TUB ONTAB16 AMOS. CMTVARlo IvrUKMMf. , . PROSPECTS GOOD FOR APPROVAL OF BONDS II. h. xn F DKA1I! ItROTHFfll Capiat laawcw Conmltlw at Washing ton to Rernnaldaw WarmsprlnsT Bend Hale Tomorrow Favor able Artloa Anticipated. H II Tunny wan recently advlaad of the death of hi brother In rrane. (The only detail" given were that the young man was killed In action a a member of the Canadian Army. In ivlew of the fart that hli brother win ja veterarian in the nervlce and attarh jed to the cavalry, hit death In anion Indicates that every unit get It chance land that the veta go forward with their charge. Recent report of Friday October 6 may be a mni ,)ti,n cavalry activity make possible orable day the upper M Iheur Tal- tn- belief that the young veterarian i ley for o that day Ike capiul Inane WM wth the force that harassed oommlttee In Waahlngton T) 0. wl'l tDa Hun on their retreat. Mr. reconsider It rejection of the Warm- Tunny haa two other brother atlll In springs bond aale. the Canadian Army. That the oommlttee would coneent to a rehearing In the premlee I taken aa an Indication that with ad dtlonal Information before It a re vsrasl of Judgment may be expected. Thru member of the Congressional Obligation, especially on tbe part of Repreeentatlve N. J. Slnnott and Ba- ator McNary and the representations i, rimw 0 tne rf,nt closing order of Attorney Jon Teal of Portland who on r.OBt cf the Spanish Influ Bring thing that you don't want to tbe Market Day aale, and take back something yon do want. Bee Mc Dowell about listing them. BOY W.B.B. CATMOUC CrlVRCH NOTMB haa been on the ground urging the action In the matter, a rehearing waa cured. Committees at Vale have been busy tor some lime gathering additional data to be presented to how that farm labor Is aallable at this time for the necessary work on the dam. BUT WIS Bring your furniture, machinery, horses, cattle, and hogs to the Market Day Bale. BUT W SB I'SfDAV AWfTawUfOOM FIIO DIM USVM WHITVRY afJMS the regular Sunday aervlee of tbe Catholic Church will he held out of doors Bnnday morning at 11:M a. m. new time. Rev. H A. Campo. Pastor. BUT Wll FOR RBNT Folding card table and folding chair Now In the time for Card parties Oct them at Mc Dowell's exchange Store. BUY W.8.S KM frill I II NOW IX ARMV TtKKH HOMIRH 1 MF.KT COLONEL 0'HERN jl 4 ; bCUbbbbbbbbbI Banana jHkl BM Jk mEE& bbbbbI I I I i t ; JnV Vi anL.'l ' ' v...... - .. .. .jwi. "fyr jWICTwTq3b5Sh?i?b9I WJmiMmmBnHawaWaaBWWaBW , , i I A small blaxe. which was discovered In time by Mr Jonea who lives across the street, damaged the M H. Whitney home Inst Sunday afternoon. The firs Is be lieved to Marled In a waste basket sitting near the window an In turn set the curtain on fire, soon envelop ing if!" -oom The timely discovery was all that saved the house, for l)r and Mr Whitney had left a half hour previous for a drive with friends. Dr. Whitney believes that ashes from lil pipe which he waa smoking In th room Just before he left fell Into throw the basket and started to blaxe damage was not great BUY W.8.S. Ha our new stock of Pyre oven ware. McNulty A Co. A copy of a Paris paper, rr received here by friends of William fortunately , RarKaby. contained accounts of a Wni field meet In which a number of Amer lean army units were represented with teams. The tabulated results of the meet gave young Blarkaby second honors for champion nil round athlete with first going fellow named Catlln, who la all probabllty la the Catlln who for years was one of Stagg's great point winners st the University of Chicago. The local athlete took second In each of the following events, high and broad Jump, discus and hammer Catlln taking first In each of The them. BUY W.S.S. Don 1 forget to list your stock and other things you hsve for aale early. See A. L McDowell, aales manager. Col. K. . O'Hern, erenanee chief ef the First American field army, who directed the big guns In the St M Intel drive. GERMAN RETREAT MAY BE EXTENSIVE With the Allied Armies In France and Belgium. Reliable Information re ceived from tbe other side of tbe line Indicate that the Oerman retreat will rarry the enemy back many miles. If not all th way to Oennnoy Itself Many prisoner captured on differ ant part of th line declare Belgium and Kroner are In prow ef evacuation. Detailed reports are coming In re specting several llnea of Oerman de feaeaa, but none of then llnea seesn to be more than temporary. Forty bridges have been thrown across the Mines la the neighborhood f Hay. southwest of Liege, aod the are from which this Information Is derived aays that they are In prepara tion for the retreat of the Oerman behind their own frontier. The country from wrlcb the Oer man are withdrawing offers striking proof of Oerman brutality and deetruc tlveneaa. Preliminary reconnaissances la vaat stretches of recaptured lerrl I BB-nT Lsa J We secured the agency for Arrow Flour Just a month ago and have had a wonderful sale on this Brand, and not one single complaint. This is the most satisfactory flour we have ever handled. E. A. FRASER II it f I 7 t I eaa.a. .. .. . . f , , t ,. , f$ f f f f $ t f fT ' '""""" "TTTTTtgggggntttHItir HE WORKS BEST WHO IS BEST DRESSED FOR COMFORT You can work best, wo:k with a will with "pep" when you are comfortably clothed. A man to be a man must be properly clothed. We are well supplied to give you Stag Shirts, Mackinaws, Leather Vests, lory show that In addition to the de- triiiiinti of military establish meats th. Bermaua brfur. denartlag nwifJ I (nfeed tvery factory and all mine. In ' many houses th Germans placed traps and In f- rnal Ba apparsntly were deal much for civilians aa for soldier. LIBERATED FRENC.i PEOPLE CELEBRATE 5tf -7 dB-- y ., !EF NEWS r,F THE 1 the allied arm on tvery battle hunt North, rn u-!lu.i. la being rapidly rlear ! e: Mi ey British and h irwi II., Claris have occupied hiuggt uul jroesid ih- (lh hi iiniKM canal, and ' la their lft have reached the Dutn. 1 frontier Thousands of ch Ulan hava been lib I crated by tbe Beigtsns ami abjoacu and mssesB of booty fell late ih i. uaiulb It is considered fjalt poaalbu- tin. the Oermaus mill try to make saga, laocesslve stands lu II. Ixluiu. ., line of rrslaisnoe unobuhietlly will umpi ise Antwerp, Brussels and Na .n which much work is hriba With Hi- 11. 11 1. h Army In Fi 11 Itoubslx and Turcoing Joyouah n .1. lUerauce froaj Uh WAR i.. taw "f the two cliles r wild with iimiilonal Joy. There were Kisses, hug and hsnuahakea for every Urn lli soldier. There waa good rea--1111 (ur HiMihsIx and Turcoing ' brate The swashbuckling Oerutaas had gone, though they left In their waks as n. .ch ruin aa they could dc vi) home In ih. . Ii hsil been sacked and things that could nor way were destroyed. K forced to leave th nuans . m to t iir.-m- lie. destroy and steal .( t were yi. ni 'td lu H.iuho .iher Hei- plci.in iii-iu ru took 1 In cloth Leather Lined C Mackinaw Pqn Skirts, Wool U the workintnnan heep Lined Coats durou Pants, Wool 1 everythinu' for YOU MEN that do ' work can clothfcs h have suits made l.y H ichaffnei & Maix, medium priced cloth s by the Clot I I Com fchat i stll guaranteed to be1 All Wool and Shape Retaining. Buy W.S.S. Buy TOGGERY BILL Good Clot hen for Men Buy W.S.S. A Buy In r'rau.f. east of l.ille to ( ambra. the UriMsti are pressing spit aupr. Hi- 1 1:'" la ... 1 Ptiaa out the big anilont a rnal as Its imiih.ru a it south To reduce lh l salUi. Ualg. i'li whoee force Ami are brigaded la dnlnK hard alou Bfansj front lu a ui. Ul.n is Ihiuwiug M-l i miana ai French aui Aawriij. s 111 their attempts t in.. a Rise and 1 mum . 'toual In Us BBJgtg and aaaaaaatsna Is is ruled wKh tumiinrc "l all kinds. It might be DciikI all tbe Insane say ad been opened and that mad 1 far? had taken delight .il loasia are Incalculable. VOTERS OF OREGON Justice F. A Moore o the g 'Hurt died last month, too 1st t name of any candidate to succeed Mat to be planed on the hallol This con. dllion makes it necesagry to write m 1 he name of your candidate. J U. CAMPBELL tF OltKOON CTT Idi ni ol Hie Htate SO yeai yer for .'" eara; veteran American War ami ur reel urn. having served with JsA j Oregon Kagluient; member uf Ursgog I Legislature In 1(07 and IsOt Mtaaiens. Judge of the Slh Judicial -ears. Ill all tlioae positions he lis good Ills record us a private cltlson sad" public . Mitni i pis m i t riiKOenM Kit U I I i , ru i N i ... i till vacanc) rnaoed b) n ' Jwriltw l - .ink . awuorvN I oge and ; b i aale soine good machinery, In household good Aayon desiring any of above propery, call a C. B. btc Combs' one half mil want of Cairo. rV.lw Stiiiday to attei, Of sti that city. su k oa the Kader rucb near The aale was a great PURN AUSTRIAN. PROMISES k With Hapsburg Oyn- csd by Czechoslovaks. riT of Aii-,lria iugar in a i, -," aniiiiiiiKed that organ! -ii i a on a federaAseU basU ! OUt. 'here has been luuik adopted h th, k National Ci i li deputies al ! - the A. neut and any i . miaos i Igsag is advices Bay that Bmperor Canvas plan does not lucludu lh. unior tf Auatrian foland with ti 1 o it Polish state." The city of ; H rile tlm names uf J I i the a ,. and pla 1 I t'ampalKii I J. D. I ... . - a; a v S .ONTARIO LAUNDRY It u Trieet iid the Trieste region will be treatei separately iu couformlty with the w lahe of the populate luiltou and William Huff man ot Denlo are to tm stock here this winter. Mmaf i Malheur week. Betreat.no TeuU Trappy (n Holland. "y' FUtsen thouaauu retreat lag Oerman soldiers have been h...... ' H014" fter being cut off by and Mark Rutherford ot "' troops no; mg uorlhward from City ww U Ontario that H". accordm,; o report, from the frontier reaching Amtrdam SAVE TROUBLE linn must keep them in repair fl VK ll MU1N kM I IN., I't M VI til klt.il We special). ,npa and I Uusoiine lOagiaes. Dim Frtrea Are Hsjrht. mm MACHINE SHOP