. s.io Atu.i - ok . mo. or IS, ISIS WAR WO tpK Ml MfO MBcma vm. i' -tht rr- Pa -fvfttI twoioo " the iMk hero the fret pert of t Jaaale- A season ticket to Met ropolitan Opera offers you no more than the New Edison The Phonograph With a Soul Why then do people at tend Grand Opera? Merely for the pleasure given the eye that is the answer. There it bat one instrument which actually RE CREATES the singer's Toiee with complete fidel ity: the other merely imitate. And that instru ment is the NEW EDISON. Call at oar stare and learn the difference for yourself. Turner's Music Shop Cherrh. If a . U a. m. PieaakaU Serrleo. :4I o. m. Boworth Lmim Ml a to. Freoehtag. Tke a ho re erogrewj will b carrlea oot If tke Jo eooolUona permit The hcimiii fotka appr"-iat greatly, all the hloaneeeee which hare beeo ahowa the rfurhif thalr aetg of the lafleenaa. rt. W. J. liwli rerelyeo wot rofk Of tha death Of hU father liwnil ki Boglanri Ha bu heea a Ufa-loot Methodtrt and for orar I roora waa local prooehar f School eoaertnteiilent. DKrVf aoeaker N a a-o of the "TT fmVnf Irm Bvk aa Joko Ce4aa-. Sew- " " J . airtlag at aral i lit of tkle a"V4 ook- - . . ... .. .... v . . - - - -e - . t a. at oo Teeei v. Jam. 14, if if, errtv-l at Ooear-e. aorf t-ew tot " m the teOol tar Url ti Statrtcf. " TT . . . .. . . oaatneo ea aaara a m. .. .- w for oo i aikk aaaa 'owr laawuj . - BOSUK. wow Ti ill oiao. ao4 ae4 a eateeaVal 7TV ! t aaalal k'ai fta tho ekfro SaofOMf Tke iwatta we Saaoi to toot . . .. w4, ttVt ware aaoat iiMHott Sir Fro .aaaiar k at Tanar' aaaatooS roStoi ffeeki Mrlao Chart "' " .-. lrr-j!r! mfesT aaoaTlaT., . ir.tr MM. -wki".. toaT w. aoik"aoBTllaltkor tot aTTWU PokS Worehha, 11 M. aKL asmmW assasm aSSmt matmat. . 4. ejjar'taaka. mi aaatar aaaa SatoSatimhl HIT "W' ---- aTaTeaZrenl rillWul tOakav oo THUaSDAT.I W. F. COCHRAN. Mlalatar. tjalSlataOani TallSonlr ra toMaaatoar IS. If la. no hoa4 horaao Pot o laoolaa aoaocrlPtloo tetany ? ?""." l.11"" ? c A. oooor. ano at Toroor'a Mooouoa. tit.. ar iiiaaaa a a aa. aja Dtorrtrt afat. TS woo prarttoaaV dkart H r O a Ttotto. vho toraaor !Hrrrrrrr All Ul aPomSaafofW bbbhsS vl B V B B B a I B Toto raao. f fjajaj f v vvi Call at Taraor'a oowoUad for tha magaalno otoblag rataa". W eaa boto ra BMtoof bot w.sa. PahMr ni At tha Maman ranch S nltan Sooth aad ooa-foorth of a ajlla aan of Frcltlood. Idaho, on THURSDAY. Daeombor If. ISIS. Flto koad of horoaa til ahaaf) farm IaoMtooau hoaaohoM coda. rroa looch at 11 a. at. Sola otarta lioiadlataW aftar. C. A. Maaoajoo. uooar. BUT W.S.. NoUr of Aoaaal Tha annual moating of tho ahar. holdara of tha O.iarto National Bank, will ho hold In tho baah'ag oftto In tha eltr of Ontario, Oragoo. at p m.. on Toaadar. Jaa . 14, lflf aiactlon of dlraetora aad othar hoal u W F HOafAN, Sorratanr BOT W.S.8. Okaoofc Ooaaanpotlow Thla dlaaaaa la noarlr I wart hrot on hy had hahirk To affoet a par maaant riro you moat rorraet your hahlta In tha moaatlma taka Cham- I barlaln'a Tablata. Thay ara aaay ti i take aad moat agreeable la effart. Thay only coat a qaarter.-Adt. It-tl E. W DUNN "The Iowa Man" Have ao'.it Uyrtrrk and Oeotral Flno Salea la Oiagc f ' r paat 14 year J Ooarantte my Work. fall collaet, I7I-W PaMafW Maho Idalio Mr r H at Mai r-. aakaj , The local aoHcRtog a eoaacrfataao of IS4 a to which ho bora to eaeo I the coajaatop woa the Itloo of tho Btaodord OO 1444 44 chock woa mach arociatad Btroog effotto wore aaaSa to eobeertottooe frooi alt foraig aorattooa that ara making aaooey la Oatarto bot aaeodlag It elaa where. Tho moot pa ratal cat effort i woo made to procare a aoheertottoo , from the Idaho Power Compooy, kot , none eoold he obtained. The laat . letter, wrtttea to tha preeldent of tha ,'on.panv. at the Bolaa office waa not , an favored with reply All no pa d pledge card hae been turned trtir to sir k. m. rerry. or tha Flrat National Bank. In Ontario. Oregon, wh owfll act aa eollartor In the fotare Thla refera. ho water, to Ike pledge tarda In the Ontario Dia trlct only, and not thoaa which ware pledged at Vale In ronrlu.lon. I deelre to thank all prreon who have aa'atod me In thla drive, and to tbank the pabll for the manner In which they mat oar ao Itdtorc. and their generooa re Raapeetfully aubinltted. WW WOOD. Coanty Chatrrran CHRISTMAS SHOPPING CAN BEOIN AND END AT BOYER BROS. & CO. Gift Needs (or ell the Family Only Ten Daye Lett Special Christmas Sale of all Ladies Coats, Suits, Millinery Suits & Coats Sale Our ciitiif Ladfes' Suit and bat stock placed on Sulr until fbriatnuue. Uau- Ullr.: Ill pllri' t'lnlii 11 P.I M I t 4.".IM), liiostlv. II n are KToiita t need a Kar iiii-nt t lu si asoti, in'W is tin1 time to make quick Kflntlllll. Christmas Gift FURS Woman's and Minxes' Fu ra, Siiiifs anil sctH of Pol Squirrel, liuakravt, Rae i n, Mink, Wolf and "th- er tins. Priced .oo tu $35.00. Christmas Gift Waists $2.50 $12.50 I mint WaiHtx of ( Irene l- 'hint- and Georgette, Hu iuI or aquare necks. Ifanj laee and imbroider' trim i' ' st It's, als4 tailored ts." Millinery Sale OkM tided at mi all Mill-iiit-i-N . Ntw in tht time t select from Pattern Hats. Christmas Gift Yard Silk eat v in itt v ni tin- beat ilka and inessaliiit's tn selaet from at the nnst re aonablf prit Kimonas and Bath Robes New ttnej. Various it) lea, Choice AnHortmeutM . i rett daaigM and colors. Priced $1.50 to dtliMKi. MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S WINTER OVERCQ 4TS Are very .scarce and hiph. If we did not anticipate our wants practically a year ago the coats we are offering on Special Sale would have to pay $10 to $20 more. As it is we are able to offer you high grade all wol OVFRCOATS $19 .35 & $23 50 AS GOOD QUALITY COATS AS YOU EVER BOUGHT AS REASONABLE IN PRICE AS YOU EVER BOUGHT ALEXANDER ONt PRICE ILOIIUtR 0NIARI0. OREGON GIFT LAP KOHKS (ilFTHOSlKUV GIFT MXKWKAU (UKTUleOVmS OIFTUNDEBWEAH (JIFTSIK