The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 17, 1918, Image 1

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(Mario 3irgtts
The Ontario Democrat
NO. 43
Ijinil H"anl Kniul With
wmy ,, e Make '
ronaalannce of all Available
ll on-gun Route
The Desert Mod Board which Bjfg
nperrlslon of Um work twin Sage
the Jordan Valley Farms company
Its development of the btg ,0
ra orolect In the southern end Dl
h oountv ha aakad the State Hlgh-
ray commlaalon to maka a reconnal-
gnee of all tha avallahle. all Oregon
nutes, for a road to that aactimi
I'ndar tin- MM of MM contract
ha Jordan vnuey rarma aapi'i
Irh la developing tha great trad.
nil lh Desert l.and Boarri. a given
ou Of the prim for which the
ad la Hold must be spent on roada,
Ittilxr iha direction of tha hoard TIN
Dard haa eleoted tha Highway r.un
llaalon to select the rout" for tho
ad leading In rron' ""
There ara three roiitaa (alkad of.
hie first la tliut from Ilia Owyhee
oeslng up Succor crook past Hock-
lockvllle an Irrrilv
tuin ran eh, nr branching b
loath west toward the M l
aid lluhy ran. n. Tlila la the route
ivorad by llii' promotara aa bain
nmat araselbl and offrln t !-
at grades for heavy truck hauling
Tha second route la that uric
. I road enthusiasts of Vera leav-
br that oily and going aouih lu
I'atsoii and thena Beat to Jordan
fJlr; the third la being urged h
ha Caldwell t oiumerclal rub which
ant a big dellgatlon to joriiau vanay
Hominy and Monday This
DUte go thru Owyhee county Idali.i
kp Squaw creak, acroaa the mountain-
Jordan Valley
Knclneor Rennatt of the Btate lltg'ii
imm Baton who I In Ml
Bunty now will prohiiMy he di
iriiki- the i.-iiiiniimlaanoa of il i
ropoaed routea and report hark to
ki nlnlaalon
m 1
YaW. ""
aeato Sm
anwamml em.
4 "maJBeSBBBiSB''"
VBb sr"1 ft aBI QaM
I iff. Vfv VR
I - i - ' - 4aW ' i
Visitor 'Mil, ,,,re Hid- to Kim
HiiMrlor Trwlnlnir and lleof Glee)
Ioinli Ailvantaam Pinal
i iW to 7.
tight for Property of It. ft Oo.xlc.iu
In Probate Ciiurt at IIiik tame
l leal h Here fJMttntber
Ity the aora of 31 to 7 Urn Ontario
With School foot ball team won th"
opanlng game of the football eeuaon
laat Friday afternoon, from tha Paw I'ourt la Bolee, Monday with the de
The firat round In the content for
lha aetata of K C. Goodwin, known aa
1-um Ooodwln. ended In the prolmte
ette High Hchool team. In aplta Of
the one-elded acora the game waa an
Intaraating conteat and the boys from
the Idaho aide put up a atlff fight
until they were hopieaaly beaten.
It waa ease of a heavier and better
trained team meeting a lighter and
Payette line proved unable to hoM
-lain of J4ae Uunlay, In raver of hi
illegitimate daughter. Uertrude Bin-
ner Lewla.
Uoodwin, It will be remembered
waa murdered on the Boulevard on
the night of September 4. Ill by I)
(' Hrlihoux who waa a well known
OiHrmtar In notarlo at that lime
the attack directed agalnat It hv Cant I After the murder, whhh oceurad aa
.Ih il..H.. .!. M..M iH..iii- (- t.... r:.....luit. .....i it. i.. .. u..- ...-.i. '
.mi rKinni, wuti nnni wiwiia nuwn wuvfiu uu uiiliiuiia nrrs iiimiuik
and Cody Huller thru the Hue for K t returnlug from Rteln'a monn
pea ted galna. When the Mnh.i line t .Ina, Brichoux wore Good wln'a Jewlry
did brare up ami hold the ends prov- and reoelved hla mall, taalied hla I
ed Milnerahle and long runs war checks and otherwise attempted to
made around them play tho part of the dead man.
Both teams manifested a weaknaa' Bolaa papers hud tin- following to
ailing the hall, with (he renal' '" shout tin- hearing of I
den. ajabert L. Bullard, commander
of the American Second field army,
recently organlsad in France.
fall of 1814, has WW battle,
i for the estate of her I
Judge Dunlap In probate routi Mod
llngaia ot Bevarnl Wwaaml DaJnara
I. .' I.. Pal Ontario tin II
HoM um.
Oiitsrlo la the laggard oommunlt)
Malheur i.unly eo far as aubscrlp
Koiirth I "u la
looted wllli approval President Wl!
kn irfuaaal to lili
nut baoklag up ue i-re vhh Its
Bliey II uionoy wuuiu win iu wi
thai laat pofftifta Oatai
needed to whip the KiiUer '
iiIi.t a-.- the Kajaer win tiian
with l heir ahare. een at four
a quarter per goal luieraat
I, mi a lliiuili'i of thus
no far refused I
luotua ioda. and In ull hu'
nltieeji were t u:
n. riM plea aovaut-eo y iaw
ittla was that I rated
ar the ha Mltlee dia-
to have Ontario uii tha list of
as wuicli will ne oouipeli
llah slacker ll.iit. It la delern
It hIII mako public the name;
the ludlilduala who rfue U lake
quotas unloaa some action
n by these man to put t hem-
It bofore the subaorlpti
i y night
during tha weak Ontario had
quota In sight, but It waa found
we vera I thousand dollars worth
iiud bought thru local bauks by
eltaata had to be credited to out
eoatm unit lea la tfce county aad
therefore duu
.SOS of Its quota of tls..S.
w thousand haa been rsrotvod
aad oe , anbaertatton la
ao that On tarts haa Bi aa-
tl.sst aa. Its sus to ralee to
ier the top
tha gaaoatlBta. however, tha
ty la wau avar OH aaota and ao
i ataie. hat in tnie Osttarao ha
croatt mania, (a? tt
Paris Frauch troops continue to
to keep In contact with the retiring
Germane, the French war office an
nounced. Tho French report aald the
remaining enemy troopa were showing
resistance oa the north bank of the
Alane canal south of Chateau I'orclen.
Sixty-five hundred civilians worn
'! w-en lha French troopa en
iie cllyif Tjuin. The (tatenSnT
laaued at the war office aaye that the
t have paaaad far beyoml the
town on tha whole front between the
Olae and the Allette rivers.
here believe that aa a
result of iii :oits advu
a will be i
'. retreat to Um Ulle Meaierea
Metz Hue.
i iik carried
out with dl" lug in the bom
bardmeni ol ' by ulrplaneN
lirlilah troopa are reported U have
iniiihu lo be sd
vain ma on, (rata whiih
urea miles itlotant
Ann "a are advancing In
III tile
Argunne aaotoi u to the In
The battle lluu in i
.Ilea, um) lit, uviu) almost h
,niil "lie
poallloiis But hla retreat la n
and tin i-'iimb
rati a ai
way foi
aa rear gua
The British .. ma brought
. Ihe ,;ul. .-. h IcniK
haa yi lug In
up.. ii the gnat l biih
haa I. Ilk ax
To tt
Ud oul
luaseif kitui
ih. Ill ii-d toward the
The Chimin dea Dames no longer
lauds aa a bulwark (or l-aou la lha
Alane region anil to tin- rust in ihe ,
I'hauipagui i a swlfi ad
vanee. have entered Veustere and ear
rled th- at I he
roiuuiuui.Miiuns 1,-iw.eii the Uei luuu
nortaaru armlea and tkoaa eaat of the
Champagne hid fair to he cut.
On the extreaee allied right la the I
active battle area the American Firat
army In keeping ap Ha hamwerlug
tact lee aad dally taialaa more of the
moat valaahte ground restate lag to the
Oerneaaa la nortaaru France- that
eroteettna tnatr oaatmwaloatiua Hues
from the home sol! through the Mrts
that fumblan ware frequent. It VBs there on Monday
tlila w-eakneaa on Ontario's part thai
let I'ayatte secure tint first si
game, a few mlnutee after it he open
ing Kick off.
li illd not take Ontario lum
en the count, for on the firat nWy
following the kick off Cody BuUpr day afternoon handed down a decision
atagod one of tho spectacular rang of "' favor of tho daughter and agalnu
the game, going thru tackle to 'a the administrator, Kugene Lohney.
clear field, milking a 70 yard run for, left an estate of si
a loin h down ! rom that time On niately 144,000 of which 110,000 had
the game proved an Ontario procaa-i already boon dlairlbuted to his gsaU
Kluii toward the Payette goal. er at Butler, Tenn Several thoui-
Two spectacular runa were added (and dollars were also spent In tin-
by Captrln llowser and by Orvllle handling of the eatatc, leaving a bal
a Vi
BearJ vfJgP Ae t
1 nfl iiflltit . ' J'
wr .,f r.
MhIIhui- Count) Musi It
f iiiiiigaaaa t
Mem Who Ira i
Malheur County wn, , tl real
l"t of IIh patriotic spi' I ml
iinatlon to hack up , . who
are lu the trnuohoa SI I aeaa and
In the ramps, .luring mher.
The united Wa . .,. drive will
BIS on Novaniher II and will
llaas until NOvemlnr 1 Ttie
t or the drive la to raise fundi
for tha Y. M. and Y w i a., the K.
ore. tin Jowlah Welfare board, tha
''"''! "illy aervlen and other
aaaoolatlona doing work In and ennui
rtaj snd navy empe
The amount aaalgned to Malheur
tha stata seeaeeettaa Is
11.1. 480 If 11,1m ,,i Ih divided la
the same proportii in the laat pre
v ill he called upon to raise I7.SS4,
WhlrS Vale and vicinity will g
ed to raise tS.lna.
Col. Henry L. Stlmson, secretary of Cullke I.Uherltv Umn Inveatnaagd
wis. daughter of war under Taft, now commands the thlg smounl will up,. ..,.,,1 an
In. the wealthy sheei .,. ri Thirty , rat Fi Id artillery, Camp Hfl l tha SsaSStatlaaa. whl-h aie
n.utilered Iii eastern Oregon in tha Meeds. Md. working for the fara of tha
New York Prealdent Wilson, com
mender In chief of the American army
mid navy, marched at lha bead ot tha
I ,n. ra ' i"i. SS in Ho- ' .'luiiitiu.
i a i-.j. ....., . iMui , day parade, one of the moat
Walters. llowser returned a klahoff ance of 120.000 In Idaho, which uu , .
, 71 ... .. ... Impressive and Inspiring spectacles
for 40 yards and on the next play der the ruling of the court, t hu daug i v . .
Waltera skirted the Payette left end , (er will receive and suit for the re
New York has ever seen.
for (0 yards and a toush down
Captain Patch for Payet
Xamphin at full back and half w'atfl
the moat Bonstetaal yarilage maker
for Hie visitors. I'nti h carried the
hall moat of the time but waa BtOPP
rspaatodly by Moore, Maddux and
tier when he tried the Iras
and by Dean and Odell whoa he at
tempted to aWakS cm) rune I':,
work of the Hue and the enda vaa
tho hlggoal sitrprlao of the game for
It demonstrated that n.e imya were
tacklnrs lliau Couch Dougla-a
believed them to be.
The only thing that marred the
gamo waa a flatla en
log of 1'av. resulted I
of them helug ri
tn. t
Um ,ip of the teams waa a
tun of th 130.000 distributed will be
brought in Tenneasee.
.Iwln'e danghtrr did nol
to Idaho to pro uta i to Hi
at the from When the time
RI, Malheur county will do Ha
iiiitv nohiv. i iiaraa w w
ii loi Upg ilrlv,
want (o pall tepatinr n that ..ur
Dty will he over ih- i,,p h.
'ther ooaatlaa la Oregon reach
I US) It IS ih" aango he In
sending out il,n weak.
Mr Wood has not yi named lha
i It tees that will have charge ..f
the work In tha varloua precli,
but will do ao soon and they will bo
announced next weak.
Malheur county now haa several
hiindi.-.l hoj I In mn ,ii4 linn
whloi lha inone, in be aecur. I
lu tin i drive will IuiiiInIi Mall
Under a canopy formed by the flag
of tha tf nations arrayed against au-
tocrsi y tad with squadrons of Amer
ican airplanes I:. i .ol ike wllh tg.mill rialitlna
Affldavf her wer. u eountys share I. , f i .is flr ,.ry
i the case and In these he bnt ... re ;,ity oanta ner man
III i-i aril i llin tpisaj ii s
march alon i,.- '"" " " '"" waaar county who
m nun or more ot the
thai much to heap tha i . . i ,,
ty of her life.
mil.',! aa lliiiglilei
Inher alfiduvls aho a- '
aa the lllegltlmulo daur
win, r mo
until the age of year, that
BMtaV -.iin-k
aha waa i
luoi hei Dnlil I i -
her K ,. ml her .lle.l :ml fl
or In
Inoltiei . ho H SI I
ian ami i.'io waa reired and
list 'I aa i :
daagl bore tim
tired a lawyer
. she nocuri ! n di
AIM. a."
At the head of the line were deiai h
mints of fi ling 32
nationalities. They
tries that nr. fight u-lr ,,nP,n,w'
wiin nrrei in.-ir lives In th
freedom and th
that are fli-htliig to be free
ugalnrt II a Hun T
I f
l I l
i- i
r t
r g
!: i
Wi ,
llli. i
not he
I a
h r
lu i larch dl
Lsinster Inc
j.rded as a BIovk
l:ig or i .in
I from
Hosraat i etch l
Alkeu, ii.vroa; A
head II i. V
did inn halt ' I
Ill 1 W. S rt
P Ml i U IWIVs
la the Miaanlaii t Beater Beat
la raJoetiae th allied aareee are
utg the weuty Bard akhattag la teal
krlaj eaaamd of IB Aastro-Haaaartaa
Braona while In Baetlla Ntah. th eat-
ant a new Bfctte fcfgeHBl. actor IB la
lay ts Aer-Maiiajaj lea, haw
Baaa iBBHnd aad the seamy arteeo
to eh huto aasth t u
Uei nary Rader. Ed Fraaar and r.
Van Pollen who left Ontario soin
time ago to wot. I Arm
Training torp at th u ..
Washiugtou had aa Interesting wee.,
trying to get located and registered,
due to the fact that their iud
papere which ware mailed
went eel ray After a week's effort
during which they wrote letters and
telegraphed back and forth aav
their fathers busy the young me-i
finally got their papers aa: Brew
duly nagUtered. In Uta weaatim
Bernard Kador had to uuder go
allgbi aaaal operation aw ih.
hoy had a real "away
tlmo" feeling Ho
located now au.i
their .
Mrs. U K lamaort of Jordaa VaJ-
Bolaa lo present her daiia f. gg
on ' ler. hut the Oermau i
fusal In .i liana- iniaouera al
stories i omll m i
iikini; In,
to dampen ncy lo
ward the central powers.
It sppears plain il. al the Ueruiun
propoaala are regunled with more die
lavor bare than tbey a ere a week ago
I and it V
ItuimluK Hue. tlvji John llev II..
In I ouall an. I I f lluu Malli, i
I 'any on Hui i
Influensa Increases
Camp I . -437
new i -week,
as npi
at Camp Lewie.
.re pen
Bar last
A I. and h I
tlal I
and U I
V. . : .
. 111)1
doea not
That Malheur ruiiun wi.i - ,
el some of the i.. i.
nd Fadorai road fuads far ih Balls
ag of Poet Itaaalt la evident fre:
aot that ibe BtaU hUgh ay
imemloa has its oBgiaeers la lha field
now maklag ffj H
th previous week ai lo the
weekly kealtb report The number ur
death, despite this increase la la
flaeasa. deereaaed
wTnVh u-eac-e-nn;.
a a qaeetion to he deeddt
O the Highway CoiumiMrtoa
Malnaur couui .aa not mii ure it
Of propow-0 I tf ,SSS siipropnaie,! for ihla woi
lay vlartad her daagatat Mlae Mariairlo to rBa Baker ooaaty Bae. aad th
lmbert who la a student la Hi High I Val to Burns highway from Vale, up
school bora ib.1 wo,
roatoa. Ta liaao ore belug eoBalaV ,Br the Federal goeoinwovi and Ih
araaj: Th John Day Hlghwey from Bute, ualeae It provide its t2S.Be1
by appiosal of the prupoaed latuauv-
maaauie. whhh fa to a
ajaitiaau ogayon to fBe Haraev in Kurn
i he mi or wi i '....
and at the present ratr i
do UOt
i lactssj
i.e. until
are oct''.l and hu
i . wan
k. i unnlagiiam of Barr a ,um. the englaaors foi the aVai
i Drainage dutrl. i a , lu the
clff th Si si of th week