THE OKTAMO AfMRW. ONTARIO, OKSOON, THURSDAY OOTOBKR if. ISIS Closed on Sunday Beginning Sunday, October 20 The Oregon State Council of Defense has requested that no delivery of petroleum products be made on Sunday. The standard Oil Company is glad to comply with the request and beginning Sunday, October 20th, and thereafter until further notice, all of our distributing stations in the state of Oregon, including our automobile service stations, will be closed on Sunday. No sale or delivery of any kind will be made on Sunday. As in the case of our previous announcement regard ing the sale of gasoline and engine distillate only between the hours of 6 a. m. and six p. m. (now week days only), this request is made for the purpose of conserving man power and we know that our patrons will patriotically co operate in making this important war me-i.iure effective. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) Town Topics Tersely Told nnil M Hull nnil lii' l Hull return...! th lat of thr iron t'alfornlR v.lirre llioy liaxo licit Ink the punt nix weeka. iiml Mr (l.'orge Bandar and un- IfiivliiK Hie lain of MM r Twin Hills l.iiilio. I rill imiko tli-'li home In Hu ts l.unrtrltli and CryKlal lie Ny ia schools were down with KMO "' Ontario fa- friend Bsttirdsy. id Mra. Vliirt in Mi U'Miua of passed thru Ontario a (aw kg on their way to Haker and d where they will make an In- He visit with frlrnda. Hid M Vr nil' II. I nf Ire visiting Willi friend In "" l. week n-1 Joyce returned a few days in a business trip In the Inter- La Dorothy Turner and Mary ware v Initio for a .oupU of kat week with friends In Bolae. Carroll and aon from T. Iting In Ontario this weak Thoy (he trip overland from Waah- i In their Oldamohlle Ruth Meade vUitad a few day vk with her friend Mlaa Mar- irner. 8he relumed Tuoaflay lc her home In t aid well , V:u Huckuer snd i-hlldren ra ti, their home near Beat Ho evening after a several weeks are with Mrs Buckners par- and Mra. D. W. Stawart of levir: Lackey wu a Barns visitor ity Tuesday. Graham waa a buaaaeaa rom Weatfall In town Tuesday Ineaday. and M. Coaroy and John'O'- t Juntura, were registered at re Hotel Monday. It. 0 Heed of Juntura, U In town this weak. o den, Utah, arrived In Ontario a coupl. of laya i and Weill make a short lit here. Ueorg. i'louton ws Khorslde a few days ago. from Annie MaoDonald of Nyesa Saturday with her ulster Mlaa Mar Dona Id, a student a arse hospital ("or MoNulty. Mae Patt and ay dell motored to Boise and e week end sd Mra. Ban Crummett are the ireui of a new soldier ban lay, October if. Mrs. I. I i onway is visiting llilx weok with Mrs. Herman Hleriuan Mallett. u I'rescott and W R ware Ontario liuslnesa visitors Mon day from Holuo. Mrs ii ii ..ggonor of Vale spent . le of duy vilth friends lu mis ririi ..J the week. Hulph Bain, formerly i ulug this wc-k tho ranch near Buina. o Ira Mahan was again in the city Monday from Crane. i; W. Field, connected with Un reserve, was hare last weak from Washington I) (' utt.nilliig to business muttors In this part of the country. Mlaa Mary Hatfield or St Alplior sus, Hospital, Boise, islted for a few days bare last weak with friends. i a A. M. Highsmltb came down from Drewaey and visited over Sunday In ,10. John Acton waa registered from Juntura at the Moore Hotel Friday. L U Dibble of Boise waa la the city for couple of daya last weak vis iting with relatives and transacting minor business matters. Wa. O. Kearny from ('amp Kearny, t'al., waa enjoying a few daya visit hare last weak. Mr and Mrs. B. 8. Hughes aad daughted were visiting In Ontario Thursday and Friday from Buras. Edgar Draper spent a couple of days furlough here last weak with his mother Mrs F M Draper Ha r. turaed to the talniug school la Wash ington Flday evening where be baa been la trainiag lu l In- naval branch. Hon some time ago with high honor III brother Jim Conway Is now a argnant In the marines at Mare Is land. OaJ, Mr mid Mrs. Qentt r leave aal Mondajr lor i ISAM, k In- 'I Hin Fall- ' ouu i will maka I half home. V!iey I M n ram Ii for a ler: years, so will Q.t be ... fpajajln I" Ml II Mr Mi Mr Tlion.u . K i In" (laiii-lit-T Ki.thrrlnw rats io tin lr I l) 11. o In Jor.lai. V'li.av Mr and Mrs. w LMaMJ Imv. moved to their new borne on Indiana avenue this weak. Mrs iiy Wilson of Ny-a waa In "ruing Miss l.uHIa Tallin reiutl . till ..I Vancou ver. Wellington,v viie visit' I rclaliv lu ii " was the guest of Mr. aad Mrs M. K. Newton In Imr attof .ii Mrs. .n. liiimhur of former linturf.. now esldentk or the ship hi i .i. -holing Mr and Mrs I) II Kerfoot and Mr. and Mra James O Smith BUY W 88 Ba In Ontario Sale day with any tbtng you haw- for sale. List Hi.-m with A. I. McDowell, sales manager BUY W.S.eV- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Outarlo High School has now en tered the state debating league and preparations tor the Ilrst debate will soon begin With the new puplli who have coma and those who were Interested In the work last yaar it la expected that there will be pleaty of good material from which to eiiooae the debsters Two first class teams at least are wanted. Oaor more uudlscernlhle noises can ba heard at the high school hulldii.x which Is a sign that the band has started their practice There arc thirty boys in the olasa, the Instru ctor ot whlrh u Barney Turner formerly of the Ontario band Out girl. Maude Walters; has enrolled for the Isssoas and more are expect. .1 The lustrum' uts for the beglum-' have bean ordered and will ba hei Word waa received here a few days ago by his parents Mr and Mrs. I) F Coaway that Maurice Conway will aoon ba an etfUga la Uaelo Bams Navy He la la the Naval Flying Corps and ia located now at Wast Kay. Ha aaanwl his flrat examtaa- l the first meetiug the following for the coming year ware eleeted: Kidon Maddea. preside l. J.nk 'nt.THon. treasurer, Frank Dor maa. sacretary, and Kithel Ijujt, lib rarian. Diterary Digests for current topics work In the history and literature classic are being ordered and tha sub scriptions for the magazines in the library are being raaajsed Via aad of tha first six weeks ia aaayroachlag and many of the stuaaata ! are vainly wondering what thplr4" grades In certain subjects will Preparatory to the making out of thai g.M..i.-B were me written hooR r1 Tlaws that were handed In by the Junior nnd Senior classes In Kngllh Tho Nut chih gavo their first Id-; dance Friday evening at tha Moor Hall and from the report of those who wore present the evening wan a sue. ess in every way. For the past two weeks the boy of grade i hool have been receiving in structions! In military drill under the i-don of Captain Walter aii fit d and second lieutenants D and Odall sided l.y the other officer I of tin' cade) corps. Thi bora of Hie fifth, sixth, savants and niiiuherlnir appi Ij 100 taking part In ilm drills iThlrn mtnutaa each day are devot ed to i ii. work A meeting of the Junior class is held esterday at which I wara aaaatatad to look after the var ious details ci. line, ted with the play, j Whether American History Is n dry subject or whether the hour of , the prereedlng night were early, rei mams to be proven, hut the fact Is I that two young gentlemen ot thel Junior Class gently snored thru the study period Tuesdsy afternoon CARTER GARAGE AttENCY FOR -aaj",,1ifsTstaBJV .s saJtaapaTyTTT'Bgeaw Hupmobile and Chevrolet Cars Goodyear Tires and Accessories THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED REPAIR SHOP HARVEY & RICHER, PROPRIETORS J. A. ROBINSON. Mrt. ONTARIO, ORK;ON Play Fair with the Newspapers THE WAR INDUSTRIES HOARD has placed Newspapers in the Fourth (Mass of Essential In dustries. This is done because of the function! newspapers in war efforts in arousing interest in Lib erty Loans, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., K. of C, and other auxiliaries of army. Papers Must Not Be Wasted Publishers have signed agreements that they will not waste paper. Tluw have agreed to abide by the regula tions of the Board, just as the HouHt-wivcs have agreed to abide by the Food regulations. By these regulations all newspapers used must be ONLY FOR SUBSCRIBERS WHO I AVE AID FOR THEIR PAPER IN ADVANCE. THIS IS A GOVERN MENT REGULATION. IT MUST BE "IISERYED. Therefore The Argus must place its subscription list on the basis prescribed by the authorities. We ask the help of our readers to accomplish this. Note the Date on Your Address Slip On this paper. On the right hand upper corner of the first page is your name and the date your subscrip tion expires. If your subscription has expired, pleaae send us a check to cover subscription to date and for one year in advance, if you wish to continue getting the Argus We want to serve you. We want to print all the news. We are trying to do our utmost to aid every phase ot war work in this community. We intend to observe the regulations. Help us do both by renewing your subscription at once. After November 9th no Argus will be mailed to y.M unless your subscription is paid. U8E THI8 BLANK FOR MAILING REMITTANCE. To The Argus, Ontario, Oregon. Enclosed find check for $ tlon from, per year. .to. for aubscrlp at 451.60 Signed. Address. (