The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 12, 1918, Image 1

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The Ontario Democrat
NO. 2
wak m drive is
mm mmm coi ty luwr-
Action of Foreign Corporations Sur
prise tf'.imo of them Are Ornrr
oes Others Even Ignore Intern
Requesting; Assistance.
W W. Wood, county chairman of
tha War Wo'k drive, makes the following-
report of I hi Campaign In Mil
hour county, and mora particularly In
the Ontario district.
Tha flrtt quota assigned im by the
tata cor Httee waa $11,400 for tha
county We were Inaraaftar requsttd
to Increase thla by SO par cant, mk
lag a maximum quota of 117.100
Br agreement with Mr. Eastham. tha
county wm divided Into two parti.
Tha Octcrlo Dlatrlct In eluded all of
the inake rlvi.r ftlley, and the Vale.
District Included tha remainder of
Ontario Putrid Included all of
dartook to ralaa 68 par cant of tha
oounty quota and the Vale District
45 oar cant Thla care Ontario a
minimum quota of $02T0. and a
maximum quota of $0,406 Tha
niliilnium quota, for Vale Dlatrlct waa
96,180. and the maximum quota
The local committee at Ontario
consisted of Maaara. II B. Coekru),
.W. 8. Ijixon, . H. Tent, W. V
' man. P J Uallegcr. D. M Taggort.
and W W. Wood O. K Aiken had
charge of tha publicity department,
while Prof. K H Douglas ami Nl
seVay. Clerk looked aflat th,- Viuwrv
. Boys and Ulrls part of tha drive.
A club of f 100 subscribers was or
ganised, and proved to be a popular
part of the campaign The following
. We honored mem bars of the 9100
flub In this drive, to-wlt A I.
. tockwm, J U. Uleckaby, E. C. Van
Peti s Watson. Tip O'Nell,
Tom Broiusn. Dalton lljggs. I.
Adam, John Wood, K.ank Radar, H.
' C. Boyar, David Duiibur, E W
llowland, 8. D. Dorman, Standard
Oil Company, Eastern Oregon Land
Company, and the Oregon and Weet-
ern Colonisation Company. The
Standard (ill Company was requested
to contribute $100, but evidently was
not satisfied with 'this small amount,
and gave the local committee a happy
surprise by sanding In a check for
in- no Instead.
Local coniniltteea war appointed
la (ha various districts surrounding
Ontario, and all of them rendered
splendid servlre
Tha work at Nyaaa waa placed ta
charge of a committee composed of
K M Dean, Hay Wilson. II T Frsi.
ele. f C Hunt, and Pater Tensea.
This committaa tuads a splendid
start, but tha "flu" came along and
caught Dean and Wilson, and sent
them to bed, ao tha hardest part of
the work waa left to the other mem
bens of the committee They were
equal to tha oooaalon. however, and
secured eattefactory results.
A large proportion of the funds at
both Nyaaa and Ontario were secured
by voluntary subscription, without
any sollc'tetlon.
Tha following Is auromary of tho
results of the drive, as the same ap
pears at the date of this report.
District Total
I . . $ 27.5
IB 321 lb
98 124.15
2 4 50
20 14.26
81 840 60
22 . 163.75
46 and 47 . 204.09
1 . . . 270.02
4 118. SO
72 7.60
Total $2,581 12
N lli
i my -
t 8.249 1
. t.TO
. O.St
Total Ontario Diatrtot
Total 10.001. 14
The amount of pledges la the
Nyaaa district is estimated, as we do
not have a full report of them at
K ra
King her mother
"f Ik deatl
White Pine wh'
i' the camp of t
bar Co '
'ogs which struck
stantly. His neA
his cheat crushed
- ta here Tin
1 MO .i M. .
hnahand ,u
i workln i
In i
l .oil
Iliad him n
broken and
Mrs. blvens wenl to White Pine
Monday evening and brot tha body
home. Funeral sarvlcas will be hM
(rum the Babtlst church Sunday af
ternoon at 2 '90.
Mr. Blvens waa 84 yaara old and
leaves beside his wlte, hla mother.
Mrs. Mary C Hlvens and a brother
C. E. Blvens and a stater, Mrs. J,
n. Morgan all of Denver. His
mother and Mrs. Blvens' brother,
Hiram Gordon who la at Camp Lew
Is will arrive here for the funeral
Mr aad Mra. Blvens came to On
tario two years ago from Steamboat
Springs. Colorado, where they were
married tea years ago
time. Mr Eastham Informs me that
there are still two or three precinct
In hla district that have not reported,
and when these reports are in. ii
will bring the Vale dlatrlct up to
$8,600, or batter. That will place
tha oounty well over the $ 16,900
mark, aad to naagUirig to be a sat
isfactory showing in view of the
advaree conditions under which the
drive waa made
Tha local expenses of the drive en
far reported are $66 70 which ta tor
adverttotaf, stationery, postage aad
telephone bills
The quotas for several rural dls
trlcta would have been larger II all
the residents of those districts bail
placed thalr suhaorlpttaae at home
la several Instances, however, thev
nubacrlbed at Ontario, aad tba'JBBd
the effect of cutting down the topi
would be Impossible to segregate all
of those specific Instsnoes without s
great deal of work, which we think
the results to be obtained do not
Oeorge Harper was chairman of
District number 0. Hla district Is
"parealy settled, but he waa abb i i
i ore a i uhscr vtton of II r,0 per
head for every human being In the
Mrs. W. (luv Thompson selected
her own committee and canvassed
District number IX, which 1 the
Owyhee district. Fourteen Vlci.o.
hove and girts were obtained In ttiti:
district, with an aggregate suberrlp
tloa of $66 00 Th following per
sous were solicited to subacrlla ami
refused to do so, to. wit 8. D
H'galow. J Kyger. and K I. Mac
Utterly rict number 22 ta loos ted on
1st. Mr John II Howard
had charge of the work in thta dis
trict, and produced sallefactory re
sults ,.;
Number It is a district juat acrose
from Welaer Mrs K. 1 Patch
handled the work la this district III
an able tuauaer. and has no . ause
to be ashamed of the results pro
duced. Hgns Oft Is the cbsinusu who had
charge of district number 30 Me
found but two men in his district who
refused to subscribe to the fund, snd
these mil are Mr. Wiley Prekea an 1
Mr. Bd Decree.
Dlsirlrt number 91 la the largest
t oh Dead Ox Flat The work
hare was In charge of thst "grand
old war horse" Frank M. Northrop,
snd a committee of able aaniatants.
The loyalty of the people In that dls
i Oct Is atteated by the fact that they
subscribed the remarkable total of
To l M BcNHM "''ii Kex Merqu
fell the honors of conducting th--i.iuipalgn
In the ast half of dattrl t
number 88. Tba only man ths
foued wlio would not respond was Mr
,.r, who claimed I hat he waa
..oor to make a euucrUili
r I ..ii key was originally ap
pointed cha'.rgtaa ta district sembei
96. but was stricken with the "flu. "
aud could pot serve Ira T Dall m
substituted in his place and to
gether with S;ck 8 ml lb and K H
this distn
was Mr
red very as' n
lly man encoentered In
ho refaaed to Mhearfee
Lsawav. im
Mr A Vou Reedeu suede a thor-
: ougn Oauvaaa of dtetrtet number 40,
ihtalned aatiafaitory results, ta
this district Mr J H FarWv aUlec
i that be wee unable to contribute
while Mr A M Jaeokee aad J K
Commercial Clab WiU be Hosts At
Dinner For diectarers aad)
Those who Attowdr Pro-
The Drainage and Irrigation school
of the Extension division of ( A
C. opens here Friday and on Satur
day evening following tha final lec
ture the Ontario Commerc'.al club
will be host for a turksjr dinner at
the Silver Grill.
An Interesting program covering
every phase of Irrigation farm prob
lems has been outlined and will be
carried out Among other things the
Malheur Drainage system will be
Among the victims of "flu" well
known to Ontario boye and girls
war John Melvln Babcock who died
t Orovllle, Wash., on November SO.
Hla body was brot to Ontario last
neck and funeral services were held
here attended by the bereaved fam
ily and his former chums. John wss
only 16 years old. bul waa a big boy
for his age. He was born here on Or
tobcr I, 1008, and lived here until
the family moved tp Washington
lnt summer.
Mr and Mra. W W. Hlnton return
ed yeetarday from Hot Lakes where
they were called by the sudden death
of Mr. ninton's brother.
Mra. K W twaglar and daughter,
lone, have recovered from attacks of
the Inflaensa.
Miss Emma Wilson has been visit '
n x st the home of Mr and Mrs A.
Uramee for the pact few days She
has been here demonstrating tha uses
Of nut butter st K A Kraser's store
for the Huloa Meat Co of Portland.
Morrta t'onwajr. son of Mr. and Mrs
nway who was here for several
days this week left last night for his
home In Portland. He came here en
routc from Ke Wet Florida where
he waa in training at the Naval Air
Mica Joyce Turner who has beam Hi
with the "flu" at the fells
In Caldwell Is reported better m."
rler sister, Mlaa Margorla who went to
laid wall to take care of her has re
turned home.
Mr ad Mrs D. B, Pay toe. formerly
of Raker, arrived In Ontario the first
of i he weekend Intended to send
their small son to school here
Mrs J P Hill la beck at her work
at the Purity Bakery after several
daya lllues with tonsllltls ' .
Sgt Irving Harris Is enjoy iuc n
furlough from army life at Camp
Lewie and Is vlsit'ng with his parents
here In Ontario
J I' Hill Is expected to return on
1 si ii r day from Vancouver Harrarkr
re ha has been a member efthc
Spruce corps
Ernest Bar. us the Purity Hakerv s
baker Is reportel Improving after a
i week'a lllneee.
District Attorney It W rtwagler Is
in Portland this week attending the
aeaalona of the Uraad Lodge of III- K
of I' aad Incidentally to assist Sen
Julian Hurley win the honor of twins
ted Vice Chancellor fommun
i I iiiloQeld of Skullear'.ngs wax
lutarlo vlll. H over Sunday
Wearer both refused to com
nea aleo refused t
tribute to the fund statin,.
did not believe in work of M
J and that it was the duly a4
went to fuili ah the .,:
with the things which Hit
District number 46 ami 17 r
In the Big Bend territory l were lobked after by Mm I i
of that section She states that the
results would here been much larger
ttojBB. H the bay aud oth
been marketed at tha time
..- made
(Continued ea. Page 8i
Fow New Case ta Pact Week
Type of Hlncsu. Heenaa to be Ieee
Vtralnet Than In Paet.
The "flu" epidemic appears to
be receding again. After the flare
up of last week there haa been no
new cacec reported thin week, and
many of those taJtoW 111 laat week
are making rap'.d recovery-
The doctors assert that there Is
an apparent change In the character
of the attaoks which their patients
are withstanding as compared with
thn first caeca, the dlaeeee now ap
pears to be leas virulent.
The only death of the past ten
days was that, of Ignatius Faulkne-
son of Mr. and Mra. Pat Faulknet
He la the second victim In that fam
ily In lees than 10 days.
Mr. aad Mrs. J R. Fortler and
their eon Edgar were taken III last
Friday but all had light canes and
arc much better.
C. M. Beaumont of Kingman Knl
ony waa In town on business Wednes
Mra. Hcraehel Browne left Stindav
evening for Missouri where she will
visit her psrents pending the return
of her husband from the Coast Artil
lery service.
Mr and Mra. H. R. Douglass enter
tained at oarda laat Saturday evening
Their guests were: Mr and Mrs P. J.
Gallagher. Mr. and Mrs W II Hrooke
snd Mr. and Mrs O K Alkaa.
a ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W Plstt and
children of Parma spent Sunday at
Ihehomeof c. W. Plait
LaRuc Blackaby who lias bean a
candidate for a commission at the
officers' training camp at Camp Ta
lor Kentucky arrived home last night
deo. Howe, O. F Neeeo snd Rev
C. H. Blom attend the convention o'
the Baptist laymen st lio:ae on Tues
C. W. Johnson and A H Defies,
business men of Ellenaburg. Wn .
were registered at the Moore hotel
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. T M. McDnnlula'atid
children arrived Monday from Sen
Francleco. They will make their
home near here until after Mr Mc
Daniels haa nnlahed his work on
vYariiisprlngs project.
Mise Vivian Weaver of Wi
luirg. Wn , is visiting with kef broili
ar aad sister Mr snd" Mrs Wesley
Potter at the Moore hotel now She
iiad been leachlux In Wushlngtou but
her school was eloaed Iherc s short
lime ago on account of the flu
Mr. and Mrs A.cble Myers si
able to be oul doors again after un
del going a rather severe attack of
tonallitls I'bey ere going i Drew
aey the last of I lie week
Itoy Smlili. deputy fount) i lark.
came over from Vale on Sun. I... to
visit friends and lelaihea Me re
turned home on Monday
The friends of Mas Lucy Thomp
son aided her In celebrating her
birthday, yesterday evening, by giv
ing a dinner in her honor si th.
' Teacherage The gifts wort hfol
in MtC In tag. 'n a hUK"
baakel aud . asion.-cl great
101 1 lineal among the gm
prow ntiitlon The guests were Mra
Fdtia Li HI
H. Joi v
Helen 6ml
is Mtl.HI I R MO) 'M i i .
f larenee Vandivei ef H
i an dlecnargrd from I
I i x '
hi het a , two
armistice was algnsif.
ex. -i
there in mid ocean wireless or
were received which turi
back "There was a ai
soldiers ofl thet boat bl ewe i
said Vaedlver aa he walked up
Koii st ret yesterday afternoon i
lea for a barb
The folowlng information t aken
from the Lebanon, Oregon, Expre-.
will no doubt prove of Interest to a
large number of Ontarlana who are
among the friends of one of the prlti
"Mrs. Cordn Marquis, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. W H. Cecil, recently be
came the bride of Benjamin Hunting-1
ton, Jr., of Drain. Oregon, which will I
he their future home. ' Mrs. Hunt
Ington la a woman of personal charm
who baa made friends with all who '
have met her during brief visits tn I
l-ehsnon She is a trained nurse,
who haa been very success ful In bet
calling. Mr Huntington Is a mem
ber of a well known pioneer family
of Southern Oregon He Is a suc
cessful buslnece men, and as served
at chairman of the various liberty
loan drives In his community it -haa
served two terms In the Oregon
legislature and Is now mayor of his
home town. Mr. and Mrs. Hunting
ton are now making a brief visit at
the home of her parents."
- A atudent body meeting was held
yecterday morning at which a heated
dltcusslon of an annual for this year
took place It was flnslly decided
against having one, the chief reason
being that o ng to the amount of i
work to be made up there would not
he sufficient tl-in for making up n
god annual nmmlttee wes ap
pointed to see whether a pager or
some other substitute would take the
place of the former Owachec "
At thla same meeting on account
of the long eheenoe of Jack Peterson, I
the atudent body treesurer. It was de
cided thst another waa needed at
once and nomlnatlona were placed
open for new rand I'.atua John Odell
waa clocted unanimously to fill he.
vacancy. A committee waa also ap
pointed III I ...!!...' til - I
The Senior girls have undertaken
in conduct in. Red Croee campaign
In the high lu-iug the lied
Cross Roll Call we MwOt
sh p Tlie Seniors have also declared
thst they "guess It Is up to them to
put pep Into the high school thai
year." We haven't heard whet the
other rlasaee have to say about ihl
The benefit obtained by the high
school boys thru military drill is
clearly hhnwu by Hie rapid '
lions they have made after enicrln;
th service. In the laat laaue or th -i
-i if, g given the fol-
names of Ontario 8. A. T. C.
boy who gained tholr promotions af
ter two months' training: F'rst Ser
geant Arthur If fockrum and for
porals Donald foiiklln. Dorr
aa I. I'm. Fred M Orsmse
.iii.l J Bryan Neel
in the last Iceuc el IBM 0 A C
lisroiueter we noticed the name of
...11 It.'.l.leli Bg III lug Sino'li;
the 1) girls chosen out of three hun
dred candidates for the O A. C
uih Miss Von lleedcn was
tod as on alto
Martin Moore returned the first of
ii. .. ii. m ih-hh; absent tor corns
.mil ,,t illness
Catherine Nebb relumed Monday
after an absence a io Influanaa al
her lioiite oilier pupils who have
n , ovcred from attacks of Influeuxa
and arc now buck at school .ire Lola
ate I Hurry Neece and Bid du
James McCrelglil unil orl er
arc now ubsenl on ucc. uui ot the In
ueiixa. Misa Trceaa Cox has been made an
Honor men. lie! ,,! ihc I illverslly of
ill M H S
Ontario Ho In I aaualt)
i.i.i gMaaBXtj Bepnrtad
xuiongi he Oregon names m ri
.. , lists wei ..
i .-. rtobert
i-ii i
i. .
in v v. i .-,
sioirr mahmh u i m kill ii d
W.lhoul taklug their man. i
Into their confidence Ray Frank Un.
Ontario's Bight marshal!, and Miss
, oa.ii cere married el the
liaptlst personage last Saturday v-,
Hav f II HI. ic Tba young
couple are uow receiving the ougrat '
as of Ibeir eurprlaed Irleada.
. father, seven I
iee slaters. The body wes
Will Not Hoilrlt Children i l lor 10.
They May Jln, of t'l.niwi, Bet
Can be Members of Junior Onran
i at Ion.
"Join." That ta the slogan
chosen for the Red Croee Christmas
drive which takea place next weak.
And the committees under the di
rection of Mra. W. 'j. Plnney are
anxious that Ontario Chapter will
standard. Thla can onlv be done by
a great effort , which should be
largely voluntary on the part of the
Headquarters for the drive will
be eetebllshed In the Rmtaon A
Adam offlc... opposite the post Of
ge, where memberships can be se
cured all week, on Wednesday a
regular drive will be made In tb
.liy and In the country whore pos
sible, but meny homes can not be
visited on account of the "flu".
These will he listed and visited la
ter. No effort will he made to aollcli
memberships from children under
16 for the regular ObaptaW hut
will be aaked to enroll In tha Junto
organisation Of course parents who
desire whole family membership
may have them.
The local committee has appointed
f 0 Defreea. treasurer of the Mem
bership Drive and N. Alexander la
f!ua chairman.
II P Davidson, chairman of I
It., I Croae War Work Council haa
Issued the following statement con
, .in ng the need for membrsbii
In the organisatien:
"As we shall conduct no further
campaign for war funds, Hie Itnll
fall will constitute the vary founda
tion of Red Cross effort In the future
and I firmly believe thst re fat
oi the Bad fioss will be devoted to
nice which can not receive taea
than the whole hearted and active
support of the whole gUBkBffaM peo
ple and Its ability to realise thai the
future will be dependent upon that
rt alone 1 urge you and your
assistants to exert redoubled effort
to mske Ibis Roll fall In Hie period
of transition from War to Pi
such a tremendous success thai our
Red Cross orgsnlxstton. which hei
been hull) lo such huge propoi
lions nut or love I ef
fort during the war. msy continue
to be sn agency yf human service
worthy of the whole American
Hon "
;. ! Ii. i
lie. Deceiui i ske.
Oregi n The deceased was 81
years, 6 mouths i I B do "id gad
l-eves a wlx dl I' ' - ' i cl..
l 'ill I. d ..I Mai
t H
mil -liti tlii
preni s I hay foiuid ll irg-
i i Hi' it , tas-n.-
g. i.h.i :..iea and
as wei i rjj-.s
from Ha- I oiisc Tl,- ' I.. IS Is
uuiei: al sevei.
Isr IhBI
I rin.lng liar- bee..
avalwaeeau rl
Wllllsin i'
old sou or Mr aad Mrs. Clifford
Boulevard, died Mou-
resu.l of i fu-,u Funiral seril-
I ; info
daughter of Mr and Mra. O.E Moore,
died December 4, 1016, of lei
Burial was made Friday afUrnoou In
the Ontario id l
Mooie In, i in ibis c.ty fur
g brief lime aud the sympalliy of Hie
entire i an' m unity is .
them nud to Mr snd Mrs I