I i I. ONTARIO. OMXWff, mmMT NOVKMBM. J I 'M! Close Harmony Under Fire THE men had finished super, and sat around In llstleM groups. Even when a sh jll went zooming overhead they showed no interest They wre fed up on this war. A Httl orav car chi-roed ud the hill to their camp. Two war work men stepped out, carrying K-twe' a them a curios long box. "What you got there ?" asked the doughboys. "An organ." "Well, can you beat that I" "We've come to give you a little entertainment," said one man.' "All right?" "You bet it's ill right," answered a young officer. "This gang hasn't seen a soul from the outside world for weeks. Go as far as you like." And they did. ., V They sang the new songs, just over from Broadway. In a minute the whole camp was singing them. Then they sang the verse of a good old close-harmony melody, and the crowd roared '.tttochorus. "But haven't you men got anybody who can sing?" asked one Of the entertainers. The response was immediate and over whelming. "Sure we have! Oh, you Shorty! Come on, Happy! Give "em that 'Perfect Day,' Billl" And then things really started. j "Would you know if s the same gang?" asked the'American officers. For two hour it lasted, and then the visitors packed up their organ. "Come again toon and send more of your men," said the officer. "We can't get too much of It!" "So long!" yelled the men. "Good luck! Come again!" Wherever there are American soldiers overseas, these organ isations are carrying entertainment to them. Moviea, concerts, lectures, local talent, even full-fledged comedies wiUi a truck for the stage, from the simplest sing-songs in the woods to themost elaborate program in city theatres, everywhere free entertain ment is provided to meet conditions. Y i Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before! lor atuca im www . .- tn-t iniMT than arr g4- " yam imoq m war m uwi .- --- i , tn enn nrtft Tha 3vwtfliaat nns naa wm - -.- o -4-W- . tr mm uiUHtllw" ,- mmx o. - -. tkxwd campaigns is strati. . . - ttm mm - m ever baaorn. oar soMssrs and anuora Urileas Americans do glvn tww an may not anjoy dunng 1919 thair: MOA KaeraatkM Buildings MOO Librarian aupplytng 5,000,000 book. Tnnrt u,unllwii Film 5 Hoataaa Houaea JSTlilsSsifr 5.000 Big-brothar "inW SilSLVSSSn llilbo,o.doltar.ofhom.oonfort. ljv!!rTSahtowtah a church, a theatre, a chnerfol noma, a atora, a him. naart and aoul I , . . You hava kd ynur mooay toaoppr thrir nhycaJ rtaads. M- to tESxElsh. tha Mc- that it wmntng th , warl UNHID WAR WORK CAMPAIGN tK jflbk JQKy mS& mix ctritwjc w. rHfi itMjfr3lCMJBa B S i ijJr JjamUSjSSwtTyvShdBW' .w wiw" W3R 8sisy v? v-v- Tt IMWIIW ft . "YOU CAN BUILD." "Tha recant restrictions placed by the War Industries norl upon th I erection of new buildings, ropalrim. remodeling or add 't Inn, haa been misunderstood In many localities. haIiI Mr. Chance, of the Boise Payette Lumbar ('ntniwny of thl city todi '"Many of the farmers of thl vlclnlt i hollered that the government STie was to not only restrict them froi.i repairing or hnildlnR new build 1 but to dn so would he unpntrl.it this Is not the ense," ho I "It Is true," said Mr Chnnce. "th.it the government. In Its Start h serve materials and labor, has decln -ed that expenditures for new bulldlnR nnt lii axceeil tlOOO.OO wlthntil I Toggery Bill Taggartt Hdwe Co. Mi.Tll.iiiisr kPMWOVAt CWtT.CH Hold On" was the thrlllinR word raod 8 aorta aat te Um hard pressad British soldiers last sprlnR. when tha linns were innkliiR such a torrUto drive rat thi oaal town So during I when we are deprived of chinch prlvlleRes "Let us hold fait of our faith without wavertnR. for ho fslthful that prorata Bi." vv J i rstcoMnB, Paster. T W.S.8. . SOTH I O s HHOI,''!ririM OTI( K 13 IIEHKTIY OIVJW to not to exceeu iiuuv.uu wmiuui hi . and for repalrtnR, remndtdliiR tha legnl votart of Bohool )lti-t No, mnl additions t2500.00. The r.i- y,tM f Malhaut onnty. Stata ,of strlctlon la well founded and UNO of Rmr-rnmanc mean, o ... -. ...... . wn h,(, , , n,gh no way stop essential bulldlnR i provemeuts. th.r.ro,, doe. not work School, on the 2t day of Novembar. any hardships upon the farmer; tha 1 91 H. at S o'clock In the afternoon to amount allowed for repairing-, "a-'vote on Hie proposition of levying a nindellnR and additions Is far In e d,gtrlot u cess of the amount expended for sarh I , . m -- . i The total amount of money neeaafl purposes on the everaRe farm. ..,., .h. ..... oiinwn.ihr the district during the Hscal yaa . L..MJI uiii - - ha.. rtfTl a .laahia -., Imn. in 1 ft 1 X Bfid And ror liaw nuinnngn win totbi . imikiuihhk ' ----i - - many of the na4Mtary bulUllnffn nurh u on jUUQ 30, 1919 U BTtlmatod to mm nayuaiani ansae, in pruioni ;. Implements, grain atorage bulldlnRK to store your grain, barns, to protect your atock, silos, to preaervo your silage. If proper consideration Is Riven to economical construction and materials. Improvements of thla char acter are moat aessntlal and aroonR tha moat Important weapons that will aid In winning tha war. "A duty which I owe thla com munity aa a Lumber Merchant Is to render every possible servlco to il" I la aaad of materials for eaaentlal Im provaments and all connected with tha Lumbar Company will recommend on ly tha most economical oonatructlon and materials that will enable our patron to keep their expenditure within tha governments maximum.. If over amount, and essential. I am aura tha local commlttea of the Na tional Council or Derenee wyi tnvei13 fair and Just consideration any re- quaat for parmlta. "Tha spirit of our firm and every ona connected la to reader our pa- troas and our country tha bast pos sible service and to assist and help to locate Pershing's headquarters la Barlla." OIVB DOUBLB INSIST oa an abstract of title when you purchase or lend money on real aetata. MALHEUR TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO.. Vala Oregon. OIVB DOUBLB YOUlt LIBKRTY BONO PAYMENT IN IM K! the following budget and Includes tha amounts to ba received from tha oott tv school fund, state school fund, special tax, and all' other moneys ot HIIM1KT. KHT1MATED EXPENDITURES 1. Teachers' salaries IxIlOO Payaaanta an tha Baroad laetall nteait for Poaalh llbsrty Bands, amowattng to BO par reett of tha purrhaaad la ante Nov 1. rntBT NATIONAL BANK. Ontarto. Oraga. OIVB DOUBLB I. Furniture I. Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erac era, stove, curtains, etc 4. Library books 5. Flag ,. Repalra of schoolhouses outbuildings or fences 7. Improving grounds S. Playground equipment 1 1 Janitor's wagaa and En glneera It. Janitor's Supplies i-'u-i Light Water Clerk'e salary Postage aqd stationary For tha payment of bonded debt and Interaet thereon, laauad under Baa tlona 117, 144 to 141. Bfld 411 of tha School Law of Oregon. 117 tt. Printing 0. Regteiered warraata aad Interest 11. Insurance tl. Mlaeelleeauous 14. Total estimated amount money to ba expanded for all purposes during yaar 14. II. 1. 17. II. 0 1000 71 0 1000 100 III 1100 0 1100 100 101 111 41 ItTI Tl 1100 tat HO .17001 Forty acre farm for rent for ierm of years. joining town of Nyssa. Immediate possession given. Also for sale 2 Jersey Cows, both giving milk. Will also receive Bids for leveling on prem ises. Address R. H. HOWSUY. Nyssa. Oregon BSTIMATBD RBCBIPTS From county school fund durln the coming school yaar From state school fund dur ing coming yaar Bstlmatod amount to ba re ceived from all other souross daring ths coating school year .. Total estimated receipts, not Including the money to be received from tax which It Is proposed to vote RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses (or tha yaar Total estimated receipts not Including the tax to ba voted Balance, amount to ba raised district tax Dated this 1th day of Novembar. Atteet: W. L TURNER. District (lack. J. W MeCULLOCa, Chairman Board of Dicetor mi nil TOt IITI 17000 1111 noil Bonds Stolen! TIIIH 18 THE OaVT ALL OVER THE LAND. LIBERTY BONDS ARE LIKE SO MUCH i ASH AND NEED TUB SAME PKOTECTi ' AT ORBAT EXPENSE TO US THIS BANK HAS HAD OONSTftl ' -A.FBTY FIRB-PROOF VAULT WI1K II AT rOta DISPOSAL POIt YOUR BONDS AND OTHBR VALUABLE PAPERS. A NBW NBST OF STEEL LOCK BOXBB HAS JUST AR RIVED AND AHK HEM THE SMALL SUM OF 1150 PER YEAH. IN CASE YOU NO DOT VYDJM TO RBNT A BOX. WB WILL GLADLY STORE Mil: BONDS AND VALUABLE PAPEHri FOB vol FREE OF CHABOB, WHETHER YOU ABB A CUSTOMBH OF THIS BANK OH NOT AND OIVB .! TI1K HAME OABBFt'L ArrBMTlON THAT WK OIVK TO Ot'K OWN SECURITIES. Ontario National Bank Otdaat Daak in Orant, Harwyr A Malli"nr Ooaatiae. (