WtWUAir Kovmwoi t, imi -r-- ' i ' isvAium, oraaoN, ! Thi 4EKrV hvf'i f ' ' jf Jx.tfrn H His Mother Needed Mene: and She Got It! AN American soldier hurries along the street of a shell-torn village, keeping close to tho shelter of the crumbling walls, and runs up the steps of a battered chateau. He climbs to a room where sandbags are piled high to the ceiling. Behind a rough counter stands a man of middle age -a man with an emblem on his arm and a smile on his face. "In a hurry this morning, buddie?" he asks. "You bet I am." pants the soldier. "We're going into the trenches at noon." "Can I help you?" The boy thrusts one hand into his pocket and with the other ' points to a sign on the wall It reads: 'Send Youa Monky Hon Ask thb Skcrktaky How. "Can I send this to my mother?" he asks, and draws out a roll of French bills. "She needs it" "Of course you can," says the secretary. He counts the money carefully -twice -and then aoes a iiru ngunii. "That makes $84.60 in American money." "And will you see that my mother gets it?" "We will," is the answer. Til give you this receipt and HI vend your money to the nearest headquarters. They will f7" it to Paris, and Paris will tell New York to mail your mother a check for your $84.60." "How much will it cost me to have you do that? The ai swer is it won't cost him one cent His mother will jret the whole $84.60. Every week the War Work organizations fre tmnam?tting more than half a million dollar, from the boys over there to the home folks over here. Why you should give twice as much as you ever gave before! in- A t. for a niti 70 troater than any gift wr aakad for .Inc. the world r-rThi. fixed thi. euro at $170,500,000. STi Unu.,. all .t . ih. ceo, and effort of aix ad- tiTSK'!''' -m-mrbc aoWmr. aod ay not enjoy aunng ... - IKecreeaoa Wtttmnf e - - -rtm BM iitajiaw IS.0UO ... h.. "eecramtiac MlthoM of dolkue ol bona coeworta rhe very wghaw bee aeer ,n a of theee tm hoat o tea ftoai end beck again. Vou orovkU Mas Met, a aoaaai. a eaae, aaa an . .- - 1.M6 Mile o Mova Wlm 100 Landtag ewags " 1JM0 Ataiaatc Dtreaeaea . . t .t .. IkaalM. A CBMawawJawai vumh wiin "- - TT. .i. 4tfe Wat. baen end eoul I gaawrtadga thai lb. ylTj-iT theii phyeieal na.de. Vou aeve w' 7--- T il ,A I. -inalac Uas weil How give oaaw,mm J a. wrtur fio-htor starts for a cantonment until SSWertochoer and oomL. U him. On. 1. 0-one need -now, altogether! UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN - . 1 . I ewav xflHhX .Sfev .jdav itii --7 111 yaeavv l aSySsA jBEBBCV J& -ey iffaaaV. JBaCV- T(iV- 1 "? "" ,a I vl an J a IWaIV' Mfaa EarafvM Wwrw in. 8n TTO Tfr ViSr!'! 1 ww 'inn ssse II WK2S Kr nMv HeJev' 'b.V dv y 7 'Sa tr Hrvvi wJH m sr a Til MiwimMnl in rfl y 1 eeje1"! a 1 vij Contributed by E. A. FRASEB Ontario, Ore. ' "i '! . U I . IIUI I I ' ' " 1W Vle have laeUlleil an additional WAKMOTRUVOM MONIM AHR Hupplr of Safety Oepoiit boxea la our, ATPROVRD AT WAHtffNfiTON vault that was built aad equipped for ' the poi auea: aajd-aaarnaaabjreaaaaaaawrt wh timrtr bmm waltlnn t$r mmt weeta for eaftoy boti may bow tall of Ran rraBflaoo. the eoatraotora t whom the ewrk waa let whea th booda were aold Alao the contract ors will be Riven co-operation by the rancher who are anxloua to hart onnntructlon punhed to the limit. Thin co-operation ha boon aurad by the perxonal effort of the Board of Director of (he dUtrlrt alted by huNlnpn men of Vale who madt a rninplntn urv.n of (he Offld ant , tinted the ini-n ntul team needed. When completed the Wrmprlnf KjrirtHin will lirliig water to land now lyln lillc lictwppn Ontario and Vale, tho of oouree the Inraent body of land oitliin the illMrl.t lie above Vslo. tiif. project "HI continue to I ipmenl of th mtlre country a a whole Mm UiiMluu fur I'rnjoct. That there In a demand for land In thl ncctlon and (hat It will all be aold In Klinrt Unix af(er (he work (ar( mav bd Judaed by the fact that appticntion have bean on flle with I xlonlznllon corn pany for parcc of It land with in tho district for aeveral ; month. The buyer have bean awaiting for the approval of the bond, and that I all. V J t'lnney, local agent for the company bellevea that every hit of land for aale under the project wilt be aold In 10 day after work etarU. BUT Wll. TWO Or' ONTARIO' Mr MAKK HACIlll l r. and eeoure oaa; atora all roar val uable papers, bond, etc.. and carry (ha key. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK BTJY W.8. ANNorXCKMKNT. Mri. Hattle Van Huron ha now opmM a hoarding house Rale. II.M yer duy or board, gpedal ra'e rot room or board and room by the wMk. 2t t BUT W.8.4. About rui nr chtldraa an iub)acl to 'he or If yon have reason to feir ',olng Bltn 'his disease, .iu shoiihl ,i,,' ur.' . bol ' i, lierlam'l Coach Roatody and tudy the dlrecton for una, s thai of an attack you will too ai hat course to pursue TM It 'l favorite and very noeaaaful ren for croup. nd It I Important that . nbaerve the direction cnrofully. BUT W.8.B. Mil l I i I l . I TOR'S HAI.K Ol' RKAI. 1'RXM'KRTY. NOTICE IB HEREBY OIVBN. That pursuant to an order of the County I Court of the atate of Oregon, for Mai oun(y. dated October II, 1018, I.. k mtltir nl ill mII flf DOUKlaS c. McDonald, deoeaaed. the under signed, the Executrix of the aald ae tata, will sell at public auction, to the highest aad beat bidder for caah, aub- Jeot to a certain mortgage now on aald land hehelnafter deecrlbed, an I death of Marry H. Oliver son of Mri. subject to all unpaid taxaa, the whole ' Ida l.lnty of thl city, from whom the amounting to approximately $100 on ' following obituary waa received from J and aubject to the confirmation of aald aale by the above entitled Un.il (ha turf Am nf lllMnibtr. l,M MUllua; aw - ' 111, at the front door of the Houae In the twon of Vale, aald coun ty aad atata, at 3.00 o'clock p. m , all of tha right, title and Intereet of the 1 aald estate and the aald Dougl (' McDonald, deceased, at the time of hla death, and all the intereet or (Continued from Cage 11 11 1. Mllllgan formerly of Onlarle: Another Hero !' Oai. "Somewhere In Branca", Oct. T, till, of lobar pneumonia Harry H Oliver made (ha supreme sacrifice for hla country"; auch la the pith of a telegram to Harry mother from Waahlnglon D - and received on Hallowe'en. Harry waa born In Oaark, Ark, rlghta thai tha aald aetata baa or may,, m. tfimm wUh n mother have eoqulred by operation of law. In ' d fftmH to Ontario flva yaara ago. enlisted In tha Q. M. Corao at Vaa coaver, Waah, Dae. 7, 117: want overaaa early in ipiemoer mi, and to tha following deacribad land and prVmlaaa. to wit: The WH ol the WH of Section 1 T II 8 It 47 E. W M .. in Malheur ,,, out hu ,. moatira of chaer County. Oregon, leaa about tt acre owned and oocupi d by tbe O. 8. I Ry. Company, at a rinlit of way. Pirat Publication. Nov. 7. 11. Ia( Publication. Dae. I, lilt HELEN M. CLEMENT. Baaoutorti NOTICK WIB PI'HLICATION fal. voluntary, whole hearted aarrlca In the laat full meavura Of devotion noted, on tha 7th ultimo. lla'rry waa a good clllaen. an af fectionate eon, a loving brother, a aplendld soldier, e atardy patriot who dared to give hla all for tha aako of country, liberty, jaatlee and tha pre aerratlon of a nation nobleet Idaala Ha laavaa a widowed mother. Mra. ho Uvea on route 1 a - of tha Interior. IT. S ..J -!.. mm V.I. Orunn Ortnhsr ll I. Inly rT . ,,., I abort distance out of Ontario, with " ui. M..r. le.n Otlvar. Hsrrr s aiater. NOTICE la hereby given that "l.7Hobr, Uoiy (M hi youngaat ward A Bealer. of Ontartc. Oragoa hii-rM.reeaa C. Oliver, hla who. oa Daoambar tb, ltlt. madal , (raining at Homaatead Batry No. 0MI0 for " r,lforol, BHNWH.NBBWH.Bac. 10. T.I w. .B mttlh of ,ha aacrlncaa aad 8. R 4 B aad who on Jan .-OTOltoM of the aona; but what ahall wa aay of the "aupreroe aacrlflre" of the motheraT Mra. Limy I a good made Add'l Homaataad rntry no toll, for 8WW8WH. 8ac. 10 and HWUNWU. Section 10, Townahlp to .. n a trua. natrlotlc mother. 11 South, Range 47 Baal. Willamette hav- ,., ,n ,rd Marldlan. haa filed notice ol ",.,.,, Bh, h tald upon tha tioa to make Pinal Throe-Year rTHljl( bu. n-r frown to aatabllah claim to tha land above 8) immrrm ,nd t rcalvo your daaerlbed. before Clay M. Staarne. I hwt w-rB owpaUl) 8. Commlaaloaar, at Ontario. Oregoa. Th 0rMOotan of yeatarday alao oa the Srd day of December. lll TtimA th itof, of tba death of W. i laimant namee aa witaeaeee: (, ifB0W, formerly o ft hla city bat Ball. Oleua l rieio. nariea r rM-B,iv of Band He too. died In actlou la Fraace Mr Spenc er will he remembered by all Ontarl ana aa a genial young man of groat 1 proniiaae BUT W.B.8. af VICHJIH HHXl OOAT MHKM Boater. John Elliott, all of Ontario Oregon THOB JONB8 MUM. tBfMA Dt NNCCB TEACHER OK PIANO Box 411. Ontario, Oregon ISoH tba) onuina4 ?lra"al wBak fa 1 1 Forty acre farm for tent fo; erm of years, joining town of Nyssa. Immediate possession given. Also for sale 2 Jersey Gos, both giving milk Will also receive Bids tor leveling on prem ises Address R. . HOWStLY. Nyssa. Oregon ATTACK ON PROF W. T I WRY W. T. Lawry. while visiting with hla daughter, Mrs Dalton Bigg up at (he ranch had the misfortune to bo knocked oyer by oue of tbe children'! goata aad auffered a rather aavero la Jury to hla hip mly au XRty will shoe (hat any boaoa were brok en and I e haa not been able to bo I,, lava yet He waa trot down from the ranch Monday by Dr. and Mra. W J Waeaa. BUY W.8 8 MOTH Aay aboea at my ahop aad celled tor veiuber la will be sold for coat . tlrlna W R THOMPSON Adv. It. Pd BOY W.BJa. oily Benefited by (IwuilM-rlala'a "I am thankful tha good I have re ceived by using Chamberlain 'a Tab lets About tu yaara ago lien I began taking them I waa suffering a great dee! from dlalreaa after eating aad from headache and a tired, lan guid feeling duo to ludigeetloa aad a torpid liver. Chamberlain' Tah letaa corrected taeee dlaordora la a abort time, and alaoe taking tmo bot- tlaa of tbem my health baa boon vary good." write Mra. M. P Harwoord. Aubura, N. Y. rf r, 11 lone onal ortj 1 and ned Ion ing Ich lei in rd L n u ie