iRnon. V DHCDMBBR II, lflt Rexall Remedu Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY HTOUK BO. Prescription Specialists America's Greatest Work Be Prepared for Annual Xmaa Membership Drive of Rod Croos Nyal Remedies TUB OBTAMO ABOUB, . SXe WSJWPe Mike laughed at the Judge ojaeaa' Hoi i Letters From Malheur County Boys Who Served Over There" olMMMMMMMMmMMMMMMMMMMMM for chewing Gravely. The Judge come right back at Mike with a friend ly chew jutt a couple of little aqunres off his plug of Real Gravely. Mike found that the chew stayed with him for n long while, and the morr I chewed the better it tatted. "There's the real tobac co satisfaction," says the Judge: "and it costs noth ing extra to chew this class of plug." It tn fmrtktr- Ikal'a vhy'yn mm trl tkt fW tc.t, :h-, . f utmn-m without ulm nil. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug t-w.v,t. yaBull'U tri tt UUUCl fJlTFTTTO How Could He Do It? certain well-to do youiig buairJeaa mail called at a bank tin other day and asked for loan ' 0609,00. Tli.' swnktr promptly took bin iMMMinal note tor the amount, ll Ill lie "In tills' Sijliph li.iilllS. .1 young man he eonuneneed doing bni Ineu thru tlif liank. lit- had learned early in life thai the bank could help him in many waya and tin- banker learned that tins young man was a sticker and ruuld be de m mini IllKili. In lai-t c.ich had IcaillH to l. the other. Voting men, there i on in thin for yon. Start now doing your business thru a good bank like owe. Stay h us and we will st.iv by you. 'irst National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. For the Beat Quality of Commercial Printing Call at the Argun Office ' CARTER GARAGE m riK iSfpH1 Hupmobile and Chevrolet Cars Goodyear Tires and Accessories THOROUGHLY aXflJlPPBO REPAIR HHOP HARVEY 4k atlCEIH. - A. IB r' In two' letter recently received by I Mr. and Mm U Adam from thalr son I Hpraguo Adam nf tlia Ts'uk ' France he (oils of his transfer Into sa orgaattaUoa mmti tn so to tM limit In ii "xulcldf hotel". Th't let ters iil.i predict II. i' curly ending ot the war, with s surprlelng degree nf scurary. He wrote a follows. In I Dearest Polka. Only a note tonight to tell you of a change In my addreas I'leaan let my frlenda know for me loci lime boen transferred Into C II 141 th nn . I' 8. Tank Corpa. 3rd llrigade. OtksrwlM my add rem la the 0M i l II 346th la a hunch formed around ., nucleua of men hack from the front for roenforcomer.ta. I heard about It and askc tain If any from our company would set a el'snen to gat Into It. and told him I'd like to Hia reply to ma was wn that the men would all he choaen I according to tha way thry oiiHllfled. Thla morning he (old me my name I was nrxi on (he Hat. I am very hsp- vrr mv in.-- shaaaa, and aipeot to MaS for the front soon now. Am 1 attaclird to the Tankers who have been active In alt the engagements you have read about, and were the drat American Tankara to make thalr appearance on the from ll folka. give my beet-to all. Wilts u often aa possible, and M sure to and abad a few atlrka of gum In all your letters. Your si'KAQUK Dearest Mother and Dad:- Juki had a letter from Larue B. and am glad to learn thai he la la Bonmtlilng that he likes Tha war news la greet those days ami I II bet the peni I" in the Mutes get pretty well worked up. I'd like to get a glluipxe of the l.oop la Chicago when the Sxtrse eon out I aent a ropy of the gtsra an I Btrlpaa again today sad the urtlcle on the first page la about my outfit They have had aoaie experiences al right 1 know all the Isda inentlon i.i in B. We expect to be on tha move In a few hours snd then my hopes will aooa be realised. If you doat bear from, or of me la the next 3 weks or eo, juat remember that no news la gont news and dout worry. I wlah 1 muld take l. k on the tsll end of my -.ulcldn hotel for s day. I'll lid hs waaN like It Krltx Is sbout done I think and a few waaka will tell s whole lot I aui yry glad of the change I made and I think when all U over that I will take great arid 'n eying (hat I was a member of the first American Tsnk I'nlt It a gat ml here now and s more beaut iful fail I never did aee I'll have to tall you aouui day I meat .loss now mid hope to hear from you eoon.Keep the lotterx rolling In and don't worry that doeau I help any of us and let- ii . il II Kill. Voiir urn, VpruKue Mr at.d Mrs. P. 8 Johnaon re the following letters ilmlrihelr son Kuinn tt tfha had re i in u. ii when the let ters were wrlteii be did not kuo of tha death of his brother. Klbert who wsa killed In aciloa soms time l- .,"" """"k ' "" ;" '" K" '"' Hie write to me. Burely you have heard from him by thla time. Well, there I" not much to write lata We are ha vlng Inapci tint, of rifles twice h day now and every one litis been ssxsy with oil snd brushes cleaning thn ruat off of them. Well, I will elOas for thla time. flood by, Your son. Ktnmett Somewhere In Krsnre O. toher 23, 1118. Dear Mother, I will write you n ' gat this evening ss I have time I wrots Inst to you shout the second . I believe. I Joined my regi ment In the llnea nt t tint IBM Htnl could not writs any more no mall win censored. I wrots two letters Btul one post card but could not xsnd Iheiu on I list account I know you have boon snxloua to hear from mo but will try and write oftener now. We are relieved snd out for awhile. i snd newapspera all right. I am well and feeling Will .l hi-hIii Minn as I can gel mime paper. Well, go for i hia time. P.H I hiiven t hciird from Elhart yet To be wounded and gaaei la the experience of which Herbert I'aul of thla city writes to a frleml manner In which lie ukea hia "link'' Is typlraly American, according to follews: net ir, thla la not a Ii from the dead, JukI one from j vary negligent aergenni In the corps. I might alao add from a very! sorry and penitent one. Am not soJng l io make sny Axeuses, only g.ilng tot tay that afiat at) uaaafer came n that 1 quit writing evorvi.. i only, wroia one or two tatters a mot home. Twas thla wsy. After report ing for duty at the tauk canter 1 waa aent to school (lank achool) and aa I ' hSd l make up s big lead, that the class I wanted lo graduate with had on ma, I had to work very k wttlrh 1 did. I atudled every night and. It was work for me, It had bean so long since I had doaa any rtudylag thai I had almost fo. gotten how. II .ausgod to natch up with the claao . and grsdaataj a aergeant. When I w.-a transferred I had to tn re lured. t ;ug kaow Klght alter that w waat to the front and UJ ycu may lnar a fellow gets no time to writs tie Wo didn't even get t'nie li gMMp hardly The flret I days we had I . houra aleap you aM Imagine how much time we had even for thinking .if hoaie. Theu we ware pulled otf that front snd aent til The only .rest we had was one daya travel by train and believe me xicpi every nilti n i at it In fact Imve had Bo rest pciin.i el out I'ullni off oae frost ami All ii ght mn ea. About ilavllKht we v. mi 1,1 pull Is to some wood and get two or tin houra sleep and tlivu up working mi the tanks to get them In unupe foi other night's march or for going lata n I hava beau wounded twice at.. I gasaeit usee. Am In a boaal with u piece out nl my lea i Bloat Una ut'd uuxloux to get hn in ur niiirit ldon't like a I ml ,iever will I hop i ii- ui ao in one. I have had on till or tbem I aasaawhere In Prance Oct. 33, 131 K Hear Mother, Will write you a few lines again today The wemiiir I aud warm (bra (I realsoasssm t-auii I wrote lo you fr iiigbti- i i i i few I sag Bssaipaoy in the llaes i ' lie, ed a few days sgo ami i asTS back blll'tt'ri in a smsll tomu that ' k - .... . ki-i.....i.i. --i duver iu the arm aud fractured .t ! W. ".. .!.., w. .HUHI. """F , ii.iui three .1 were pulled oat back for a mi'' l 'I pari about It AbmI '.litis 1 ,ii. out a k I. line, at that Had I. In Hie afternoon and . .iNksasblybn ajsJss lri had lskt abut off the rumin aid oped out when Kiit dri a exploalve ahell aksMI i in" lent from sa A nhel fragment Bit leg and another hit the and one little grocery store. I res: oflvM) our letters tkst yeu seat as alright 1 set Klhert a address sad rata to Mu, right bat have not hoard a wo rd from hiss yet. I caasul UBderstaad why be dove aot The shsll killed four and wouadad i. 1 gaaas t waa lecky at thai My dri ver hi in bad ax lo uis and aa we beta 3 good aroas aast foaa sags between aa we rau gal along Hate. I roll hia cigarette am) write for him and he geta water and tobac co for me. The only thing we ralas Is mail Haven't had any mall for so long that wo hava forgotten what II la Ilka to 3 any. Never get any mall at the front. Bet that there Is a xtock of It at our bead quarters. Am going lo write and have them forward ii ml my driver's. Haven't anything more of Interest in write ilium! ho am suing to say goodbye for this time and get a lll- tln alenp Sleep Is about nil I have been doing alnoe thn first of llieio Thla is a new hoapitul mnl i 17 h not gotten ail thalr nuppli in AH thn paper you get at a tine Ik aheet ami orjo envelope. M, oilier BgBe I wrote home. It ws latter in 5 weeks I guaaa. As always, Herb. Bgl. II. B. I'sul. Co A. 323 Iln. Tank 1 311 Tank Center, A. I' O. 711. Give Something Electrical This Christmas See our Stock of Electric Irons l.anges Percolators Chafing Dishes Heating Pads Waffle Iron? Washing Machine Sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Et Idaho Power Company - . People's Pressary IS STILL DONG .00l)Wt1)tK (IEANIN(, IftfJu Will guarantee to not U -.v ftffiy odor of gasoline or chemicals, jn your clothes trhatt'ver. WWyVk guaranteed.- mmc(V'A Ami m Ihim also jnH v tn! sIhm rat I'iti rvonii n '!" vAv!Vl II t 'olin ill .iliil li,t - V '" I1...I, lil. Il 1 ;1inl' We ioivtl -', illlil T lllillk ol lili.Wli. w Uo'jwVttswiJivJtaivUfci Mill's and NNniiicn's Htio RhiiiiliM I'ui'lor ill rorrnr,ftiir'"' '"- . tirr ! L