The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 24, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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HiG itiiiOOl NMES : gS
: TSTk
A few of the Man Reasons Why
Should Be Re-elected.
He is loyally, patriotically American.
He has faithfully co-operated with the President
in every war time activity.
He was foremost of Governors for preparedness
and has errnestly supported a vigorous prosecution of
the war.
He has stood for and insisted upon a square deal
for both labor and capital, industrial development of
the state and suppression of I. W. W.ism,
He has for more than 20 years earnestly support
ed and vigorously advocated woman suffrage and pro
hibition and has stood for a better and cleaner state.
He did not assist in organizing the Non-Partisan
League in Oregon, neither was he ever a worshipper at
the shrine of Populism and other organizations of
douhtful purpose and loyalty. -
He has conducted his office patriotically, fairly
and economically always has he placed patriotism
and efficiency in the public service above party politics.
He has given his earnest consid ration and sub
stantial effort in promoting the happiness and comfort
of the boys in the service of their country, and. lastly,
He lias a record for a sound, business administra
tion and loyal and earnest effort in the nation's present
crisis that should command the approval and support
of the whle people.
Re-Elect Withcombe!
Why Experiment?
i '
J !' Imlan l hi
load i'ii 1 1
Mi-iii MrCoy, thi itlx year
of Mi .i .I Mm i. i U
OlInT Inn lit. tyiny . 1 1 hi liers 111"'
lam weak,
i. itiU' irninin itii b, Mm
old iliuiKlilcr nf Mi Hid Mm ' I.
itirii ur i".i.iif mi ii. in. ui
fur u couple of iluya lut week.
.ivler Arreiiili-ll ulno of I'ayelle
ia uiakliiK aglaadld itogrs toward
raoovery after liumn underdone a
n last Ki i
1 1 i: M.irk- Iron ulr la ft
iiik nil is after a KiiKiit huh
i i in I i. ii I- in' waa operHii'ii on
for upponillcrlilh Moinl.i
'I I. H iuiii il io his iiimii.
In Ontario Tuesday after undergoing
an opnraiioii for tin' removal of lila
Kajatea Woelaldawskl la a I'niiaii ;
I'nl I r.. in IIiiiii In i'ii ill ai the I
pltal wllli iinriiiiioiila.
I'l'iiiinii lor I In' n in oval of ad-
iioiiU wax mi Krauk
el of New I'I.miioiiIIi i'ueaday.
Mm (' Palhoal who waa oporat' il
on a toiiplc ui wunka ago was able l
return to Imr home m I'ayette laal
Mra. P. L. Sheeta and am.
ri'iurm-il to thttlr homo In Vnto Sm
Mr. and aim. Wm. Weatfall are the
happy parents of a daughter fom
Monday October tl.
BUY W.S.6.
Htacere Gratitude
Mra Wlllaui Hell, l.ngsiisport. Ind
wrltee: "I deem It ray duty to ex
press my gratitude for the good
Chamberlain' folic and Dlarrhoe
Itemed? did me when 1 had a aevere
oi i mk of diarrhoea three yeara ago.
It waa the only medicine that rellev
ed me."
The schools were rloaed haft thin
noon for an Indoflnlte time due to or
der from atnte official regarding
preen lit Ion to be takmi I onrernln
the Spnulah Influenza
Mra. R H Taylor who haa been
acting lnatructor In the Kngllsh clas
n for Hi" i!iHt lx weeka left Tuea
,1 .,., i,,r itnlae where ahe will remain
for a few daya before leaving for
Wellington, I) 0. to take up war
The Dlav alven by the membera of
mie Janldr claaa laal Friday evening
waa a ancceaa In every way. Alter
the play waa over thoae who had
taken part In It went up to the Moore
Hall and apent the reat of the evening
a the guests of honor at the Sopho
more oarty where they had a Jolly
Monday evening the Junior rlaaa
field a apread In honor of Mra II II
Taylor and alao to celebrate the auc-
ceaa of the play Arrangements were
made for the Orange Hall aa a place
ifor celebration but at the laat minute
'permission waa refnaed and they mo-
Itored back to town to the Moore Hall.
Here game of all daerrlptlon were
'played and dancing waa enjoyed until
111:30 when they adjourned to the
hlsh school domeatlc aclenee room for
.the refreshment The evening waa
declared by all to he the one moat en-
Uoyed In the hlatory of the Junior
'partlea The gueata of honor for the
'ociaalon were Mra R. H. Taylor.
Misses Victoria fltanka and Mabel
Madden who aided In the play and
claaa advlaor Prln J Arthur Youn
Hr V J Weeae apoke to the atu-
denta at the high arhool at general
Niieinblr concerning the prevention
nf Influent Tueadav mornlna The i
point he emphasised were briefly If I
you have the allgbteat feeling of III-1
neni go home at once and atay there
until you think you have recovered;
it be outdoor, or on the streets i
i lie i old until four or nix day j
have paaaed and laat. to keep from
getting Influensa do not go near the
fellow who ha It. tay at home and
atay at home In Ontario So far there
Spare been no caae of Influents In thn(
with iin raw mini of aahool work
physical training claaaea will hi
Hilled In the eaat aide achool under
II . direction of Mil h IWfcl fltank
Word VaJ ri'i'iHeil gf Hunt II R
I'ism Mnnda) of the safe nrrlval
111111 Of furiiiiir principal of 1 1
high achool J Will 1'nit.r
In a i hy:i friend
thiM wool tl i Luehra I
eapolla vUltlng while awaiting
'opening of the I'nlveralty of Minne
sota. Word waa alao received at the high
.oi tlil week that I'vi Sherman
r mar on the O. I
hall ten in. had sailed for scrvli"
overaea Henduy.
Wendell Holland starii-il to school
sasln Mniidav with hla old class-
'matee and I buay making up bark
work ,
I .mm returned Hie flmt of
the week after a couple of weeks' ali
ases due to lllneaa.
Several of the boys ware absent
last week on account of helping on
2K&' y
Victor Window Shades
do not wrinkle
os kr-nkle
They are made by hand. Therein
lie the reason why they are always
smooth never wrinkle, krinkle or
No machine process has been dis
covered for making as good shades
as hand-made Victors.
The covering pigment, ground in
pure linseed oil, makes them proof
against moisture and fading.
Let us measure
your wirdowa for
Victor -Mid-Made Shades
Ontario Furniture Co. j
the ram-hea during haying
Almost all of the work for the alt
waaka haa been finished now ami Hi"
Engllah rlae are sgala on new
book reviews
Remember you are Invited to parti
cipate In Hie Ontario Salsa Day. Bo
brlns In everything you want to sell
sod IIhi early with A b. McDowell.'
sees manager
Broarhlsl Trouble.
Mrs A. B. Slderbarder, RlekflaM,
Ind . states; "For an sttscki of bras.
chlal troubts which usually ataallt as
In the spring I find chamberiaial
Cough Remedy the only thiol that
glvsa me relief. After unlng It Isr
a few dsys all sign of broasMal,
trouble disappears."
More and Cheaper Fish
Pleasure Seekers OVUMW
keep the price uf fish sown. HJp productio tf fish. Hiavoule ink
Itrsil argument In Slste elrtllon iwuipliM.
t'lacksma t'ounty Fisherman's I'nlon. Andrew Naterlin. Sect
Oregon City. Oregon ti'ald Advti
Cold Weather Needs Have The Call
And Boyer Bros. & Co. Is the Store to Supply Them
The need of the last days of October is emphatically in the direction
of cold weather outfitting. Here conveniently assembled under one
spacious roof, are just the t injrs needed to take care of one's self
and one's samily. Boyer Bros, have ample new stocks of everything
of a seasonable nature for any person. Merchandise of most depend
able quality at lowest prices cousitent therewith.
Remarkable Showing; of
Women's & Misses New
CoatS and
Fine serviceable and pop
ular materials.
Greatest values in
t' he found. If it is qual
ity for your money you are
looking for and a great
variety to select from, you
will buy all your family
Underwear needs at this
Millinery Auto Robes
Just received a new lot
of bright new millinery,
very reasonably priced, for
quick disposal.
Excelent values at
and up. Wool Robes in
good large sizes. Soft
warm robes that will give
the beat of service. AH
colors. Buy while the as
sortments are large.
Waists I Shoes
New Fall Models. Just
received. On sale Satur
day for the first time. As
to values, we will say with
confidence, that they are
the equal of any, and
many Waists sold else
where at 60 more.
Do you compare our she!
with others when you bay
for service, quality a
prices? If you would,
snrelv would sell VOIlaaH
shoes. Full stock of goo
well tittinor ahoes for t
whole family to siH
Ontario, Oregon
Ontario, Oregon