The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 10, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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A ' '' :
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'After Germany
Has Won"
Listen to the words of the Hun,
spoken by his duly authorized
Imperial Chanceller:
"After Germany has won, the Vnited States
will find herself confronted with an indemnity which
will about equal the entire amount expended by Ger
many tn the whole war. For every han to the
A I lie i, for every bullet, shell, every gun, every con
ceivable item of war material shipped by America
to the Allies, there will be an accounting m gold."
M X lT -3 t jSM I IjrNH eaaaaRJ gB i3Ct
How do you like it ?
How do you like the idea of footing Ger
many's war bill after she has won the war?
Whether you like it or not, you know that
what the Imperial Chancellor says is abso
lutely true
Germany wins the war.
Therefore it is up to you right now to do
your share to see that Germany does not
win the war, so that your money will not
be given to pay the expenses of the Hun,
Would you rather lend your dollars to
America or give them to the Hun?
Choose now. The amount of Liberty
Bonds you buy is your answer to the
impudent boasting of the Hun.
Buy Liberty Bonds Today Any Bank Will Help You
This Space Contributed to Winning the War by
How to Send Christinas Package to O
Men Now in Army Over-sea
Jwlng to tlia DtMl for all chipping
restriction of one parkag Mr
uitii over he been eetab-
Led nd uumbor of Important rag
tluna issued governing lha same
In of utmost importance that re-
autl frleuda of mm
re" who want lliam to enjoy me
at day. baooma thoroly rnnilllar
exact regulation Since all
packages must go thru ilia Had
and b Inspected before being
II,, I i:,e following Had Crone Mai
on i lie subject la given in full
Drtbwestern llvlalon American
I t'roaa Christmas parcels for man
ad. Oaneral Infonuatlou and In
pilous, lain
luiUies of uian In service abroad
laager to make Christmas ovar
ian starry aa condition" parnilt
War Ileparliueul. reallxluK
baa decided that audi man uia
Ive from hla family a Chrlalma
ga of standard alia and approx
staudard contents.
La Auierlcau Had t'roaa will pre
tliaaa paroala for mailing, aa ar-
eaient having baa completed be
tha War Department. ti
Department and tha Red
Dipping apace available Mill ner
ha aendln; of but ONE I'AKCKI.
oh wan
avoid any duplication aad to
l aura that each' parcel la correct
tdraaaed. a Vhrlelanen Parcel
la now being taeued to avary
Lory inaa abroad will wall hla
atwaa I'arcel 1-ebel" to aoaia re-
or triead who will be entitled
ad him a parcel by etianplytug
coadltteea aerate aot forth
relative or frleud who receives
brtatmaa Parcel Label trot a
m i lug over aaaa. will apply
nearest Chapter Ifr.uch or
c'oiniuuiii) Auxiliary of the Had t'roaa
or to each other Christiana Harcal
Htatlona aa may be designated by hla
Ked t'roea Chapter, and upon allowing
tha t'hrlatmaa Parcel Label" will re
ceive one carton, S la. x 41a. x tin. in
alxe. It will be aaay to ascertain
from the newspapers whether
have been received at the t.'hrlatmea
Parcel Hiatioa Applications ahouid
aot be made until cartoaa are on lian:
Hpeolally manufactured cartona for
t Ilia purpoae will be aeat to C'haptera
from Divisional Headiiuartara. and
will be dlatiibuted by Chapter to
braiuhee and couiuiuiitiy auxiliaries
or aueh t'hrlatmaa Parcel Htatlona at
the Chapter may eatabllah, together
with "lied t'roaa Inapectlon labels"
alao furniahed from lilvlalonal OftaM
The carton may be filled with any
combination of artlclea that fit in It
and which are not baried from I
maa Parcels by the Poat Office De
partment. The lint of artlclea that
may not be aeat may be procured at
the aaaia time and place aa the carton.
The weight of the parcel must not
exceed two pounda, fifteen ounce,
When the carton la filed It should
l taken to the place where It
Had t'roaa Representatives will lu
bfl parcels, and will (elexclude
any arllelec barred by Poat Office De
partment from I'lirlstmaa Parcels
tb) remove any notea or messages
t i wrap, tie and weigh the parcel,
(d) place on the parcel the Christ
mas Parcel Ijtbel received from
abroad, bearing name and addreaa of
The pereua aeudiug the parcel
shall thee, la the preeeuce of the Ked
Cross Keareeeatative. affix stamps at
the rate of twelve oeala lite) for
each pound or f radio a thereof
(Parcel Poet rate to llobokea, N J
Tap Red Crows Representative who
inspected the parcel will thea affix to
the parcel the "Red Croee Inapectlon
Label.' propei l) signed.
Parcels ready for mailing shall ra
mala tn the caetody of the Red Croat
until delivered by Its reepraaeatatlvas
to the Poet Office aatfewtUoa.
No Christmas Parcel can be ac
cepted by the Poet Office without
the "Christmas Parcel Label" from
No duplicate can be Issue I If the
"Chrlatmaa Parcel Label" la lost
Thle rule cannot be altered by pay
Theae Instructions Iilvb been laau-,
ed by the Natloual Headquartert pf
the American Red Cress, are baaed mi
the agre.'uieui with the War Depart-
ment aad the Poat Office Department
and must therefore be ttrlstly obser
veil .
Director, Departm n of Develop
meat. Appreved: C D STIM
Division Manager.
nltK4.o vir.N NAMKD
The l 'antral Governing Board of
the Volunteer Medical Service pj
of the Council of National Defease
announoea that the Oregon Htate Kx
erutlve Committee of the Volume'
Medical Her vice for pa la comprised of
the following doctors
A. 1. Uieay, M I) . Chalrmau, Ore
gonian Big , Portland II 0 Jefferd-,
M D Secretary, Stevens Big., Port
land; 8. E Joseph!. M D corbett nj
Portland; Wm Kuykendall, M. D
Eugene: J. A Pulton. M. D . A
The purpoee of this fonimlit : I- :
cooperate with the Central dot
Board in prosecuting all activltlaa par
talelag to the mobilization
rollmeal of members I gal
Medical Service t'orpe throughout tin
The Ceatrat Ooveralug Hoard i 1 1
Voiuateer Medical Pi
authorlaea the appoint mem or
county representative la each count'
la every atate of the Ualoa. Malheur
couaty baa no repreeeatallve
All eeae aad beet eager ie iaeMoea)
la the two-pound per month regula-1
tleo. Brown a agar must be aaved
J eat the aame aa white. Maple sugar
kt aot aader the baa.
Have You Bought Bonds of
the Fourth Liberty Loan Yet?
Get Busy! Buy them and you can stll buy
that Heater and New Linoleum for the floors,
We have the most complete line of New and
Secondhand Heaters we have ever assembled
for your inspection.
We are going to offer you a big discount
on all kinds and qualities of Linoleum so that
You CAN Buy Bonds and
a s i em i saai as i as .- . ss ...- ... i ., . , . as ..
Cover the Floor Too
25 per cent off on Print and Inlaid Linoleums.
10 per cent off on Prolino and Floortex,
Are you getting a new Range or Rug?
We can save you money and give you : od
Don't -forget to com in and -- p the Big
Art Model Pat hephone, 1 ?mon lecoros
and attach m : its for Columbia i r ma
McDowell's Exchange Store
Ontario, Oregon
A. L. McDowell, Mgr.