k 0NTAM0 Afunm. oktario. oMpsoN. TttttMHAV oororunt at. ibis. UNITED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN On November 8th and 9th the Ontario Committee will have headquarters in a tent on Oregon street, where every citizen will be given an opportunity to help "Keep the Hut fires burning -for Your Boy and Mine. ' ' This place will be open for volunteer subscriptions. V Ontario's Quota W. W. WOOD, Chairman, ED TEST, Sec. Trw. D.JPdTAGQAET Town Topics Mra. J E. Itopkina anl eon Arthur returned to thalr homo tig Hl Idaho. Monday after making a visit of a wook with Mr. and Mra. John Naab aad children Mr. and Mra Dude Kutherford and rhtldren ud Mlea t'atharln Naab spent Sunday with frlanda In Nyaaa. tflaa Uaybelle ld"we!1 who vWI ed hare for a faw daya last week left Tuaaday tor bar aeliool at Kangaltoao. Mra. Ernaat Adams la over from Vala thla week vleltlng with Mr. and Mra. rrank Brtttlaghem. Mr. K. A. Cooley la vlatlug at the praaant with her daughter Mlaa Sola DaArmond. She Intends to return to her huuie at Juntara la a faw days. Jaa. Burn received word last weak of tha death of bis brother Nelaou Burns In Aurora Net , from Hpaulah Influence. W. I Turner retarued Sunday ev ening oit No. ( from Portland where he had goae the week before wlti lsoy In his mr Mr Kelaey waa unable to return Sunday owing to business matters which he had t.i attend to. Mlaa Beanie Morton is over from Vale this week visiting with her par ante here. Mlaa Maa Murray passed thru On tario en her way to her hone at Ben lah Monday. 1 Baker she attended trances' Academy watoh to now uloeod. e Ward waa received here this week that Th'eo Moore, who la attached to the sejejtary train at "amy Iwla la BOW a sergeant J. A. lAwrea.ee was down from ule for a short lime lent week. Hoary Waherlig waa a Woattell visitor Friday uaut Satataay John lavdatxhaiu retaraed Taas- $5,000 Tersely Told day without the Plu after a vlait of noma time spent in Portland Mr. and Mra John Kealey and daughter were visiting In Ontario lag a i-ouple of daya last week while pass ing thru Ontario on thalr way east from Eugene. Wm D Huffman of Drewsey visited here last week. Mra. Tho. Uwt waa down from the Owyhee thla week visiting tor several daya. Mias Helen Blom is flailing with tier parent! during the closing of the Idaho Commercial College, which she has been attending i aji i Tha report has bee spreading over town the peat week of the death ej Mrs Karl Henna who lived here until a abort time ago There haa evi dently bee aonfuston of name for a friend who wrote to Payette where Mrs Henna s mother livee to ascer tain the truth of the report says that Mrs Henna la enjoying perfect heal th although her little daughter Cor luuo is slight! ill The death of a ! Mrs Hanna from the influensa wa 1 reported 1 a Bole paper e few daya ago which probably gave rise to the report. Mr. and Mrs C. E Secoy an- ren spent Sunday with the Ira Miller family In Payette. Or E. 8. Fortner has purchased three asm "ranch" In the Riverside addition and is moving there today e Mots Tboltna Van Bursa is return ing to her home In Ironsides to visit there wl(b her parent until i opening of scho. - mm A w B A ,,., mmA mrrmmA as u an. mi- j ww" " - daughter Mlea Myrl aiuganaw re turned lent week after e two month visit with meeds In California. (ha Brown of Portland to her installing the ply and til ptoet tor the OaUrto My aad Tile Co. Save Ex pense and Time. Be a Volunteer ?. B. OOOKEim l GALLAGHER lMOMAH W. KLAXON ': J. M. MeKwen waa a Moorevllle visitor Friday. ! CM. Devto waa a Welaer business visitor Monday Ira Mahan was again an Ontario visitor from Burns Sunday apeadlng the day with frlanda I, the city. John Moore wa down from Cald well for a couple of days thla week. H returned there yesterday where ha haa been working In the hay fields Sine the closing of school. Mlsa Ethel McGinn! of Welaer hag been added to the Ontario telephone , force Mrs. M K Dolling chief operator on the local force haa Ihmmi trans- i ferred to the district cashier's office i in Bole. Mies June Htllier of Wels. j er succeeds Mrs. Dolling as chief op- : erator Mrs ih who has been vis lilug with her mother Mrs Dave Mr. OKI tor the peat ten days return-d to hey home In Veto Moudey. The Ontario telephone force was ! ' .1 hy Harry K Hothermell ami laglth, travellug auditors out ol . er tost week. Donald Mastersoa was In Ontario for several days this week before retiming to his home In the interior efter taking tracing course at tha officers training camp at Kugeno. ' Henry lilackwi 11 has yon to Burns into week where he will receive a shtynient of Celtic Mrs Pete Jones returned to lor home In Juiura yesterday BW after speudi ig several days rtoltiut rlend here In Ontario,. Charles i rouin was down from Drawaey visiting with hi mother and is week M. M. Joyce arrived la Ontario from Montana y eater day morning waa he ha heea for some tint) toohl.g after haalaeaa matters dohn Coaroy Thoe. aad Marttu I Manning are la from Juutur flmfl week. B. O. Darter who aold hla ranch on Monday expect to leave with Mr. Barter on Saturday or Monday for Sutinyslde, Washington, wh they will upend the winter with their j son. after which they will gn to ' I'aokcrton. Indiana Byr a visit with their daughter tVblle they h ild out thrlr farm eqtilprn. hav not disposed of all their In' her- and expect to return to thla e Him of the Went to live. Charlotte Merry dlei at the f hor Him. Kh el mm I) Merr nt Onuta, 'irti. Wedn da) October IS. Tim romnlnn were brought t Ontario or hurlnl which took pln a Monday evening Rev. W .1 l.n ronihe ror.ducted brlaf services at tho graveside. The deceased waa born InMalne fl years ago. OrVE DOUBLE JORDAN' VAIXKV HKKH l.KI CAT limuiI'MIM (Ceatlnaed from page 1) OPPORTUNITY." A colony of Quaker, alwayn stur dy and worthy elttoees have purchaa ed aeverat hundred arret of land In tha project and a part of than ar rived thla weak, with atock and sev eral wagon load of Impllmenta. ate. to aaUbtlab that reeldeace. A. . Roger of Roger Broo. need grower of Michigan, of Michigan, of national rwpatallo. vlalted tha tract thla weak with a vtaw of eetohliab in ft d (am for tha gvowr of aaed pee aad beeo Ha waa eo favorably lmprd that ha will re turn ahortly with oma of thalr farm eiperte for a fltal tooyoottoa. Ha plana flrat an esooflmantal farm of a fa hundred err. Aad ao thy are coming, from near aad from far. to "Jordan Valley; tha laad of opportunity " Believe ate, boy, thora'a some thing doing oa tha Jordan Valley Parma project! HIVrUm FOR fTBMfATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Lead offlc at Vale. Oregon. October Sltb 111 NOTICE U hereby given thet Ed ward A. Baelar, of Ontario. Oregon who. oa December tth, IMS, made Homestead Entry No. OlttO for HNWH. NBB.SWH. Sec, I. T IT s I K. aad who on Jan It. 114 mad Add'l Homewteed Entry No. 0C3, for 8WHSWV4. Sec. JO and NWHNWH. Section tt. Township 17 South, Range 47 Beat. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Inten tion to make Final Three-Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Clay M. Htearns. U S. Commissioner, at Ontario. Oregon, on the Srd day of December, IBIS. claimant namea aa wltaeaeea: Jeene Bell. Oleus C Field. Charles E. Beeler. John Elliott, all of Ontario, Oregon. THOS. JONES Heg later Portable-economical Perfection Oil Heater is easily carriedup stairs or down, from this room to that anywhere heat is needed. Lights at the touch of a match gives instant heat No smoke or odor. PERFECTION OIL HEATER Gives steady, comfortable warmth for many hours on one tilling with Pearl Oil, the ever obtainable fuel. Cuts fuel bills, too, for less fur nace heat and fewer grate and coal-stove fires are required. Oil consumed only when heat is A uccuru uu wam Buy lrfcriort Oil Hemtmr todmy. DeeVere every wiera. STANDARD OIL COMPANY 'CAUPOBMIA) 5 PEARL OIL 0. H. TEST, Special Agent, Standard VAL TaUllMNU OO. VIE TB.tlDIM. I MrNt 111 lillV) MrWiWKLI, MMtX)ND HAND KTORK NkBMA MOW PROFESSOR ASARYK sGS at SEsSJ 'BJIOi ., khA; 'ifw ij: Writ Pref. Theme Borland Maceryk, leader ef the CiecheSlovsks, who hevs declared their Indeeendenee ef Am TWELVE NATIONS OECURE FREEDOM FhitodMyfcla. Htotery haa reaiaUl ItaeH. Mere thee M.e. eeaafe ef tha eahjeet raeea ef Bar . thrwagh their rrteree. eaat aaat their Tbetee eaeeaiee eed. le tt same reesa la ladepeadeeoe hell where Aasartoe'a thlrteea rhHal ewt sett prectatmad their iegaalan, twelve aaMsae netted la e aeteesa aeot ef aalty aad eacred pledge to "ptoee ear eB people ead reeare at the dtoeeeal ef ewr elite DTbemee aiaaFnuh Sli Maseryh. lea tar of the levsh rsaatoto. aaald to tha eaese ohatr need toy Jeha Ireaeeek 14J year age. wea the flrat eigaer ef to leiUroUo ef eemme4 aim ef the ladiyeadial mld-Borepeaa aetiea The sktaere of the deetereUee pledged themetoee a behalf of their respective aetleee te aaftedly atriva to the ead that these wrong shall he righted, that th suffariegs ef the world war ahall aot hev heea la vela. RscamBdatleee far the settleaeet ef the aaeteat wreega ef the pea pie ef middle Europe will he toM baser th peace eoaacti It to hayed hy that time thet they will her heea Indareed hy ell the people here repreeeeted. The people represeated oeosiltute a chela ef eatloa lying hetweee th Bal tic. Adriatic and the Block sees, eem yrtolag Caecho Slovak. Poles. Jugo slav. Ukrainian. Llthuaalaa. Rams alses. Itsllan Irredeallst. Oreeka, Al be Dlaos. Zloalit aad Armsataas 7000 SQUARE MILES TAKEN Beeb Rellreed Syeteme Prem Olee te Mewes Are Mceaeed. Waablngton Summarising tha alt- leral Marrh aald the Hermans have evace atod or been driven out of 7000 aquar mile of Belgian and French territory sine July I During the past week, 400 square mile have been freed fro the sn htnorat Marrh awaaS. All the, roal fields In northern rtanre have nered rept for a five" mile tract what the allies' advance la now being prrssed near the BelglM Oonoral Marrh pointed out that tha n lines from the KetMM III tin' uNn stand nearly par allid to Dim great railway line near IrIsii fronller and constitute a threat against that line throughout Itg entire length. Noted Woman Educator Dead. Washington Mr. Kile Klagf Young, well known Chicago educator, died here of pneumonia. Mra. TetUMJ. waa 78 yeers old. Oreet Rle In xpree Chare, wasnington ine interstate mercM cnmnilaslnn anernverf tha Mn toareeae la eapress rata. Be yee weal te eat seed heeh aa a eehfier. eattor er martae? Of VI ta ah Imam tea Library Aeseclatlea. OITB the war welfare p the morale ef flttoh Oil Co., Ontario Vale, tkrr-K"ii i'rmmm, Ortou ttotatto, twewoM Oaterto. ttoeawe Nysee, Oregon e fereae mmmmammmsmmBmsmBBsBmmamBjgB I Sill m 4HSsSa n L sasmsmveawaanPaSTB U y Does y 1 Cheap Service nnma u qumttioa U A paopla often ak m H tBaRS1t'aB after BBV- R fasfl had bb ripertowMB U wbtre prtos is tha ehbf aiertl. haeectagy oaera a u ktoage, ber. STtMn' -Ji Ba sa prl "rM. me . i a la SiaaiH. i hi. al te bw ie P apvaeee whet'toe As- P sm ithttosrktetb er H j HMr tMh. A rwAalftl eakaM- I. hma tor seturel Math. M M etoaeeeaaaary, are ba - pa amYM al ass, eed eal SB I j grspsrtr lis, will sever I ' H fiveneaatert ed MSbrarUe. M 11 Beware et IterssMa whtoh ! ogerlow-pttoad daeatory aed I i a geeraal far oa. Ive, tea. : V r Bfea Fmjs. Deatatwer ( ft U a smobelfn mil LJ lb quftlltr or detl work L tarllaVbardvetotaer m BR ulkmr rwH Skill Is WIB H whaiiimat. getshesHh. ie LJ laeemrori. LJ f- rmajiitww. Based raslsles n iiw R fm4t 'Onmmm I sj T 3T wB IS i