The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 28, 1918, Image 2

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ftnooN. Ttuutem
Wp (flntarto Armm
1 i i .1 ii i , "
jfoVKwrPRW 'a
GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor aa Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution aa 2nd class matter.
On.' Year $1.50
If there ever was a last Thursday in
November which deserved nation-wide ob
servance as Thanksgiving day, this Thurs
day, November 88, 1918, is (hat day. No
man is too eloquent to breath tin message
of Tliankt'nlliiiss which should ascend from
vert true Amerii an heart for the return of
peace, thru which thia nation lias escaped
the war burden of lost sons, that would have
been Iters had the struggle prolonged
"Ajid while the majority .f us are thus
thankful that the loss of dear ones has not
been the measure of our devotion to the
great ideals of our land, we should not lose
tight of, nor fail to think of those who have
paid the price) and greater still should b
our gratitude to those who have ltled and
died of the ideal that gives up liberty and
the blessings of peace,
America has dedicated the lives of sev
eral thousands of her sons to the cause for
which the nation fought this car. Thej
truly fought to save this beloved land from
the aoourge of Pruasianism. And while we
are diih thankful that the number of them
who had to die was no greater than it is:l,,f ffmit ability and experience.
we should too renieiiiMT in our tu"is I ne val
iant deeds of the millions of allied soldier
who fought our fight thru the long dreary
years from 1!1 I to 101H. To ponder on all
these things: should make us all truly
The resignation of Secretary of the
Treasury, William Gibbs JNfeAdoo, will be
variously interpreted, no doubt, but there
will be no difference of opinion regarding
the work that he has done for the nation
during the past two years.
While as director general of the rail
roads he has been subject to some criticism.
as Secretary of the Treasury he has admin
tstered his stewardship well. He has Ac
monst rated that he is a big man, a man of
calibre equal to any of his many great pre
deeessol'S. ,
The greatest, and the most oft repeated
structure laid upon him is that he wa
tempting to do too much for any one nwm
to accomplish well. That may be trim,
but If he has made any grievous mistake
the public generally has not been appraised
of it. lie bat floated the greatest bond is
sues in the history of nations. He has done
this while directing the greatest aggrega
tion of railroads on earth, and while a new
t) stem of banking was being put in running
Mis rise from comparative obscurity to
a height of power second only to that of the
President is another proof of the ability el
the American people to furnish the men for
any task the government of men can imp - .
Perhaps the secret of Mr. McAdoo
ability to accomplish the almost impossible
is that lie has not hesitated to e,t to Ins
distance, and to reeognijse their ability, nun
wi are able to do big things Me has not
been afraid to surround himself with men
teredo, Teaa. Samuel Oompere,
president of the American Federation
of Labor. In the oloslng hours of the
Pan American Ibor Conferenco here,
aerved formal warning that no m-noral
reduction of wagea nor Increase In
working houra after the war would be
norepieil without a bitter fight by or
gHiiUi'il labor.
The American labor movement will
co-operate with all other agenclee to
..I. i ih. reconstruction time. Our
MOTMMat la not to deatroy, hut to
const ruct. And all may Just aa well
understand now aa at any othor time
that the advantage which the workeraj
r imartM ..mi ol ih mVlai eowtrtei'
nlned and which we hope to '
,t, , , to Hie P"'"Ple evon of tlio con- I
. H.U., a nnl vnlnii In tie
nil'M " r"Ulllt' "v " '" "
The I'nn American Federation of La
bor. the reault of tha conference of
labor deleaatea from the United Htatee
nml South American and Central Amer
lean countrlea. waa created here. Sam
ul (lompers waa chosen president and
.Tohn Murray of San Antonio vice proa
Ident of the new labor federation.
h iv
nway from us.
in that attempt
And wo shall
to tho utter-
Residents of Ontario whose houses are eon
nccted with the old water system should be
busy these days seeing to it that they ais
connected with the new main.-, prior to .Jan
uary 1. On that date the water will be
turned off in the old mains and they will
tind themselves without that necessity of
life; or at least must secure it at great inconvenience.
5000 Men Needed to Man Shlpa Carry
Ing Troope.
Washington. Arrangements for
bringing home the troops In France
re being workod out rapidly from a
nhlpplng point of view, tha shipping
hoard announced. In Issuing a call for
I ,M)00 volunteers to man the ahlps that
-MM I ... ft.- ka .ft... ...nftmm
T ,1 1 a I ii. ft T ' Will Or immi lur uiai ruiv-.
Now that the war is over the President ,, ht, hmn fortnulaUd wh-rBbT
will have no trouble in rinding a man or mi n th shipping board win furnish crews
CO take th-' UO.vfioilM Wllleh Mr. McAdoo 'for the war department transports.
leaving but the Oeonle generallv Will , Krery month. It waa eetd. 400 men will
l ii a 1 j a r .I i 1 lie reaulred as firemen and other hun- !
OOgnised tint in Ins departure from the cab- Jj JJ- -
met one of the ream .troiig men ol the ml cook, .nd Poa, ,.,-,.
Ulinistietioll ha Hit Man between II and IS will be ao- '
ThM la 110 doubt (but tborc are iimnv -epted without regard for their draft
... ,. , , ,, , ,. , ,, rating or prevloue experience, and will
citizens, particularly Republicans who will rii trBlnlD. ,h(D,
believe that Ml. McAdoo is to take the rest, toD( a-raJ-deoo. Seattle. New Or
lie Uo doubt Heeds, to get into condition fnr'leana and Cleveland for all weeka'
the Presidential race of 1921). If this is tlie P-uM training Opportunity will be
ase be will have a great advantage over -Mord " who " '"l"'
.. ,- . i 1 lea to remain permaaeally In tha mar-
anothsr Democrat who aapiivs to th( honor nhMi. mutM fur ... hM
of leading the Bourbon party. Being a , ,-. and the entire army return
Southerner of reeongissed ability he ha an 10 the au tea.
advantage over any Northern DemtM'rat; be
sides this his New York residence of vears
and his construction of the McAdoo tube
Crown Princu Interned In Holland.
Amsterdam Krederlch Wllhelm Ho-
The present sv stem of two distributing will bring strength there where it Is needed:, " JT.TaV.
and besides tins In- will, undnithtcciiy tail tn. nMr Kurmod.
heir to the administration's strength and
,,..; Lat toldlara Depart From Bruaael
I ' - "' ' Paris The laat (krmtn troope left
I lie one element which he inav nud a hand
Fill your beaitl
and homes with
of Patriotism.
Music in the home i. .
national neceeelty.
If you are desirous of doing your "bit", you need 1
whole family needs It.
Work your talking machine good and hard. If rot kt
none, OET ONE and be aure It'a a Patha l'stimjhnss
If you want Records, buy the kind that wont wev wi
the Pathe.
It will be a splendid Investment for you, your family lld
your country.
No 1041410 Prt-, t
"Out, Oul. Marl.
"Bat After the Bell Waa Over."
No. J04JS Site 10 Prid 7l,
"Rainbow from the V. H. A."
"I. V..or Mttle "Hltty lilt."
Oet a record by Jocnuee Thlhaud. Master Violinist.
Pathephonea aa Illustrated 9171.00 on eaay payments. Otket
aliee and modela IS5.R0 up to f I&O.Ot Put oaa of tsea
machines In yoor home, try It Are ays. If you are MM m
laned we cheerfully refund piyments
McDowell's Exchange Store
systems is needlessly expensive t4 the city.
and will entail considerable loss, which the
new system will have to carry as long as the
old system is Used. It is therefore a matter
of food business on the pai-t of the people
to connect with the new system in the next
few weeks.
tin a -
u uen people ol .Malneur eountv 1
tit' the atteiuiits on the nart of tinman of
ficials to secure a mitigation of the arnus
tice terms, il would be well for them, too.
to think of the experiences of a Malheur
county boy who lay wounded in the hospital
at .lurcy, just behind the lines at 'bateau
He was in that place of mercy, a place,
which t another toe than n Oerman would
have been safe from attack; but with the
Run this was not so.
Under bright star lit sk the Hun air
planes bombed the hospital and many of the
patients were injured, tome of them kill. .1.
Nurso and doctors were victims of the
fiendish raid.
Mothers and I'atlteis of Aincriran bovs,
what consideration should 1., given a nation
that approved of aueh iudlishliessl Shall
the rifOfi of the just irmistiee lie softened
for the people who 1 ailc a holidax to cle
brate the uusitanla tuurderl A thousand
times no! The armistice terms if they err
at all, err on the side of leniency for the
Hun. No tenM eouU be made loo
harsh for the titled murderers and their
servile followers.
Where is the vaunted supcrioritv of
tlietiermau .' If his kiilture were half what
he proclaimed it to be he would have sub
nutted iiuwillin to the war rograiu of
his in; ter, the unkerT
Antl since he submitted, and since the
Germ in soldier has committed unspeakable
acts of debauehen , must be not pay the
price f
Only misguided sentimentalists scut
flowers to murderers. Onlv maudlin senti-
iap rather than a help will be his relation
ship to the President. The Ameriean peo
ple are not keen for dynastic succession.
To eounteract this, of course, Mr. McAdoo's
friends will point to his own record prior
to his marriage to the President's daugh
ter, his work as a lawver and a builder, and
counts read to his record in the Cabinet.
wss mw$
For the Bnt Quality of
Commercial Printing
Call at the Aram (Met
Brussels Sunday, according to the
Uatee correspondent on the Balgtaa
There is almost no way in which a com
munity any mone than an individual can
protect itself against the rumor monger.
lso it is hand to counteract the effects of
such activity, save as time reveals the truth.
Over in Payette, and on the Furitland
bench, there have been a number of people
who believed that Ontario was ttllea with
Flu. These people in a number of instances
telephoned local stoics and told of reports
thev "bad heard." Of eoudse they belicv
etl them, or at least played safe and remain
ed away from this city.
Two Ontario women, while in Payette
last week, were told, while in one of the
stores there, "that Ontario was eontaniinat
inn Payette with the Flu, and it was from
here that the Payette people caught it."
Certainly this was not true, tho the
one who said it no doubt believed it; or cN
was guilty of deliberate); attempting to Is
jure the business of Ontario firms.
It is true that Ontario had a large
number of eases of Flu, but no mors than
any other town of this size in this section
It is alho true that the local physicians can
trace the origin of most of the cases here
from outside points. Nam pa, Boise and
Baker City are the direct sourees of seTsrsJ
cases, particularly those amon; the w
men on the drainage svstem. Likewise the
illness m several families is traced to mem-
jgafi The room nude cheery tad coeafortable by jsa.
- the glowing warmth of Perfection OS Heat- J y .BiMaa.
trial obtainable fuel. No acnoke or odor. P&rtgMa, f7m JshB'I
It I Economical. u tmjM
B foeUy. Oooiere vrywhmr. 4mshMF mTJ L-Ja1 Paaawaa at
B aaaBaaaBBBBBBBB JeVJT vjraB- m
lHaa 1 .aBaSaV 9 aaafeaftAft. S m rs ATT I
ocis who returned liomc fiorn one of tlu.
mentsalist and pro-Hun sympathizers will, points named ill with the disease ami corn
seek to temper the terms which Marshal muuieated it to other members of their
Foeh has given the Hun. 'families.
0. H. TEST, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Ontario
Vale, Oetajof
mrssA hdw. 00.