t-MN AMtM. HAMO, i i i -t rmiiMiMii . IT JfOVl a, tm "RS" i ' ami At the home of Mr and Mm. A. 8. Whlteberk of thin city, Sunday ariar noon, Rev C H Rlom performed the raSrrlare aervlne which John K Pat. 1 ... S liB ' . -. .-'; VtT"i ""' -- sal sSsVSSSSsgeSBslaWgagePsVtjVB9BsVBsVsfl Linoleum for Gift Fui poses nam and Mies Ague Howland et the i r r ib 4 i io For Her- A Bracelet Watch A Bracelet Watch is not only ap preciated; oa an article of beauty, but is very useful and convenient aa well. Come and see our large array of the neatest and daintiest Bracelet Watches ever offered in this community. They make ideal (iifta for any occasion and arc all guaranteed time-keepers. Rings ami other gift jewelry of all kinds. Bring your shopping list in here. We will solve your problems for you in a way that will bring beams of appreciation to the faces of the recipients of your gifts. W. W. LETSON. Jeweler Ontario, Oregon Town Topics Tersely Told I 00 H M 1 JWWWWJN'! Minn Vivian Stmttou returned Sat irdtv nlrht from the John !'y val- lay where she hat been visiting with bar parenta during the raeatlon. Delhert Heaward raturned laat week from a visit with hla unc'.i and aunt la Bear Vslley. Mr and Mra. Walter Droderlek and children returned the laat of the weak from their ranch at Woatfall where they have been spending the school vacation. (I r I'ranklln and aon Jai-k atart- d down rrmii their ranrh above ieefl oi fjm, man and wife. Mr. and Mra. Prank Brlttlngham are the proud parenta of a baby boy who arrived at their home laat Friday. o Mm U. M. Johnaon of Coeiir fl Alone vIMted with friends the Arm of tlio w(k. Ren J Brown waa over from Vale 8unday making a brief vlalt with frlnndit and at the ame time attend- ins to aome minor hualness matteri era o Mr .lack Ind from Parma cam hat BOOM there the laat of the week unci spent Sunday with her husband who has Juat recovered from th Influenia. Jack l-anda left Sunday evenln for Portland whero he will upend the winter. Hla moth er Mra Dave l.andu accompanied him on the trip and they will later be Joined by Mra. Landa. Mr. and Mra V J. Gallagher en tertained at a Thankaglvlng dinner today aa their gueata, Mr. and Mra. W. W. Wood and family and Mr. and Mra O. K. Aiken and family. Bvely Stewart raturned to fcr home on the Boulevard Satu . after upending the preceedlng week with her grandparent Mr. and Mra Aldredge near the 8' kg river brldr H i. NeraM sag saa irn re turned fromFllor, Idaho, when tl.-y have been for otue tlmo worUIng on tho Pilar H' .Irhool "n'r M whl i baa now Btea completed. Mra in- ey and Mlaa Pearl Tate of Bolaa . ,ent Thursday with friend In nOtarto. o It E. Morton and A. D Uaaaett Drewaey Monday with a herd of cat-fro,u San Krsnolsco. enlneera on the tie and are expected to arrive here Warmaprlnga projeot. were In On to a few days. lm" on nuameee taai wees. Mr Win Pellder and daughter Ilea I. villa are leaving for Union ap. Wn , where Mr. Pellder haa been r Hume time and where they will lake their home In the future. Mr- Mary Thoniaa had her houae moved the laat of the week from south of the Kaatalde arhool to a place aeveral blocks north. J. Boyd ( 1 of Nyaaa was In Ontario' Tueadn afternoon. He waa accom Baatatl by hlr aon J. D. Boydell who la honi'i on lenve from the nary re cuperating from the flu which he con tracted while stationed at Oalveaton. Texaa Mr and Mra. D. M. Taggart and aon Max went to Vale today to eat their Thankaglvlng turkey. Mr and Mra. E. M. Grelg were I, the hoeta for a Thankaglvlng dinned ttedap. Their gueatee were: Mm i irnett, Mrs. Lucy B. Pox, Mr. and'1 Mrs ' c Van Patten and Mr. and Mr rank Hall of Nyaaa. The r-ny friend of Mm Ray! Vlleon .' Nyaaa, but formerly of On tario II be glad to know that aim 1 pletely recovered from s - ittark of the flu Mr. Kelso Newman ca-ue down i '.'miio, Idnl.o on Mut'.day f pP -ad Thanakglvlng wlt'i hnr mother end father ..Mr. and Mrs. Oen Vsnder-l- of Mr. Newman arrival on Wed nesday evening to eat turkey here. Mlaa Preddla Jlmmeraon of l'ay- otte waa a week end gueat at the home of Ml Lavlne Hlnitli who en tertained In her honor Monday even ing Two tables of bridge were pl.iyed. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Lotaon will apend Thankaglvlng with Mr and Mr. Preach of NewPlymoutb. Among the family groups to unite In Thankaklvlng dinner were those nf Mr. and Mrs J. W. McCulloch snd Mr snd Mra. W. P Homsn. the din ner was served at me aaci uwocn home BUYERS Quality Store Ontario, Ore. Special Attractions This Week Ladies' Coats and Suits Ladies' Furs Underwear for the whole family Special values in Dress Goods 50c the yard up . .KEEPS CS The happiest way is to confine Christmas Giving with Home Making. The gift section of our store will suggest to you a gift that will help make them more cheerful, comfortable and brighter to those within, and the War Board has asked Amer icans to confine their Christmas gifts to use ful articles and buy thfim weeks in advance. iy How about an Arm Chair for Dad? A Cedar Chest for Sis? A new Sewing Machine for Mother? Or better still, why not the whole family pool their gift money and buy the home A New Rug, Room of Linoleum A new Sealy Mattress? See our line of Kiddy Kars, Go-Cars, Bobby Horses, Stick Horse?, Doll Beds and Buggies, Children's Tables and Chairs. i Ontario Furniture Co. H. L. Peterson House Furnishings worth while rjL-nnn-nri-ri-ri-ri nnnnnnnn nnr n n n n n a BPOURTH OF" HEIGHT OF SEASON Reduction Sale Continues There are still manv bargains offered prudent shop- ers in the stock of Mens, Women's and Children's hoes which are selling these days at ONE-FOURTH OFF the regular prices. Hundreds of these bargains were taken this week and last Saturdav by buyers from all around the country. Come and see for your self the character of the merchandise offered at these Bargsin prices. OXK MKJHTH OFF LaVies Lress Shoes Many tiaudsotne stylea In eicellent Brown, cloth top ped modela, military heel, on vale tor $4.50 and up ONK FOlltTH OKK ON' Men's Dress Shoes Winter d r e a a ahoee jut what you want In black and browaa, all modela and any weight, at (4.50 and up ONM liMUlll OFF ON Children's Shoes Save one fourth (he ordinary pun haae price, and get what you want for (he Kiddle, comfort, at $1.65 and up SFKCIAL DISCOUNT ON- .l FOURTH OFF ON OverShoes&Rubbers Men's Work Shoes You will appreciate this middle of the season offerinx Of a 20 per cent saving On all classes of Rubbers and Overshoes from the strap heel to the bijf four buckle antic Buy them now. save money. The kind built for service by the best risM factories of the country, good t bard usaKe in all kinds of weather, ideal for winter worn , $2.65 and up Allen Shoe Company, Ontario ONE5-POXJ riac