ONTARIO AUGUR, ONTARIO, ORIOOOIf, THtTRHDAY OCTORKR 10. .Professional, . . Cards . . . : ! IRS. PRINKING, WEESE & FORTNER OFFICE HOURS: to 12 and I to 6. fflco over Flmt National Bank. kphoiie No 83 J. Ontario. Ore T. 22 T. IS W 0 Hi DKNTIST n HMk Rm 1171 .NftFKK. RB38 BAOOAOB AND EX- JOHN LANDINOHAM r. BRITTINUHAM Track TNaifw I'hose 1ST M NOTIO OK HAM? OF STATE I.ANHH. Notice ta hereby given that the State Land Board of the State of Ort- 4 gon will receive sealed bids until 110:00 o'clock a. m, November ". 11 1, (or the following described lands, tewlt: All of Sections 16 and S(. 8. R. 46 B. All of Sections 16 and 36. 3. K. 44 B All of Sections 16 and 36. T S R. 45 B. All of Sections 16 and 36, T R. 46 E. All of Sections 16 and 36, T R. 46 B. Section 16 and 36, T. 14 I H All l.liln mnst be accompanied In regularly executed nppllratlonH to purchase, and check or draft for nt least one-fifth of the amount hM. ird reserves the right to re jvtl any and all bids Applications and bids shonld be addressed to O. O. Hrown. Ctgtj Stat Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchase state lands." G. O. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Dated at Salem, Oregon, August IS, 111 First publication September 6, 1P1I. Last publication October II, 118. CITATION TO HKIRM. 2:i 24 6. 16 S ONTARIO LAI'NIMV DOWNTOWN Ol Hi K MKII11M' IIKUU STORK Classified dvertising NOTICK FOR PI'BLlrATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. nd office at Vale, Oregon, Octohe- 4th, 1911. Notice Is hereby glv that Hans A. Arneson, of Ont: A.orngon, who. on Novemner Bin, ii made Homentesd Kntrv. No. 0266?. J for W 8WH, Section 10 and NW NWH, Sertlon 15, Townshln is South. Keota 46 East lllamet" .Meridian, haa filed not I of It lion to make Final Th- -Var Proof. to establish claim 'o Isnd above described, before 1 er snd R - reiver. U. 8. Lan ' office, at Vfile. Oregon, on the 1" h day of November, 1111. Claimant n 01 ns ' masses: it. n 1. Hii '. Mr lien L. Inivsl, John Blanton. Mi 1 IB Hlsnton.. all of Ontario, Oregon. TH03. JONES. Register SALE: A new set of heavy drl .harness Including collars, bridles NOTM'K FOR PI Hl.lt ATION Department of the Interior, If lestrapa for 126.00 Call phone 'ofLand offloe at Vale. Oregan. Oeta 16 W, Ontario Adv 42 8T AThird Liberty Loan Bend r 10,701,116 for $50 Finder the First National Bank for rd. Adv. 41 t.NTED Modern house, five or idi with bath Will buy r live full Information first let- AB, car Argus. IS I II sss IR SALE One three plate etoc- iga. hot slightly used. Is good Address Box 106. OnUrtu, ,--B.-40-tf. IR SALE U. 0. Separator in condition. Inqulrs her. St H FOR SALE A 10-Acre aa to Ontario, full water ood dltcb. fully seeded, and aproved; hse and barn. Fa ble terms. Address Bos 101, Oa- Oragoa. -B Adv. 40-tf USE FOR HALE Modern, dose 1th excellent lawn and shade and barn. House has two seven rooms and bath. Will ier trade for property la or Portland. Bee W. L. Taraer, stats agent. Adv. 54 if Cow For Bala Wanted to sell ado Jarwsey 7 year old Fresh fla; also three sires of corn ana IxiisM fct and tons of allaUa. F. A. Young. Ontario, 1 miles I City lessons given. Mrs. A. T. mesa . recommended by Miss Curry Phone 2R Adv. 40 Sale 1017 Six clyinder Buick condition. Baa H W. Swagler WANTED TO RENT lished rooms for light house- Will pa gcod prleay (or Address Post Office box 60S Adv. 41 -Large black Shepperd do to the name, "Bhep" has (raise oa end of noaa. Reward formation or the return of the Bex 234 Ontario Adv 41-4i" ber Ird. 101 S Notice Is hereby given that Ivan L. Muahllti. of On tario, Oregon, who on June 6th, 1016. made Homiatead Eatry, No. 01506. for HW'i NVf, WHBWH.Eaw. 14; SH NE't. WH8BH and SEUBBM. Berttoa 15. Township 17 South, Range 46. Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to niakd Final Tree Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Register and Receiver, II. S Land Office at Vale. Oregon, oa the 0th day of November. 1015. claimant aamaa as wltaaasea; Ralph Griffith. Jamas May. John Elliot, all of Ontario. Oregon and Charles Beeler of Payette. Idaho THOB JONB8 Register NOTICE OF FINAL MKTTI.KMKNT Notice to hereby given that the un dersigned Administrator of the Batata of A M Moody. Deceased, hss filed (n the County Court of the Bute of Ore gon for the County of Malheur, his fi nal account of his administration up on aald estate and that Saturday Nov ember 2nd , 1015 at the hoar of 1 o ' clock P. M. of said day. at the Court House in Vale, Oregon, has baa fix ed by said court as the time and place for hearing said final account and set tling said estate. Any and all person Interested In said estate are berebynotlftod to ap pear at aald time and place and file their objections In writing, If any there be.to said tlasl account, and contest same. Done and dated, and first published this ird day of October 1118. ARTHUR MOODY Administrator of the Batata of A M. Moody Oct. I to Oct. 11 BrosM-hlal Troable. 1 aia.rknlar sUafeMalaV I ties; "For an attacks of bron- nble whteh usuaHy asasilwuioj surtna I find Chaniberlaia si Remedy the only thing that te relief. After ualag it tor days all signs of Bronchial J Payette, Idaho. THOS NOTICE FOR HlBUt ATIOW. Dasartmaat of the Interior, V. 8 Land Office at Vale, Oregon, Septum bar 16th, 1015- Notice to hereby given that W Abble Webb, of Welser. Idaho, who. oa October 11th, 1015, made Homestead Entry No 04114, forSWKNWH Bee. SS. 8HNB. NW44SB. Lota S, 4. and EViSWVi. fleet! SI, Township 16 South. Range 46 East, has filed nu iientlon to make Final Three Year Proof, to eatabiUU claim to the laud slime described, before KesUtor aim iteceDer. U. 8 Land Office, at Vale. Oregon on the Slnd day of October 1018 Claimant - aa witnesses: "Robert Raney, George Harper, both of Ontario, OfisVu . H'qui of Welser .Idaho; Brysos Hii of IN THE COUNTY COl'RT OF THIC STATE OF OREGON. FOR MAI,- j HEUR COUNTY. ' IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DOUBLASS C. McDONALD. DECEASED. To Mary E. McDonald, the konwn heir, and all other heirs unknown, If any, of Douglass 0. MoDonald, Deceased, and to all persons un knowtt, hut roncerned. Greeting: By virtue of n order of the nbovo eni itli I 1 niirt. of date September 1 1, 1818, each and every of you are hereby cited to appear lefor' tli- above entitled Court. In tde room nt Vale, Malheur County. Oft tot; ,.n 1 ho sist day of o. tobor, 1018, ! .ck l' 111 and thi'tr cause If any you have, why Hii 1 lenient. Kxrcutrii of the estate of Douglass C. McDonald, deceased ahall not have an order of the above entitled Court, directing snd author ising her, as such Executrix, to sell. at puhllc auction, for cash, gttbjeel to mortgage lien, all the Interest of sold decedent. In and to the W(Jnt the W of Section 0. T. II 8 R 47 E W M' In Malheur County, Oregon, less about 25 acres owned by tha O. S. L. Ry. Co., as a right of way. Witness the Hon. George W Mc Knight, Judge of the County Court of Malheur County, Oregon, and the seal of aald Court, this 12th day of September, 1118. (Baal.) ARTHUR M MOODY. County Clerk. First publication Sept II, 1118. Last publication, Oct 17, 1818. BTawamxn "saMaaMwMesnHB SMI SI .,... X KATHLIEN M. MOORE. HC'MMONB. in tjj cm uit court or thj ik ' OREGON FOR MAL ,IK1 It 1 nUNTY. tloorga Claaaoock, Plaintiff, vs. Ar thur K. Dodds and Mabel Dodds, udanls. To Arthur E. Dodds and Mnhlo Dodds. DefendanU: In the Name of tha State of Die ML you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summous, or for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded In the complaint Namely for a Judgment against you for the sua of 1240 00 principal with Inter est theron from tha first day of May. 1117, at the rata of tan per cant per annum, and for the sum 01 9e.oa attorney's fees In this suit, together with costs and disbursements of this suit. And for a Beares foreclosing a certain Indenture of Mortgage and the aale of the real property describ ed therein, tewlt: aa undivided one- half Interest la the Southwest Quar ter of Section SO, Twp 10 S. R. 47, E. W. M. la Malheur county. Oregon, which batd Indenture of Mortgage bears date of May 1st, 1117. and Is duly recorded la tha office of the County Clerk of Malheur oauaty, Or egon, In book "W at page is Rsgoril of Real Mortgages of Malheur coaaty, Oregon. This summons to served upon you by the publicstloa thereof In the Ontario Argus for six consrcutDn weeks, under and by virtue of an order of Mie Hob. Dallon Biggs, cir cuit Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur county. dated Aaguat 20th, 1111. Data of first publication of sun - mens. August 26th. 1018, date of last publication of summons, October 10th, 1111, C. Mc aONAGII.L. Attorney for 1'lslntlff. Residence. Ontario, Oregor FRANK HAKK1S Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence, Wulser. Idaho Oenvlll,. na only a small town. The ato population ns in the minority, but tha t,.wn l,si,.,l of a six star serv ice flag. J JO ..f the girls hn organised a "Weil call it the s. s. s. ttwv mig. im, "ami no one hut ohller or sailor's sweetheart will he Mlgthje," line!" eclnlin,d Gladys, "Tlx-n won't i. tligtble, because she any sweetheart." 1 "s ipj d for membership on the ground tbai tha had two broth- ara and four couslu in the service nil "lumesra. "Hut rut must have a Sweetheart In order to iinnllfy." Informed Yen are aorr.v. hut yon can't Join " "Oh, very well, mlaa." ,.. r..n...i tartly. "J'li qU,fy h,,f,,ri, nn,.r Month l u or my name Isn't Barbara Helena Willow." "And to think Itaba will find a Sam my sweetheart In (leovllle before a mooth." toughed Ruth, another of the members. "Girls." called Vera, "we'll DDt It this way : If Bsrhsra Willows gets a sweet heart In the sendee Inside of 00, month we'll have to admit her to our lab; if not. she can't have another chance." Arriving at thin agreement, the club adjnnmed. Two SAVE TROUBLE Ranehera who have machinery must keep them In repair. WE FIX OAMOLI.NK KNUINKH IKKK. AIIM. PI MI'S A I TOMOHII.KK .All kinds Xacltlaer) . We specialise on Pumps and Gasoline Engines Our Prior Are Right. rttkSDEN MACHINE SHOP e (.nultHda Mrs Wlilai.. Hell, Logansport. It..! wrlu-M "1 deem it my duty to ex press my gratitude for the good chamberlain Chile aud Diarrhoea Remedy did me when I bad a severe attack of diarrhoea three years ago It Ms ,n.-,in in.- that reliev ed ue" obju aaMaeau ,!w.;v ne:. s .v vT e v 5 OWTAJUO.LAUNDRr n days passed, and soon thev grew Into weeks. Baha was seen In the park frequently with Ted Hnrlowe h ade of the town. The club met for Its regular weekly meeting, and sine Bjgbg had an. n her week In which to qualify, the whole evening wag spent In discussing her pro iress. Tuesday night came snd the slrls bad assembled early snd were avail ing Ilarhsra anxiously. "Ilss anyone seen Barbara since oar last meeting?" naked the i resident There came a chorus of noes. The dlm-iiaalon drifted to n new fam ily that had mined to (Jernllle s few dsys ago. rifteen minutes hsd elapsed, but no Harhsrn then there came a long peal from the doorbell. "There she Is no," they all cried, aa Ruth hsstened to ..pen the A Baha entered looking very charming, and. smiling prettily, sbe aald: "Well. iris, I have won without trying, and bow may I be a member of your sal set etubr "Flrst give us evidence of your quail flratlons." demanded Vera, growing aneaay. "Yea. produce evidence, " cried the ethers, "Very well." replied Baha. In a matter-of-fact tone of vole, igy work this month haa not been In vain." ake began. "I not only made myself eligible to the dub, but I belped increase the rsnks of Code tarn by three, deuce r and here abe opened th god admitted two khaki-clad and one gallor-elad boy. The girls gasped in surprise, aa they beheld Art Gordon and BUI Htratam In khaki and Ted Barlows la a natty blue sailor suit. "Here's to my evidence.' tlDuea. raking note of tt looks on the girls' facee. When Yera bad regained ber com posure abe said soaoewhat nerveusly: "Bat which is your sweetheart? They east all be." "Bat we'd like to." piped the boya ch eerily. "None of them," and Babe laughed mlcblevopaiy. "Noae of them I echoed the girls. "Then I fail to see where you have qualified," Vera said hastily. "Hut, Miss President," don't Jump at conclusions." Barbara responded. "I haven't finished yet. Here to my sweet heart, and here to proof that he to my sweetheart." and sbe held up her left hand, displaying a dassllng solitaire. At the same time a atalwart young mau. dressed In khaki, made his ap pearance, smiling. "Alloa me to Introduce Sergt. Al bert Phillips, a new resident of the town of OaavUle," said Babba. "ler geant Phillip and 1 have been good friends for s long time. I met him through my brother when he was at camp." In answer to their questioning glsuces. "Being home 00 furlough be cause of injuries susulnsd In action, he psld me a surprise visit. Ted. Bill and Art having listened to my presett ing for a mouth or more, enlisted for Cnde Ham and elected me a their godmother. Now have I quullOedY I lie girls east envious glsneea to ward Babs and ber young army. Aftor a hcj alienee Vera aald : "We cer i taii.ly fake off our hats to you. Bar ban You have oeiyualluVd. We ad tun you for a full-rJedged member." Barbara smiled upon her army, ' which stood erect behind her and aald: "Well, hoys, I I'" HM out victori ous, Just like you ,,u ure goluu to do Koine day," and turnlug to her rtab STg aha said: "We'll tea-,, .rrow. Th boya for their different ions and 1 for a farm where 1 am engaged to work all summer." The girls expressed their regret at tl.u news, but congratulated Barhura on her patriotic spirit. 1 move we enroll Babs aa an hon orary member of the B S. 8 club," spoke tap Ruth. The asatton was carried unanimously, ami Barbara aad her four frtenda received a hearty eeod-oE by um dab. and the town of Genvlile proudly added four more stars to lis service tag. (Cos-jrrigbt. 1Mb, by tha McClm Ifaesae ass Ba4kis. gj l ' a M I ALltv ., a LICHt L. T J"l n 8 I Mini ! 27 Inabe tome 14 Inch.. wM. tl inalwa Mil, Big Ball Bearings; Better Light L ALLEY- LIGHT engine is equipped throughout with extra large ball bearings. No other farm light plant engine is so equip ped. These ball bearings help Lalley-Light to give better light by helping the engine to run more smoothly. They save and oil. They cut down friction and wear. Lalley-Light bring3 better light bright, steady, safe light to every fann. It brings power for a water pump, churn, separator, and soon. We will be glad to demonstrate Lalley Light free on your place. Call for the owners' testimonial book. HUNT'S GARAGE AGENTS ONTARIO OREGON OVER THE TOP AND WIN, is our motto. Every - American must do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy a Liberty Bend, buy War Stamps. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK OUR NEW DIRECTORY will be issued in August, effective as to changes inadc before August 1. IF YOU WANT PROPER LI8TINU OR A NaTW PHONE, ADV18B US AT ONCE Every Bell Telephone to a Long Dietance Station. Malheur Home Telephone vo. $ Commercial Creamery Co. Cash buyersoiCream and Produce Place: South of Post office, Ontario, Oregon I Yiur Beat Maiket (or CukBi, Ffga, Foulli) of all kind I ( N $ Register jWLS BUY (QS btjy 0ES8 buy 3853 BUY ESI BU VSES8