The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 10, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    THK ONTARIO AtUit!, oAorARIO, OtUMOlf, THTRftTtAY OCTOnXR 10. 118
Town Topics Tersely Told
and Mra. RH DeArmond were
In visitors, from Vain Tuesday.
inrnn Mcltao and ion Lloyd war
from Ulverirtde the first of thf
Inn IN-Inn itlnni who has been nt-
klng the Idaho Commercial Col
in HoIfip spent the week end with
irnnts Rev. and Mrs. Chas. nimn
V Mill. Jr. Is leaving for Van-
nr Tuesday where he will take up
Inl nnrvlro
J. o Toole was over from Vale
If. and Mrs. Vincent McKenna,
K II. Mann and Mlaa Nannie
fman of Juntura vlsliid over Hun-
wlth friends In Ontario.
I. A. Parka and Prank Davie war
Ian Valley visitor In town last
Mahr.n and Sidney McNeil wer
own for a short time last week
Irs Thomas Allen of of Burn vis
with friends here for a couple of
the latter part of the week.
H. dftedal wm over from Vale
Thursday for a ehort time.
Irs. E. II Marimnald and Mr.
B. Ward ware shopping visitors
the city Tuesday from Nysea.
Ilaa Orley Honseley left Tuesday
it for Portland where she wfn ho
some time on a visit.
Ir. aii.: Mra. J. 1) House came over
Vale Tuesday In their car and
ided to some minor huslnesa mat-
while her.
Ira. llaiel Knouse from Portland
rinlilim at the home of her parent
and Mra. O. U. Franklin
W. Hlnton la near Donnelly, Ida.
week supervising the bringing:
rn of his sheep fol the winter.
M L. Pool-man returned last Friday
pany la now located In Ecuador, 8 A.
according V an Interesting letter
which anoeared In a recent Issue of
tha frmii Amrlpan
A dellghful reception was given to
Rev. and Mr. W. J. Luscombe and
family last Tuesday evening at the
from Liter, Idaho, where Is compleJ, Methodist church. The Drat part of
ing the plumbing and heating contract j the evening waa spent In the enjoy
I In the new school thertv llo will re- mnt of a mlscellsneons literary pro-
turn in a few day. Isram over which C. McOonaglll pri-
p, sided. Musical numbers and read-
Mrs. O. U. Franklin, Mrs. W. LI" " Klven hy friends of th
Hall and Mlaa Nina Baker motored r'"'f,l' Addresses of welcome to the
with lt.,v. and Mrs. Chas. lllom to new Daitor nd nl" ,am"' w"ro lrrn
Caldwell to attend the convention !br Mror w p Homan. Buperlnten-
dent of Schools II. K HouglssH, end
Dr. B. S. Fortner Following this a
Mr. an dMrs. It I Thompson of ',,M1",, """ w" "P"nt d"rln wh,ch
Arcadia left last week for Jerome.ldn 'da,nt'r refreshments were served To
ho, where they v
daughter Mrs. R.
Ill visit with their
A. Ambrose.
Mr.and Mrs. A. L. Hunter are
moving Into the Logan house In
Riverside this week. The placo
where they fomerly lived, owned by
Mrs. Mary Welch, wa sold a few days
ago to the Natarene Church. On to
the lota purchased the Nasarene
Church will soon move their building
from the Eaatslde.
Dr. H. H. Whitney has been III for
the past week with tonallltls. 8. D.
Dorman la also confined to hla home
at the present.
Mr. and Mr. F. L. Sheets of Vale,
formerly of Ontario are the proud pa
nts of a son born at the Holy Ron-1
Hospital Wednesday morning. Mr.
Sheet cam down from Vale that day
to meet the young soldier
the Ladles' Aid society, under the di
rection of Its President. Miss Lillian
Doty, la due the credit for the SUA
of the program.
W. P Frye, who was station agent
at Fruttland for some time Is again
In charge of 0. 8. L. affairs st Crane,
from which point he went to Fruit
land. BUT W.8.8
Notice la herby given to the legal
voters of the City of Ontario, that on
Monday October list at eight o'clock
p. m. In tha City Hall In amid City
mass convention will be held for the
purpose of nominating municipal of
: ' era, to be voted for at the general
election held on November 6th lilt.
The officers to be nominated are aa
On Mayor. Six Couocllmen. One
By .uggee'lon of the Common
B. A. Brown purchseds a new Rui ' '' "' Ontario. Ore-
thla weak. :'
0 ,one sml dated at the City Hall In
Id (1 or Ontario thla 7th day or
OiI.iIm t 111.
William Jones the .1 uitura banke
and stockman bees' l an Interest 1
property owner In t.uiarlo thin i.
when he ronipl ' I nngot! .Hon-, for
the purchase Dl i e W W. Letson
residence on lb corn r of Oregon
street and In.i im avi me. Mr. an i
Mr. Lataon ha n ted the
Oonaglll property Just back of their
old residence on Indiana Ave. and
will move there this weak, os Hint
Mr. and Mra. Jonea may occupy their
new home neat week.
J. D. L. Morrison, formerly of On
tario, bait mora recently of Crane,
where he was resident agent of the
Oregon Western Colonisation oom-
city Recorder
BUY W.8.8.
Notice la hereby given that the
Street Committee of the Conion imm
ell of the City of Ontario will receive
blda up to October Hat at eight
o'clock p mi for the furnishing and
apreadlng of clay and gravel on that
portion of Oregon Street lying be
tween Idaho and Montana Avenue.
Said blda must be computed on the
ooet of material at so mueh per
square yard In such quantlea as the
Committee may deen necessary for
said Improvement and of the quality
After having been entirely out
for five days we have just
received a fresh supply of
ieldcti iak
dkasta Coffee
These are the best Coffees in
Ontario, and we ask a trial.
Airtight cans and always
fresh. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
I "1 ifl
JsaW dW
Coats, Coats! and Still
More Coats!
Of Silvertone, of Crystal Cord,
of Yalama Velour, or fine Plush,
rich Silk Velours du nord
Coats that are Coaty
Warm and cozy!
Coats for the Woman, the Miss
and the School Girl at prices
that will be satisfactory to you.
It Pays to Buy a
Good Coat
The few more dollars brings more than Double
Value, because you get a garment that will look
well and be a pleasure as long as you wear it.
We iust received a big lot of the newest styles
and shades of Georgette and Crepe de Chine CC KA
Waists. You never saw such preity Waists w-J"
! I
thty may prescribe
By order of the Common Council
city Recorder
BUY W.8.8.
liaregee Asked not to Sell ... Ui.i
8 p. sa. Nor on 8usmU KMt
Needed for Aeroplane end
Asklng the co-operation of th't
members of the Oil Industry ami tin
public at large in the movement to
conserve man-power, if. M rotsom,
Director of the I'aciflr (oast Section '
Of the Oil lllilsou of (lie Fuel Ailmlii
lslratlon, baa announced that all sel
lers and distributers or Gasoline and
Engine Distillate, without exception,
have been requested to limit theli
sales to the hours between s. m.
and (. p ui The appeal Is being
made In all States or the Pacific (oast
Section. including California. Oregon.
Washington. Arizona Nevada, Utah
and. Hsiio mikI t he 1 1 allans Islands
The limit ot the hours of service will
work no imoiivienience on the Gaso
line and Kuglnn Distillate consuming
public, requiring only a lltte lore tbot
In order to secure their requirements
Willi the public- co-operation with
the OH Companies and making tbslr
purchases only during the hours sug
gested by Mr Koisoui, It Is pointed
ln,il tl.Mt s l.rva railuclloii' can he
made In tb number of employees
needed in the distribution of gasollno
kIii.- DIMtllate throughout the
. Coast States aud those men
released and mads available for na
tional serlvos
Mr. Kolsom acted at the sugges
tion of tbs rnajf.ll I 081 Petroleum
War Service Committee, which im
t.t-en considering the problem ot ges)
serving manpower for sometime, fol
lowing the appeal of A C Bedford,
i liairtuaa of the National Petroleum
Wax Service Committee. Mi
ford slated In a recent omuiunit atlon
to the Western body that two eesen-
!tuh were to be kept in mind lu Us-
tug steps to meet the national em
ergency first:
That every man within the dralt
rhoaa It Is to dispense with
shomld he seared lor military ser
vice," and second "That ths vital im
portance ol the Oil Industry to the
war emergency course sl
Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal
School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty
weeks outlined by the Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion. The course will begin with each of the terms com
mencing Nov. 16, 1918; Feb. 8, 1919; and April 12. 1919.
'Hie Superintendent of Public Instruction will oimider it
equivalent to the Teachers' Training Course and issue a
c.rtilicutc upon its completion valid to teach in the ele
mentary grades for one year.
This course will be open to those who have had two
years or more of high school work or its equivalent and
who are at least eighteen years of age.
For detailed information, address
Registrar Oregon Normal School, Monmouth
successful carrying on of the war
requires the retention of en adequate
tores to maintain tha Industry In the
highest stats ot of operating effic
iency." Chairman ilarucli, of the War In
dustries board, in a recent order plac
ed the Oil Industry first in the list
of essential Industries
Ths movsmsnt to conserve ths man
power of the Country was Inltlaed by
Mark 1. Kequa, heed of the Oil Div
ision of the Fuel Administration, who
urged that rry man that can pos
sibly be dispensed with be released
for national service.
Hupmobile and Chevrolet Cars
Goodyear Tires and