Taraar'f Newstaad. DR. J. S. CHARLEBOIS Natureopathist Specialist In curia- Appendicitis. Files, Stomach. Uvaf. Rheumatism infirmities, Kidney and Female i owm rroutANKNTi.y Wkaa all other methods have failed Consultation fro. Over Post Office Ontario, Oce -L --A.