ft dhttaw Qrm. The Ontario Democrat ONTARIO, MALHEUR OOUNTT, OREGON, THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1918 NO. 1 ' ... 1. 1. i ' i MIL GIVES ROVAL OF BUDGET IIHK RKVKNIKH M-l lM COM I NO VHAK I.KVV or IILLN WILL UK NRVKS- IHAHV ON ItlliK'Hi ILI ruts COUNGILMEN PRESENT for Right to Oo I'lat of I .anil Ownership la I ih rim .Ink llamim fur nam- mi- 11)- Hand ami Water. waa plenty of wore for the i 1 which ha prealded over On- I ItuRlnea for the part two year It met at the City Hall Monday council room held a crowd.1 I.Kn.l ...,!., ,. ,h. flllt"e '". Having lBeil ICK flSIOre .U..1.1 . . ..-.- ...all I. IK wniii n mi i uiiiiinriini th. moat lnt.re.ed trpact.tor.l M.vnr elect R W Jonas and Mayor-eieet it. w. Jones and monthly meeting, and per ollowlng memberB of hla official' ply for next year: Councllriien- A I McOowell. Hugh Allen and la Iron el I hie meeting proved an ad.fiuate nple for them of the work they have to perform for the aH) Mt next blenlum and they watched , proceeding with interest. hie prUicipal business whteh the noil had before It wa the budget ipensee for the coming year for i It waa neeaaaary to provide necessary funds There waa no rtlon offered to the budget but rllman C ft Emlaon objected to i tor, M.. ratoed from I..7 2:1 mlilt Ir. Kmlaon did not propose to re-1 the budget, but argued that the It council could go on a warrant tls If sufficient fund were not on Id to pay the hill Ippoeed to hia viewpoint t'oun n A I. Co.krum. V W lAttaon W. L. Turner argued that alnce valuation of properly In the city been reduced from K I 3,00 " U.oou there waa actaally no In In amount of taxes lo he raised Hat alnce the budget had been red It waa neeeeeary to proceed I cure the money to meet it The thea paased at II mill E. I -see presented a bill of 124 mages and work necessary on Iblng fixtures In hla reald. other property owned or con- by him, due to the presence ind In the water main while the at the new plant was out of or Other citlxen and members of, council declared that the had fared similar damage and Ineoa- iree. The bill was laid mi the lie with Instruction to hold It until total amount of damage duu- lid be ascertained and step made collect sent from the calirornt rel Kilter company which had the itracf for that part or the yatem "he regular reports of the various Iclal were received and the couu alao passed on the record leading to the sale of the lUnrroft bond m the East aide sewer. Ii a iiuarborn preeented to the HajMi'i a request for payment tor Mia record and plat of land owuerauip the eit) whl.li he hud prepared Phla record, he aald. had been . opi.-t , it ..hi in u. .i aa I'age I) BUY W.S.B. RED CROSS CHAPTER HOLDS ITS ELECTION r. II H. Wl.itnr) Hr-rlVlrl I1w4. uVnl Willi Kulira Offklal rauatl) Keiuluesl Keporta Are si-.thoa The ii.iD'ial elavtlon of the On A it. C aa held at Iht evening with the result n at Whitney aud lb enure rd of directors nd officer wa tauiiuiiuHl) retained. Tho most Mut'tlius thing of the aetiag waa lUe report ef work tmn ring i magnitude of compltskuiaats surprised even In touch with the M uiplsie report will be given ha 'Arge. "OOTLBUGUU PLAY HARK JOKM OK HHKH1KFH ACTO Word wm nMnd here to day of a mischievous Joke play-. . ed on Deputy Sheriff Lee Noe by tome boot logger near Mc IWmlt this week While out In that auction In search of whisky pedlera the officer had an aoei dent to hla oar and had to leava It In aeore help, while be waa rone the boot letter found the car and remeved. tires, carburet -or. cushion end every thtag a- bout that would move. Tlie Sheriff haa several Idea on the subject of bot legger now. BUT W.B.8 n.r iwaddkh tore: ok THK AKOl'M THIS WKKK Homer Maddux who operate the Antne linotype la 111 thin week with the flu and therefore thla issue wm "" " undr tllfflcitltle Carl Qnble of the Caldwell Tribune force c"mo lo '" " "" relieved 'he nit nation Mr" J A "addui I alao III with Homer did. both are reonrled dolnsi - - well. Among th other flu victim ! - r - oth aona of Rev. and Mr.. W. Luacombe. J " !. ' 1. ' I CHVNt.K i UM'iTION During the paat week the Style! Shop made It debut to Ontario bul-. Men circles. The Style Shop Is new, the Style I aa styles usually are, bat like them, too, ha the ubtnce of long ac quaintance and wear, for the Style Shop I the new name for what we the Millinery Art Store The change In nsme wa made eo-j Incident with th change of lot for the Institution la now esooased j In the Carter Hotel lilork where added usee sins. ska, ti lumen I riiatrlai iniat.! Ilia T ' ' Ml Georgia Hull, proprietor of; the business, I preparing for Im portanl enlargement In the limine.. Imlmllug tlio Inlriidiicllon of new Unas. The formal opening of Mir Htore, on which s week of hard work ha been devoted to arrangement etc . take place Prlday and ttalurd.i of thi week. BUY WS.S. GUY C. WEESE MAKES SUPREME SACRIFICE Hon of Jlr. mii.I Mr. l-onanl M HrM.rtrtl 1. 1 1 oaail. Janaea K, Keawkk I oaely Weauideil. in tne casualty un w, A.uer..... benana who pant the auprtnue 1 flee waa the name ol tin- .hires given however, wes A ' uine. oiegoti. but It I believed here that a mistake lu I lie addraaa was made In the transmission of the list. and that the .voting men aa tin. Weaae. sou ot Mr. and Mra Leoaaril weeee of Mils . Ity, and a brother of i)r yy J. Weeee. Tbl belief Is based upon two facta: that the first nam and initials - are those of the Ontario boy. an.' further tact thai the name, of the uwarest relative waa given Mrs Nancy V, eaac, which .orreaponus wiui h,i Uf Mra. weeae nere. Mr sad Mr. Weaea also kuew that M.eir sou as in rrauc anu nan In action, no that they are con , riaeed that it ia their sou who )M died Young Woeae enlisted la the regu lair army three yeer bko at the tl ,i,i. II. .., ear old ea taw servi. (he hor.lei hofore go "P to eraiu He iia.l aal long been a resident of, the atatementa eoacernlag the situs Luting .oma here tbe yearltlaa wera correct and maay exagge. i with hi- patent from aasouri iuoihei tiiiiwrio resident who re-; , a4a sad new following the lgn-l r the armistlea waa Mlaa Ituby Keuwick of the Public bbsbbbbI farultv week she learned of the narlou . wound Buffered by har brother Jamea K Teuatck on aepteaiber II Vouiig Kenwleh entered the ruiv fn.ui Jordaa Vallay He la the ana of Mr aud Mra. Jama it Keawfcm dan Valley loeeg reawlek waa a member of the Hat Division 4 to the laielllgaaea depart meat of the lllat Infantry I ir a u Moore waa celled to Bra gee aa Tuesday Me reaarta that work oa tha canals for the Warm-; I BBBlaaa BMMMKxawTaMKH Red Cress Christmas Membership Is Answer to Destitute Millions Appealing to Million of men, women and child ren In Northern Franoe, in Belgium, In Italy. In Serbia and la the near Kaat will die thla winter unlaw the American Red Cro can give them the needed relief. To fulfill Its mission of mercy, to u i or the the deatitute the American lied Croaa ha aa much work to do now as tho the war were "till going on, mly the nature of the prim -: ij 1 work ha changed. Instead of Ml ivntrating on lurglcal dressing and hospital supplies for the army. Uie energlee of thla merciful organlaatlon are now bent on relieving the Buffer ing of the innocent victim of MM conflagration that liaa rwept ovor Europe and Aala. ... . .., -- """ " rector of the Red Croaa ( hrlatmea Tl.l I- .!. m.a. Ihkl Um II Memherahip campaign want to bring before the American people They now ,", "" 'm"" """ ''imi ,..,. .i-r.hln. unless the Ch.n- " " e..h,,.hi,u "- Principle of Justice tor the amall . .,. Ih a l. -hi ... .. ... . ef ear to the call for help from the! t.atlon with whom we have fought on the aide of righteousness. They k ii,.i i.i. . I,.. .uiWaaaul ih. ayajipathle of the people thru It ter-jou rlble agencies, and that Americana at i RRIGATION MEETING ATTRACTS INTEREST K.x client f'rograiit tffei e Near I'liaae of IrHgatlon farming TV. He IHwuueil IUii.tiet liM-Ing Number IM.na for the Irrigation an.r.lialn -I ins to ka held In onlsrio Prl day and Saturday of next week. December II' and 14. under the aua pleee or tM Oatafto Oositi ' Oira nd the Dragon Agricultural College are rapidly nearlng completion and Indications of a Urge attendance 111 patota In Malheur County and nearby districts In Idaho are al ready apparent io,,irrui I being arratiKed i. topics of III in all plia.es of Irrigation ! u u.l pra ttce Percy Cupper nel apuotated State Engineer and John H Lenrte, retiring ntaie engineer. nsv unru . i. .. -i... !.! .I.M. n. iti.l ...... ..!...- ............... P.-.- . ... program and have signified their ,PIllU11 , .lHead. Among other who will lead In a dlscuaaloii of various topic of Interest will be M It Lew- la, drainage engineer of the C S. De- aastameat of Agriculture. John nun ,.l, ..n Irrlsullon en.ineer ,1'ortland I'rof eaaor W I i'owers. naa ei in.i riapartmaut of Irrlgatlou and drlti age of tbe Oregon Agrl. altera! t'ol (Contlaeea on Page I.) BUT WM. RUMORS AND REPORTS ABOUT THERUVARYt . Treat nl to Hiixtrla to laralii. Vartoaa itle Nuiubrr of , rlavrn Im-reaae hVomewlial Haa KOH (y Outarle wa genuinely stirred up ulHillf the flu tilth wi-'-k. nut inn Bail ated rumor were spread broadceal. ! proven aiinoui rouaaauou wiie, luvjast At least three cltlieus who are n reeeverhig were reported to I uw gg having died dutlug tV and the aamber reported wa exaggerated. Th facta are that there Inereaaa la the aamber ot twaen laat Krlday aad M three deaths Oae of the, s Mexlcae. eaaie from Mrs Ml.i.ael ii.yca and Mr Malt t ReeVasll Mrs Jayee's death waa extremal aasMea. Baa bed beee HI but a dv or two she aha died Saturday after- laued na America for Relief home will not desert the nation with whom our aoldlara have fought. But with the attention of the peo ple cantered on the coming peace con ference, and on the Influence situa t Inn, many will not manifest the In tereet In the Red Croaa heretofore thowL "That la why. "aald Mr. W. J I'inney, Chairman of the local roeml. rnhlp drive committee, "we ere appealing to every man and wo man within the jurisdiction of Ontar io Chapter eat He auiillarlee to be a committee ot one to urge very on v to pledge anew hla or her allegiance to the Red Croaa by taking a Christ ma aaembenihlp. Membership Week lceinbT in Mat. The big drive for member will at, on Heceraber IS .:. . ., . nd will con- tlnue thru December IS. In that time there null be enrolled In th Ontario Chapter and Ha auxlllarlea! M, , o , dcr,... , , of the number now raembera. tin t.rlol orooer ha. 100 while the auxlllarle have 751. It doe not take great tudy to ene that a glgan tu t races me memernip ram- mita unlaa the nubile alvea aener- .j . ,.. , ,., and voluntary reaponae to tlilx appeal. BEE MEN HOLD ANNUAL MEETING THIS WEEK Over a tjaartrr of Million IHllr toasj t Weal Hi of Hila Hew- 1 1, .ii H the llu During Hummer iiniari.i ...ii.-rtalned the utiniinl g of the Id.lio Oregon If - t. . i..i - T,.-.-.iu ...,l RS'r-jirji fr-'" imi (tail irii ovs.USB) pan Wlnsd-y of thl. week TM big outalBtuling feeture ot th- meeting wa. th report of He. retary H J Karrell of Caldwell who u,innn.l t list ilurlns the iinat sen- ., the eaaocMUoa bad sold 1221, ' 000 00 worth of honey .ltd that with I the supply still on hand to be .old Uir tfom DUII,neH- wouia be eorae- where between fle0."'ii and 1270, 660 Thl Is by fsr Mi biggest htial d tv .n- haamen of thi ,,.,,,, N.r before have the price . hl . aBd .... demand o -.,,, riia haaau also decided on the ru.. of kaMuan lo Inereaaa their , ,. .... ., . .- diraor . . ....... ..ii the territory around Merldan. Thla i i was. doae and tbe following dlectora i.-j. v K Dibble I'av.ut.. ,...M - ' - - - i. ii.o.iar v;nanay, maw rtritimui r. II. N.llMni Vele; A. B. t'aiii Ontario M West. I'arraa ii i- ti.idi.. MM(a4ofl: H It Randall. Namp and B. T. Aiwater, Meridian. -BUY W.B.B JUDGE ORDERS COURT TO PROVIDE H. S- FUND: I ..uul) I ourl Is llnlerr.l lo Meet I'rovUkMM. ol Im Vtlii.ii Art' latMiared Coustilutlniial Ii n ,..lt.i..u handed down liidav Daitou tilgg suatalned MM ,U)J demuiiir raised liy Attorney Me , u11ii(. ,. A VVi)l, ,,, i)rlct ,( l(l. Miww u,r. ,. Uaija Keater to the coinplaiiil fl)(i) M)nH, ,)lH , ,, , ,,uri fr ,H lou in the eoun- ,j pieai ot 1 1 ist ti r.. lll.lll' In utin rblh la ..I Mieir jurliwllrli. Mlnua legal verbiage Judge Him in effect tells the Count. thai ll.e Law provldlug for sueh II git . tuition is , .,u.l ll ullolisl. that .iluaiary ia ao far aa tbe r..ui it Court is snaneraed aud that Ml tB.lu.lon the budget 9um4!,,,"frm " ""'"" w,lr ih aix per reel lluittsllou that M i'anntv t'usri maai aare dewa Hen duiarily placed Ii iy Hlu.e the beeper wes t upon at it.ued las Page t ) j FOHMKR ONTARIO Omii M BRIDE OP WENDELL MAN The following newa Item from the Wendell Irrlgatlonlat will be of ln tereat to many Ontarlana who knew Mia Lillian John ee a girl here while her f ether, Thoa. Jnhna, wa pa if or of the Methodlat church: Mine Lillian John and Mr. Harry J. Barton were married Sunday, No vember 14. at the Methodist par eonnge In thla city, th father of the bride. Rev. Thomaa John, performing i the oeremony In the preeence of the Immediete famlllea of the contrectlng partic. MImb John came to Wen dell about two year ago with her parent, Rev. and Mr. Tho John, and by her many womanly trait ha male a wide eircle of friend, not only In the town, but throughout the lontnry well. She haa been one of the county' lucceesful teach er, and at the time of her marriage a engaged in teaching the achool In Orchard Valley. The groom la one of Orchard Val ley'a well to do farmer, and a man of unjuHlloned Integrity, who, like the haa choaen. haa a wide r.l- of friend In thi section He la a brother of Mrs. M B. McCoy of thl city. The many friend of tho contract ing part: will Join with u In wish ing the iiappv young people a long nnd pleasant Journey together. They will make their future home on the farm of the groom , aonth of Wendell .nt'Y xv ..- BIBICAL PICTURE IS REALIZED IN ONTARIO Joint Ualhrring hrpn-sewi.. Hel.r.l. I'lrlure Of lj.ll. I of I'lilll) Milk awl Hon. Men Oatner. I. Aeoordlng to the pi. tutu preasntod to the . hililren of Isreui when thv " ,ro,n KyP'" "'" """, ,h"V WO,,,d innerii wouui now wini nma siki """'" "u Jttd"n '"' ,l,n reM,r,M ' h men who gathered In Ontario "!. week. thl. la that land nerc, in una cuy ware t-m.-i ...ni- i this week th Dairyman and the Bee- -' H""' declared the "' ""- ,hl- r""'" '" ' nd """' ,"J' " th,"r "wr lion. l III lUllClinon .ivr-ll 111 iiif-n lioniir at the Commercial Club room.. Tuesday noon Th.. luncheon, e buffet affair was arrenred by a oomnltlee eompoeed of D M Taggart, II II Tunny. W Hi Krauk Itadei I. Turaav. H. I ' anu r-. a. rrasar. i n. auto, pi'- den. ..f the Blah, presided at the la formal program which followed I'rof K I. KIM of tl A C rho1 I - ..- k ls.l.aaaaaaw A asl s. rsa.l i I. u t . -" " - -"-. --- t,,: '" '"" ' ",rv "'""" ' hut here dalrv rattle fed with alfalfa B ,uru "'' rrop ln'" ""'"' " tlian can any oilier meana. H. E Ksrroll, Maretary of the n. . kuar Uilsiini. uul the boner Into the pletare h declaring that l- readv :'.':t.0M0 worth of houey Itatl ,1.1 this year, with more to follow I. It llreltliaupi. formerly of il Kxperlnient Station In Harney noun y, predicted a change in condii n thl section which will lie. essllate .different marketing conditio"- here . He aald that with the gaal of the Inler'or the hay M houglil ' from Mil aacilou will not find a mar ket there anil It will be ueresaat . to the alfalfa rancher here lo feed his crop J If Itrown, manager ol the I'sv tette creamery, deilared that on an average ll.e dairy iow bring $30 000 per nioni. lata Utla aeation ... , one car load of butter sold last week "eea szn.uow .long Ihe other -p.-ukera were itjhi.ia of Payette, I'm' Weet- i runk Itader K II t'liiuinack f i. Belli -i "f " v C I her i ..I'ow ug th me' nig of r t ng sad E H t onklln were si, ..,.' -ed to adopt resolution ihunklt'.' mmereial club for It hnepMgl Ity and requeatlug the Extnloii I'. part meat of 0. A C lu muk. the J. Gallagher was raited to Jun oa Moaaay nv tne sarioaa aw aeaa of hi brotbsi Dealel llsllagher The sick man ao far recovered by Weduaaday that Mr Ualtagher wa able to return bom that dey DAIRY SCHOOL PROVES TO BE GREAT SUCCESS IttM'IIMIN PAHH RKHOI.lt I, in KrXJL'EHTIKO THAT HC1HMII, HN HELD IIKKK EACH VKAR IN PirnRK CAMPAIGN TO IMPROVE STOCK Trila I IrteeJ Hairy Oowjili, Declare Visiting Crofreeora ltlutl Kind of Dairy fViwa can Demon Alfalfa . .Into lUg Karntngs To Form Ball Aaaoclation. That the Dairy School held here on Monday and Tuesday under the di rection of the KxfHialon Dlvlsloa of O. A. C. was a success may he Indeed from th resolution adopted by the rancher who were pr-ent In their resolution they meke tho peclflo re queat that 'the achool he made an an nasi event During the aealon there were be tween 211 and 30 ranchera from the aurroundlng country praaent. Mnv were present at the seanlona each of the day, while om were present on only one day so that all told at least' 40 ranchers received the benefit of the lecturea given by Professor K II Pitt and E. L. Westover. Following eeeh lecture, too. there were volleys of question which gave I added evidence of the Internal mani fested by the man and women pro lent. l.lr.i Dairy Country During his lecture Prof Kills set forth how.wlth alfalfa of tho high ''eed In thl section. If fed to high grsde dairy cattle the ranch! hare could realise far higher ret . I thah can he secured by feeding ha atock cattle or sheep This region he doclored Ik un Ideal diilrv country The ranchera were aaotra, durluK the .nurse of the lecture chart ..f i pn..c. on of varloui herd which proved ooaelualvely tho benefit I lie derived froul InindllnK pure stork. I'rof Westover on Tuesibty afternoon gave stock Jiidglnir. .miii ihe Ine Jernai beloaclnj la l)r K. R Kortner iih the specimen Ona of Ihe subjects hint up foi ,11 . cusslon during the niei'tin asM tMl of the co-operative osraereetp r pura bred bulls as nie:uiH of linpr.. the small dn'ry herd prevsl'nu In the Malheur County dulrv district It has bean recngnlicd i ; Iryinen thst Ihe most rapid way t "" rw- "'" productivity of ., i .ll.lrlnl I. il.r,, .1.. .... ., n...l.. ... "'" "r'",,, ",rH" '"" ""r''' "f " a piouurtng aiiiiuuis. tv nere am hi herd prevail aa In Malheur i Individual owner sag not c fiord M mulnlaln for theli herdl the i. Be . I . sire des ml lu liun.lt i district the dalrint -i, hue thl dlffli'iillv thru lha orxuiilxalli.fi ' "'" aeaornwioa tu i itatttJlia the ow I ixe for I lit- pur. hast ..: Ih del I type of re i hi i itlon re organised lu blot D 'he owner of so rot hood tore ui-ii ti. '' yaar aire of u tisigln l M'" Wept In the auigllllOl III ' i I , H'olitl.i... - 11 1 V W I s SOIDIFR POYS START RETURNING TH'S WEEK 4'llu Tl'.iM mill It I I, Ol. I I ,11111' 111 It I'-.k N0 f) ,,t l il .ui i . i. -...-I offl.i . .... . .. I mornlnfg, as did It H I .. bo a In Ihl traliilns tamp in Tsnaxn irdjtng to advise by leMt i other oniarto boya are expwii.i a .. day now atoea ' Atudenl Army Tra nine I't stored OUt of tl..' sel Amoag the Hal ol uuiu BassaBsl Arei, Hqua.li 21 of which Willis,,, ma. member.